Argent Wings Take Flight (Hell's Rebels AP)

Game Master Sensen

Current Chapter: In Hell's Bright Shadow
In which a tyrant rises, argent birds take flight, and a secret history is uncovered.
Date: Toilday, the 12th of Abadius (I) 4715 AR
Time of Day: Midmorning
Season: Mid Winter
Weather: 33° F (0° C), Clear Skies

4715 Calendar

Kintargo Skyline

Rumors Gathered & Leads to Follow

Geographical Maps
Ravounel, Cheliax

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Introduction wrote:

Kintargo suffers under the iron-shod heel of the newest Lord-Mayor, a tyrant imported from Egorian. Eastern Cheliax burns as the Iomedaean Glorious Revolution erupts against the Thrice-Damned House of Thrune in a crusade against Hell and its influence on Golarion.

Lord-Mayor Barzillai Thrune has come to Kintargo, and with him he has brought martial law. His predecessor has disappeared, many buildings burned to the ground soon after his arrival, he has shut down the most beloved Kintargo Opera House to claim it as his own base of operations, and (most appallingly) he has made several Proclamations that have the full force of law - even regulating what times one can take one’s tea! He must be stopped.

A century ago, during the Chelish Civil War, the Silver Ravens fought for Kintargo and Ravounel as a whole, to protect and aid the innocent. Unfortunately, they failed, and the city has labored under the weight of Infernal Cheliax ever since. Now, whispers of that old organization spread anew, and it is time once more for argent wings to spread.

Hello, forumites! It has been just over two years since last I posted using this alias, and nearly four since I started my first ever recruitment thread on these forums.

After my last Hell’s Rebels campaign went on indefinite hiatus because of a variety of factors, I moved on with my life - both here and elsewhere. I’ve been running two campaigns since before I dropped my first, but there’s something that still calls to me from Hell’s Bright Shadows. See what I did there? Eh? Eh? … Well I thought it was clever.

So, I am going to restart this process. I’m going to kick up a new Hell’s Rebels campaign, and do so with the lessons I’ve learned in the two years since I stopped my first one.

Character Creation Rules:

Attributes: 20 point buy.
Races Ancestries: Core races are fine. Tieflings and tengu are acceptable as well. Other planestouched are a harder sell, and beyond those, I’d need to have a very interesting background. Take note of the Player’s Guide’s suggestions as well.
Alignment: No evil, and lawful neutral will be looked at dubiously. Lawful good is entirely fine - so don’t be afraid to do that. You’re rebelling against a lawful evil society, so keep your reasons for doing so in mind.
Classes: Beyond the Player’s Guide’s recommendations, all summoners must be unchained. Rogues, monks, and barbarians may, should the player want. Ninja and samurai aren’t really suited to this AP, and are thus banned. Gunslingers are a “maybe” - not only will I need to adjust loot properly to deal with them, you should keep in mind that a lot of the early combats may provoke negative attention from Barzillai’s regime, and gunfire is quite obvious. Finally, there will be no 3PP.
Skills: We will be using background skills.
Feats: We’ll be using Elephant in the Room, but this is my first time doing so, so have patience with me.
Money: Max at first level.
Hit Points: Max at first level, then half your HD+1+Con modifier for every subsequent level.
Traits: Two traits, one of which must be a campaign trait. You can take a drawback for an additional trait.
Backstories: I don’t want a full novella, but give me at least a couple paragraphs and plot hooks, please. Also, address why you have your traits - a lot of the mechanically favored ones could use some explanation to tie into your story. If you take a drawback for an additional trait, make sure to tell me why your character has that trait and flaw as well.
Religions/Deities: Beyond the recommendations in the Player’s Guide, note that I probably won’t be accepting submissions who worship Abadar, whom I don’t particularly like I feel doesn’t typically permit rebellion in the way the Silver Ravens must, despite the Player’s Guide entry on him. Furthermore, Nocticula as the Redeemer Queen is expressly permitted here, as she will have risen by the time of the AP. Furthermore, note that other than Shelyn, worshippers of all good deities are either outlawed (most gods) or pushed largely underground (Iomedae). Likewise, the worship of Calistria is outlawed.

Special Rules:
We will be using the rebellion subsystem as described in the Player’s Guide, which will mean we’ll be doing a fair amount of downtime - opportunities to RP or get your own projects going, etc.

Level ups will be handled by milestone.

City statistics do play a role in the AP. I will be using them to some degree or another, though it may not be to its fullest extent.

At the start of the game, your characters will be attending a protest outside of the Kintargo Opera House. Please consider the reason you have for attending the protest - the list of examples in the Player’s Guide is reproduced here for convenience.

Reasons to Protest:

Hell’s Rebels Player’s Guide, p. 9 wrote:

Looking for Trouble: You may or may not approve or disapprove of the way Lord-Mayor Thrune has handled the situation, but the thing that interests you the most about the protest is the fact that there’ll be a nice big crowd of people there. And that means you’ll have a chance to not only pilfer a few coins from unsuspecting pockets, but perhaps do a little something more! Kintargo could use a bit more public disobedience these days, after all! You gain a +2 bonus on all Bluff and Sleight of Hand checks made during the protest itself.

Looking for Your Idol: As a city built on arts and performances, it’s no surprise that many of the most famous entertainers and performers to come out of Cheliax rose to prominence in the city of Kintargo. Since Barzillai Thrune took over the city, though, Kintargo’s atmosphere has grown increasingly oppressive, and not just because the new lord-mayor closed down the opera house to make it his home. With a curfew now in place and guards patrolling the streets in greater numbers than ever before, catching a glimpse of a favorite idol has become difficult at best. In your case, you’ve long admired a specific famous Kintargan. This person’s been conspicuously absent from the public eye over the past week, so when you heard a rumor that the object of your infatuation (or perhaps obsession) might be in attendance at the Aria Park protest, you made a point of attending. You realize that this rumor is most likely a false one, but what if it’s not? You can’t miss the chance to see your idol in person! You gain a +2 bonus on all Perception and Sense Motive checks made during the protest itself.
Meeting a Contact: The Silver Ravens have long fascinated you. You might just agree with their politics for a free Kintargo, or perhaps you admire their spirit. Maybe you just like the idea of a secret society. You might know someone who was supposedly in the Silver Ravens; that someone might even be a parent, sibling, or lover. When House Thrune established martial law a week ago, though, the Silver Ravens went dark. Rumors that their leaders have all been captured or killed circulate, and no sign of the rank-and-file members can be found. Certainly, your friend or family member has gone missing. You’re starting to worry, and hope to find
out what happened to the group. After doing a bit of research, you were contacted by a friend of a friend of a friend who claimed to know something about the Silver Ravens. You don’t know who this contact is or even his name, but you do know that he’s a human man, and that he’s arranged to meet with you at the Aria Park protest. You’ll know him because he’ll be wearing one black leather glove on his right hand and no glove at all on the left. You gain a +2 bonus on all Perception and Sense Motive checks made during the protest itself.
Staying up on Current Events: Public protests are a great place to gather inspiration and information alike, more so from those who are being protested against than from the protesters themselves. You’re heading to the Aria Park protest primarily to watch people, but also to make sure you stay up to date on current events. Things have a way of happening at politically charged public gatherings, after all, and you’d kick yourself if you missed the protest and something big happened. Beyond listening for rumors, it might be an interesting opportunity for you to rabble-rouse a bit, either by making a performance or simply using diplomacy to sway or guide the crowd’s frustration and anger. You gain a +2 bonus on all Diplomacy and Perform checks made during the protest itself.
Tagging Along: You hadn’t planned on going to the protest. Maybe crowds bother you, or you worry that it might get out of hand, or perhaps you’re just not political. But when you found out a close friend (one of the other PCs works best for this friend) was planning on going, you reluctantly agreed to come along, if only to make sure your friend stays out of trouble. You aren’t as interested in joining the protests as you are keeping alert for anything that might escalate the protest into something more. Someone has to watch out for your friend, and who better to do that than you? You gain a +2 bonus on all Perception and initiative checks made during the protest itself.
To Protest the Government: Thrune’s takeover of Kintargo is just that—a takeover. Despite the government’s claims that the new lord-mayor will only remain as long as the rebellions of the Glorious Reclamation to the distant southeast continue, you fear that Barzillai Thrune and martial law might be here to stay. The time is right to strike a blow against the oppression and to make the voice of the city heard, for if Kintargo’s citizens simply roll over and accept their new lives, restoring the city to its people will become nearly impossible. You’re planning on attending the Aria Park protest specifically because it’s the largest and most organized protest yet, and if there’s any chance to make your voice heard, it’s now! You gain a +2 bonus on all Bluff and Intimidate checks made during the protest itself.

