Telakin (Doppleganger)

larskrygan's page

8 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


i am thinking of giving a imp familiar to one on my PC for a homebrew SF game.

what are your input of the capacities the imp will grant ?

well still waiting for my coupon from Paizo... it seems they forgot about dear old me :'(

has any backers of the rest of the world received anything from ND since Archon took over ?

i know i havent, what about you guys ?

technarken wrote:

ND isn't behind on this step yet. Archon is at present almost months behind their stated plans. Ninja Division is to ship minis come mid-April if we're being charitable.

I fully expect Ninja Division to fail because a man swollen with denial like Cadice will inevitably run aground of reality. When he fails again we'll see what Paizo does with this albatross.

Good to know about the April deadline.

what to do ? wait and see or spend more to Archon Huge dilemna...

kadance wrote:

Ha! Good one.

Edit: Sorry. It occurred to me a second later that your comment might not be intended as snark.

well, i am one of those backers waiting for ND to send me the minis, no word from them since Archon took over.

So snark Yes and no, i bet ND isnt fulfilling his obligations...

Has anyone received any package from ND so far ?


title says all.

I will be using the ultimate campaign, horror adventure, and mythic books.

it will rank from 1 to 20, as my players have all asked for somehing where to play their abilities.
the last boss is set at the moment : B4 p77 Drakainia.

any good place to start in golarion ?

go mad :)

Good day,

first post here, i am running Rise of the RL campaign at the moment.

one of my players has been hit by the orange prismatic ray ( cf as insanity spell) and missed the DC.

he is now effectively insane.

to cut short, one of the player will want to cast the 2nd level calm emotions spell on him ( Saving thrwo pending ) to calm his violent acts

i am loathe to grant that, insanity is a 6th lvl spell, to be countered by a 2nd lvl is kind of a cheat mode for me ...

What is your input on that matter ?