Crown of Aeons - Pathfinder in Ravenloft

Game Master Dennis Harry


Vaneza [dice]1d20+[/dice]
Sterling Starshadow [dice]1d20+4[/dice]
Kenzo Hagetora [dice]1d20+4[/dice]
Cole Burns [dice]1d20+2[/dice]
Sergei the Haunted [dice]1d20+3[/dice]
Bastian 'Ogre' Zorovich [dice]1d20+0[/dice]
Alain O'Dim [dice]1d20+4[/dice]
Teofila Agarici [dice]1d20+3[/dice]


Vaneza [dice]1d20+[/dice]
Sterling Starshadow [dice]1d20+4[/dice]
Kenzo Hagetora [dice]1d20+7[/dice]
Cole Burns [dice]1d20+5[/dice]
Sergei the Haunted [dice]1d20+6[/dice]
Bastian 'Ogre' Zorovich [dice]1d20+4[/dice]
Alain O'Dim [dice]1d20+10[/dice]
Teofila Agarici [dice]1d20+9[/dice]

Within Harrowstone

Harrowstone Grounds

Ravengro Map

Ravengro Town Gazeteer:

A: Town Square. Simple wooden gazebo serves as the hub for Ravengro's gatherings. The town's favorite stray dog, Old River, is known to hang around here during the day.

B: Posting Poles: poles where townspeople can post all sorts of messages for the town, ranging from news to sales to advertisements.

C: The Laughing Demon: Zokar Elkarid runs this warm and friendly tavern.

D: Ravengro Town Hall: in classic small-town style, Ravengro citizens use this for virtually everything, from weddings to council meetings.

E: Temple of Pharasma: Vauran Grimburrow, the Father from the funeral, is officialy in charge of the temple, but any number of a dozen or so acolytes actually handle the day to day going-ons. The temple sells various healing and holy related items.

F: Ravengro General Store: Luthko and Marta Avanaki run the general store with their five daughters. While the store usually caters to local needs, the town is big enough and on a populated enough route to stock most simple adventuring items.

G: Ravengro Forge: Jorfa is the dwarven master of the forge. One of Ravengro's most valuable resources, she is as standoffish and quiet on her past as one would expect.

H: Jominda's Apothecary: Jominda Fallenbridge keeps a well-stocked supply of pharmacological provisions, both herbal and alchemical.

I: Ravengro Jail: a relatively small jail serves as Ravengro's home for the occasional drunk citizen. Sherriff Benjan Caller runs the jail with his four part-time deputies.

J: The Silk Purse: two moneylenders work out of this building, Luramin Taigh and Quess Yearburn. They have loans available for collateral to farmers or other potential clients. They also sell some of the items that have failed to me reclaimed.

K: The Outward Inn: board and breakfast run by Sarlanna Val. Highly reccomended, if you don't have a free place to stay that is. Local musicians and storytellers often visit for evenings of entertainment.

L: The Unfurling Scroll: Alendru Ghoroven, a retired wizard-turned-teacher teaches reading, math, and history, as well as beginning magical theory. In addition to teaching, Alendru supplements his income by buying and selling minor magic items (primarily scrolls) that he’s purchased or created.

M 1-4: Council Member's Houses.

N: The Van Richten Residence: formerly the professor's house, it is now Kendra's. And your current lodging.

O: Harrowstone Memorial: Other than the looming ruins of Harrowstone on a nearby hill, Ravengro’s most distinctive landmark is a 25-foot-tall, moss-covered stone statue that overlooks the river. The statue depicts a proud, muscular human man dressed in leathers and wielding a truncheon—a depiction of Warden Hawkran. A total of 25 names—the guards who died in the fire of 4661, as well as the warden’s wife, are chiseled into the statue’s stone base.

P: to The Restlands: a large stretch of moorland reserved for interring Ravengro's dead. Thanks to the Pharasmin church's influence in town, Ravengro's graveyard is large and well tended.

Q: Gibs Hephenus, the man who started the fight at the professor's funeral lives here.

