Starfinder Masterclass Miniatures Partnership

Starfinder Masterclass Miniatures Partnership

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Three flaming skeletons with mouths open wide attacking a 4-armed, bipedal alien with grey skin and an angular face and dark pits for eyes. The alien's upper left arm is wielding some sort of yellow energy bolt. The silhouette of another adventurer looking on in horror can be seen in the foreground.

We have some really good news to share about the Starfinder Masterclass miniatures Kickstarter! Paizo is pleased to announce that Archon Studio will be taking over the license to produce Starfinder Masterclass miniatures, formerly produced by Ninja Division. As part of the agreement, Archon will fulfill backer rewards from the Starfinder Masterclass Kickstarter.

About Archon Studio: With their Unicast technology, Archon Studio has published several board games with miniatures, including League of Ancient Defenders, Vanguard of War, and Chronicle X. Recently, Archon Studio advanced its technology to hard plastic, which resulted in even more highly detailed miniatures.

Archon Studio also recently moved into the production of tabletop terrain with Rampart Wargaming. In August this year, its second tabletop terrain project, Dungeons & Lasers, is being launched on Kickstarter.

There are a few areas we want to highlight:

Archon Studio will be producing plastic miniatures instead of resin. They will also be starting over with Kickstarter fulfillment; this means that backers who have already received resin miniatures from Ninja Division will receive those minis again from Archon, this time in plastic.

Archon Studio plans to ship Kickstarter rewards in waves. Approximately every 6 months, the pledge rewards produced during the previous 6 months will be shipped to backers free of charge. Additionally, any time a Kickstarter backer purchases any Starfinder mini from Archon Studio—whether that’s a new mini or a duplicate of a Kickstarter mini—they will also ship any released Kickstarter miniatures due to that backer for no additional charge. Details of which minis are shipping when, and how to purchase other miniatures, will be posted on the Kickstarter page.

Archon Studio will be fulfilling backers in Europe, and Ninja Division will be shipping to the rest of the world. Paizo does not have specific answers to fulfillment questions: if you’re a backer with a question about your order, you’ll need to post the question to the Starfinder Masterclass Kickstarter page.

Thanks for all of your patience as we worked with Ninja Division and Archon to get this done. We’re looking forward to some epic minis!

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Starfinder Superscriber
Yoshua wrote:

I honestly never see myself getting into Starfinder now. That ship has sailed. If I do ever receive these then I doubt I will be able to resell them on the open market considering WizKids is now making lines for Starfinder.

As far as I know Wizkids only did the Planets of Peril series. I've been curious if we were ever going to see more production lines and nothing's been announced for over a year.

Paizo Employee Director of Licensing

Hi Everyone,

I believe the tech side of this announcement is completed. PaizoCon is this week, so that is eating all our bandwidth for right now.

No definitive date for the announcement yet, but not this week and not next.

As always, my apologies for the delays on this. There are quite a few moving parts that had to be aligned.


Lol so in other words....see you guys in a month...maybe.

What a waste of time just to be told yea that tech thing...we fixed it...maybe...but keep waiting while we find a new reason to keep kicking this can along...

What's next...another round of doxxing...or more side steps if ninja division will deliver

Would you rather get silence?

kadance wrote:
Would you rather get silence?

There isn't much difference between silence and what has been pushed out.

Non substance updates are still nothing.

I disagree. Silence can be interpreted in a couple different ways. Maybe the silent party is unaware of you (and your problem), maybe they are deliberately ignoring you (in hopes the problem goes away).

This is different. This is someone telling me that information exists, that that information could just be doled out right this instant, but that they won't reveal it. Unless this project is getting shuffled off to yet another company I can't see how any announcement here could have moving parts. I am left with only one reasonable conclusion: someone in the company doesn't want to risk a scandal or controversy right before a big expo event like Paizocon. Which leads me to conclude that the information will be yet another piece of bad news

Hopefully I am proven wrong, but that would take information actually being shared with us instead of dangled over our heads.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

nah technarken, I think you have hit the nail on the head.

3 options

1. progress is still being made
2. we are ready to ship out the minis
3. the project is being cancelled and you are all out the money you invested into Paizo.

I agree that the constant non updates is better than no update at all, but with PaizoCon coming they always drop everything and focus on the con, so I am not surprised. Just irritated that they could literally make a post here with the information at any point in time but would rather tell use that there is a 'tech issue' on 'how to send an email'...... that is just painful.


I've been trying to wonder what technical issue this could be as it seems like Archon are in a fairly good position at the moment. Heck, their latest kickstarter seems to be able to already deliver some of their items.