Please check out my current campaigns for examples of my posting style and how I handle combat.

Posting Expectations: At least 1/day on weekdays. I generally can’t post on weekends, but can occasionally make one on Sundays. If you’re busy or RL otherwise happens, tell me and your fellow players if at all possible.

Recruitment will close on Thursday, the 18th of December, 2024, and decisions will be made on the 19th.

As an additional warning: I am doing a lot better in my life than I was when I first started my first recruitment way back in 2020. However, I may become swamped with work or burnt out, and that could mean having to stop the game. I don't think that will happen, especially with my relatively low posting compared to how I was at the time, but I want to be as transparent as I can. I will absolutely let everyone know if that's coming, as well.

Finally, good luck, and I hope to see some great rebels!

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

At first I was like "outlawed?" So I can't play a priest of Milani? And then I realized you meant they are outlawed in-game!

Ok, so here's the deal. I've played this up to maybe 8th level. It was years ago.

I'm an old school player, and would gladly fill out whatever role your party needed.

I'll update a bard I submitted for a different game. Thanks for running! And welcome back!

Zahir: That's correct - a Milanite priest is absolutely acceptable by me. The Thrune regime... not so much. I also don't mind if you've already played it - I've got some differences planned.

Veniir: My pleasure. I have already had some moments of "Wait, should I really have posted that? Can I really do this?" But I'm pretty sure I'll be able to, whatever my emotions tell me. Thanks for the welcome back!

I've got a halfling Warsighted oracle (Desna) I'll gladly throw in for consideration! I'll get to work adapting her for this recruitment.

May have an idea for a paladin character.

Hey Kintargo GM good to see your feeling comfortable enough to pick up another game.

I remember the previous recruitment, I'd applies with Taldo the Tanner.' I may apply with him again, or I may put together someone entirely different. I'll need to think on it a bit.

Your introductory post was fairly inclusive, the only question I have, how many players are you planning on accepting?

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... Shoot, I knew I forgot something.

I will be looking for 4 players. I might go to 5 if I really can't decide, but I'd like to pose a bit more of a challenge to the PCs than I have in my other games. Yes, Wrath of the Righteous with 5 players and 25-point buy was a mistake if I wanted to challenge them.


Interesting. I’ve started this AP once or twice but it never got far. Not sure what I want to play yet. A rebellious Milanite is certainly attractive, but Kintargo is also the home base of the Order of the Torrent, IIRC. Would a LG Hellknight Armiger of the Torrent be workable?

The Hellknight Armiger idea is reasonable, but you'd have to join up as an armiger afterwards, by default (I think). I'm not sure whether I'd force that on you, but I'm pretty sure you're not intended to be a member of the Order (even if you're only an armiger) before the AP starts. Definitely an aspirant, though. The Order of the Torrent has its place in the AP, and you only start interacting with it seriously in the second book.

I'll get back to you on this when I've had more time to think it through, though at the moment I don't see why it shouldn't be possible with a few minor adjustments.

Shadow Lodge

This is brilliant! I was in a Hell's Rebels campaign, but it folded before the first book - just enough time to get me hooked on the concept. I'll work up a character and make a formal submission.

Thank you for offering to run this Kintargo GM!

Kintargo GM wrote:

The Hellknight Armiger idea is reasonable, but you'd have to join up as an armiger afterwards, by default (I think). I'm not sure whether I'd force that on you, but I'm pretty sure you're not intended to be a member of the Order (even if you're only an armiger) before the AP starts. Definitely an aspirant, though. The Order of the Torrent has its place in the AP, and you only start interacting with it seriously in the second book.

I'll get back to you on this when I've had more time to think it through, though at the moment I don't see why it shouldn't be possible with a few minor adjustments.

Good to know. And I should say, it’s not something I’ve got my heart set on or anything, just the first concrete idea that popped into my head. Some sort of Milanite and/or a Vigilante could work too, but those are more nebulous. This does seem like the perfect AP for a Vigilante.

Here's my character submission: Seannon Starfall. As a Warsighted oracle, I imagine she plays kind of like a warpriest, and as a halfling she naturally gains some added rebel-sneakiness even while she is wearing armor. Her devotion to Desna's dreams grants her the color spray spell at 2nd level, which nicely complements her martial abilities.

I've played through the first part of Book 1 with a very similar character before, though it was several years ago and I don't remember very much about it.

I'll throw Jessibel's hat in the ring again. I'm tweaking her for the lower point buy, EitR rules, and a few other things. She might make a good 5th PC if you go that route, as she's a pretty poor combatant but can heal in a pinch, inspire courage in others, and contribute a spell or two to the cause. I'd likely even be willing to multiclass into rogue if lockpicking and trapfinding is/becomes an issue.

I'll see what I can put together. Thinking I'll recycle my old Sword-Devil ranger from the last Hell's Rebels campaign you ran.

Here is my submission: Rill Ozeanschild, fisher, merchant, and Paladin of Ylimancha called into action by divine revelation from a demigoddess. Also a hopeful for joining the Order of the Torrent as a water-themed knight.


Chelish Bard

Keeping up on current events.

Here is my submission. You say you are looking for a challenging game - well, Saquiel is rather on the lower end of the power curve. Ghost Rider Cavalier is a fairly MAD archetype that is hard to pull off under 20-pt buy, but I think it's flavorful and cool. He's going to struggle, and I am fine with that. He should be able to pull his weight without making the game a cakewalk.

I still need to update his gear for max starting gold, but otherwise he is good to go.