R To Harrowstone: this reminder of Ravengro's original purpose looms over the town from atop its bleak hilltop, a constant inspiration for tall tales and bad dreams.

Sanity Rules:

Sanity Score: This is sort of like mental hit points. It’s the sum of all your mental stats (Wisdom, Intelligence, Charisma) less any damage to those scores.

Sanity Damage: this is like hit point damage done in physical combat (like a sword blow, etc), only, it affects your sanity score, not your hit points. So, if you encounter an attack on your sanity and suffer damage, you deduct that damage from your sanity score.

Losing Sanity and Gaining Madness:
When you’re faced with a monster that can do sanity damage, you have to make an immediate will save. If you save, most of the time, you will be able to ignore all Sanity damage (i.e. your mental faculties hold up) though some creatures may do damage regardless of your save (like Great Old Ones).

If you lose ALL of your Sanity (i.e. Sanity pool moves to zero), you gain a lesser madness (this is generally a temporary condition), I will not have PCs suffer more than 1 lesser madness at a time. This mechanic is for flavor not to annihilate PCs effectiveness.

If you lose ALL of your Sanity facing a Great Old One, that will trigger a greater madness. This is permanent though each PC will only ever gain a single one of these.

Losing Madness and Gaining Sanity:
Madness can be lost (and sanity restored in several ways).
1. Rest: Every 7 full days of uninterrupted rest heals sanity damage equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1). You’re letting your own sense of self and force of personality reassert itself and mend together the tattered fragments of your tortured psyche.
2. Therapy: Tell someone else your problems (mentor, counselor, confidante, friend, family, priest, advisor, etc). At the end,, the ally attempts a Wisdom or Intelligence check (whichever is higher) DC equal to the amount of Sanity you have lost. Success means you add their ability modifier (wis or int, whichever is higher) to the amount of sanity damage you heal.
3. Magic:
a. lesser restoration: 1d2 points once per day
b. Restoration: 2d4 points per day
c. Heal: 3d4 points/day
d. Greater restoration, psychic surgery, limited wish: all of it, if your sanity was below your edge (in other words, you still had more than half your sanity points left). Or, to 1 point below your sanity edge if you had more than half of your sanity lost.
e. Miracle and wish fix everything

Effects of Restoring Sanity:
Lesser Madness - If all of your sanity damage is healed, your lesser madness is removed entirely.

Greater Madness - If all of your sanity damage is healed, your greater madness is dormant. It will become reactivated if you again suffer a full loss to your Sanity score. A greater madness can only be fully healed with a long term psychiatric stay (1 month, which could well be played out over a downtime depending on how the chronicle proceeds) r the use of a Wish or Miracle spell (hard to come by in Ravenloft!).

Fear, Horror, and Madness:

I will NOT be using Madness rules as the Sanity rules already cover that.

Fear, Horror, and Madness saves represent the power of terror — a roleplaying tool to help players visualize the hysteria that often clouds the minds of characters in classic tales of horror.

Making the Saving Throw

Fear and Horror saves are considered Will saves in all respects. Anything that modifies a Will save likewise modifies Fear and Horror saves; anything that modifies saves vs. fear effects modifies Fear saves.

Fear and Horror saves all use the same basic mechanic: a Will save against a specified DC. Specific DCs depend on the situation and type of check being made and will be provided by me. Luck effects and resistance effects (such as those generated by a luckstone or a cloak of resistance) do not affect Fear and Horror saves; they are outside the purview of luck and are not "active" effects that would be resisted. Divine effects do aid Fear and Horror saves, however.

If a character succeeds at the Will save, then there is no effect, and she is immune to that specific source of fear or horror for 24 hours. If a character fails the Will save, then the margin of failure determines the result. Subtract the final check result from the DC; this result determines whether the character suffers a minor, moderate, or major effect.

Failure Margin Effect

1-5 points Minor
6-10 points Moderate
11-15 points Major
16+ points Major, plus additional effect.

When determining the results of failed Horror save, the player should also concurrently roll 1d4 for the DM to select a specific effect.


