Sky King's Tomb

Game Master Lia Wynn

This is PbP Campaign of the PF2E AP Sky King's Tomb.

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Current Map

Dyrm is not being difficult in any way. I found that the post made a lot of sense and that Dyrm brought up concerns reasonably.

Ysoki Duskwalker Exemplar/Vigilante 3 (He/Him) | HP 39/39 | AC 20 (21 w/Bangle, 21 w/Raised Shield, 22 w/Both) (T) | F +8 (E) | R +9 (T) | W +7 (E) | Per +5 (T) | Stealth +9 (T) | Spd 30 ft | Exploration Activity Avoid Notice| Hero Points 1/3 | Active Ikon Palisade Bangle | Active Conditions None | Active Persona The Night Shepherd

I have a difficult week or so ahead of me. I probably won't be able to post much until sometime next week. Feel free to bot me if needed in the meantime.

Current Map

Thanks for letting us know.

Male; AC 22(24), HP 50/50 Hero Points 2/3, Spd 20. Dwarf (Forge Blessed) Cleric (Warpriest) / 4 Gunslinger - Way of the Spellshot Perception +9; Fort +10, Ref +9, Will +11

Treasure Dispersment.
I don't see where we've summarized our loot yet. Here is a list of what I have since our last shopping trip (I think without reading the entire campaign back).

30 GP
4 GP worth of alcohol
12 GP worth of high-end cookware
5 arrows (2.5 SP if sold)
5 Cold Iron arrows
1 Composite Shortbow (7 gold if sold)
1 Holly Bush Feather Token (3 gold if sold)
Lesser Mycoveave Shield (20 gold if sold)
1 Nectar of Purification (1.5 gold if sold)

Ektar pays the 20 gold

The five scales can be sold for 3 gold each

For saving Fazzil, the party gains a total of 46 gold in varied currencies. The armor of the dwarf is also magical, and Fazzil gave you a snare.
The armor is +1 studded leather, and the snare is a Setup Snare, which Fazzil designed. Setup Snare
Elga pays a total of 15 gold wages, and with the 8 that the ferret rescue earned, that adds another 23 gold to the party resources.
Rora gifts you two potions. One is a Potion of Leaping, and one is a Potion of Quickness
Fulu of Fire Supression
The group takes some small amounts of poison damage during the escape, they find that they have 25 gold worth of coins
It is a +1 striking crossbow (Korox took and transferred Striking rune to hand crossbow).
Lesser Thurible of Revelation Korox has
Holy Water
Moderate Ghost Charge elixer
Fine clothing, Fine armor

Please notify what loot you've claimed, then we can sell the rest, split up the gold, and shop before we leave. Perhaps someone could make a sharable Google spreadsheet so we don't keep falling behind.

Male; AC 22(24), HP 50/50 Hero Points 2/3, Spd 20. Dwarf (Forge Blessed) Cleric (Warpriest) / 4 Gunslinger - Way of the Spellshot Perception +9; Fort +10, Ref +9, Will +11

I'm hoping that everyone else will pitch in and mention which items they took before we sell what's left and then Korox wants to go shopping. Kind of paralyzed at the moment waiting for this to resolve.

Male Catfolk Thaumaturge 4 | Cat's Luck (reaction): 1/day - reroll failed save HP 68/68 | AC 23 | Fort +12, Ref +13, Will +8 | Perception +8; Low-Light Vision; Imprecise Scent (30 ft.) | +1 Exquisite Sword Cane +14 2d6 +3 S +4 physical | Chakram +13 (Thrown) 1d8+3 S | Spd: 25 | Active Conditions: N/A| Exploration Activity: Investigate | Hero Points: 2 |

Thanks a bunch for the list, great job.

I have been swamped with work and family commitments all week leading up to a week of winter vacation. I’ll check in on both loot and IC stuff as soon as I can.

