
illumina3's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 19 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Liberty's Edge

It's produced by a company called Campaign Coins, and I've been watching it for over a year and it is never in stock. Is Paizo ever going to get this back in stock?

Liberty's Edge

So Bone Burn acts as Acid, but against undead it does double damage. Would this double both the acid damage and the Alchemists Int bonus to damage with alchemical weapons as well?

Liberty's Edge

Has anyone received this shipment yet? Looking at the Paizo order history it's labelled as Status: Complete, but I'm not sure if it's been like that the whole time.

Liberty's Edge

Nope, they are both still on my account.

And I was able to add a new card and change the method to that, but unfortunately it uses a different billing address than my home address, and every which way I try to update the billing address I get errors.

Liberty's Edge

Hi guys!

Writing to ask if there's anyway I can remove all existing payment information from my account, the card was compromised and has been shut down. I'd like to add a new payment information to continue my subscription, but the site hasn't been allowing me to do so. Thanks!

Liberty's Edge

I am having a similar issue now as well.

I'm trying to remove my saved method of payment because the card was compromised and I had to replace it, for whatever reason I can't delete the current payment method and replace it with a new one - every time I put in the information and hit update, nothing happens.

Liberty's Edge

Yes, thank you for this! I just got the email, and was checking the details but noticed this -

Shipping Method Standard Postal Delivery
Estimated 4 to 8 business days in transit
Transit Estimate Expected to ship in 11 to 20 business days

- Is this accurate with the expedited shipping? I'm not complaining, I'm glad my stuff is on the way. I just wanted to check so I'll know approximately when they should arrive.

Liberty's Edge

Hi guys! I know we've got some backing up with April and May products waiting to ship with subscriptions, but if we can have them shipped separately from subscription orders for a fee, is it possible to have my sidecart shipped (and possibly expedited) by this weekend?

Liberty's Edge

Sheila Madder wrote:
Hello, my husband and I ordered a lot of minis for this. We are based in the UK and still have received nothing. Will we ever receive our minis? We have been patiently waiting without complaint, just watching the threads and hoping we get some minis. Do we need to send any details over or email anyone for an update? Will our original order be processed or do we need to email for it? I can see that some people in the EU have received their minis. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you

The most successful method I've seen is to purchase anything from Archon's site and be sure to include your backer information and exclaim that you'd like to get your Starfinder Masterclass Minis with your order. To date I think they've only gotten two 'waves' completed though. (I got 12 minis)

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

There's one thing you all have to keep in mind, it was stated that Archon would be shipping waves to backers around their location in Europe. Their products were supposed to be shipped worldwide outside Europe by Ninja Division. The fact that I got my figures up to this point from Archon by ordering Zo! and Zo! alone (even though it took two months) just goes to show how messed up shipping is due to the pandemic right now.

I have much restored faith in Archon delivering what we want. I can't shame them for wanting us to cover the exhaustive shipping it takes to go worldwide from Europe on a courtesy they picked up at no apparent profit to themselves. Not to mention they also working to give us figures to buy for Starfinder that aren't in the kickstarter or already designed by Wizkids.

Twenty bucks to get a new figure plus all my up to current backer awards made by them? I'll pay Archon for stepping up to the plate.

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Actually, I stand corrected. In a spark of total unexpected convenience, I received a package from Archon today with the one figure I ordered from them, plus what looks like 11 figures from their first two waves. So I have to sincerely apologize to Archon, it looks like they're on top of their stuff!

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

This is my very first post about this whole business. I've just been silently following the forum threads ever since the first posts on the original thread that has since been closed. I was one of the big kickstarter supporters (over $200 in), and I would still be silently waiting if not for one major facet about Archon.

I finally caved in and purchased one of their minis, Zo!, with my information about the kickstarter. After two weeks and my order still being 'Processing in Progress', I sent them a message. I got a response basically saying, 'Covid, etc, you'll just have to wait' but obviously written in the nice business style.

The order was placed on 6/21. In two more days, my order of one figure plus hopes of whatever kickstarter stuff they have done will have been 'Processing' for two months. It's kinda disheartening to hear they're working on another project and not shipping out orders.

