
Jonathan Morgantini's page

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Community and Social Media Specialist

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Ashanderai wrote:
Jonathan Morgantini wrote:
Dalvyn wrote:
Just to be sure... only the first three panels will also be live on Twitch, but not the last four (which will be available on Youtube later), is that correct?
Yes, you've got it!
How much later? Are we talking same day or the following week after folks get back home from GenCon? Asking because I took work off to watch what I thought was gonna be live-streamed seminars like it was these past few years. If it's not getting uploaded the same day, I would like to know so I can change my plans.

It will be once everyone gets back from Gen Con.

Community and Social Media Specialist

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Zoken44 wrote:

Are you able to hide it?

I just can't.

Community and Social Media Specialist

Cyrad wrote:

I'll be there with bells on my toes!

(Metaphorically speaking)

Make sure you say hi at the booths! I'm so excited!

Community and Social Media Specialist

Dalvyn wrote:
Just to be sure... only the first three panels will also be live on Twitch, but not the last four (which will be available on Youtube later), is that correct?

Yes, you've got it!

Community and Social Media Specialist

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It really depends on the group. I know some groups love the rules and minutiae of building a kingdom. Other groups ignore them entirely.

Community and Social Media Specialist

SuperBidi wrote:

Tough challenges, good roleplay, ambiance, funny moments, compelling stories, satisfied players, creative solutions, etc...

My answer is a bit unhelpful as fun is such a complex notion.

It's not unhelpful! I agree it's also a complex notion. I'm terrible at even basic math, which makes it so amazing to watch all these forum threads where the math is ripped apart, considered, and rebuilt again. But some love that part of games. I find the differences most interesting.

Community and Social Media Specialist

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As an '82 baby, I'm right there with you.

Community and Social Media Specialist

Zoken44 wrote:
I think I get that reference. Can't wait to look up a VOD of the panel on the roadmap after GenCon. Will Paizo be uploading those anywhere?

Pardon me while I crumble into dust with age. I kid. Yes, the plan is to record and upload them to YouTube later!

Community and Social Media Specialist

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Squark wrote:
Is that Skittermander Novadorio's friend Prisma, by chance? (From the soon to be released Starfinder 2e demo)

Good eye! She's truly outrageous!

Community and Social Media Specialist

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So much good stuff! I'm so excited to see people at Gen Con!

Community and Social Media Specialist

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TIL a whole new word. Thanks, James!

Community and Social Media Specialist

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I was inspired to write this after reading through the forums. Off the bat, please keep it civil. How do you define fun? Is it eeking out every last possible point of damage? Minmaxing your character to the peak of efficiency? Effortless role-play? What do you consider a must-have at the table?

I'll start. I'm easy. If my friends are there and having fun, I'm good. I'm not trying to create fine cinema at my table. I miss rolls. My monsters take it easy on the players. Five adults sit around a table every other week and don't think about life.

Community and Social Media Specialist

8 people marked this as a favorite.

This seems to be getting a little heated. Please remember to discuss differences civilly.

Community and Social Media Specialist

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Also a very good point!

Community and Social Media Specialist

keftiu wrote:
Perpdepog wrote:
There have also always been places outside the Mana Wastes where someone could encounter mutative forces, too. Numeria comes immediately to mind, as does Sekamina and the haunted city of Zirnakaynin.
Numeria, famously, has a trend of people drinking spaceship wreckage run-off; its ruler, Kevoth-Kul, accidentally became immortal this way.

Congratulations, you have won the 'no one has ever constructed this sentence before' award. I guess it's good that the EPA doesn't exist in Numeria?

Community and Social Media Specialist

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Kingmaker feels like an easy sell, so I won't try to push that one too hard. If you have run Rise, Seven Dooms is a natural follow-up that would be fun. Season of Ghosts in narratively one of my most favorite. Curtain Call is also going to be very popular. Take what I say with a grain of salt if you must though haha.

Community and Social Media Specialist

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That schedule will be going out today! I leave for the airport at 4:30am local (yay me) but it's happening!

Community and Social Media Specialist

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A lot of those earlyish 'super crunchy' RPGs are why it took me so long to get into it in the first place. I can appreciate rules while still wanting this to be a little more cut and dry.

Community and Social Media Specialist

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Again removed a post and some quotes. Please move on in the conversation.

Community and Social Media Specialist

Removed a post and some quotes.

Community and Social Media Specialist

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This is the perfect place for a few good, small fetch quest type things. Go get this thing from this place.
Escort missions are good here too, especially if you want to bring in the freedom fighter angle later. Maybe they need to escort local officials to a meeting or something.

Community and Social Media Specialist

25 people marked this as a favorite.

Since our licensing update on July 22nd, we’ve been listening to your feedback on the potential impact of these licenses on community tools and websites. Paizo is grateful to these creators and spaces for the immense value they add to our brand and player community. We are committed to adding options to ensure that a range of community projects are protected by the license.

