Fort +2, Ref +5 Will +2
Speed 30'
Melee +3 (finesse)
Ranged +3
Str 10, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 11, Cha 10
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 15
Looking For Your Idol:
Looking for Your Idol: As a city built on arts and performances, it’s no surprise that many of the most famous entertainers and performers to come out of Cheliax rose to prominence in the city of Kintargo. Since Barzillai Thrune took over the city, though, Kintargo’s atmosphere has grown increasingly oppressive, and not just because the new lord-mayor closed down the opera house to make it his home. With a curfew now in place and guards patrolling the streets in greater numbers than ever before, catching a glimpse of a favorite idol has become difficult at best. In your case, you’ve long admired a specific famous Kintargan (see the Star Struck trait on page 12 for a sample list of famous Kintargans). This person’s been conspicuously absent from the public eye over the past week, so when you heard a rumor that the object of your infatuation (or perhaps obsession) might be in attendance at the Aria Park protest, you made a point of attending. You realize that this rumor is most likely a false one, but what if it’s not? You can’t miss the chance to see your idol in person! You gain a +2 bonus on all Perception and Sense Motive checks made during the protest itself.
Star Struck (Campaign):
Growing up in Kintargo, it’s hard not to become obsessed with one of the city’s celebrities. There are so many to choose from, and they’re all so glamorous, rich, and successful! Wouldn’t it be amazing to, perhaps some day, meet one of them? Or even better, to be a Kintargan celebrity yourself? Your interest in one of Kintargo’s celebrities could be completely benign, with the NPC acting as a muse, inspiration, or role model for you that you used to guide many life choices leading you to this day. Or perhaps your interest is more akin to an obsession, in which you hope to some day live a life like that you imagine your idol lives, or perhaps even to some day meet and become friends (or perhaps more than friends) with your idol. Keep in mind, though, that sometimes a celebrity’s public persona and real personality are two very different things, and if some day you were to meet your idol, you might be surprised at the truth! That said, the fact that, by all accounts, your idol has been missing since House Thrune instituted martial law has you worried; you hope he or she is all right! The fact that all five of the local legends listed below have been rumored to have ties to the Silver Ravens further concerns you, considering how that group seems to have been particularly targeted by Barzillai Thrune’s agents over the past week. The fate of all five of these Kintargan icons will be revealed at some point during the Hell’s Rebels Adventure Path, but keep in mind that some of those fates might not be pleasant discoveries for you!
You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (local) checks. Pick one of the following celebrities with which to be obsessed. Each celebrity is associated with a particular ability score. Once per day, you can draw on your inspiration from your icon when you are about to attempt a skill check modified by that ability score. When you do so, roll the check twice and take the better of the two results as your actual result.
Strea Vestori (female tiefling; Dexterity): Strea is often regarded as the face of the slums known as the Devil’s Nursery. As Kintargo’s most outspoken and public tiefling citizen and leader of the Cloven Hoof Society, she has nearly as many admirers as she has political enemies in Cheliax.
Student of Philosophy (Social):
You were trained in a now defunct philosophical tradition—such as that of the now destroyed Galtan universities or Lirgeni astrologers—and learned to use logic and reason to persuade others. You can use your Intelligence modifier in place of your Charisma modifier on Diplomacy checks to persuade others and on Bluff checks to convince others that a lie is true. (This trait does not affect Diplomacy checks to gather information or Bluff checks to feint in combat.)
Ever Wary (Race):
Constant fear that your fiendish nature might provoke a sudden attack ensures that you never completely let down your guard. During the surprise round and before your first action in combat, you can apply half your Dexterity bonus (if any) to your AC. You still count as flat-footed for the purposes of attacks and effects.
Entomophobe (Drawback):
A harrowing experience with insects when you were young instilled in you a deep-seated fear of vermin of all description, especially when they swarm together. You take a –2 penalty on attacks against vermin, and you take a –2 penalty on saving throws against the nauseated condition of a swarm’s distraction ability.
Armor of the Pit:
Prerequisites: Tiefling.
Benefit: You gain a +2 natural armor bonus.
Tieflings see in the dark for up to 60 feet.
Tieflings gain a +2 racial bonus on Bluff and Stealth checks.
Spell-Like Ability:
Tieflings can use Darkness once per day as a spell-like ability (with a caster level equal to the tiefling’s character level).
Fiendish Resistance:
Tieflings have cold resistance 5, electricity resistance 5, and fire resistance 5.