Then I remembered Ninja Division are in charge of distribution to the US (I'm in Europe)

Now that Paizocon is over, I suppose Gencon will now take up all the "bandwidth" over there. I guess I'll check back in mid-August to observe this ongoing debacle shamble on.


I wonder which blog post has the highest comments?
This one must be top three at least, right?

But yeah. The February Announcement has now had it's technical difficulties solved. Paizocon is solved. the day off is over. So
Announcement today? This Week? June?

'We are happy to announce our new YouTube show "Archon Studio Weekly AMA". It's hosted by Jarek Ewertowski, who is a CEO of our company!

You can ask him about anything related to Archon Studio - our games, campaigns and more. Livestream is going to be hosted on YouTube, you can already leave your question on the chat.' 7d49d&e=d664f2421b

John Feil - maybe he will finally answer you here...

Ignore the link

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John Feil wrote:

No definitive date for the announcement yet, but not this week and not next.

As always, my apologies for the delays on this. There are quite a few moving parts that had to be aligned.

Disgraceful. I continue to vote with my wallet and share with all who will listen.

So, has any announcement been made yet or not?
I'm wondering about ordering the 2 new extra minis to receive the rest of them, since i did not get a single mini at all yet.

Keen on some cool scifi and Starfinder minis though.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

Archon CEO had a live stream and made a small mention of this. He said Archon and Paizo had a conversation recently and some news would come of that.... So, basically what we already hear here.

As for it being disgraceful. Sure, on Paizo for continuing to kick the can down the street. But Archon is under no obligation to us on this. They are literally doing it on their own dime and because they want to do right by the community. Doesn't hurt that they also get the Paizo Starfinder license, but even if they did pick that up and produce minis they weren't attached to the original kickstarter other than also being robbed by Ninja Division.

Feel free to have the big mads. Not gonna say anything bout that coz I am in the same boat and am not too happy either. But aim those big mads at Paizo and Ninja Division. Paizo for telling us we should trust their word that Ninja Division would deliver, even though those of us in the beginning warned them that Ninja Division was hosting new kick starters to pay off old ones at the time and Ninja Division for being thieves.

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Yoshua wrote:
Feel free to have the big mads. Not gonna say anything bout that coz I am in the same boat and am not too happy either. But aim those big mads at Paizo and Ninja Division. Paizo for telling us we should trust their word that Ninja Division would deliver, even though those of us in the beginning warned them that Ninja Division was hosting new kick starters to pay off old ones at the time and Ninja Division for being thieves.

I agree archon has done nothing but help. It's solely Paizo we have issue with because of those assurances about ND.

N'Haaz-aua wrote:
I agree archon has done nothing but help. It's solely Paizo we have issue with because of those assurances about ND.

I have to echo this sentiment; I have written off anything Paizo is involved with until I see some form of fulfillment for this Paizo-backed Kickstarter. The three full years of non-results and non-statements that Paizo has reported just in this one thread has not changed anything or presented anything actionable.

I want to give the benefit of the doubt to Paizo. I want to buy more Pathfinder and Starfinder books. I want my gaming group to be able to pick Paizo stuff back up. Paizo, this ongoing saga does have an impact on you, at least for the 2000+ die-hard backers who trusted your assurances.

Paizo Employee Director of Licensing

Hi Everybody,

Messaging is finally out. As always, my apologies for how long this took to bring to you all.

I would like to say that Archon has done a great job at bringing these minis to life and is the real hero in this situation by helping fulfill Ninja Division's promises.


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

Thanks John, this is probably the first piece of good news we have gotten. I am not surprised that Thieving Division did not hold up to their responsibility to cover shipping costs, and I am grateful no one shipped the plastic there in the first place because their word is garbage.

13 bucks in shipping for 33 minis isn't bad. Just wish that I actually cared to play Starfinder at this point.

John Feil wrote:

Messaging is finally out. As always, my apologies for how long this took to bring to you all.

I would like to say that Archon has done a great job at bringing these minis to life and is the real hero in this situation by helping fulfill Ninja Division's promises.

John, thank you for following up with something actionable. I have been disgruntled about this for years now and free with criticism, so I will be equally free with thanks to you and Paizo (and Archon) now at seeing a planned 1st phase.

I look forward to the ordering glitch getting resolved where no items show up after codes have been redeemed.

Just want to echo the thanks others have posted. It's nice to see that this is moving forward to at least partial fullfillment.

John Feil - apologies for possibly cross posting - but is there any way we could pay Archon or y'all rather than ND (I'm in USA)? ND couldnt handle distribution back when they had money, no clue on how they will be able to now.

Grand Lodge

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Jonathan Morgantini wrote:
Shipping and handling with be handled by Archon, not Ninja Division.