I am so happy to see this, you have no idea. And yes, our WotR characters are hilariously OP. Not sure exactly what kind of character I'll submit. Maybe a full arcane caster. I've never tried witch before, and I can see a desperate rebel making a deal with unknown entities in order to save her people.

This is Euan's submission.

My background and crunch can be seen in my alias. Let me know if you'd like me to explain anything, change anything, whatever. :) I might tweak my background a bit more, I’m not quite satisfied, but the bones are all there. I might also consider a drawback - I love traits. Thank you for the option.

I’ve GMed and Played on these boards for over ten years now and been in the D&D realm for over forty. I try to be an active and supportive player in every game. Please feel free to peruse my aliases and campaigns for more recent examples if you like.

If selected, I can also help with treasure tracking. I have a spreadsheet that I use in campaigns I'm in to help track that sort of thing so you don’t have to. You should be able to see a template of it here (link). I might be able to adapt it to the rebellion sheet too - if you don’t already have a system to track that.

I have a character already made for Hell's Rebels. I'll probably wipe the ganzi flavor, but mechanically they're pure tengu either way.

Protean Lord worshipping Pact Witch disguised as a worshipper of Asmodeus, with the contract skills to match (i.e. Linguistics being bumped as high as it can)

Oh, Calvie is a young actor trying to make a name for themselves in the city's theaters, and definitely making a name for themselves among the nightlife of the city. Really, that's it.

She was tricked into becoming an inquisitor of Calistria.


Calvie comes from a long line of spies, and was trained as such from childhood. Sadly, occasionally spies need to sneak away to a faraway land on a different continent to avoid the consequences of such a life. Their mother did so, choosing Cheliax as the kind of place where it might be profitable to trade in secrets. Her main cover is Calvie, an upcoming actor, as such a role allows her to mingle with a number of people at all social levels. Calvie is genderfluid and uses whatever pronouns people care to offer.

When Barzilai Thrune came to power, her mother was caught in an inconvenient identity and purged. Since then, Calvie has been looking for opportunities for revenge. Still, despite their grief, they still needed to keep up their identity. They may have indulged a bit more than usual in her grief and tried some strange euphoric gas. Somebody said is was concentrated Faerie Dragon Breath. In a strange state of mind, Calvie ran into a muscular gentleman calling out for Callie. She fell into his arms and corrected him, only to find that another woman was calling the man Caely. Something that they all found amusing. Still Callie told her that she wouldn't take poaching her date lightly and required Calvie to swear fealty to her to earn her forgiveness. Calvie did and they spent a pleasant evening together.

Waking up alone, they saw a note reminding them of their obligation and an odd barbed whip. Still feeling odd, Calvie found themselves with a head full of knowledge that shouldn't be. Their family had little talent for magic, but know they found themselves able to do strange tricks.

Yes, Calvie is a kitsune, but this is something she will keep secret at first. She appears human and has +18 to hold that disguise. She's not going to be very combat effective at first, but I may multiclass to help that at some point. However, she is going to be very useful on the social side.


Genderfluid Kitsune inquisitor (sanctified slayer, urban infiltrator) of Calistria 1
CN Medium humanoid (kitsune, shapechanger)
Init +3; Senses low-light vision; Perception +6
AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 12 (+3 Dex, +2 armor)
hp 10 (1d8+2)
Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +4
Speed 30 ft.
Melee dagger +3 (1d4/19-20) or
. . dagger +3 (1d4/19-20) or
. . dagger +3 (1d4/19-20) or
. . scorpion whip (aa) +3 (1d4)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with scorpion whip (aa))
Special Attacks studied target +1 (1st, move action)
Domain Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +3)
. . At will—lore keeper (18)
Inquisitor (Sanctified Slayer, Urban Infiltrator) Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +3)
. . 1st (2/day)—bless, cure light wounds
. . 0 (at will)—acid splash, detect magic, light, stabilize
. . Domain Knowledge
Str 10, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 14
Base Atk +0; CMB +3; CMD 13
Feats Agile Maneuvers, Realistic Likeness[ARG]
Traits diva in training, instigator of rebellion, secret keeper
Drawback betrayed
Skills Acrobatics +5, Bluff +8 (+11 when opposed by Sense Motive roll), Diplomacy +7 (+9 when gathering information), Disguise +8 (+18 circumstance to fool others with impersonation), Intimidate +8, Knowledge (nobility) +5, Perception +6, Perform (act) +7, Sense Motive +7, Stealth +7; Racial Modifiers +2 Acrobatics
Languages Common, Sylvan, Tien
SQ betrayed, change shape, fast shifter[ARG], finesse weapon attack attribute, gifted detective, stern gaze +1
Other Gear leather armor, dagger, dagger, dagger, scorpion whip (aa), reversible cloak[UE], 158 gp, 8 sp
Special Abilities
Agile Maneuvers Use DEX instead of STR for CMB
Betrayed When use Sense motive to gain hunch, roll twice (take low, can't reroll).
Change Shape (Human) (Su) Assume a single human form.
Fast Shifter (Su) Using your racial change shape ability is a move action instead of a standard action
Finesse Weapon Attack Attribute Finesse weapons use Dexterity on attack rolls.
Gifted Detective (Ex) Gathering information never takes an urban infiltrator more than 1 hour.
Inquisitor (Sanctified Slayer, Urban Infiltrator) Domain (Knowledge) Granted Powers: You are a scholar and a sage of legends. In addition, you treat all Knowledge skills as class skills.
Lore Keeper (At will) (Sp) By touch, learn about a creature with a Knowledge check result of 18.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
Realistic Likeness Change shape can mimic individuals you've met, gain a +10 bonus to Disguise to impersonate.
Stern Gaze +1 (Ex) +1 to Sense Motive and Intimidate.
Studied Target +1 (move action, 1 at a time) (Ex) Study foe as a Move action, gain +1 to att/dam & some skills vs. them.

Violant here!

Here's the previous submission for a different Hell's Rebel Campaign. I was originally going for a Witch/Cleric, but I decided to just go with Pure Witch for this version of the tengu... might decide to dip into the Proctor Prestige class if allowed, though the requirements are a bit wonky.