Female (she/her) Cavern Elf Rogue 5 Female (she/her) Cavern Elf Rogue 5 HP 51/51 | AC 21 | F +8 R +13 W +10 | Perc +10 (Init +2 from Incedible Initiative feat) | Rapier +14 2d6+1 P | Skysunder +11 2d4+1 P/B | Shortbow +13 1d6+1 P 60 ft | Starknife +13 1d4+1 P/S 20 ft | Spd 35 | Active Conditions: | Exploration Activity: Scout | Hero points: 2 | Arcana +9 Nature +8 Occult +9 Religion +8

I'm not taking any of the items or money; you folks earned them and I'm in pretty good shape in terms of equipment. I'm going to do some shopping for some adventuring gear I somehow forgot to pick up when creating my character, and I can spend my own money on that.

Female Umbral Gnome Fey Sorcerer 5

Jaxi doesn't really want anything. It's all stuff that everyone else could use better or something that I think was made for a Medium creature like the Fine Clothing.

Male; AC 22(24), HP 50/50 Hero Points 2/3, Spd 20. Dwarf (Forge Blessed) Cleric (Warpriest) / 4 Gunslinger - Way of the Spellshot Perception +9; Fort +10, Ref +9, Will +11
Jaqsiaria wrote:
Jaxi doesn't really want anything. It's all stuff that everyone else could use better or something that I think was made for a Medium creature like the Fine Clothing.

How about the Mycoveave shield. More AC never hurts, and everyone can use a shield in PF2. The shield spell can't be recharged for 10-minutes once it's used.

Male Dwarf (strong blooded) Fighter 5; AC: 22, HP: 75/75; Saves F+11, Ref +9, Will +9 (2 Hero points)

I believe Dyrm already has his order of Armor as part of his loot.
Not sure that's the same "fine armor' Mentioned?

Other than that, maybe the potion of quickness, good way to get a dwarf warrior up and close but really Haste can be useful to anyone

Ysoki Duskwalker Exemplar/Vigilante 3 (He/Him) | HP 39/39 | AC 20 (21 w/Bangle, 21 w/Raised Shield, 22 w/Both) (T) | F +8 (E) | R +9 (T) | W +7 (E) | Per +5 (T) | Stealth +9 (T) | Spd 30 ft | Exploration Activity Avoid Notice| Hero Points 1/3 | Active Ikon Palisade Bangle | Active Conditions None | Active Persona The Night Shepherd

I did make a loot sheet a while back, but I haven't updated it in a while. Most of the loot we've found has not been added into it, though everything from the +1 striking crossbow and before has been accounted for on it, and everything after has not.

Also, some enterprising individual has added all the rumors onto a new tab! Very helpful. I would suggest bookmarking the loot sheet for future reference.

I can put all the stuff on the loot sheet at some point in the near future but I can't guarantee when that will be. Possibly tomorrow or Sunday if I have a free moment; the week continues to kick my ass well into the weekend. Go figure!

Female (she/her) Cavern Elf Rogue 5 Female (she/her) Cavern Elf Rogue 5 HP 51/51 | AC 21 | F +8 R +13 W +10 | Perc +10 (Init +2 from Incedible Initiative feat) | Rapier +14 2d6+1 P | Skysunder +11 2d4+1 P/B | Shortbow +13 1d6+1 P 60 ft | Starknife +13 1d4+1 P/S 20 ft | Spd 35 | Active Conditions: | Exploration Activity: Scout | Hero points: 2 | Arcana +9 Nature +8 Occult +9 Religion +8

Do I not find anything useful with my gather information check? I was hoping to find some folks who had some guidance or information or useful items we could purchase. I'll add the compass to my equipment, though, thank you :)

Current Map

You can also get things like Potency weapon runes. Scrolls for spells. Healing (or other) potions. Talismans. Spare supplies in case things go sideways. Repair kits for shields. Also, remember you can purchase items above your level. I don't think you have enough for anything too high above it, but Chapter 1 does give out quite a bit of cash so that the party can gear up before Chapter 2.


You'd find out basic survival stuff. Make sure you have light especially if you need to read things. Don't wander off alone. Don't eat a mushroom unless you know it is safe. You don't get anything specific to your route because you don't know it. Most people stay on the major roads of the Darklands. Young Krohan did that for a day or two, then picked some random tunnel to explore. He knows his route, but has not shared it, so you can't get any specific guidelines for that.

Female Umbral Gnome Fey Sorcerer 5
Korox Bouldershoulder wrote:
How about the Mycoveave shield. More AC never hurts, and everyone can use a shield in PF2. The shield spell can't be recharged for 10-minutes once it's used.

