mkb152jr's page

58 posts. Alias of Michael Burchett.


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AID TOKEN: Provide Knowledge
Passing From: mkb152jr
Passing to: ikoolik/Ivan K.
Aid Character's Name: Athena
Boosted? Not Boosted
Effect (includes boost if avail.): Gain the benefits of an automatic success on a check to Recall Knowledge.

Aid Token: Allied Offensive
Passing From: mkb152jr
Passing to: Ashenshades
Aid Character's Name: Calador
Boosted? Boosted
Effect (includes boost if avail.): Allied Offensive
Other Pathfinders assist your attack, increasing the damage you deal by the listed amount. To Boost: Succeed at an attack roll against an AC equal to the target DC in the table below.
Boosted Effect: Increase the damage dealt by 1d6..

FYI I reported a charting success, but it does not seem to be showing up in the tracker

AID TOKEN: Provide Knowledge
Passing From: mkb152jr
Passing to: Chadius
Aid Character's Name: Via-nill Zarth
Boosted? Nope
Effect (includes boost if avail.): Gain the benefits of an automatic success on a check to Recall Knowledge.

We should be boosting and passing an aid token during this section, correct?

This is my favorite special in this edition so far. Glad to run it again!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Thanks, numbat! Fun as always!

We're on our 3rd area and have fought the Aespis grunts. Part of it is they post fast, and they've also curb stomped all encounters (until this one) by good rolls and 1-2 being somewhat easy. The reefclaw fight looks like it might be tough, though.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Yes, slide deck is *super* helpful. Very much appreciated.

1/5 ****


The signup sheet doesn't have any options for PF2E after season 2. Probably just needs to be updated.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

(and not major error - it just seems like a simple numerical mistake. The scenario is fire)

I believe there is a major error on a skill challenge:

The DC's for the pursuit are very low and it seems like they put the target numbers for a 1-4 instead of a 3-6. DC 18 for high tier is the DC for a level 3 target. My run got over 100% pursuit points when the target is 60%,

**AID TOKEN: Timely Inspiration**
**Original Source**: GM mkb152jr's Table
**Passing To:** GM Ben FindThe Path
**Aid Character Name**: Jezi Tangleclaw
Effect: A fellow Pathfinder grants the benefits of a bard’s inspire courage focus cantrip to all PCs for 1 round (a +1 status bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, and saves against fear effects).
**Boosted?** No

10 people marked this as a favorite.
MaxAstro wrote:

Guys. Guys.

The Reddit thread about this is calmer and more mature. The Reddit thread.

Tbf, the Pathfinder2E reddit community is probably as welcoming and helpful as reddit gets. But it is totally ironic that their thread is literally making fun of how cancerous this thread is.

Fort1: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17
Fort2: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21
Fort3: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11

Fighting off something, Krelin speaks. Ah, so this inn is for Pathfinders?

**AID TOKEN: Allied Offensive**
**Passing from:** GM mkb152jr's table
**Passing to** GM Blake
**Aid Character Name**: Jezi Tangleclaw
Effect: Other Pathfinders assist your attack, increasing the damage you deal by the listed amount.
**Boosted?** Yes
**Boost Effect**: Increase damage by 1d6

**AID TOKEN: Allied Offensive**
**Passing from:** GM mkb152jr's table
**Pasing to** GM Blake
**Aid Character Name**: Jezi Tangleclaw
Effect: Other Pathfinders assist your attack, increasing the damage you deal by the listed amount.
**Boosted?** Yes
**Boost Effect**: Increase damage by 1d6

Mine could use one. Maybe it'll prompt them to boost and send one. :-/

**AID TOKEN: Timely Inspiration**
**Original Source: GM mkb152jr to GM Grimsnik**:
**Aid Character Name: Bandy**:
Effect: A fellow Pathfinder grants the benefits of a bard’s inspire courage focus cantrip to all PCs for 1 round (a +1 status bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, and saves against fear effects).
**Boosted?** No

OK, thanks Dennis. Hopefully I can get at least two more.

Been almost 8 years since I played PFS 1E. I'll get my info in sometime this week. He's a 7th level ranger.

Since my 7-8 is empty, I'd be happy to make it a 1-2 or 3-6 if you think there's a chance it would fire. I've run in that tier, but I'd be happy to do it.

Definitely looking forward to it!

Anyone have a slide deck for 7-8 they'd be willing to share?

Hopefully, the 7-8s fill up. There is still time, but right now, at least one would have to collapse.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I can attest that Nicole is an great GM and organizer. (This means don’t kill my character Nicole. I mean, unless it’s awesome.)

And Jenny Jarzabski wrote my two favorite SF products: 3-00 and the Penumbral Protocol. We are fortunate to have all of the talented female contributors mentioned here involved in this great hobby. I know that it can help inspire those like my nerdy awesome teenage daughter and many like her.

