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jadedtempest's page

Organized Play Member. 21 posts. 7 reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 4 Organized Play characters.


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"...only vindicators of evil deities are called inquisitors."

And since evil deities don't exist anymore.... Heh....

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Can we just all take a few moments to reflect upon the perfection that is Thursty's picture with the product? Sheer. Perfection.

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I just wanted to comment that this was beautifully written. The general structure, the prose, and the vocabulary came together wonderfully.

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Really and truly, 3-book APs or 6-book APs matter little to me so long as the story is engaging and the gameplay is fun.

My real desire is to never again play levels 1-5 in my gaming career UNLESS those characters are able to reach 20th level. I have been gaming for over a decade, and frankly, I am so absolutely sick of playing characters at low levels and then never picking them up again (because there are so few adventures to play at high levels) to the point where I would rather not play than have to do low levels. Again. For characters that are going to be abandoned because there aren't enough adventures at higher levels.

I do understand that some of the 3-book APs are quite themed, so changing from one to another would be difficult. I certainly wouldn't want to play a very dwarfy dwarfson in Sky King's Tomb and then carry that character over to the Varisian harrow-themed Stolen Fates. Even so, I doubt every shorter AP needs to be incredibly themed. As far as APs go, Age of Ashes and Extinction Curse are very much "just go on an adventure" types. APs could also be written in a clustered location. For example, one set in Molthune and another in Druma; one set in Irrisen and one in the Realm of the Mammoth Lords. This would add variety and make it easy to explain how characters jump from one adventure to the next because the locations are set next to each other even if the plots have utterly nothing to do with one another.

As it stands now, I have a subscription to the Adventure Path and Adventure lines, but if the APs continue to be more heavy-handed towards starting levels, I have no reason to keep it. I've played those levels on repeat and have no interest in continuing to do so.

15 people marked this as a favorite.

I have been wanting this desperately since 2e came out. I am utterly floored and absolutely delighted this dream has come true.

<squeal> I can't wait to follow a new set of iconics on adventures! I absolutely love the comic line and can't wait to add to my collection!

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Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!

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I am beyond excited for new comics. I have them all, and have read them all multiple times. I can't wait to explore new stories with new iconics!

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I’m also not tearing up. My eyeballs are sweating.

8 people marked this as a favorite.

This book is amazing.

Also - the pangolin pear leshy may be the best thing ever created. It's now my desktop wallpaper.

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I have all of the paperback novels and read every bit of web fiction posted. To see the Tales return in any form fills me with fizzy bubbles of joy.

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If my brain weren't leaking out of my ears from my excitement, I would think of something much better to say than, "THANK YOU!" But I do say it with sheer enthusiasm and unbridled joy!

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I was -just- about to curl up with a Pathfinder book. With the sale, I binged on them. My massive box came in today. I came to the Paizo site to see if I should read them in any particular order!

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Coffee Demon wrote:
Sporkedup wrote:
ograx wrote:

Will be starting this AP next week if my players don't die defeating the Cinderclaw base tommorow.

For those of you who have got into this one how did you explain or try to relate the fact that this portal just so happens to lead directly to the very group they are looking for and just had showed up in their town?

I'm going to have to go with the will of the gods on this one because it is pretty unexplainable any other way.

Maybe by this point the Cinderclaws have developed some magic to detect the opening of a gate, if they don't already know where it is? So a nearby vessel could have docked at the town, sent out a raiding party to scout the gate, and the rest of the crew are taking advantage of the unprotected nature of the citizens to fill their hold?

Because you're right. It's another really nice convenience for the story that stretches belief pretty hard.

I came on here to see if anyone brought this up. I'm just reading through this book, and shook my head when I got to this point.

This would be a good way to go. I must admit, I find it pretty frustrating when Paizo customers have to come up with working out the plot in this way. It doesn't take much to see that this bizarre coincidence is going to be hard to believe at the table. It doesn't take much to come up with something better, and I don't want to be the one doing it. What am I paying for, after all?

If anything, I want to be paying for a good story. When elements don't come together well, I start to feel like I'm just paying for a series of balanced encounters, which chafes.

I have read all 6 books of the AP so I couldn't say which book(s) I'm pulling this from - but it's written that the Scarlet Triad has found portal keys connected with Alseta's Ring and has established a presence around each ring on purpose. They want to stay close to the all of the rings and study them to attune them and weaponize Dahak's fragment.

I'm so excited to see what will be on this screen! I popped on to grab the PF2 screen, and now I'm like hmm...I guess I can wait a little longer....

I agree that the Icon Key for action symbols, the Hero Point section, and the Turns section can be removed as they're easily memorized by a GM.

I believe the XP Awards section could be removed as well. In my experience, this is something done in between sessions and not on the fly in the middle of one.

Two absolutely critical (for me) sections are the Detecting Creatures section and all of the Conditions. The DC Charts (Simple, By Level, Adjustments) are also insanely handy to have right in front of my face.

Speaking of being in front of my face - I'm quite petite so I desperately hope this version of the GM screen also comes in landscape so I can actually see over it without having to sit on two pillows.

I believe I have the issue as the same thing has happened with The Fall of Plaguestone.

Both The Fall of Plaguestone and the PF2 Core Rulebook are bundled together with Lost Omens World Guide that won't be released until later in August.

Could you please de-bundle Plaguestone and the CRB?

I subscribed to the Pathfinder Rulebook subscription in late June/early July, and the PF2 Core Rulebook had the "pending" status in early July. Since then, the bestiary has been shipped to me (Order 7968517), but the CRB is still in the pending status, meaning I can't download the PDF.

I thought perhaps it was due to the amount of books being shipped out, but I am beginning to wonder if something is wrong with my account.

I have placed the order. The issue must have been only with that one page. Now that the order has been completed, it is showing that I will be receiving the correct Hellknight Hill (1 of 6) from Age of Ashes.

I am trying to start a subscription to the Pathfinder Adventure Path starting with #145 Hellknight Hill. However, once I get to the final stage of the checkout - a book from Tyrant's Grasp is in the cart. No matter how many times I go back and click to start with the PF2 AP, it defaults back to a different book right before placing the order.

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I flew in from Paizo Con today and have been home a whopping 15 minutes thus far.

This year was my first year attending the Con, and I wanted to immediately express how much I loved it. I can say (with no hyperbole) that I have never had so much fun in my entire life and for such an extended period of time.

I had read Paizo Con was a small and laid back convention, but I really didn't understand those words until I experienced it myself. Every person I met - whether employee, volunteer, or just attendees - were a hoot to be around and just all around nice people. And real people at that - no cold, corporate smiles and distant attitudes to be found.

I consider myself an introvert and find social situations to be extremely taxing. For the first time, I didn't feel this way at all. The people at the convention energized me. My face -still- hurts from all of the smiling and my voice still hasn't completely recovered. I am okay with this.

Thank you staff and volunteer for all of the work put in to make this event happen. And thank you attendees for being an all around good group of folks. I hope to see you all next year!

Three for me please!
Meagan Boggan
Leslie Boggan
Aaron Gurry