Bate Mael
??? Tengu [Ganzi] Witch [Pact Witch of the Maelstrom] 1
Chaotic Neutral, Medium, humanoid (tengu)
Init: +3; Senses: Low-light vision, Perception +3

AC: 14 T: 13, FF: 11 (+3 Dex, +1 Armor)
HP: 7 (1d6+1)
Fort: +0; Ref: +3; Will: +3

Speed: 30 20
... Light Crossbow +3 (1d8 P)
... Dagger -1 (1d4-1)

STR 8 + 0 = 8
DEX 14 + 2 = 16
CON 12 - 2 = 10
INT 16 + 0 = 16
WIS 10 + 2 = 12
CHA 14 + 0 = 14

BAB: +0, CMB: -1, CMD: 12
Feats: Skill Focus (Linguistics)
Traits: Without a Past, Pattern Seeker
Hexes: Evil Eye

Witch Spells Prepared
... 0th: Detect Magic, Touch of Fatigue, Detect Fiendish Presence
... 1st: CLW, Burning Hands
Languages: Common, Tengu; Elven, Halfling, Infernal; Jistkan, Protean

... Intimidate +6 (2[cha]+3[cs]+1[rnk])
... Knowledge (Arcana) +7 (3[int]+3[cs]+1[rnk])
... Knowledge (History) +7 (3[int]+3[cs]1[rnk])
... Knowledge (Planes) +7 (3[int]+3[cs]+1[rnk])
... Knowledge (Religion) +4 (3[int]+1[rnk])
... Linguistics (3[int]+3[cs]+4[race]+1[rnk]+3[familiar]+3[feat]) +17 [+1 to forge]
... Perception +3 (1[wis]+2[race])
... Spellcraft +7 (3[int]+3[cs]+1[rnk])
... Stealth +5 (3[dex]+2[race])

Other Gear:
... Witch's Kit
... Wooden Holy Symbol of Asmodeus (worn)
... Light Crossbow
... Dagger
... 30 bolts
... Haramaki
... 110gp

Lex The "Parrot" Familiar

Yes, you read that Linguistics Skill right. +17 Linguistics at level 1. +18 to forge documents.

I would love to throw my hat into the ring here.

But I have a quick question, GM. How would you run animal companions? Would investment into handle animal be necessary?

Just checking for skill diatribution purposes. Thank you.

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I was in the first game. Kintargo GM is an exceptional GM. If you're looking for an RP heavy game with a very attentive GM you def want to check this out.

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Hmmm, still working on the first cup of coffee, thought I'd start a list.

Zahir ibn Mahmoud ibn Jothan
The Raven Not sure if it's a dot, but it is a nice recomendation thank you!

Dots with ideas:
Veniir: A bard?
Suprevelo: a paladin character
Ouachitonian: Hellknight or vigilante?
Dragoncat: sword-Devil ranger
Linnea the Diviner: a full arcane caster

Posted Characters:
Robert Henry: Taldo the Tanner, male Human Bloodrager
eriktd: SeannonStarfall Female halfling Warsighted oracle (Desna)
Profession Smith 6 ranks. Jessibel L Aulamaxa Female Human Bard (Silver Balladeer)
Supreveio: Rill Ozeanschild Female Human Paladin of Ylimancha
Andrea1: Beorn The Divine Male 1/2 Orc Bard(Chelish Diva)
Aldizog: Saquiel Male Human Cavalier (Ghost Rider)
Euan: Ulisse de Fiedricis Male Human Warpriest
Philo Pharynx: Calvie Genderfluid Kitsune inquisitor (sanctified slayer, urban infiltrator) of Calistria
Violant: Bate Mael ??? Tengu [Ganzi] Witch [Pact Witch of the Maelstrom]

If I've missed anyone, or gotten information wrong, please let me know and I will fix the information on my next update.

Kintargo GM, I've listed the applicants in order of appearance. If you have a preferred list style or breakdown, like class or BAB, please let me know. Oh, and Euan's right, his 'tracking spreadsheet' is awesome.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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I am interested and may submit my tiefling counterfeit mage rogue. (I reserve the right to change my mind on exact character.)

Due to a recent kerfuffle, I feel it best to post an about me/disclaimer:

I am an experienced player who generally can post once a day to every two days. I will communicate when I can't post or if I have concerns that can be easily resolved through civil discussion. I can point to prior GMs and players who can vouch for me as a player if needed.

I've also gotten into disagreements with some GMs--and left games as a result--over one of two issues:
1. I advocate for player agency; save for obvious circumstances (consented-to botting, mind control), players should describe their own PCs' actions, feelings, and reactions, and others shouldn't write those things for them.
2. Given we are in a public global forum full of strangers, I do not wish my PCs to engage in scenarios involving flirtation, propositions, romance, affectionate or intimate touching, sex, abuse, or harassment. If someone *really* wants to go in that direction, I ask they speak to me first out of character before posting it IC.

If you think either of these things would be cause for concern in your campaign, please let me know not to apply.

(I've also left games when a character just isn't clicking, but would communicate about that well beforehand.)

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I'm always surprised at how many and how quickly submissions come in, but I never really ought to be. Welcome, folks!

And thanks for your praise, Raven - I enjoyed running that game, for all that things came up.

Now for the feedback, as I'm able:

Ouachitonian: Sounds good to me! Milanites and vigilantes are, indeed, perfect for this AP.

Eriktd: Seannon's mother seems like an aasimar, which is neat, but doesn't need to have been, which is also useful. Good potential ties to the Bellflower Network, who do play something of a role in this AP, and of course, halflings are quite common in Cheliax. Seems good at first glance!

Jessibel: Welcome back! I do remember Jessi with fondness, so I'll look forwards to seeing what you do with her again in this round.

Dragoncat: Good to see you again, too! Look forwards to seeing what Nyxra's got going on this time.

Supreveio: Ooh, Ylimancha. I played a shaman who worshipped her briefly. I was almost expecting a Chosen One archetype with the brief description, but it works! And that's exactly what I think the writers were thinking of vis-a-vis the Order of the Torrent. Also, that drawback is definitely an invitation to bring in family, so that'll be fun... Looks good!

Beorn: Lady Declour is certainly going to play a part in the AP (eventually), so having someone with ties to her would be interesting. And of course, the opera is a large part of it, as well.

Saquiel: Ghost Rider's a really neat archetype. All sorts of vibes you can go for there, so I appreciate the interest in it. Native Kintargan, Iomedaean... there's plenty of promise here! Also swarms. I don't think there are any swarms in the first leg of the AP, but I might include them especially for him if he gets selected.

Linnea: You're telling me. -_- I joke. Mostly. Witches are popular, looks like, but full casters are fun in my experience.

Ulisse de Fiedricis: Oh, I totally stole copied a treasure sheet that another player made for one of my other games, but I'm totally open to using a different one if you come on in. I definitely appreciate the help (I have so many things to juggle, it's sometimes hard to remember them, even without the loot.) A warpriest of Erastil, and a scion of Jhaltero? Hm... I forget whether you need the campaign trait to take the specific Kintargan Noble Scion feat. I know that if you take the campaign trait, you're a general noble without the Noble Scion feat...? Regardless, he looks interesting!

Philo: Looks interesting! Calistria is, as I sort of alluded to in the open, somewhat important in the AP - albeit mostly tangentially. Still, I think they'd fit right in. I don't have a lot else to say there. xD

Bate: Look at that Linguistics bonus... Actually, code-breaking is kind of important in the first book of the AP, and maybe to the next step as well? But it requires a couple of languages that Bate doesn't have at the moment. As for the Proctor prestige class, I think we could probably see a higher-powered evil outsider try to tempt Bate with power or the like. It'd be something to discuss, at any rate.

NotEspi: I'd say that Handle Animal would be useful in doing animal companions, but not essential? I don't have any plans for them that are outside of RAW, but I'm definitely open to changing things a bit if that isn't fun or slows down posts considerably for whatever reasons.

Robert Henry: Thanks, I appreciate it! That's fine as is.