Liberty's Edge

This question has come up in our group as well.

Liberty's Edge

Oh goodness gracious, how have I not seen this earlier?

This looks like a fantastic idea. What can we do to help contribute to this? Are you accepting idea pitches and suggestions I assume?

Liberty's Edge

Hello James! Interesting question I got into a talk with my roomie about.

The topic covered the base feats and skills listed in a creatures stat block in the Bestiary. For example~

A Young Brass Dragon has ranks in Perception and the feat Focus (Enchantment) according to the Bestiary. Say for whatever reason a PC gets the opportunity to play as this particular creature. My question is, are these feats and skills listed in the bestiary entry ingrained in the base creature? Will every Young Brass Dragon -always- have their set ranks in Perception (Before class levels) and the feat Focus (Enchantment)? Or are these merely examples of what a Brass Dragon of this age would typically choose? One of us argues that they are static and unchangeable, as they make up what the creature would be (Like Racial Features). The other argues that as a dragon ages, he has the right to choose what skills he gets ranks in and which feats he selects from his hit dice. Which is more accurate?

Liberty's Edge

Bring on the love/hate mail!

Glacial Crusher

Aura moderate evocation; CL 9th; Weight 8 lbs.; Price 10,305 gp

This +1 frost greatclub appears to be made entirely out of ice. Whenever the wielder strikes an opponent, flecks of ice cascade off onto the target of the attack. Until the end of the wielders next turn, whenever the next time the target would suffer damage from a cold source, the ice flecks shatter, dealing an additional 1d6 points of cold damage and removing the effect. Alternatively, if the target becomes the victim of a spell or effect with the cold descriptor that requires a saving throw, they suffer a -2 penalty to the save while under the effect of the ice flecks.

A glacial crushers ice flecks can only affect an individual target once per round.


Craft Magic Arms and Armor, ice storm, wall of ice; Cost 5,305 gp

Liberty's Edge Goblin Squad Member

So I notice all these Alpha invites going out when I got an email mentioning that us Adventurer level backers have Adventurer Enrollment invites to give out. Is that literally all they are used for? Sending to others to get them access to the same testing phase you're involved in?

If so, I wonder if it would be rude of me to inquire about getting hold of an alpha tester invitation... just a thought!

Liberty's Edge

Hey guys! I'm just posting here request information on how to go about starting my own Pathfinder Society campaigns. As is I have a group I play with regularly, and I also run as the President of the Gamers Society club at Indiana University Southeast. I have a weekly game night and more and more people ask me about wanting to play Pathfinder. I see this as a prime opportunity to open up a local Pathfinder Society chapter where people in the local area can gather to add to the Golarion campaign story. If I could get a list of to-do lists and rules compiled so that I could make this done easy, that would be fantastic. I want to make sure I follow all the rules and regulations required for legal play, so I figured posting here in the forums would be the quickest and easiest way to get everything I need to know.

Liberty's Edge

Cloak of Adamantine Chains
Aura strong transmutation and evocation; CL 11th
Slot shoulders; Price 111,000 gp; Weight 20 lbs.
This cloak is made with several woven lengths of adamantine chain. It grants the wearer damage reduction 5/adamantine when worn, but whenever the wearer takes the full defense action, they wrap the cloak around themselves increasing the bonus damage reduction to 10/adamantine for one round.
On command once per day, the wearer can cause the chains of the cloak to unravel and lash out towards an opponent, striking for 11d6 points of bludgeoning damage. The chain may then arc to additional nearby targets, dealing the same amount of damage. The chain can arc to a total of 11 targets, but the maximum range of the chain cannot exceed 100 feet in a straight line starting from the wearer to the primary target, to the next, and so on. Each target struck can attempt a DC 19 Reflex save for half damage, and the damage type is considered Adamantine for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, chain lightning, stoneskin; Cost 55,500 gp

Hey guys! This is my first year competing in the competition, I would absolutely love any advice on what areas need work for my submissions!