Someone more likely to be up front in the way of trouble should use that. If Jaxi is getting seriously targeted, then something has gone extremely wrong... Besides, I have Glass Shield AND Shield. :V

Female (she/her) Cavern Elf Rogue 5 Female (she/her) Cavern Elf Rogue 5 HP 51/51 | AC 21 | F +8 R +13 W +10 | Perc +10 (Init +2 from Incedible Initiative feat) | Rapier +14 2d6+1 P | Skysunder +11 2d4+1 P/B | Shortbow +13 1d6+1 P 60 ft | Starknife +13 1d4+1 P/S 20 ft | Spd 35 | Active Conditions: | Exploration Activity: Scout | Hero points: 2 | Arcana +9 Nature +8 Occult +9 Religion +8
GM-Lia wrote:


You'd find out basic survival stuff. Make sure you have light especially if you need to read things. Don't wander off alone. Don't eat a mushroom unless you know it is safe. You don't get anything specific to your route because you don't know it. Most people stay on the major roads of the Darklands. Young Krohan did that for a day or two, then picked some random tunnel to explore. He knows his route, but has not shared it, so you can't get any specific guidelines for that.

Okay, understood, thank you :)

Jaqsiaria wrote:

Someone more likely to be up front in the way of trouble should use that. If Jaxi is getting seriously targeted, then something has gone extremely wrong... Besides, I have Glass Shield AND Shield. :V

I don't have the bulk to carry it--in fact, I'm pretty close to my limit already! Mastermind rogues want EVERY attribute, and strength unfortunately was the one I couldn't find any way to raise without being even worse in another area. I'd have to trade my rapier for it which would pretty severely hamper my damage output. I've also built my character around not having a shield--depending on how things go in combat, I'll be taking the Twin Parry Ranger feat next level which gives me most of the benefits of a shield--yay starknives!

Male; AC 22(24), HP 50/50 Hero Points 2/3, Spd 20. Dwarf (Forge Blessed) Cleric (Warpriest) / 4 Gunslinger - Way of the Spellshot Perception +9; Fort +10, Ref +9, Will +11

* I would say we keep the Holly Bush Feather Token as emergency healing... perhaps someone other than the Cleric can carry it.

* I'll hold on to the Nectar of Purification as it's not much gold to sell it, and if needed it's worth more than its weight in gold.

* Dyrm Should definitely take the Potion of Quickness... and perhaps Zothan could hold onto the Potion of Leaping?

* Jaxi... why don't you hold onto the Fulu of Fire Protection... again invaluable if needed, but not combat related.

* Perhaps Batsu could hold onto the Holy Water?

* Perhaps the Ghost Charge Elixer could be a "Welcome to the Group" gift for Halanestra.

I just think these consumable Magic items, while not super powerful can be utilized at some time, and with their negligible bulk there is no reason to sell them, especially since they're not worth that much.

Trying to remember if Korox took the +1 Studded leather of if someone else did?

Selling everything else brings us to... 204.5 GP, 5-Cold Iron Arrows (Perhaps the heads could be removed and refitted to Hand crossbow bolts?), and the Set-up Snare... which we could I believe sell for 4-gp if nobody wants to carry it.

This split (5-ways)... sorry newcomer :-) is 40 gp, 9 sp each

I'll leave this up the rest of the day and unless someone speaks otherwise we'll assume this is the plan

Female Umbral Gnome Fey Sorcerer 5

Fulu of Fire Protection. Sounds good to me. Jaxi could also has healing spells so she could work as the back up healer for the part and carry the Holly Bush Token.

Ysoki Duskwalker Exemplar/Vigilante 3 (He/Him) | HP 39/39 | AC 20 (21 w/Bangle, 21 w/Raised Shield, 22 w/Both) (T) | F +8 (E) | R +9 (T) | W +7 (E) | Per +5 (T) | Stealth +9 (T) | Spd 30 ft | Exploration Activity Avoid Notice| Hero Points 1/3 | Active Ikon Palisade Bangle | Active Conditions None | Active Persona The Night Shepherd

I'm down to hold onto the holy water, and selling the other stuff + distributing the gold will make things easier bookkeeping-wise for the moment!