DeathQuaker: I promise that I will not force your character to engage in any romantic or sexual interactions. I do sometimes tell my players how their characters feel, but that's always because there's an external factor pressing on them, whether from mechanics or something else more story-based. I also typically roll a lot of things for my players - saves, spellcraft to identify magical items, etc., in pursuit of keeping things moving. I don't think that's what you're talking about, but I felt I ought to be open with that.

Yeah, I picked the languages that felt most important (and Jistkan because obedience), but as long as it doesn't happen at 1st level, they can pick up languages as needed since they get two per level up as a Tengu.

If you need to satisfy the Protean requirement all that's needed is a little fudging of the familiar's CR. :)

Twice I've been in this AP. Both times it died. I'd love to see it to completion. Both times I ran a tiefling vigilante...maybe that was the issue?

Going to put forward a build that has been bouncing in my head for awhile now. A dwarven veiled blade swashbuckler!

Now for a rules question: Swashbucklers gain weapon finesse from their class, but this feat no longer exists with elephant in the room. Could I swap it for Weapon Focus Battleaxe? The plan is to make use of this:

FCB: Add ¼ to the swashbuckler’s effective class level to determine the extra damage she deals because of the precise strike deed when wielding a light pick or a heavy pick. If the swashbuckler has the Slashing Grace feat or another similar effect, she can treat the battleaxe or handaxe as a one-handed piercing melee weapon, and she gains this benefit when wielding the appropriate weapon for the feat as well."

And as a rules question...would it be possible to use the above FCB with a dwarven maulaxe? Same stats as a battleaxe, only it can be used as a blunt weapon (which would lose slashing grace) and a slashing weapon. I like the idea of her disguising her axe as being part of her tools as a smith, and pulling the disguise off when combat breaks out.

The idea of going swashbuckler like this is to have a character which can easily blend in when walking around town and who can keep her weapon hidden. This disguise of the weapon is what leads into veiled blade.

Basic Build:

Name: Ghorza Thursisdottir

Race: Dwarf
* Slow and steady
* Darkvision
* Stability
* Craftsman: Dwarves are known for their superior craftsmanship when it comes to metallurgy and stonework. Dwarves with this racial trait receive a +2 racial bonus on all Craft or Profession checks related to metal or stone. This racial trait replaces greed.
* Stoic Negotiator: Some dwarves use their unwavering stubbornness to get what they want in negotiations and other business matters. They gain a +2 racial bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Profession (merchant) checks. This racial trait replaces defensive training, hatred, and stonecunning.
* Weapon Familiarity

Str: 13 (Even with a dex build and a 20pt buy, a dwarf needs some strength!)
Dex: 16
Con: 14
Int: 10
Wis: 14
Cha: 11

Lvl 1: Weapon Finesse (EitR), Power Attack (EitR), Weapon Focus (Battleaxe), Slashing Grace (Battle Axe), Quickdraw (class)

* Diplomacy (+8) Bluff (+8) Perception (+8) Sense Motive (+8)

Background Skills:
* Craft Weapons (+8) * Sleight of Hand (+7/+5)

* Lamellar Leather (60)
* Buckler (5)
* Battleaxe (10) / or 15 Maulaxe
* Fighter's Kit (9)
* MS smith tools (50)
* Gold (14)

Class: Veiled Blade Swashbuckler
* Vengeful Heart (Ex): Some swashbucklers are driven by vengeance above all else. At 1st level, the swashbuckler gains the samurai’s resolve class feature, treating her swashbuckler level as her samurai level. Whenever the swashbuckler spends a use of resolve, she must also spend a point of panache or a use of charmed life, or the use of resolve has no effect. This deed replaces the derring-do deed and Dodging Panache.
* Quick Draw (Ex): At 1st level, whenever she has at least 1 panache point, a veiled blade gains the benefits of the Quick Draw feat. This deed replaces the swashbuckler’s opportune parry and riposte deed.

Background to be written later. But the basics are a hardworking smith whose shop has been closed and seized for the worship of a proscribed deity (Torag). Between losing her shop, and having near all of her assets seized due to taxes (official and non-official) as well as fines, she is destitute and filled with anger at the government.

Also taking the Vengeful Heart option, because it just *feels* dwarven to have resolve and to have it be based around vengeance.

While this isn't the most optimal character (20pt buy, no racial bonus to dex, negative to cha, and slow and steady is wasted). But I like the concept and I think that she more or less comes around to be good enough.

Kintargo GM wrote:
Ulisse de Fiedricis: Oh, I totally stole copied a treasure sheet that another player made for one of my other games, but I'm totally open to using a different one if you come on in. I definitely appreciate the help (I have so many things to juggle, it's sometimes hard to remember them, even without the loot.) A warpriest of Erastil, and a scion of Jhaltero? Hm... I forget whether you need the campaign trait to take the specific Kintargan Noble Scion feat. I know that if you take the campaign trait, you're a general noble without the Noble Scion feat...? Regardless, he looks interesting!

My understanding is that I can take the feat if I have a high enough Charisma - at least according to the players guide.

Players Guide wrote:
Prerequisites: Charisma 13 or Child of Kintargo trait, must be taken at 1st level.

I have a Charisma of 14. However, if you want me to take the Child of Kintargo trait to fully vest myself, I'm fine with that too.

I see Ulisse as an outcast of sorts from his family - not due to the usual reasons, but just because he spent so much time with his flock and the other shepherds, rather than on family politics.

In case it's not obvious - you may of course use this treasure sheet if you wish regardless of my involvement in the campaign. If I am selected, I'll track the loot and fill bits of it out. :)

Grumbaki: Hm. Sure, I don't mind you swapping for weapon focus battleaxe, nor do I particularly mind if you use it for the dwarven maulaxe. I think with your stat setup, it's not going to be a huge concern if it would normally break things (subject to possible change if it does end up un-fun). As for the background... there is another dwarven smith who is in Old Kintargo, so it's possible they were competitors or the like, and we could use that as a possible plot hook.

Ulisse: That's... entirely reasonable. Go for it, then! And yes, I appreciate the offer of help, and will absolutely take you up on that if you get chosen!

Thank you. And if anything in my build stands out to you as being unfair/not fun I’ll gladly change it.

As for the smith, who is it? Having an NPC tie in sounds great. I’ll incorporate that into the background.

The dwarf in question goes by Olmer - he doesn't share his surname, generally. If you check the link reading "Kintargo" at the top of the page, his smithy (called, creatively, Olmer's Smithy) is O9 on the map.

Hi, this is my submission. A quick comment, though. I am travelling all the month of December, so my access to the forums is limited and unreliable. Starting January, however, I will be back home and perfectly capable of keeping up with your required posting rate.

Character concept:

Who he is
Nory is a bard that came from nothing in Kintargo. He started his acting career hoping to become an opera diva, but he discovered fairly quickly that he participates in politics talks more often than performing. He is grateful to be in a place where the arts are blooming, but he cannot fathom turning a blind eye to what is happening there.

Party role
Out of combat
I feel no remorse in trading out Inspire Courage with the archetype. I am going for bard (Negotiator), which focuses on being a party face with full force. Trading out Versatile Performer for Rogue tricks is my favorite part of this, since I'll go for those extremely fun sounding tricks that empower social skills, such as rolling social skills twice or the one that allows you to heckle someone's story (Obfuscate Story).
This also means that Knowledge skills will not be thoroughly covered by Nory, since he trades out Bardic Knowledge.