Prehensile Tail:
Many tieflings have tails, but some have long, flexible tails that can be used to carry items. While they cannot wield weapons with their tails, they can use them to retrieve small, stowed objects carried on their persons as a swift action. This racial trait replaces fiendish sorcery.
INVESTIGATOR (Empiricist):
Weapon and Armor Proficiency:
Investigators are proficient with simple weapons, plus the hand crossbow, rapier, sap, shortbow, short sword, and sword caneUE. They are proficient in light armors, but not shields.
Inspiration (Ex): (1d6 5 Rounds / Day)
An investigator is beyond knowledgeable and skilled—he also possesses keen powers of observation and deduction that far surpass the abilities of others. An investigator typically uses these powers to aid in their investigations, but can also use these f lashes of inspiration in other situations.
An investigator has the ability to augment skill checks and ability checks through his brilliant inspiration. The investigator has an inspiration pool equal to 1/2 his investigator level + his Intelligence modifier (minimum 1). An investigator’s inspiration pool refreshes each day, typically after he gets a restful night’s sleep. As a free action, he can expend one use of inspiration from his pool to add 1d6 to the result of that check, including any on which he takes 10 or 20. This choice is made after the check is rolled and before the results are revealed. An investigator can only use inspiration once per check or roll. The investigator can use inspiration on any Knowledge, Linguistics, or Spellcraft skill checks without expending a use of inspiration, provided he’s trained in the skill.
Inspiration can also be used on attack rolls and saving throws, at the cost of expending two uses of inspiration each time from the investigator’s pool. In the case of saving throws, using inspiration is an immediate action rather than a free action.
An investigator adds 1/2 his level to Perception skill checks made to locate traps and to Disable Device checks (minimum 1). An investigator can use Disable Device to disarm magical traps.
Alchemy (Su):
Investigators are highly trained in the creation of mundane alchemical substances and magical potionlike extracts.
When using Craft (alchemy) to create an alchemical item, an investigator gains a competence bonus equal to his class level on the skill check. In addition, an investigator can use Craft (alchemy) to identify potions as if using detect magic. He must hold the potion for 1 round to attempt such a check.
Like an alchemist, an investigator prepares his spells by mixing ingredients and a tiny fraction of his own magical power into a number of extracts, and then effectively casts the spell by drinking the extract. These extracts have powerful effects, but they are also bound to their creator. Extracts behave like spells in potion form, and as such their effects can be dispelled by dispel magic and similar effects, using the investigator’s level as the caster level.
An investigator can create only a certain number of extracts of each level per day. His base daily allotment of extracts per day is given on Table 1–8: Investigator. In addition, he receives bonus extracts per day if he has a high Intelligence score, in the same way a wizard receives bonus spells per day.
When an investigator mixes an extract, he infuses the chemicals and reagents in the extract with magic siphoned from his own magical aura. An extract immediately become inert if it leaves the investigator’s possession, reactivating as soon as it returns to his keeping—an investigator cannot normally pass out his extracts for allies to use. An extract, once created, remains potent for 1 day before losing its magic, so an investigator must reprepare his extracts every day. Mixing an extract takes 1 minute of work.
Creating extracts consumes raw material, but the cost of those materials is insignificant—comparable to the valueless material components of most spells. If a spell normally has a costly material component, that component is expended during the consumption of that particular extract. Extracts cannot be made from spells that have focus requirements; extracts that duplicate divine spells never have a divine focus requirement.
An investigator uses the alchemist formula list to determine the extracts he can know. An investigator can prepare an extract of any formula he knows. To learn or use an extract, an investigator must have at least an Intelligence score equal to 10 + the extract’s level. The saving throw DC for an investigator’s extract is equal to 10 + the extract’s level + the investigator’s Intelligence modifier.
An investigator may know any number of formulae. He stores his formulae in a special tome called a formula book. He must refer to this book whenever he prepares an extract. At 1st level, an investigator starts with two 1stlevel formulae of his choice, plus a number of additional formulae equal to his Intelligence modifier. At each new investigator level, he gains one new formula for any level that he can create. An investigator can also add formulae to his book just like a wizard adds spells to his spellbook, using the same costs, pages, and time requirements. A formula book costs as much as a spellbook. An investigator can study a wizard’s spellbook to learn any formula that is equivalent to a spell the spellbook contains. A wizard, however, cannot learn spells from a formula book. An investigator can also learn formulae from another investigator’s or an alchemist’s formula book (and vice versa). An investigator does not need to decipher arcane writing before copying that formulae.
Carrying Capacity Light 0-43 lb. Medium 44-86 lb. Heavy 87-130 lb.