Current Map

Putting the Cold Iron arrowheads onto crossbow bolts could be very easily done, no roll needed, by anyone with trained crafting.

Current Map

As a reminder, it's Monday, so you are all up to 2 hero points. Before starting the expedition, I want your standard marching order, guard order for nighttime, and typical Exploration activity. These can be changed whenever, but it's easier on me if I have a baseline to work with.

Also don't forget Weapon Potency Runes are 35 gold, so anyone without one who wants one can afford one before you head out.

Male; AC 22(24), HP 50/50 Hero Points 2/3, Spd 20. Dwarf (Forge Blessed) Cleric (Warpriest) / 4 Gunslinger - Way of the Spellshot Perception +9; Fort +10, Ref +9, Will +11

Korox will buy the following: (Note: Italics Uncommon item)

Let me know if this is good. All items are common but the repeating magazine.
* Adding (5) Cold Iron bolts to inventory.
* (2) Weeks Rations (8-sp)
* Basic Crafters Book (1-sp)
* Repeating Hand Crossbow Magazine (5) (9-sp)
* (2) Scrolls Heal (8-gp)
* Lesser Cheetah's Elixer (3-gp)
* Tanglefoot Bag (3-gp)
* Infiltrators Elixer (6-gp)

21 GP, 8 SP Spent

Also, please provide a cost for an adamantine chain to hold my new Holy Symbol.

Female (she/her) Cavern Elf Rogue 5 Female (she/her) Cavern Elf Rogue 5 HP 51/51 | AC 21 | F +8 R +13 W +10 | Perc +10 (Init +2 from Incedible Initiative feat) | Rapier +14 2d6+1 P | Skysunder +11 2d4+1 P/B | Shortbow +13 1d6+1 P 60 ft | Starknife +13 1d4+1 P/S 20 ft | Spd 35 | Active Conditions: | Exploration Activity: Scout | Hero points: 2 | Arcana +9 Nature +8 Occult +9 Religion +8

Halanestra wants to be in front of the group with the Avoid NoticeScout exploration activity, and she'll take a middle watch. She's used to both of these from her days as a Pathfinder. Especially on her first few adventures, the more senior agents told her there was a rule that the newest agent gets the middle watch, something she always forgot to look into when she got back home. She stuck with it for the sake of her missions (working together, even if you don't like it, is better than doing your own thing), and so now is quite accustomed to it.

Male Dwarf (strong blooded) Fighter 5; AC: 22, HP: 75/75; Saves F+11, Ref +9, Will +9 (2 Hero points)
GM-Lia wrote:

Also don't forget Weapon Potency Runes are 35 gold, so anyone without one who wants one can afford one before you head out.

This SOUNDS like a gentle nudge that the fighter might need to be able hurt bad guys ;) I'll take the 35 out of the 41 gold he got recently and have Dyrm purchase one rune of potency for his great axe

Male; AC 22(24), HP 50/50 Hero Points 2/3, Spd 20. Dwarf (Forge Blessed) Cleric (Warpriest) / 4 Gunslinger - Way of the Spellshot Perception +9; Fort +10, Ref +9, Will +11
GM-Lia wrote:

As a reminder, it's Monday, so you are all up to 2 hero points. Before starting the expedition, I want your standard marching order, guard order for nighttime, and typical Exploration activity. These can be changed whenever, but it's easier on me if I have a baseline to work with.

Also don't forget Weapon Potency Runes are 35 gold, so anyone without one who wants one can afford one before you head out.

Korox would probably position himself 2nd in-line or if room for (2) side by side with Halanstra. With his darkvision, terrain expertise (Underground), High perception, Cave Lore, and Dwarf Lore he's quite the good guide... not to mention a high survival and Thievery skill.

He will volunteer for first watch, so that he can pray for his new spells uninterruptedly.

He'll also spend 1-gold for a compass as well, as he takes a (-2 to survival checks to sense direction without it).

Typical Exploration activity will probably be Search with his +8 perception.

NOTE: What do we plan on doing about light? The Dwarves have Darkvision, but we'll probably need at least a little light for others?