In combat
Analogously to out of combat, in combat Nory will mess with people's heads. He'll focus on Enchanting and Illusion spells. The Fast Talk bardic performance (which replaces inspire courage) makes sure that Nory's DC stays up to par with full casters and their superior spell levels. It also empowers such spell casters.

Character sheet:

Nory Kaar
Male Human Bard (Negotiator) 1
CG Medium humanoid
Init +2; Senses Perception +5
Fav class Bard
Fav class bonus +1 hit point
AC 13, touch 12, flat-footed 11 (+1 Armor, +2 Dex)
hp 9 (8 (lvl 1 bard) + 1 (1 * 1 FC bonus))
Fort +0, Ref +4, Will +3 (+2 vs fear)
Speed 30 ft.
Melee -
Ranged crossbow +2 (1d8/19-20x2)
Concentration: +7
DC: 14 + Spell Level
Spells known (slots)
Cantrips (-): Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand
1st level (2): Charm Person, Color Spray
Bardic performance
Uses per day: 8

Counterargument (Su)
Distraction (Su)
Fascinate (Su)
Fast Talk (Su)
Other abilities and SQ
Hard Bargainer: A negotiator adds half his class level (minimum 1) on Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Knowledge (local), and Sense Motive checks.
Str 8, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 19
Base Atk +0; CMB -1; CMD 11
Traits Desperate Focus, Gifted Satirist (campaign)
Reason for participating in the protest: Staying up on current events
Feats Lingering Performance, Precise Shot
Armor check penalty: 0
Skills Diplomacy Bluff +9, Diplomacy +9, Disguise +8, Intimidate +9, Knowledge (local) +6, Perception +5, Sense Motive +6, Stealth +6
Background skills Linguistics +6, Perform (comedy) +8
Languages Common, Infernal, Elven
Common items
Leather armor, Crossbow, Backpack, Bedroll, Chalk x 10, Belt pouch, Hemp rope, Sewing needle, Soap, Waterskin
Alchemical items
Acid (flask) x2, Alchemist's fire x2, Thunderstone
Money left:
gp - 39
sp - 2
cp - 9


Nory has never known his parents. He could be the son of a couple of vagabonds as well as an illegitimate child from one of the nobles that was discarded. Over his childhood, he has learned that dwelling on his parents leads to nowhere. Instead, he learned to consider Kintargo his family.

He makes friends easily and having a quick wit and tongue, Nory found himself participating in the city's arts scene from an early age. He made a joint act with Sarah, a girl much younger than him, but matches his sharp tongue, sometimes surpassing him. The two learned to make coin performing on the street at the expense of anyone, including people present, prominent figures or even each other.

Being a city of artists, the competition for the spotlight is indeed very cruel. Nory soon found that he had little chance in accomplishing his dream of becoming one of the city's greatest. He often found himself discussing with Sarah how unfair it was that luck and birth mattered more than skill and talent. Sarah's brother Vini, a Shelynite, always discussed with Nory about this. He disagreed with the duo's act and political tone. Vini wanted them to perform more for the sake of the performance, instead of social discourse.

And so, Nory finds himself discussing politics very often, and likes to practice his discourse with Sarah, often leaving her brother out. Of course, as things escalated, he found himself needing to stay up to date with what was happening, so he must participate in the protest to see things happening in real time.

Leather armour is +2 armor for what it's worth, Veniir!

Character is built. I put in something of a build plan, so you can see how the character will advance and so that there won't be any surprises. I'll clean up the profile so that it looks better, but for now everything should be there.

The one thing that I'd point out is that her damage will steadily ramp up (swashbuckler's get precision damage equal to their level, weapon specialization via their bonus feats, and weapon training). So eventually her damage will be up there with two-handed damage dealers.


Once, Ghorza owned her own smithy in Old Kintargo. She had moved to the city, knowing that her skills as a smith were more than satisfactory by human standards, but did not truly stand out among her people. Rather than scraping by, surrounded by unwinnable competition, she sought richer mines by opening shop in Kintargo.

Her shop, 'Mountain's Edge', was one building among the many mix of industries, warehouses and shop. There, she was a competitor to Vespam Artisans and Olmer's Smithy. Unable to compete with Olmer's skills as a smith, or the sheer variety that could be found at Vespam's, she instead specialized in the crafting of weapons. Swords, bows, and her specialty, axes; she got by as a specialty store. In this, it was an unspoken truth between her and Olmer that he was the better smith, and that her business mostly came from those who wanted quality dwarven made craft but who didn't want to deal with Olmert's surliness. While she never admitted this, she saw him as someone to measure herself to, and was determined to not only reach his level, but to surpass him. Of course, she never said this to him, nor did he acknowledge it. But she believed that he knew, and that under his gruffness he enjoyed the competition and having a younger dwarf striving to match him. As the years went by, all of the other smithies in Old Kintargo had moved away, going to either Jarvis End or Yolubilis Harbor. But Ghorza was too stubborn to move, especially as Olmer refused to budge and she was unwilling to break when he wasn't.

Her fortune turned when there was an opportunity to earn a contract supplying the Kintargo Dottari. Sadly, for her, it was not for the better. Believing in their reputation as being somewhat lax with the city laws, she thought that the Dottari were loose with enforcing the city's laws. What she hadn't taken into consideration was Lord-Mayor Barzillai Thrune and his effect on the guards. For when negotiating the contract, it was discovered that inside her workshop was a subtle shrine to Torag, the head of the dwarven pantheon and the deity of artisans.

What followed was nothing short of a calamity. Not only was the contract lost, but fines upon fines were levied upon her. After a stint in prison for the worship of an outlawed deity, she returned to her shop to find that while imprisoned she had missed the deadline to appear in court for various laws and rules from which violations had been found. By the time she had finished navigating Kintargo's legal system, the only way to satisfy the many, many debts that had accrued during her prison sentence was for the city to confiscate her shop, her house, and nearly all of her possessions. In short, she was left homeless and destitute. All that she still had to her name was the clothes on her back, whatever tools she could carry, and her grandfather's axe.

Filled with seething anger for how Thrune had so unjustly ripped everything she had worked and strived for away, she decided to join the protests that were gathering against his regime. Arriving at the Aria Park protest, she was determined to make her voice be heard.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Well, I'll be! This feels quite comfortable. Pleased to find plenty of friends about Kintargo!

Welcome back, Kintargo GM! Good to see the Raven, rapping, rapping at my chamber door.

I am thinking of an Illusionist Wizard.....

I am a fan of Cheliaxian lore!

Thank you for running!

I read through the Player's Guide, and now I'm torn. A sorcerer would be far more useful in the Rebellion subsystem. But I like the storytelling possibilities of an ordinary person who went "I have to do something to help my friends, but what? Guess it's time to break out the stupidly dangerous ritual I found to contact Beings From Beyond and sell my soul for arcane power!". Plus somebody has to make the Knowledge checks.

