CG large city
Government: Overlord (formerly autocracy)
Population: 11,900
Corruption: +0;
Crime: -2;
Economy: -1;
Law: +4;
Lore: +0;
Society: -2
Danger: +20
Corruption: All Bluff checks made against the dottari, the Chelish Citizens’ Group, or members of the church of Asmodeus and all Stealth checks made outdoors within the city walls gain no bonus.
Crime: All Sense Motive checks to avoid being bluffed and Sleight of Hand checks made to pick pockets take a –2 penalty.
Economy: All Craft, Perform, and Profession checks to generate income take a –1 penalty.
Law: All Intimidate checks made to force someone to act friendly, Diplomacy checks against government officials, and Diplomacy checks to call the city guard gain a +4 bonus.
Lore: All Diplomacy checks made to gather information and Knowledge checks made using city resources to do research while using a library gain no bonus.
Society: All Disguise checks and all Diplomacy checks made to alter the attitude of a non-government official take a –2 penalty.
Danger: +20 to all random encounter table rolls and Rebellion event rolls, violence is commonplace on the streets.
Qualities: academic, cultured, defiant, rumormongering citizens, strategic location
Disadvantage: Martial law
Cultured: Kintargo is well known for its culture of artistry, particularly among actors, musicians, and patrons of the opera. (Law –1, Society +1; always counts as a prosperous city for the purposes of Perform checks)
Defiant: The citizens of Kintargo have a natural predilection for free thinking that borders on
rebellious action. (Law –1, Society +1)
Martial Law: As long as Kintargo remains under martial law, a 9:00 P.M. to 6:00 A.M. curfew is in effect. Additionally, as long as the citizens must follow the edicts and proclamations put in place by House Thrune, the city stifles and suffers. (Corruption –4, Crime –2, Economy –4, Law +2, Lore –4, Society –4; Danger +10; halve all values for Marketplace entries)