Female (she/her) Cavern Elf Rogue 5 Female (she/her) Cavern Elf Rogue 5 HP 51/51 | AC 21 | F +8 R +13 W +10 | Perc +10 (Init +2 from Incedible Initiative feat) | Rapier +14 2d6+1 P | Skysunder +11 2d4+1 P/B | Shortbow +13 1d6+1 P 60 ft | Starknife +13 1d4+1 P/S 20 ft | Spd 35 | Active Conditions: | Exploration Activity: Scout | Hero points: 2 | Arcana +9 Nature +8 Occult +9 Religion +8

Good idea getting a second compass as a backup! For now, I'm fine with Korox (or Dyrm or Krohan, for that matter) being up front with me. Sometimes I'll stealth off on my own but I'll make that clear when that happens. As for light, I've got the cavern elf ancestry (all that time skulking about in the sewers / caverns under Absalom sharpened my eyes) so I see in the dark just as well as any dwarf, part of why Krohan hired me. Also very convenient for those moments of stealthing ahead: a rogue carrying a torch is a dead rogue :)

Male Catfolk Thaumaturge 4 | Cat's Luck (reaction): 1/day - reroll failed save HP 68/68 | AC 23 | Fort +12, Ref +13, Will +8 | Perception +8; Low-Light Vision; Imprecise Scent (30 ft.) | +1 Exquisite Sword Cane +14 2d6 +3 S +4 physical | Chakram +13 (Thrown) 1d8+3 S | Spd: 25 | Active Conditions: N/A| Exploration Activity: Investigate | Hero Points: 2 |

We’ve had another couple of sleepless nights with our youngest, so I have not had the mental energy for a longer post. Hopefully, I’ll get one in tomorrow, otherwise I’ll drop something short so we can move on.

Current Map


I assume the two scrolls are for Rank 1 Heal. Is that correct?
An adamantine chain would cost at least 350 gold.


It was more of a reminder that you are all level 3, where game math assumes a potency rune.

Re: light.

At least some of you will need light, but light cantrips do work well for that. Also, note that Darkvision is black and white, and normally does not allow you to read as it is hard to see black words in pitch blackness. Things like cooking may also require light.

Male Catfolk Thaumaturge 4 | Cat's Luck (reaction): 1/day - reroll failed save HP 68/68 | AC 23 | Fort +12, Ref +13, Will +8 | Perception +8; Low-Light Vision; Imprecise Scent (30 ft.) | +1 Exquisite Sword Cane +14 2d6 +3 S +4 physical | Chakram +13 (Thrown) 1d8+3 S | Spd: 25 | Active Conditions: N/A| Exploration Activity: Investigate | Hero Points: 2 |

Zothan spends 35 gp to add a Potency rune to his whip and 5 gp on a climbing kit.

During exploration, he will perform the Investigate action as default.

According to his sheet, Zothan has a +1 leather armor, so I think he ended up taking the one we found.

Female Umbral Gnome Fey Sorcerer 5

Stick Jaxi in the middle of the group during marching order, give her the final watch, and Detect Magic for the Exploration Activity. Didn't notice you asked for that.

Female (she/her) Cavern Elf Rogue 5 Female (she/her) Cavern Elf Rogue 5 HP 51/51 | AC 21 | F +8 R +13 W +10 | Perc +10 (Init +2 from Incedible Initiative feat) | Rapier +14 2d6+1 P | Skysunder +11 2d4+1 P/B | Shortbow +13 1d6+1 P 60 ft | Starknife +13 1d4+1 P/S 20 ft | Spd 35 | Active Conditions: | Exploration Activity: Scout | Hero points: 2 | Arcana +9 Nature +8 Occult +9 Religion +8

GM Lia, do you need anything further from us to continue?

Current Map

Nope. Yesterday was crazy for me, and I need to finish the map that we'll need for the first part of the chapter, so we'll be starting on Monday.

If there are any questions you all have before we start again, please let me know.

Ysoki Duskwalker Exemplar/Vigilante 3 (He/Him) | HP 39/39 | AC 20 (21 w/Bangle, 21 w/Raised Shield, 22 w/Both) (T) | F +8 (E) | R +9 (T) | W +7 (E) | Per +5 (T) | Stealth +9 (T) | Spd 30 ft | Exploration Activity Avoid Notice| Hero Points 1/3 | Active Ikon Palisade Bangle | Active Conditions None | Active Persona The Night Shepherd

I am so sorry I've been out of commission the past week and a half. I'm back now. It's been kind of nuts so my first few posts back might be on the short side.