Hmmm, I'm very tempted to make a tengu witch, possibly beast-bonded or jinx witch, but I *have* played through all of Hell's Rebels before so it feels like I should let people who haven't played it play.

I've participated in Hell's Rebels twice so far, both times with the same character and neither has seen the AP to completion. So I'll try once more, with a new character this time.

Short Summary:

Ginetta Cicerdos is a half-elf vigilante. Hiding behind a pretty face full of innocence, that she's happy to let people underestimate, she's working to locate a paramour who vanished in her youth who's dream was to join the Silver Ravens. Under the guise of Rose Nightfall, she's been making a name for herself as a thorn in the side of local bullies and street toughs.

Full Background and crunch to follow.

Tambry here is my character submission. She's a Tiefling who grew up and still lives in the Devil's Nursery section of Kintargo.

Tambry is an Empiricist Investigator who will take a 1 level dip into Inspired Blade Swashbuckler even with EitR because feats are precious and it will still speed up getting dex to damage.

Aside from gear and editing for mistakes, all Tambry's information is in her profile.

Quick Tambry Intro:
Without parents, Tambry was often shifted from one place to another while growing up. She turned out to be quite clever and learned a little in each place, which eventually amounted to knowing a lot. Tambry dabbled in crime for a while, but quit all that when she was introduced to Nocticula the Redeemed's new religion, which was beginning to spread in the Devil's Nursery. Now she has several part-time gigs for earning a living. One of them is low cost (sometimes charitable) detective work. Tambry will look into murders, disappearances, and other crimes that the Kintargo's dottari won't bother to investigate in such a poor and neglected neighborhood.

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I too have been in a Hell's Rebels game about 7 years ago that died before it really got going, so of COURSE I'm gonna apply!

I'm debating whether to refurbish my character from that game, Berenice Bluethistle (halfling vanguard slayer angling for Bellflower Tiller later) or start from scratch with a different halfling, a vivisectionist alchemist multiclassing into wizard for Arcane Trickster later. Will sleep on it and see if I can reach a decision in the morning!

I've got a character I made up for a home game that petered out - he's actually mostly already in line with the rules. It looks like we're a bit light on skill mavens, so I'll be submitting an unchained rogue to help to as great a degree as I can. Trait explanations are below - I'll try to get RP samples up within the next week or so.

Bruising Intellect - His father Volio, a very astute man in his own right, was a minor community leader of sorts in the Devil's Nursery area. During several low points in Kintargo's recent history, some of the regulars in his tavern were very vocal about their desire to form mobs and drive out the dottari, but Volio was generally able to cow them with intelligent rhetoric. As a child, Siviro watched his father enforce moderation using his intellect, and he learned how to get others to back down from a confrontation with judiciously applied intellect rather than force of personality.
Underling - Siviro spent a great deal of his youth navigating the rudimentary politics of Kintargo's streets - among dottari, he pretended to be a loyalist, among gangs, he pretended to be a gang member, and among Asmodeans, he pretended to be one of the faithful. His position as a servant has only exacerbated this - most tend to overlook him, and he has worked hard to keep it that way.
Urban Sleuth (Professor Mangvhune) - Siviro's brother was killed by one of the Temple Hill Slasher's twisted admirers, and since then, he has worked to determine what made Professor Mangvhune go mad in the first place, in the belief that the killings are part of some sort of demonic ritual.
Coward - Siviro has always been smaller and weaker than those around him, and the other children frequently tormented him as a child. Now grown, he presents a facade of confidence, but under the surface, he lives in fear.

Reason For Attendance:
Tagging Along - Siviro didn't initially want to attend the protest, but when he found out that a member of the noble family that employed him planned to attend, he followed in the hopes of keeping her (and his source of income) out of trouble.

Silver Crusade

Adolina is a Kintargo native and it is a continuing source of frustration to her how her city never seems to be properly saved! So she's going to follow the old adage and decide that, since she wants the job done properly, she has to do it herself!

I'm still working out the outlines of character, fluff and mechanics but she's definitely a Mastermind Investigator and Noble Scion of the Jhaltero noble house (the clue's in the name!).

A noble born and bred she should be naturally confident but much prefers to lead from the back, cozily ensconced among her families network of informants and spies. She'd have an almost vigilante-like disconnect between her 'social' self - the young, unmarried noble who flirts, dances and can fence a bit and her 'mastermind' side - the classic spymaster who sits behind the light with it shining in your eyes.

More details to come.

@RavenGM - can I get a ruling on how these stack?

Questioner, Inspiration for Subterfuge wrote:

A questioner can use inspiration on any Knowledge, Linguistics, or Stealth checks he attempts without expending a use of inspiration, provided he’s trained in that skill.

This ability alters inspiration.


Mastermind, Mastermind's Inspiration wrote:
A mastermind can use inspiration on Diplomacy and Intimidate checks without expending a use of inspiration, but can’t do so for Linguistics or Spellcraft checks.

If you'd allow both archetypes on the same character I assume that Knw, Stealth, Dip and Intim would all get free inspiration and Linguistics wouldn't because Mastermind says not.

If that's considered too good I'd be happy to give up Inspiration for Subterfuge, or Questioner entirely. I just like bard spellcasting more than alchemy for this character which is why I'm looking at the Questioner archetype.

Alright, everyone, my entry for this would be Yassen the Turncoat - a dromaar inquisitor of Iomedae, formerly a hellknight armiger that found a conscience and is looking for his contact at the protest.

Very much a frontline fellow, sword and board, some party buffs and scare tactics for the opposition at a later point.

If something seems off, let me know, and I'll look into it.

That being said - Good luck, everyone, and see you at the finish line!


Yassen was born near Pezzack, into a family steeped in military tradition. His father, Yavor Cragtooth, had ascended through the military ranks before meeting Yassen's mother, Viatrix Aiello, a Hellknight Paralictor of formidable reputation. Naturally, their beloved child was steered toward a similar path. Inspired by tales of valor and adventure, Yassen eagerly embraced the idea of following in their footsteps. His training began humbly, progressing from wooden sticks to dull blades, and finally to an old sword once wielded by Yavor himself.

When Yassen came of age, he was drafted into the military—a moment of great pride for his parents. True to Chelish tradition, subtle indoctrination was woven into his education. He studied the storied victories of House Thrune, marveling at their cunning strategies that crushed the "cowardly" Davians during the Civil War. Yassen also found himself nudged toward the Asmodean faith, though he never truly considered himself a man of religion. Secretly, however, he devoured tales of a different kind of hero—the exploits of Cheliax's most famous knight, whose name was scarcely spoken: Iomedae. Once a Chelish soldier, she had joined the Shining Crusade and led the Knights of Ozem against the great evils of Ustalav. Valor, honor, justice—what more could a man aspire to? Surely, his parents would be proud. Right?

"I'm just studying strategy," he would claim when caught with redacted history books from the library. The excuse seemed to suffice. With military training behind him, Yassen decided to join the Hellknights, reasoning that unlike the state military, they wouldn't force him to kneel in prayer. Yassen, my sweet summer child...

