Sky King's Tomb

Game Master Lia Wynn

This is PbP Campaign of the PF2E AP Sky King's Tomb.

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Female (she/her) Cavern Elf Rogue 4 Female (she/her) Cavern Elf Rogue 4 HP 42/42 | AC 20 | F +7 R +11 W +9 | Perc +9 | Rapier +10 1d6 P | Main-gauche +9 1d4 P/S | Shortbow +9 1d6 P 60 ft | Starknife +9 1d4 P/S 20 ft | Spd 35 | Active Conditions: | Exploration Activity: Scout | Hero points: 2 | Arcana +8 Nature +7 Occult +8 Religion +7

omg omg omg you guys


Curtain Call AP!

the theater kid in me is vibrating in excitement (so much so I got the URL formatting code wrong)

I want to run this but I don't have a lot of experience and I think it'd be a terrible idea but I want to run this

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