Current Map

IRL happens. Hope it gets a little less nutty for you.

Female (she/her) Cavern Elf Rogue 5 Female (she/her) Cavern Elf Rogue 5 HP 51/51 | AC 21 | F +8 R +13 W +10 | Perc +10 (Init +2 from Incedible Initiative feat) | Rapier +14 2d6+1 P | Skysunder +11 2d4+1 P/B | Shortbow +13 1d6+1 P 60 ft | Starknife +13 1d4+1 P/S 20 ft | Spd 35 | Active Conditions: | Exploration Activity: Scout | Hero points: 2 | Arcana +9 Nature +8 Occult +9 Religion +8

I promise Halanestra will be less curt / short with everyone once she gets to know you :) Right now she's very much a Han Solo / Cloud Strife type character at the beginning of the journey.

Also, GM Lia, regarding your maps: they're fine, I promise :) If you're running this from the PDF and there's a map in the PDF for this encounter, I'd be happy to help explain how to extract the images if you're interested in trying that; it's generally much faster than drawing your own.

I did need to request edit access for the map, as I cannot yet place my token. I will be in front as I posted earlier, with whoever wants to be up there with me (which I don't think we've decided?)

Male Dwarf (strong blooded) Fighter 5; AC: 22, HP: 75/75; Saves F+11, Ref +9, Will +9 (2 Hero points)
Halanestra Ravenheart wrote:

I promise Halanestra will be less curt / short with everyone once she gets to know you :) Right now she's very much a Han Solo / Cloud Strife type character at the beginning of the journey.

Now I want to have Dyrm give a yortle/growl ala Chewie!

Current Map

Ok, the editing permissions should be set now.

Female (she/her) Cavern Elf Rogue 5 Female (she/her) Cavern Elf Rogue 5 HP 51/51 | AC 21 | F +8 R +13 W +10 | Perc +10 (Init +2 from Incedible Initiative feat) | Rapier +14 2d6+1 P | Skysunder +11 2d4+1 P/B | Shortbow +13 1d6+1 P 60 ft | Starknife +13 1d4+1 P/S 20 ft | Spd 35 | Active Conditions: | Exploration Activity: Scout | Hero points: 2 | Arcana +9 Nature +8 Occult +9 Religion +8

Token placed, thank you for fixing the permissions :) Please let me know if I've put myself too far forward?

Current Map
Halanestra Ravenheart wrote:
Token placed, thank you for fixing the permissions :) Please let me know if I've put myself too far forward?

Had the party gone down the ramp, you would have been perfect. But, since Korox made some stairs, I moved you more into the area the group will be in.

Male Dwarf (strong blooded) Fighter 5; AC: 22, HP: 75/75; Saves F+11, Ref +9, Will +9 (2 Hero points)

Sorry, having trouble finding the link to the latest map

Male Dwarf (strong blooded) Fighter 5; AC: 22, HP: 75/75; Saves F+11, Ref +9, Will +9 (2 Hero points)

Okay, sorry about that. I think I got it now. Dyrm will take whatever position folks think is best

Female (she/her) Cavern Elf Rogue 5 Female (she/her) Cavern Elf Rogue 5 HP 51/51 | AC 21 | F +8 R +13 W +10 | Perc +10 (Init +2 from Incedible Initiative feat) | Rapier +14 2d6+1 P | Skysunder +11 2d4+1 P/B | Shortbow +13 1d6+1 P 60 ft | Starknife +13 1d4+1 P/S 20 ft | Spd 35 | Active Conditions: | Exploration Activity: Scout | Hero points: 2 | Arcana +9 Nature +8 Occult +9 Religion +8

Sorry it's taken me so long to post, rust monsters are scary, especially for low-level martials, and I've literally been thinking about what to do all day! I have some questions that will influence what I'd like to do.

Do I know, with my RK, whether the rust monster has a reactive strike? Additionally, do I know its speed? I'd like to cast Figment as part of a Create Diversion action, but if I think that's going to get my +1 rapier eaten because of a reactive strike, then I'm not going to bother and instead I'll Step, Stride, stow my rapier, then next turn hopefully I'll be able to stow my starknife, draw my bow, and shoot it.