A character should make a Fear save when facing overwhelming odds and/or immediate, dire physical danger.

Failure Results

Minor Effect: Shaken. The character suffers a -2 morale penalty to attack rolls, checks, and saves.

Moderate Effect: Frightened. The character is shaken and flees as well as she can. She can fight to defend herself if unable to flee. A frightened character can use special abilities, including spells, to flee; indeed, she must use such means if they are the only way to escape.

Major Effect: Panicked. The character suffers a -2 morale penalty on saving throws and must flee. She has a 50% chance to drop what she's holding, chooses her path randomly (as long as she escapes from immediate danger), and flees any other dangers that confront her. If cornered, she cowers. A panicked character may use a special ability or spell to escape.

Additional Failures: Fear effects stack. A shaken character who fails another Fear save becomes frightened. A frightened character who fails another Fear save becomes panicked.

Recovering from Fear

Fear effects last 5d6 rounds. Certain spell effects (such as modify memory or remove fear) can remove all Fear effects.

Note that as the characters level, the amount of fear checks will diminish as you confidence and power/abilities increase.


The heroes witness scenes of terrible cruelty or behold events that simply should not be. Horror is a broader emotion than fear, and more intimate. Horror often permanently colors a character's view of the world, be it through the shock of realizing that such merciless events are possible or the paralyzing dismay of discovering some monstrous trait within oneself. Horror is the murderer of innocence. Possible examples of scenes that might require a Horror save include seeing someone torn limb from limb, watching a friend transform into a hideous monster, or learning that you slew an innocent bystander while possessed by an evil spirit.

Horror saves are typically prompted by unusual, unique situations rather than by creatures, so unlike Fear saves there's no quick formula to determine the DC. Instead, I will use my best judgment to apply a DC to the scene. As a rule, the more gruesome, abnormal and/or insane the scene, the higher the DC should be.

Failure Results

If a character fails a Horror save, the player should roll 1d4 and compare it to the effect category to select a specific symptom of Horror. If a character fails a Horror save by 16+ points, he suffers Sanity Damage on a one for one basis for each point over 16 (i.e. failing a roll by 20 would result in 4 points of Sanity Damage).

Failure Results

Minor Effect: (1) Aversion, (2) Fearstruck, (3) Frozen, or (4) Nausea.

Moderate Effect: (1) Nightmares, (2) Obsession, (3) Rage, or (4) Revulsion

Major Effect: (1) Fascination, (2) Haunted, (3) Mental Shock, or (4) System Shock

Additional Failures: Some Horror effects have outburst durations that are measured in rounds. A character can carry only a single Horror effect at a time. If a subsequent failed Horror save indicates a result of equal or lesser severity, I will use another outburst of the existing effect. If a failed Horror save indicates a result of greater severity, the existing effect is removed and there is default to the greater one instead. Horror effects do not stack.

Recovering from Horror

Minor Horror effects last one week.

Moderate effects last two weeks.

Major effects last thirty days.

At the end of this duration, the character rolls a recovery check (a Horror save). Use the DC of the original Horror save with a -2 morale bonus, since time and distance heal all wounds. If the character succeeds at this check, the Horror effect is removed. If she fails, the Horror effect persists for another duration period. A character can retry failed Horror recovery checks each time she reaches the end of a duration period. The -2 DC modifier is cumulative with each attempt.

Numerous spells and magical effects (such as modify memory or remove fear) can also remove all Horror effects.

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Patrick Curtin wrote:
Ragadolf wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:
Hi folks. Sorry, had a long vacation with various mishaps and so I have had a hard time getting in the game. Plus I come back to 60 posts, LOL. A lot to cover. Assume that Alain is being the strong silent type for now :)

Well I'm (we're) glad yer back!


I hope the 'mishaps' were more, 'This will make a funny story someday',
And less 'We will never speak of this again' kind of things!