Viatrix used her influence to expedite his acceptance into the Order of the Chain, securing a coveted position as an Armiger. At last, Yassen could do some tangible good in the world: capturing brigands and bandits, bringing them to trial. Or so he thought. The reality was harsher. The Chain’s missions often extended beyond outlaws to entire streets, cut down or "interrogated" based on whispers of harboring fugitives. Yassen often found himself standing guard while his superiors worked the "truth" out of suspects. "It's all for the greater good," he would whisper to himself in his tent, preparing his bedroll. "Lest we descend into lawlessness." Then he would open his books, seeking inspiration to be better.

Years passed, yet Yassen was never called to slay his devil and formally join the ranks of the Hellknights. During his leaves, his mother would ask about his progress. He had no answers. Frustrated, Viatrix promised to investigate. What she uncovered sparked a tense, emotional confrontation. "You are a good soldier, but you lack conviction," she said, reading from the response she had received. "Nobody has seen you venerate the Archfiend." Yassen had never realized this was a condition, but he vowed to try harder.

The opportunity soon presented itself. The Order received intelligence about a Bellflower Tiller—one Hene Vuisep, said to be operating in Whiterock. Eager to prove his devotion, Yassen volunteered for the mission. Arriving in the quiet town, he prowled its streets night after night, eyes sharp for suspicious activity. One night, he spotted a man fitting Vuisep's description leading a group of halflings through the shadows toward the river. Yassen followed the tracks for hours, trudging through the muddy banks of the Yolubilis until he reached a cave.

Inside, the scene was almost serene: Vuisep ladling soup into bowls for a group of exhausted halflings, many of them children. Yassen froze, torn between duty and conscience. He knew what he was supposed to do. But was it the right thing?

"Citizens..." Yassen’s voice rang out, calm yet commanding, as he stepped into the firelight in his distinctive armiger plates. The cave fell silent, save for the clatter of a ladle dropping into the soup pot. Vuisep moved swiftly, placing himself between the Hellknight and the group. "Just my slaves taking a dinner break, sir," he said, his tone a careful blend of deference and falsehood.

Yassen raised an eyebrow. "At four in the morning?"

Vuisep hesitated. "Yes, sir. Summer days are hot. We avoid heatstroke by working at night. Quotas must be met."

Yassen chuckled softly. "That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard, Mr. Vuisep. Do you have paperwork, at least?"

With trembling hands, Vuisep presented a set of documents. Yassen skimmed them, noting inconsistencies, but he reached for his ring to stamp them nonetheless. "Carry on," he said, handing the papers back. "But be quick about it. You're not as sneaky as you think."

Relief flooded Vuisep's face, but the tension in the cave remained thick. Yassen broke the silence. "Where are you headed?"

"Nisroch Bay. Kintargo," Vuisep replied after a moment, his voice barely above a whisper.

The armiger chuckled again, a hint of warmth breaking through his stoicism. "Can I come?"



Lawful Good Medium Half-Orc Sanctified Slayer Inquisitor 1;
Init 2; Senses Darkvision; Perception: +6

AC 19, touch 12, flat-footed 17
HP 10

Fort 5, Ref 3, Will 5

Speed 20 ft. (30 w/o armor)

Melee Longsword +4 (1d8+4 19-20)
Melee Dagger +4 (1d4+4 19-20)

Ranged Dagger +2 (1d4+4 19-20) / Throw

Inquisitor spells known (CL 1; concentration +3)
1st (2/day)- Cure Light Wounds (DC 13); Keep Watch (DC 13);

0th (at will)- Detect Magic (DC 12); Light (DC 12); Mending (DC 12); Oath of Anonymity (DC 12); Stabilize (DC 12);


Str 18, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 9, Wis 14, Cha 7
Base Atk + +0; CMB +4; CMD 16

Divine Fighting Technique


Charm of Wisdom
Monster Lore
Stern Gaze
Studied Target

Domains: Conversion Inquisition
Inquisitor Favored Weapon: Longsword
Divine Fighting Techniques: Inspiring Sword;

Bluff +6
Intimidate +9
Knowledge (history) +0
Knowledge (nobility) +0
Knowledge (religion) +3
Perception +6
Sense Motive +7


Belt Pouch
Spell Component Pouch

Mess Kit
Flint and Steel

Scroll case x3

Outfit (Traveler's)

Light Steel Shield


Rations, Trail x3

Money: 48.25 GP

Adolina d'Jhaltera wrote:
If that's considered too good I'd be happy to give up Inspiration for Subterfuge, or Questioner entirely. I just like bard spellcasting more than alchemy for this character which is why I'm looking at the Questioner archetype.

Yes, Alchemy can be a pain in the rear to track. If I'm specifically playing an alchemist, it's good. But as an add-on to another complex character, I'd pass as well.

I'd like to submit Isabelle D'Sarini, the anarchist arcanist, for consideration.

I envision Isabelle as somewhat of a spoiled rich kid who's been disowned by her family and is acting out more to stick it in their eye than out of any real motivation to join a rebellion. Her parents sent her to the Egorian Academy in the hopes that the discipline needed to summon devils would curb her wild side... it didn't. After graduation she returned home and began dating, much to her parent's dismay (which was the whole point), a boy from the wrong side of town. This is the straw that broke the camel's back and her parents cut her off and as such she is currently living in the city proper rather than on the Sarini estate. She finds herself in Aria park looking for her boyfriend when the whole thing kicks off.

As an aside I used the 200 gp bonus from the Noble Scion feat and purchased a psuedodragon. The goal is to take the Familiar exploit as my 7th level exploit as well as taking the Improved Familiar feat at 7th level and converting Valarithyx, Vala for short, into my familiar, if she lives that long. Until then she is just a family pet who will be a non-entity more often than not.

Temporally appropriate greetings, everyone. Time for responses!

Veniir: Negotiator looks fascinating - I've never seen it played before, and I don't know if I've even read it over before. With regards to enchantment and illusion spells, I will warn you that in my previous Hell's Rebels game, one of my players played a witch with similar emphasis, but struggled - largely because of aberrantly high rolls, but I thought I should point it out. Also, I think a fair few early enemies aren't humanoids, so you may want to take that into account when selecting spells. Other than that, I like the background and build, so looks good to me!

Ghorza: Minor notes: Barzillai only took power a week ago at game start, so he's very new to the whole Lord-Mayor of Kintargo thing. It doesn't disqualify your bit with the dottari, but it's something to keep in mind. Also, I do love the chance for older characters who can remember more overall of Thrune's reign (and possibly even more, for elves). Other than that, I like it!

Dorian: Thanks! I'm glad to be returning to Kintargo after such a long time. An illusionist, huh... I don't think I've ever played with one of those before, so that sounds neat!

Linnea: You could do the Seducer witch archetype for the Charisma casting stat, but that has a whole bunch of baggage you may or may not want to deal with. Beyond that, I am okay with either!

Almonihah: More tengu and more witches! Sounds fun. That being said, I do hear you - if you don't feel comfortable taking a seat from someone who hasn't played, I understand completely.

Itzi: I like what I've seen so far!

Tambry: Looks good to me. I love the Nocticula as a Redeemer Queen bit, so carry on.

I wrote up a bunch more and then accidentally quit my browser. I'll respond to the rest later today.

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