Kutholiam Vuere

Vardeman's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 22 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


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Grankless wrote:
Vardeman wrote:

A few questions here.

What levels are each of the modules designed for in PF2E.

Do those same levels apply for the DnD5E version?

Do you only get the PDF version if you have some sort of AP subscription for Pathfinder?

In 2e, it runs from level 1 to level 10, with the players technically levelling up to 11 after the final boss.

The ad copy above on this very page gives the levels for the 5e version:

"The Abomination Vaults Adventure Path is a complete campaign taking heroes from 1st to 11th level."

Thanks, I totally missed that!

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A few questions here.

What levels are each of the modules designed for in PF2E.

Do those same levels apply for the DnD5E version?

Do you only get the PDF version if you have some sort of AP subscription for Pathfinder?

If it HAS the Improved Bullrush feat, I'd say "yes". If it has the feat without actually having the prerequisite feat (as some monsters do), I'd say "no".

This is just one man's opinion.

I finally received mine as well. Distributing them to my gaming group this weekend for assembly/painting. They look good to these sub-par eyes.

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Ed Reppert wrote:
Your minis were delivered yesterday -- to Joe Blogs in East Bumfart Iowa. :-)

I'm beginning to think you're correct.

So, is it going to be another 3 years to receive these minis? My order says "complete" but I haven't received it yet and there is no tracking available. Last update was 15 June 2022. They've charged my card the $13.81 for shipping.

Firewarrior44 wrote:
There's an item Here that allows you to even if there's no vegetation

At 16K gp, that's a little steep for something that aids a first level spell.

Would a handful of seeds count for existing plants?

Well I guess I won't be going back to pick up the core pawn box then, thanks for the answer.

I have the 4 Starfinder subscriptions and apparently did not start the subscriptions in time to receive the initial pawns offering. Is it possible to order this and get the discount and the included PDF?

Diego Valdez wrote:

Hello Vardeman,

I'm sorry to hear you were missing a card. I have set up a replacement for you which should be on its way to you soon. You will be receiving an email confirmation.

Thank you, Diego. I've received the email confirmation.

Redelia wrote:
Vardeman wrote:
Steve Geddes wrote:

You’re missing an Asleep/Unconscious card, it looks like.

Every set only has two of the Incorporeal/Invisible cards and three of the other seventeen. The reason is that cards are printed in “sheets” of 55. So after the OGL and the “rules” card, they only had room for 53 actual condition cards (or face significantly higher prices due to wasted printing and/or added collation costs).

There's way around the quantity per page. Print 1 page with 54 cards and a rule card. print 1 page with 55 OGL cards. print 1 OGL page per 55 card pages printed.
I think that was what was meant by collation costs. It costs something to get that one card off another sheet into each box.

Well, obviously the non-collated version has its issues, otherwise I wouldn't have started this thread.

Getting back to the primary issue. Is anyone from CS going to help me out here?

Steve Geddes wrote:

You’re missing an Asleep/Unconscious card, it looks like.

Every set only has two of the Incorporeal/Invisible cards and three of the other seventeen. The reason is that cards are printed in “sheets” of 55. So after the OGL and the “rules” card, they only had room for 53 actual condition cards (or face significantly higher prices due to wasted printing and/or added collation costs).

There's way around the quantity per page. Print 1 page with 54 cards and a rule card. print 1 page with 55 OGL cards. print 1 OGL page per 55 card pages printed.

Did we really need the rules card? Are they THAT hard to understand? That stuff could've been printed on the back of the box. Either that or the OGL is unreadable printed that small. It could've been printed on a piece of paper and folded up, freeing up another card slot.

I received my first Starfinder subscription order. I was going through the Condition Card deck and noticed there are three of everything except the "Asleep/Unconscious" and "Incorporeal/Invisible" cards, of which there are only two each. This is doubly confusing because the box says 53 cards. I have only 52 and if the missing cards are added it would come to 54.


Thank you, Sharaya. Just wanted to make sure.

I'm a full Starfinder subscriber and I just got notified that my first subscription order is on the way. All of the PDF's are in my download area except for the Condition Deck. Does it have a PDF version?


The Sideromancer wrote:
Melkiador wrote:

You can't really skip out on the dying condition.

Combat Chapter wrote:
If your hit point total is negative, but not equal to or greater than your Constitution score, you're dying.
Glossary wrote:
In case it matters, a dead character, no matter how he died, has hit points equal to or less than his negative Constitution score.

You know, this means that when you are dead, you are no longer dying. (dying is -con<x<0, dead is x<=-con)

So you get right back up as soon as you hit -con.

you mean -con + 1

So, what is the original poster's intent? To look cool or to break the game? If it's to look cool, then I'm all for it... If he has an ulterior motive, no way, Jose.

Goblin Squad Member

Can't get past the login screen. When it comes up mouse clicking anywhere on the screen doesn't work, including on other open windows when alt-tabbed to. Typing doesn't work in the login fields. The only way to get out is to ctrl-alt-del and open the task manager and then use keystrokes to end the process.

I'm using win 8.1 64-bit.


harmor wrote:

Sorry for the Subject, couldn't describe in a single sentence what I'm trying to accomplish.

The question is when you receive a feat from a class, such as Monk or Ranger, where you do not need to have the prerequisites for that Bonus feat can you then take choose the next feat in the tree?

Situation: Ranger is level 7 with a Dex17 and archery style with `Rapid shot` and `Improved Precise Shot`

Can the Ranger above choose at his level 7th feat `Manyshot`? Does having `Rapid shot` count as having `Point Blank Shot` for purposes of choosing a feat in the feat tree?

Rapid Shot prerequisites: Dex 13, Point-Blank Shot.

Manyshot prerequisites: Dex 17, Point-Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, base attack bonus +6.

If you don't specifically have the feats listed in the prerequisites, you cannot take the feat.


I'm a bit late in signing up for this, so if you have anyone drop out, I'll be happy to just follow along the thread and step in from the bullpen if needed.