Funny story one day. It was a good vacation and I am going on another next week, so my life is pretty sweet r/n

SWEET! Glad to hear it! ENJOY! :D

Teofila Agarici wrote:

Yikes! So sorry! My mishaps are not a funny story someday. Extreme Heat! Exploding Pollen Counts! Holiday stuff I didn't want to be a part of but had no choice! Race against time to get the young feral cat I've adopted vaccinated and neutered despite her best efforts to avoid it!

Okay, actually the last one of those is a funny story, but too long and complicated to go into here.

Anyway, I'll get caught up reading the posts and get one in myself today.

OOooooohhh,... Yeah not nearly as much fun. :P

Glad ONE of those is going to be a funny story at least! :)

SO, before I forget to tell everyone and vanish mysteriously,

Tomorrow, Thursday, I am going in again for another surgical procedure to 'fix' me after the major cancer removal almost 2 years ago now.
This will be the second attempt to 'fix' the issue.
(Here's hoping they dont mess THIS one up!) ;P

It is considered 'minor' and out-patient, but I will be in pain and out of it for a few days at least. And literally not able to sit in a chair for who-knows-how-long. (2 weeks at least)

I will respond and keep myself in the loop as much as possible, but you get a break from my novel-length posts for a while! ;)

Since I'll be out of it, Happy weekend all ! :)


Shadow's Status
Ragadolf wrote:

SO, before I forget to tell everyone and vanish mysteriously,

Tomorrow, Thursday, I am going in again for another surgical procedure to 'fix' me after the major cancer removal almost 2 years ago now.
This will be the second attempt to 'fix' the issue.
(Here's hoping they dont mess THIS one up!) ;P

It is considered 'minor' and out-patient, but I will be in pain and out of it for a few days at least. And literally not able to sit in a chair for who-knows-how-long. (2 weeks at least)

I will respond and keep myself in the loop as much as possible, but you get a break from my novel-length posts for a while! ;)

Since I'll be out of it, Happy weekend all ! :)


Ok Rags, good luck!

Female Half-Elf Inquisitor 2 | HP: 17/22 | AC: 17 (T: 13, F: 14) | CMB: +3, CMD: 16 | F: +5, R: +3, W: +7 (+1 vs Poisons) | Init: +5| Perc: +9, SM: +6 | Speed 30' | Sanity 39 - Threshold 2 - Edge 19

Sorry for the bloody long wall of text. I had a lot of stuff to make up for in a single post.

Female Half-Elf Inquisitor 2 | HP: 17/22 | AC: 17 (T: 13, F: 14) | CMB: +3, CMD: 16 | F: +5, R: +3, W: +7 (+1 vs Poisons) | Init: +5| Perc: +9, SM: +6 | Speed 30' | Sanity 39 - Threshold 2 - Edge 19

I hope all goes well Ragadolf!

Thanks guys!

Heheh, No worries RDK. I think I may hold some records for 'longest posts' in a couple of threads. Glad it's not just me! ;P

EDIT- And I like YOUR Per roll much better than mine. :)

Shadow's Status

Sorry for the delay there Sergei. Let me know your thoughts.

The Many Faces of Sergei:

My feedback on your suggestions and the first several levels of abilities for the initial 4 "personalities".

Leo Dilisnya – No, he may play a part in the adventure directly, not sure yet.

Reinhold Dilisnya – His background remains unchanged from canon. Class Aristocrat –
Level 1 Feat – Persuasive +2 Bonus to Diplomacy & Intimidate checks @ 7th level the bonus increases to +5 & @ 14th level the bonus increases to +8.

Level 3 Feat – Rhetorical Flourish. When using the Diplomacy skill to make a request or change a creature’s attitude, you can use verbal misdirection. To do so, make a Bluff check against that creature. If you succeed, you gain a +4 bonus on your next Diplomacy check against that creature if the check is made within the next minute. If you fail by 5 or more, you instead take a –2 penalty on your next Diplomacy check against that creature.
Alternatively, you can use this feat to retry a single failed Diplomacy check against a creature. You take a –4 penalty on your Bluff check when using Rhetorical Flourish in this way. If you succeed, rather than gaining this feat’s normal bonus, you can retry your last Diplomacy check against the creature if that check was made in the past minute.