**AID TOKEN: Allied Offensive**
**Passing From GM ExCAoA (aka mkb152jr#7848) **
**Passing To GM Kate**:
**Aid Character Name**: Valeros (Firemouse13)
Effect: Other Pathfinders assist your attack, increasing the damage you deal by the listed amount.
**Boosted?** Yes
**Boost Effect**: Increase damage by 1d6

**AID TOKEN: Allied Offensive**
**Passing From GM ExCAoA (aka mkb152jr#7848) **
**Passing To GM Kate**:
**Aid Character Name**: Valeros (Firemouse13)
Effect: Other Pathfinders assist your attack, increasing the damage you deal by the listed amount.
**Boosted?** Yes
**Boost Effect**: Increase damage by 1d6

**AID TOKEN: Timely Inspiration**
**Passing From**: GM ExCAoA (aka mkb152jr#7848)
**Passing To**:Grimsnik (aka mikeo37#8312)
**Aid Character Name**: Trita Ram (#Gnome)
Effect: A fellow Pathfinder grants the benefits of a bard’s inspire courage focus cantrip to all PCs for 1 round (a +1 status bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, and saves against fear effects).
**Boosted?** NO

**AID TOKEN: Timely Inspiration**
**Passing From**:GM mkb152jr
**Passing To**:Grimsnik (aka mikeo37#8312)
**Aid Character Name**:Trita Ram aka gnome
Effect: A fellow Pathfinder grants the benefits of a bard’s inspire courage focus cantrip to all PCs for 1 round (a +1 status bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, and saves against fear effects).
**Boosted?** Yes/**No**

**Passing From**: GM mkb152jr
**Passing To**: GM Malachi
**Aid Character Name Ian**:
Effect: A fellow Pathfinder heals all the PCs by the listed amount.
**Boosted?** Yes
**Boost Effect**: Increase healing by 1d8.

**AID TOKEN: Provide Knowledge**
**Passing From**: GM mkb152jr
**Passing To**: GM Malachi
**Aid Character Name**: Zildjian
Effect: Gain the benefits of an automatic success on a check to Recall Knowledge.
**Boosted?** Yes
**Boost Effect**: Gain the benefits of an automatic critical success on a check to Recall Knowledge.

1 creature per round.

Having just run this in VTT for tier 1-2, I'm excited to run this in 3-6.

I'm stealing the slides I can from your slide deck, Doug!

This is hilarious and useful. Will find a way to use it.

So, random thing I noticed; based off of the description of the encounter there, I think they put the wrong side of the flip-mat in this scenario.

Order #33623898

OK, so *somehow* a month and a half after the shipping notice on 9/14, the original order arrived today (much later than the following month's shipment!). Got to love postal efficiency some days.

So, you can remove the replacement order from the next shipment as I have now received my items, and my next shipment has not yet shipped (but is pending).

Next subscription order is fine. Thanks!

Oops... that was the tracking number

Order # 33623898

Hello -

This order shipped last month, but never arrived. When I clicked on tracking, it didn't show up. When I put the tracking number minus the PZ in front, it showed as delivered to a different state (I live in California).

I sent an email about this about a week ago, and I'm trying this route since I got no response. Can you please check it out?



1/5 ****

Luis Loza and his favorite Golarion continent! This should be fun.

Next level awesome!

Cool. No worries! Hopefully we get some more to trickle in.

I have no signups... what date will we call a table? (Just curious, and while I'm happy to GM, I'd like to play it if it doesn't fire)

Those of us using Roll4Combat... those threads will be created later, right?

1/5 ****

Tonya Woldridge wrote:

I mean the boons on the Chronicle sheets. We will have the convention boons that are in cycle until next SFS season launch.

Just to double clarify; do you mean it will be more like PF2 (where some things like ancestries are behind AcP insetead of being boons), but there will still be some minor story-like boons that give minor bonuses in specific situations?

1/5 ****

Zachary Davis wrote:

With that said, are people saying that they would rather have cake walk scenarios with no possibility of death. What sort of adventurer would want that. Half the fun is knowing you might die...or am i the only one who thinks like that?

I agree completely. My favorite scenarios this seasons are also the toughest ones. I want a challenge. I simply haven't seen **any** characters die outright yet, but I have seen close calls. And those games have been **awesome**. Having someone drop to dying 3 is the definition of dramatic tension, and someone getting attacked while wounded 2 is tense!

1/5 ****

That specific scenario's boss fight is tough. That being said, with a semi-balanced party it's usually fine. A bad combination of just squeaking over the CP line and having an unbalanced party probably made it too difficult. But I don't think it's something to make general changes for (unlike say, a 111114 Q1 massacre when 16 CP put you up a tier regardless)

I might be in the minority, but I think it's OK for the PCs to lose once in a while.

1/5 ****

I think a well balanced semi-competent group of 6 with 19-21 CR would curb stomp the low-tier version of almost every scenario currently out there. The only high tier scenario they might have trouble with a couple scenarios and having been in that situation as a player (19-21 CR) in what I consider the two toughest boss fights, it wasn't that bad.

That being said, one of the things about society play is sometimes a group just isn't balanced. And I probably have a higher tolerance for a player for tougher scenarios than some.

1/5 ****

Tonya Woldridge wrote:

You need to be somewhere in the AP to apply chronicles. So if you are in book 4 when we release sanctioning, you can grant chronicles for books 1-3 immediately, books 4-5 as you finish them.

Thanks, Tonya. This is fair, and I really appreciate the response. Since I'm doing PbP I am confident ExCurse will have sanctioning before we finish! :-)