
N'Haaz-aua's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 134 posts (1,484 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 13 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


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still nothing

Jim Butler wrote:

We've investigated on the Paizo side and found some instances where an order was not properly routed to Archon and are correcting those now. We've also found a few orders that have been sent to Archon but have not yet been processed, and we've contacted Archon to sort those out.

If you haven't seen any movement in the next week, please contact and open a ticket so we can track it down.


You might want to take a look into these yourself.

I got a canned response of "not our problem" from Paizo, to which I asked "can you confirm you have my payment?" Then my post in the prior thread was followed by:

Jim Butler wrote:

We've investigated on the Paizo side and found some instances where an order was not properly routed to Archon and are correcting those now. We've also found a few orders that have been sent to Archon but have not yet been processed, and we've contacted Archon to sort those out.

If you haven't seen any movement in the next week, please contact and open a ticket so we can track it down.


So a least things are moving despite a communication level throughout that would certainly have had most of us fired.

On the plus side archon got back to me within one day and confirmed they have it, just shipping in between their other campaigns.

Jim Butler wrote:
helo2920 wrote:
October 3rd and still nothing. As if getting scammed out of several hundred dollars the first time around wasn't bad enough, I was stupid enough to chip in another $26 for shipping a second time. God am I sucker. You got me again Paizo, well done.

If there's something wrong with your order or you haven't received your minis yet, please Contact Archon Studio. If there's a problem from the Paizo side, please let us know by sending an email to


Nothing still. Emailed both.

A status on shipping?

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Okay I got it to work. I'll tell you what they haven't, on the same page as your code submission scroll down past all the other redeemed codes and you'll find the address update and shipping, you complete it there and not in the cart.

And for the record Paizo, I think the majority of us feel you should be paying the shipping.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Yoshua wrote:
Feel free to have the big mads. Not gonna say anything bout that coz I am in the same boat and am not too happy either. But aim those big mads at Paizo and Ninja Division. Paizo for telling us we should trust their word that Ninja Division would deliver, even though those of us in the beginning warned them that Ninja Division was hosting new kick starters to pay off old ones at the time and Ninja Division for being thieves.

I agree archon has done nothing but help. It's solely Paizo we have issue with because of those assurances about ND.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
John Feil wrote:

No definitive date for the announcement yet, but not this week and not next.

As always, my apologies for the delays on this. There are quite a few moving parts that had to be aligned.

Disgraceful. I continue to vote with my wallet and share with all who will listen.

Kamil_ArchonStudio wrote:

Hi guys!

I'm Kamil - Social Media ninja sent by Archon Studio. If you have any questions about the miniatures - feel free to ask :D

Thanks for showing up, when might backers see a shipment without ordering something new?

Also, will all the completed be shipped if someone orders something new this time also?

What timeline do you expect for completion? I realize this may be an impossible question.

It's definitely making an impact because my FLGS asked why I wasn't buying pathfinder/starfinder. They didn't seem suprised to hear why I've paused. Appears I'm not alone.

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Rysky the Dark Solarion wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:
Rysky the Dark Solarion wrote:

I'll keep mine, since I actually get those.

As for the "nothing" I refer you to Sara Marie's post just above.

There's not a lot of daylight in between we haven't heard anything and being told there's nothing to hear yet.

A response from a Paizo employee is not "nothing", especially when it reveals she will be in on the next meeting and will hopefully be able to give us some information on the situation.

And the great majority of the backers have not read this thread and deserve a response as well. They have in fact heard nothing. I appreciate the "we are checking on it" from Sara, but it is not information quite yet.

My issue is I backed this project based on Paizo's reputation and oversight, knowing ND's reputation. I have cancelled my subscriptions awaiting a response from Paizo. I will be voting with my wallet going forward. It's unfortunate many backers have heard nothing.

I would suggest you cancel or put your subscriptions on hold as well, and encourage others to do so.

Thank you

:sad face:

Unfortunately, the only ones that are showing is 8 and 11 am Thurs. That's extra unfortunate because the ordering goes live on the 6th and we've got to commit to a schedule. How serious is the 13+ age on the other events?

So...not to depreciate your Kickstarter, but does that mean no official Psionics? 3rd party stuff is not society legal and is banned at many tables.

Ah, very informative email. I suppose cancel then. Ill jump back on the next ap.

(but continue the Starfinder AP)

It looks like sf ap number two got cancelled, or is that an oddity of the dashboard?

actually does the pdf come with maps in the zipfile like the pf ap? If not let's just scratch number one and i'll get it locally. If it does, then can we reduce it to just pdf?

Since we are looking at months, can we do just the PDF and Ill get the hard copy from my FLGS?

Please add Book 1 of the Dead Suns AP to my subscription. I understand it's backordered.

The whole thing devolved into speed runs, not enough time for anything. Very disappointing. I'll keep the rest of my opinions to myself, but I'm sure they know they can do better.

mud map n (Physical Geography) informal Austral a map drawn on the ground with a stick, or any other roughly drawn map

S$!!ty map

I have not spoken with DrGabe or Fleetwood since i noticed your email today, I will drop them a real email and point them this direction.

Fleetwood is teaching a class so he might be indisposed.

Anyone going to gencon this year?

Low tier is preferred by me. Should be fun.


I think my point is, he does have someone else to recruit.

I think it's best if i bow out also, best of luck.

Wouldn't you rather play with people that are known instead of random people?

Gabe, you can certainly invite Erik Merkel

yeah, but if i do that in this example, it will just show a spoiler tag.

Human (Taldan) LG Cleric of Erastil 1 | HP 8| AC 16 | T 14 | FF 12 | Fort +2 | Ref +4 | Will +4 | CMD 16 | Init +4 | Perception +7 {spoiler=skills]Know (local) +5, (nature) +4, (religion) +4, (history) +5, Lore (Belhaim) +4 {/spoiler]


I think mad is short for Madeline.

PFS is # 23667-7

That's a wicked spell check on my phone. I might need to stick to computer. At=to

I think he wants us all to be good.

He says it's going to be tomorrow. He got tied up at work which is an RPG related story ill let him tell.

I'm looking at a cleric or war priest of erastil.

Lol, ok we can do that. Gabe, you're the face, right? If not, we can do it.

It's not keith, no. He is the other troublemaker. I try not to attach my name to my alias.

I'll let decide if he wants divine or rogue since this appears to be a crawl. We both enjoy playing both, so it's a toss up.

Very experienced in pf and pbp. Among other things, I've run tournament finals at gencon for goodman games in 3.5 and have been playing since 1e. You and I met a few times at gencon. My availability is usually twice a day.

I see a fighter and an evoker. I'll wait for Mr. Roll to see what he's bringing. 4 party members then?


Thanks for the game, good fun. I forget some times these early games are all undead. If you have any slots later let me know.

Works for me

I am 2 now, so I will bow out if you wnt ot up a tier, let me know.

Ok I'm back

I'm back-ish.

If you can bot me

I'm at gencon next week, so I may have spotty attendance.