Level 5 Feat – Antagonize. You can make Diplomacy and Intimidate checks to make creatures respond to you with hostility. No matter which skill you use, antagonizing a creature takes a standard action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity, and has a DC equal to 10 + the target’s Hit Dice + the target’s Wisdom modifier. You cannot make this check against a creature that does not understand you or has an Intelligence score of 3 or lower. Before you make these checks, you may make a Sense Motive check (DC 20) as a swift action to gain an insight bonus on these Diplomacy or Intimidate checks equal to your Charisma bonus until the end of your next turn. The benefits you gain for this check depend on the skill you use. This is a mind-affecting effect.
Diplomacy: You fluster your enemy. For the next minute, the target takes a –2 penalty on all attacks rolls made against creatures other than you and has a 10% spell failure chance on all spells that do not target you or that have you within their area of effect.
Intimidate: The creature flies into a rage. On its next turn, the target must attempt to make a melee attack against you, make a ranged attack against you, target you with a spell, or include you in the area of a spell. The effect ends if the creature is prevented from attacking you or attempting to do so would harm it (for example, if you are on the other side of a chasm or a wall of fire). If it cannot attack you on its turn, you may make the check again as an immediate action to extend the effect for 1 round (but cannot extend it thereafter). The effect ends as soon as the creature attacks you. Once you have targeted a creature with this ability, you cannot target it again for 1 day.

Level 7 Feat – Call Truce. While in combat, as a 1-round action (as if it were a spell with a 1-round casting time, you can call for a truce with any creatures that have an Intelligence score of 4 or greater and can understand you. When doing so, you can’t be wielding a weapon or threatening implement, such as a charged spell, wand, or anything else the creatures you are entreating might consider threatening. You must also be in plain sight of most the creatures you are entreating.
Once you’ve called for a truce, if any of your allies attack or take any threatening action against those you are entreating before the start of your next turn, your call is unsuccessful.
At the start of your next turn, attempt a single Diplomacy check (DC = 30 + the Charisma modifier of the creature with the highest Charisma modifier in the opposing group). If you are successful, combat ceases for 1 minute, or until any creature in the opposing group is threatened or attacked.
If you fail the check by 5 or more, you cannot use Diplomacy again with any creature you attempted to entreat for 1d4 hours. If anyone in your group instead plans to use the parley to gain a combat advantage, the opponents can attempt a Sense Motive check against each such member of your group to get a hunch, with a DC equal to either 20 or the result of that character’s Bluff check, whichever is higher.

Level 9 Feat - Betrayer & Quick Draw.
Betrayer. When you succeed at a Diplomacy check to change a creature’s attitude, you can draw a weapon and make a single melee attack against that creature as an immediate action. If you changed your target’s attitude to friendly or better, your target is considered flat-footed against this attack. If the target survives, it takes a –2 penalty on its initiative check for this combat. Once you attack a creature, its attitude becomes hostile.
Quick Draw. You can draw a weapon as a free action instead of as a move action. You can draw a hidden weapon (see the Sleight of Hand skill) as a move action.
A character who has selected this feat may throw weapons at his full normal rate of attacks (much like a character with a bow).
Alchemical items, potions, scrolls, and wands cannot be drawn quickly using this feat.

Rudolph Van Richten – No.

Misha “Godefroy” – Misha moved to Mordent and attempted to claim the House on Gryphon Hill. Little did she know she actually was a descendant of the Foxgroves. Soon enough, her charade came to an end at the hands of Lord Wilfred Godefroy himself. Class Rogue Archtype Swindler.