Male Catfolk Thaumaturge 4 | Cat's Luck (reaction): 1/day - reroll failed save HP 68/68 | AC 23 | Fort +12, Ref +13, Will +8 | Perception +8; Low-Light Vision; Imprecise Scent (30 ft.) | +1 Exquisite Sword Cane +14 2d6 +3 S +4 physical | Chakram +13 (Thrown) 1d8+3 S | Spd: 25 | Active Conditions: N/A| Exploration Activity: Investigate | Hero Points: 2 |

Hopefully Zothan’s wrestling match is going to keep it somewhat contained. Just make sure he does not get stabbed in the back.

Current Map

First of all, Rust Monsters are not as scary in 2E as in 1E or D&D. Yes, they can mess up gear, but like with all 'save or suck' type things across the board they are weaker.

For instance, it can only rust with a Strike with its antennae. Your Strikes have no risks to your gear.

You can guess its speed given that it took 6 actions to get across the map.

But, I can't tell you too much. You have to learn some things ICly.

Male Dwarf (strong blooded) Fighter 5; AC: 22, HP: 75/75; Saves F+11, Ref +9, Will +9 (2 Hero points)

Nevertheless, Dyrm is nervous! ;)

Male; AC 22(24), HP 50/50 Hero Points 2/3, Spd 20. Dwarf (Forge Blessed) Cleric (Warpriest) / 4 Gunslinger - Way of the Spellshot Perception +9; Fort +10, Ref +9, Will +11

Would it be possible to move the map links into the campaign page or link them in the GM profile? Just to keep from sorting back through the threads to find the latest map.

Female Umbral Gnome Fey Sorcerer 5

So... What is up?

Male Catfolk Thaumaturge 4 | Cat's Luck (reaction): 1/day - reroll failed save HP 68/68 | AC 23 | Fort +12, Ref +13, Will +8 | Perception +8; Low-Light Vision; Imprecise Scent (30 ft.) | +1 Exquisite Sword Cane +14 2d6 +3 S +4 physical | Chakram +13 (Thrown) 1d8+3 S | Spd: 25 | Active Conditions: N/A| Exploration Activity: Investigate | Hero Points: 2 |

Or rather…who is up?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female (she/her) Cavern Elf Rogue 5 Female (she/her) Cavern Elf Rogue 5 HP 51/51 | AC 21 | F +8 R +13 W +10 | Perc +10 (Init +2 from Incedible Initiative feat) | Rapier +14 2d6+1 P | Skysunder +11 2d4+1 P/B | Shortbow +13 1d6+1 P 60 ft | Starknife +13 1d4+1 P/S 20 ft | Spd 35 | Active Conditions: | Exploration Activity: Scout | Hero points: 2 | Arcana +9 Nature +8 Occult +9 Religion +8

I figured I'm not up given the wording "the rest of the party is up" immediately after I took my turn. I would absolutely relish an opportunity to eliminate the rust monster. I know they're not as scary as in earlier editions, but still! I spent half my starting money on that rapier and I will be livid if it breaks :<

Current Map

Batsu's up to finish the round, and it was the weekend, so I didn't post, but I will be pushing us forward in just a few minutes.

Female (she/her) Cavern Elf Rogue 5 Female (she/her) Cavern Elf Rogue 5 HP 51/51 | AC 21 | F +8 R +13 W +10 | Perc +10 (Init +2 from Incedible Initiative feat) | Rapier +14 2d6+1 P | Skysunder +11 2d4+1 P/B | Shortbow +13 1d6+1 P 60 ft | Starknife +13 1d4+1 P/S 20 ft | Spd 35 | Active Conditions: | Exploration Activity: Scout | Hero points: 2 | Arcana +9 Nature +8 Occult +9 Religion +8

I've been holding back because, among other reasons, I don't want the cannon to hit me. How far off were their shots from where I'm at right now? I know they retracted, but for all Halanestra knows, they can just as easily extend again once we're in range. We don't know anything about how they're controlled, only that they seem to have a reloading mechanism, and the party rogue is not the best candidate to learn these things through empirical observation ;)

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