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Well, that's weeks earlier than I expected, and now I have the dubious privilege of paying money for a service I already paid for to provide me a product I didn't order. I get that Paizo can't exactly take a 30k hit in the pocketbook right now, but paying shipping twice is an almost comical level of buffoonery at this point. I suppose they could arrive deliberately misassembled and prepainted in garish colors to top off the farce this whole process has been.

On another note, I sincerely hope Paizo have managed to wring every last fractional cent out of Ninja Division for breaching their contracts with them. Lord knows it couldn't happen to a more deserving exemplar of flim-flammery.


So it does look like the tech issue was due to Ninja Division. huh.

At least Ninja Division's misappropriation of funds that has lead to paizo needing to set up a new system for paying for a delivery credit, which had tech problems that needed to be solved..... which... were not solved.

I know it sucks and I am in no way excusing any of the original corporate participants in that kickstarter. Also, Archon has done VERY sketchy stuff in the past to their own crowdfunding customers (look up the AVP kickstarter disaster on independent forums for details since Archon/Prodos literally DMCA'ed/scuttled their own kickstarter page to hide the details) but this isn't one of them. No one here is owed anything from Archon and $13 for 32 minis (or multiples there of) is a good deal. You'll never get your money back just like my Robotech Tactics kickstarter wave 2 money/product is gone forever but you'll be able to sell what you get for more than $0.50 a mini that you're paying now if you want to ulitmately make some money back or have anything to show for it. It's icing on a poop cake but sweet nonetheless.

TL:DR; It sucks no matter what. This will make it suck less for some (but definitely not all) people.

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TriOmegaZero wrote:
Jonathan Morgantini wrote:
Shipping and handling with be handled by Archon, not Ninja Division.

Awesome news - thanks!

Too bad ND was never prosecuted for fraud -- for collecting shipping funds and never shipping -- separate from the kickstarter ponzi scheme.

Customer Service Representative

Removed posts for baiting and harassment.

Liberty's Edge

Has anyone received this shipment yet? Looking at the Paizo order history it's labelled as Status: Complete, but I'm not sure if it's been like that the whole time.

still waiting for mine, but with the way shipping is these days I'm not expecting it anytime soon

well still waiting for my coupon from Paizo... it seems they forgot about dear old me :'(

So, is it going to be another 3 years to receive these minis? My order says "complete" but I haven't received it yet and there is no tracking available. Last update was 15 June 2022. They've charged my card the $13.81 for shipping.

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Your minis were delivered yesterday -- to Joe Blogs in East Bumfart Iowa. :-)

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Ed Reppert wrote:
Your minis were delivered yesterday -- to Joe Blogs in East Bumfart Iowa. :-)

I'm beginning to think you're correct.

Still waiting here in Canada. No sign of anything as yet

Sent an e-mail to paizo to see if I should be expecting a second code as an all-in backer, but haven't heard back from them. Any other all-ins only receive a single code?

They have Arrived. Look good. Gonna take some assembly, which we knew, but there are some cards to show you how to put each one together

I finally received mine as well. Distributing them to my gaming group this weekend for assembly/painting. They look good to these sub-par eyes.

Got about a half dozen glued together so far, and I have to say they are pretty damn nice looking. the detail is very good and the instruction cards are pretty clear and the pieces fit together well. Gonna start painting this weekend once I get the Ant Nest out of the way (I have 2 weeks o finish painting my 3d Printed Any Nest for our Pathfinder game, but I could use the time out to paint these)

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

I have not yet received anything in Arizona.

Greylurker wrote:
Got about a half dozen glued together so far, and I have to say they are pretty damn nice looking. the detail is very good and the instruction cards are pretty clear and the pieces fit together well. Gonna start painting this weekend once I get the Ant Nest out of the way (I have 2 weeks o finish painting my 3d Printed Any Nest for our Pathfinder game, but I could use the time out to paint these)

Just curious but did your mini's come by way of Canada Post or some other shipping method?

Jinteki42 wrote:
Greylurker wrote:
Got about a half dozen glued together so far, and I have to say they are pretty damn nice looking. the detail is very good and the instruction cards are pretty clear and the pieces fit together well. Gonna start painting this weekend once I get the Ant Nest out of the way (I have 2 weeks o finish painting my 3d Printed Any Nest for our Pathfinder game, but I could use the time out to paint these)

Just curious but did your mini's come by way of Canada Post or some other shipping method?

Box says "Global Express" they were waiting on the front step when we got home from groceries, so i don't know if it was Canada Post or not.

Scarab Sages

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

Got mine here in Australia.

Not a bad looking bunch of minis.

A status on shipping?

Shipped in June. Never showed up. E-mail sent.

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