Level 1 Feat/Ability – Let Fate Decide - The swindler can declare two different actions that rely on different types of rolls or checks, such as attacking a creature (an attack roll) or sneaking past the same creature (a Stealth check). As a standard action, the swindler then uses a random method to choose one of the declared activities, such as flipping a coin, rolling a die, or drawing a harrow card. The specific method doesn’t matter as long as there is an equal chance of either activity being chosen.
If the swindler then performs the chosen activity within the next round, she gains a luck bonus on the roll type required for that activity—attack rolls with a specific weapon, a specific skill check, a specific ability check, or a specific saving throw—equal to half her rogue level (minimum +1) for 1 minute. If the swindler performs any other action (whether declared or not) in the round after using this ability, she becomes shaken for 1 minute instead. The swindler can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier.

Level 3 Feat/Ability – Quicker than the Eye - When the swindler uses Sleight of Hand, creatures take a penalty on their Perception checks equal to half the swindler’s class level to notice the attempt. The swindler also reduces the normal –20 penalty by an amount equal to her class level when attempting a Sleight of Hand check as a move action instead of as a standard action. Lastly, the swindler can draw hidden weapons or objects from her person as a move action instead of the usual standard action.

Level 5 Feat/Ability – Poker Face - The swindler gains a +1 bonus on Bluff, Profession (gambler), and Sense Motive checks. This bonus increases by +1, for every odd level thereafter capping at +7. The swindler can also attempt to feint against non-humanoid targets without penalty, though she still takes a –8 penalty on feint attempts against creatures with animal intelligence and she cannot feint against mindless creatures.

Level 7 Feat/Ability – No Fool – The swindler gains a +1 bonus on Will saves, this bonus increase by +1 for every odd level thereafter, capping at +5.

Level 9 Feat/Ability – Cheat Fate - Once per day, the swindler can reroll any one d20 roll she has just made before the GM has revealed the result. She must take the result of the second roll, even if it is worse. The swindler can use this ability twice per day at 13th level, and three times per day at 17th.

GraveKnight Davriel Vaush – One of the first prisoners of Brandescar Prison, Davriel was sentenced to death for his crimes against Talingarde. Unbeknownst to the followers of Mitra, Asmodeus placed a “curse” on Davriel that should he be killed, he would rise as a GraveKnight. The evening of his death, he rose and led the only insurrection of the prison, which has been lost to the records. The revolt was put down and Davriel was imprisoned in a block using concrete until a powerful enough Cleric could be summoned to destroy him. His second death was seen as a failure to Asmodeus who refused to claim Davriel’s soul, his spent… far too long trapped in the prison walls. Until he hitched a ride out with Sergei. Class Fighter – Archtype Gloomblade.

Level 1 Feat/Ability – Shadow Weapon - A gloomblade can create a shadowy weapon (a supernatural weapons from ribbons of pure darkness) in a free hand as a move action. This can take the form of any melee weapon with which he is proficient. A gloomblade can have only one shadow weapon in existence at a time; creating a new shadow weapon causes an existing shadow weapon to vanish.

Level 3 Feat/Ability – Devastating Blast - Three times per day, the graveknight may unleash a 30-foot cone of energy as a standard action. This blast deals 2d6 points of damage for every 3 Hit Dice a graveknight has (Reflex for half). This damage is force damage.

Level 5 Feat/Ability – Enhanced Shadow Weapon – Sergei’s gloomblade now becomes magical (+1) and gains the Ghost Touch property.

Level 7 Feat/Ability – The shadow weapon wielded by the gloomblade gains the Improved Critical feat, doubling the threat range of the created weapon.

Level 9 Feat/Ability – Channel Destruction: Any weapon a graveknight wields seethes with energy, and deals an additional 1d6 points of damage for every 4 Hit Dice the graveknight has. This is considered force damage.

Madame Marcella. A Vistani seer who ran afoul of Azalin and ended up in his dungeons perishing there of malnutrition. Class Witch.

Level 1 Feat/Ability – Hex. Evil Eye. The witch can cause doubt to creep into the mind of a foe within 30 feet that she can see. The target takes a –2 penalty on one of the following (witch's choice): AC, ability checks, attack rolls, saving throws, or skill checks. This hex lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3 + the witch's Intelligence modifier. A Will save reduces this to just 1 round. This is a mind-affecting effect. At 8th level the penalty increases to –4.

