Aaron Shanks wrote:
Question with the recent rise of interest in PF2e has there been any talk about a second print of the Core Rulebook Special edition?
I have posted in the thread on the product which is the Extinction Curse Siege of the Dinosaurs, the problem I am having is that when I try to open up the interactive maps in Adobe or any pdf viewer it is not working. I was curious and tried it with my pdf image extractor and it is telling me that it is not a pdf so it wont work. Please help!
AJCarrington wrote: I did not experience that issue; I did not try to extract any of the images from the interactive maps, but the file opened fine.. Have you tried re-downloading the file and/or downloading the multi-chapter file? I have redownloaded it multiple times, both the single file and per chapter file. It just doesn't open.
I have ordered Paizo stuff from Amazon and everything has been on time as well Corebook, bestiary 1, World book and Character Guide all came on time. However, the Bestiary battle cards are late, Pawn box real late, Gamemastery Guide not scheduled to ship until March 10th. OH and I have yet to receive my God's and Magic book yet from Amazon. Ugh oh well Guess I will have to continue to wait. :)
Kingmaker Bestiary for Pathfinder First Edition: Does your group prefer to stick with First Edition? We’ve got you covered with the hardcover Kingmaker Bestiary for Pathfinder First Edition, a 160-page monster and NPC resource that converts the new companions, NPCs, and monsters unlocked by this campaign into old-school Pathfinder First Edition. Play along in the new and updated encounters with this helpful conversion guide featuring back-converted stats for the entire Kingmaker campaign, plus other rules conversions, tips and tricks to run the campaign as smoothly as possible. Not ready to convert to 2E? Already running the campaign with your First Edition group? This add-on book is your ticket to playing Kingmaker in classic style! It seems they are giving the ability to stay in first edition..
https://www.gameontabletop.com/cf194/kingmaker-10th-anniversary.html Talonhawke wrote:
Do you think Paizo, will release a quick guide to the new rules for 2nd edition prior to launch so players can have basic understanding of the rule changes before they start reading through the corebook. What I mean by quick guide or quick rules sheet is just like a one page pdf with just a brief overview of what is changing in 2nd edition.
They are up on Amazon:
ok The link thing didnt work but if you copy and paste the link it will take you straight to the amazon page for it. it has the two basic editions hardcover and soft cover. It does not have the special hardcover edition.
I just really excited about this, I am not really familiar with much table top I have just started playing 5e instead of Pathfinder. I like 5e because of everything being streamlined but I do think that it is to dumb down in some area's, however I think 1st edition Pathfinder is way to complicated so I am hoping that 2nd edition will have be in a good place right in the middle of both.. |