With Gen Con on the horizon, we can’t offer an immediate solution, but we are working to reach one that is both sustainable for Paizo and supports the community we love. As always, thank you for your feedback—we hear you and are working to address your concerns as swiftly as possible.

Community and Social Media Specialist

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A planet-sized egg. Why did it have to be a planet-sized egg?!

Community and Social Media Specialist

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I'm so excited for everyone to experience the playtest!

Community and Social Media Specialist

That's so detailed! Thank you!

Community and Social Media Specialist

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I was expecting this thread to get busy after the blog yesterday. I was not disappointed. I cannot hope to keep up with all the math you all are throwing around, but I appreciate not letting your emotions get the better of you.

Community and Social Media Specialist

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We appreciate the accountability! Things are definitely Gen Con focused, but these will not be forgotten!

Community and Social Media Specialist

6 people marked this as a favorite.

I love that Fumbus art! I'm so excited to see what everyone does with their new alchemists!

Community and Social Media Specialist

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GM Jeffrey wrote:
I have been so pumped for this since SF2 announcement. I got games already scheduled at my lfgs.

It's almost here!

Community and Social Media Specialist

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Such an incredible organization. Glad to help them in their mission!

Community and Social Media Specialist

This is all excellent advice!

Community and Social Media Specialist

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Thank you for the rundown Starfinder Team!

Community and Social Media Specialist

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Darth Krzysztof wrote:
Have to miss it this year, unfortunately. Are we getting closer to a streaming schedule? Hopefully I'll still get my running joke with Erik Mona in a Twitch chat somewhere.

We will have that schedule out before Gen Con! Look for a blog next week with details.

Community and Social Media Specialist

I cut a post for harassment and baiting and a response quoting it. If this conversation cannot continue civilly, this thread will be locked.

Community and Social Media Specialist

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So, who is going to be at Gen Con? This year, we have some amazing stuff to engage with (and buy). If I do see you, please introduce yourself! Make sure and tell me your forum name too so I can connect the avatar and the real human. I'm very excited!

Community and Social Media Specialist

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Well spotted! We will get that taken care of ASAP!

Community and Social Media Specialist

7 people marked this as a favorite.

Thanks for the update Mark! As an aside, please feel free to share all Etsy stores selling plushies. We are big fans around here.

Community and Social Media Specialist

5 people marked this as a favorite.

I moved this one over to a different forum. I appreciate that the discussion has remained respectful, so please keep it that way.

Community and Social Media Specialist

GMs, are there any changes to the AP you are making to accommodate your groups? What are they and why?

Community and Social Media Specialist

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So, for those who have read it, I'm curious. Does the Remaster move the sorcerer up or down in your favorite classes? Just so you know, I'm not a math player; I play to have fun, so I'm by no means efficient. I enjoy sorcerers, so they've always been near the top for me.

Community and Social Media Specialist

Whether reading it or getting ready to run it, this is the place for your first impressions! Please make sure to put anything remotely spoiler-y behind the proper tags. We want to preserve the story for those who want to avoid learning anything accidentally.

Community and Social Media Specialist

I love seeing fictional characters statted out like this! Very nicely done.

Community and Social Media Specialist

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This is probably my favorite part of the release cycle. The anticipation of some already having the new book and everyone wanting to talk about it.

Community and Social Media Specialist

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Sibelius Eos Owm wrote:
The Raven Black wrote:
Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
Who, incidentally, seems more like a scrawny emo kid than Arnold Schwarzenegger or Jason Momoa! ;)

TBT the earliest pic I could find of Conan, which is the 1934 cover for Queen of the Black Coast, gives off a Johnny Weissmuller feel IMO.

So, not that scrawny ;-)

I mean, when has a book cover not played fast and loose with accurate depictions of the book's contents and its character's descriptions? =P

*Cough cough* Wheel of Time *cough*

Community and Social Media Specialist

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Is this for a published campaign or a homebrew? Only reason I ask is because it depends on how big the map is/ how much time you want them to spend traveling vs encounters.

Community and Social Media Specialist

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I freely admit that my instant headcanon look of any lich is the Horned King from the Disney version of Black Cauldron (dont hate me I love that movie)

Community and Social Media Specialist

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Wheel. Of. Monsters! *crowd noise*

Community and Social Media Specialist

9 people marked this as a favorite.

It's really awesome to see all the alchemist fans so excited about the upcoming changes. Not too much longer to wait!

Community and Social Media Specialist

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The sketch covers are SO GOOD. We will absolutely be keeping everyone in the loop when new covers are on the horizon!

Community and Social Media Specialist

Hello! I recently got the Heroes of Might and Magic 3 Board Game. It comes with a truly epic number of minis. I'm a newbie at painting anything, much less detailed work like miniatures. Please give me your tips!

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