Level 3 Feat/Ability – Hex. Misfortune. The witch can cause a creature within 30 feet to suffer grave misfortune for 1 round. Anytime the creature makes an ability check, attack roll, saving throw, or skill check, it must roll twice and take the worse result. A Will save negates this hex. At 8th level and 16th level, the duration of this hex is extended by 1 round. This hex affects all rolls the target must make while it lasts. Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 1 day.

Level 5 Feat/Ability – Hex. Charm. A witch can charm an animal or humanoid creature within 30 feet by beckoning and speaking soothing words. This improves the attitude of an animal or humanoid creature by 1 step, as if the witch had successfully used the Diplomacy skill. The effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to the Witch's Intelligence modifier. A Will save negates this effect. Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 1 day. At 8th level, this effect improves the attitude of the target creature by 2 steps. This is a mind-affecting charm effect.

Level 7 Feat/Ability – Hex. Discord. The witch can make an animal or humanoid within 30 feet distrust another creature within line of sight. The target’s attitude toward the other creature decreases by one step. A successful Will save negates this effect. The effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to the witch’s Intelligence modifier. The duration can be extended with the cackle hex. Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 1 day. At 8th level, this effect decreases the attitude of the target creature by two steps. This is a mind-affecting charm effect.

Level 9 Feat/Ability – Hex. Murksight. The witch can see through natural fog, mist, and rain without penalty, ignoring any concealment bonuses gained from such effects. If the effect is created by magic, the witch can see up to 15 feet without penalty, with normal penalties and effects applying beyond that distance. This ability functions underwater as well, allowing the witch to see in murky water as though it were clear. This does not allow the witch to see anything she could not see otherwise, such as an invisible creature. This ability will function within the Ravenloft mists, but grants no ability to control the Mists.

Interesting Feats:
These Feats may fit thematically, not sure if you mentioned them already…

Absorb Spirit
Spirit Speaker

Male Human Kineticist 2, AC 13, HP: 26/26, Temp HP 2, Sanity 38, Burn 0/8, Burn Shard 1/1, Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +1 (Second Chance 1/1) Init +3, Per +7, Hero Points 1/1
GM Dark Shadows wrote:

Sorry for the delay there Sergei. Let me know your thoughts.

** spoiler omitted **...

Love it all. Great stuff.

Shadow's Status
Sergei the Haunted wrote:
GM Dark Shadows wrote:

Sorry for the delay there Sergei. Let me know your thoughts.

** spoiler omitted **...

Love it all. Great stuff.

Excellent, as you level of course, higher level powers will be selected, assuming that this cast of characters are still around. As you gain new "passengers" I will work out what bells and whistles they may possess (pun intended). I like the system, it's clean and makes for quite an interesting RP experience!

Shadow's Status

For those of you who have played Carrion Crown before, I hope you enjoyed that twist of the plot! :-)

Female Half-Elf Inquisitor 2 | HP: 17/22 | AC: 17 (T: 13, F: 14) | CMB: +3, CMD: 16 | F: +5, R: +3, W: +7 (+1 vs Poisons) | Init: +5| Perc: +9, SM: +6 | Speed 30' | Sanity 39 - Threshold 2 - Edge 19

I haven't, but it's still quite a twist!

Acrobatics +7, History +4, Nobility +4, Religion +5, Linguistics (B) +6, Perception +8, Sense Motive +10, Sleight of Hand (B) +6, Stealth +7
[dice=Unarmed Attack]d20+3[/dice][dice=Unarmed Damage]d6+3[/dice] [dice=+1 Longbow]d20+4[/dice][/dice=+1 Longbow Damage]d8+1[/dice][dice=Flurry w/+1 Longbow]d20+3[/dice] [dice=Flurry w/ +1 Longbow Damage]d8+1[/dice]
ZA Monk 2; HP: 25 ; Init +4; AC: 16, T: 16, FF: 13; CMB +4, CMD 20; Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +6 (+1 Fort vs. Attacks by Incorporeal Undead); Sanity- 36/36; Legacy- Godefroy; Perception +8

This is new to me, but the story is going great so far!