Current Load Carried
Money 5 GP 7 SP 8 CP
The earliest portion of Tambry’s life is a mystery. Her exact place of origin and her parents are unknown. Presumably she was born in Kintargo and her parents were citizens of the city. But this because she was found in a wicker basket sitting against a building on a heavily trafficked street in Kintargo’s Devil’s Nursery neighborhood. She was already a few weeks old so her birth in the city is only the most likely guess.
Tambry was well placed, and found quickly. But naming a particular adoptive parent would be a misplaced thing to do. In The Devil’s Nursery, things can change quickly. As they changed, so did Tambry’s residence. Destitution, illness, death, all kinds of misfortune would put Tambry back in the street, but there was always a new place where there was room at the table found for her.
Moving about as she did, Tambry didn’t tend to form close relationships often. Instead she turned to books. It was sad when she had to leave people behind, but if her new home had some books there was something good to look forward to. Tambry proved to be unusually bright, and could retain information she learned through reading or observation easily. Over time her independent reading contributed as much to her education as formal instruction, which was sometimes spotty or absent depending on the circumstances of the moment.
Although her various caretakers were well intentioned or at least not malicious, Tambry did stray into some dodgy behavior in her teens. With age her luck finding caretakers declined and she found herself on the streets for longer stretches between places to stay. She also wasn’t immune to the lure of having a little money in her purse. Although she was never in a gang or anything of the sort, she learned the basics of petty theft, pick pocketing, shoplifting, minor scams, and panhandling.
Tambry was not a professional criminal. She took jobs that came along. She also worked in Bleakbridge market stalls selling pumpkins or soap, or whatever somebody needed sold. Tambry did some bouncing at bars, construction, and sometimes fenced stolen goods for the real losers who had nobody else they could go to.
Tambry picked up other skills as well though. Employment at a bakery and with an herbalist taught her the fundamentals of alchemy. She learned to lie well, and catch others in them. Hardscrabble upbringings can teach one a lot about behavior and how minds work.
Looking back now, Tambry would describe this earlier part of her life as one of mental slavery and failure. She would do or be whatever it took to make some money. Her thinking was limited, never leaving the confines of Kintargo’s established order.
Tambry came to know of Nocticula’s cult through acquaintances who were involved already. Once she began to understand what Nocticula offered her though, she quickly became an enthusiastic adherent of the new religion.
She asked more questions, and thought more deeply about what Nocticula represents and offers than most of the cult’s members. If condensed to single, simple statements, Lemma believes that Nocticula represents one’s own ability to determine one’s fate, regardless of what external forces have taught one about one’s proper place and role. Nocticula offers only one thing, permission. Of course such permission is not needed. It is not a blessing that makes self-actualization possible, it is a wakeup call needed by most, who are blinded to their own ability to remake themselves as they desire.
As she wrestled with the questions, realizations, and doubts involved in beginning her own transformation and ascendance (metaphorically, she is not on the path to godhood, but her true self), Tambry swore off those things that hurt fellow residents of The Devil's Nursery.
By the time Tambry was truly living on her own in a stable situation, she had cobbled together a living from several mini-careers. She wrote letters and read documents for the illiterate. She had also picked up some knowledge of producing useful compounds from one of the women who housed her for a couple of years. She made soaps, perfumes, and simple medical cures. As she learned more through study and experimentation, this became her largest and steadiest form of income. Finally, she brought her old street skills out of retirement and began to look into serious crimes, working as a sort of detective for hire.
Tambry could make more money at what she does if she always demanded payment, but she doesn’t. She will take payment if a client can afford it, but she’ll also take gifts or nothing in some cases. The way she sees it, the neighborhood fed, sheltered, and raised her. Any debts she owes for it are less to particular individuals than to the community as a whole, so she tries to reciprocate.
Appearance and Personality:
Height: 5'4 Weight: 135 Hair: Black Eyes: Dark Yellow
Tambry is fairly average in height and build, neither slender nor bulky. She is considerably more agile than her appearance would suggest. Perhaps this is the result of her heritage. She has wavy black hair that she usually keeps cut short, off her shoulders. Her skin tone is a dark burgundy red. Tambry’s eyes are a hot yellow with easily discernable pupils. Her ram-like horns are bilaterally symmetrical and a a slightly darker red than her skin.
Tambry rarely wears dresses, favoring inexpensive shirts, trousers and boots. She favors darker colors; black, gray, and brown, with splashes of red or yellow for color. She favors silver jewelry, but has only a few inexpensive items.