Telakin (Doppleganger)

RedRoom's page

13 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


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TriOmegaZero wrote:
Jonathan Morgantini wrote:
Shipping and handling with be handled by Archon, not Ninja Division.

Awesome news - thanks!

John Feil - apologies for possibly cross posting - but is there any way we could pay Archon or y'all rather than ND (I'm in USA)? ND couldnt handle distribution back when they had money, no clue on how they will be able to now.

I dont want to pay any more money to ND. Can I buy something from Archon (or Paizo) and have them ship it to me?

ND royally screwed up the original fulfillment for the project, dont see how they can fulfill this now

Ignore the link

'We are happy to announce our new YouTube show "Archon Studio Weekly AMA". It's hosted by Jarek Ewertowski, who is a CEO of our company!

You can ask him about anything related to Archon Studio - our games, campaigns and more. Livestream is going to be hosted on YouTube, you can already leave your question on the chat.' 7d49d&e=d664f2421b

John Feil - maybe he will finally answer you here...

I sent a note to Archon on their most recent KS and asked if they would be shipping any of the starfinder minis to KS backers. They responded they would not as the the wave would be sent out soon - no definition of soon.

Thanks for the update John Feil.

Unfortunately the weekly update from ND has been none for over a year as far as their backers are concerned. The normal is for them to consistently not respond to Paizo's weekly reaching out to them - 'super quiet' is not really accurate (I understand that you are trying to be diplomatic).

ND did a poor showing on the initial 'first wave' when they were running the KS - Paizo and Archon seem to do a much better job on the distribution aspect. Knowing at best ND incompetently attempted to deliver, what makes you and Archon think they can successfully handle this distribution?

I'd rather buy something from Archon and get them to send the first wave to me because I have successfully received product from them multiple times. I am really trying to gauge if I should try that route.

John Fell - can you speak to ND supposedly being responsible for North America delivery? I don't trust them at all - I mean they can't even bother to update the KS page with Archon's updates. ND's last post to the KS was 16 months ago.

Things seemed to have gone quiet on this thread, especially Paizo who had been updating almost weekly, but now have been silent for over a month.

Speaking of ND; if they can't be bothered to update their KS page in over a year, how can they be trusted to deliver the minis?

@ Jeff Alvarez - have you had any contacts at all with ND about their plans and how they think they can deliver the minis after the next wave comes out? If ND were going to do the delivery to the US, there are a lot of logistical issues that they should be planning for.

Wave 5 has some nice looking Vesk

Archon has a post on their FB of some cool space goblins 3324/?type=3

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Jeff - Ninja Division hasn't updated their KS page in over 10 months. As a US backer, I have absolutely no confidence in their ability that they can or will be able to ship Wave 1 out once (or if) Archon completes it.

You haven't received any updates from ND or Archon 'lately'; Archon's 'social media ninja' hasn't posted anything since their first intro message months ago.

This project is beyond dead - don't know how you can disagree given that you say you don't know more than we do based on your 'no news this week' posts.

Appreciate you trying to update us, but no news is still no news. I get Paizo is trying, but the others aren't.

Any chance the backers can get access to the STLs or anything? Is there something Paizo can do to help Archon be more successful with their StarFinder minis sales (ex: allow direct orders from your store) so they will be able to afford continuing working on the KS?