All good so far!

Oh and,...
Thx much!
All your well-wishes and prayers worked! :)

THIS time it went like it was supposed to. (YAY?!?!)

Still hurts, but MUCH less than the last (failed) attempt, and I had NO anesthesia-brain-fog.

I actually need to be careful, I feel good so I must be careful and not to more than I actually can!

Still cant sit in my desk chair for a while, so short(er) posts for a while.

You're welcome! ;P

Female Tiefling Swashbuckler (Inspired Blade) 1 HP:12, AC:17, TAC:15, FFAC:+12, F:+1, R:+7, W:+0, Sanity:38

I should have my character info up today. Sorry for the delay

Shadow's Status
Vaneza wrote:
I should have my character info up today. Sorry for the delay


Shadow's Status

I'll give Alain and Sergei a chance to chime in till tomorrow. I'll move along tomorrow night either way.

Male Human Kineticist 2, AC 13, HP: 26/26, Temp HP 2, Sanity 38, Burn 0/8, Burn Shard 1/1, Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +1 (Second Chance 1/1) Init +3, Per +7, Hero Points 1/1

I don't think I have anything more to add. Go ahead and move things forward.

Shadow's Status

Alain is the silent type anyway so moved along we have!

AC: 17// ST: F +4 R +5 W+5// Sanity: 38 Human Gunslinger 1
Dark Powers wrote:
Alain is the silent type anyway so moved along we have!


Shadow's Status

Fantastic RP folks, I'm going to let you all banter a bit longer before I move us the old school Cthulhu research portion of the adventure:-)

Shadow's Status

Updates on Saturday, RL super busy ATM.

Female Tiefling Swashbuckler (Inspired Blade) 1 HP:12, AC:17, TAC:15, FFAC:+12, F:+1, R:+7, W:+0, Sanity:38

Sorry the internet been a bit spotty this week.. it is getting fixed today.

I think Interwebs/PC's in general been iffy for all today, due to that glitched Microsoft/Crowdstrike update early this AM.

RL been busy too.
(Stupid RL. Give me a LITTLE break, willya?) ;P

Shadow's Status

Weekend ended up being just as busy, updates now.

Shadow's Status
Teofila Agarici wrote:

Weird! I don't think I've ever seen that happen before.

** spoiler omitted **

I have, it's annoying. :-(

Shadow's Status

Untrained is ok!

Male Human Kineticist 2, AC 13, HP: 26/26, Temp HP 2, Sanity 38, Burn 0/8, Burn Shard 1/1, Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +1 (Second Chance 1/1) Init +3, Per +7, Hero Points 1/1

If I remember everything right, knowledge checks with a DC 10 or less can be made by anyone, even untrained. Regardless of the roll, 10 is the maximum an untrained person can get on a knowledge check.

Untrained people can use libraries to raise this threshold by an amount based on the quality/focus of the collection.

Shadow's Status
Sergei the Haunted wrote:

If I remember everything right, knowledge checks with a DC 10 or less can be made by anyone, even untrained. Regardless of the roll, 10 is the maximum an untrained person can get on a knowledge check.

Untrained people can use libraries to raise this threshold by an amount based on the quality/focus of the collection.

Correct! Here you are essentially IN a Library. It's just a messy disorganized Library. That's why I am keying off of the highest roll and will apply Aid Another rules in this instance.

4 down 3 of you to go, Teofila is out at the moment so I'm not worried about her roll here.

Shadow's Status

I texted Alain O'Dim, if he doesn't post by tomorrow, I'll bot him so we can move this Library Organization section of the adventure along :-)

AC: 17// ST: F +4 R +5 W+5// Sanity: 38 Human Gunslinger 1

My apologies guys. Out of town for a bit, and just finishing up some stuff

Shadow's Status
Alain O'Dim wrote:
My apologies guys. Out of town for a bit, and just finishing up some stuff

No worries, I had bogged things down for a few days myself!

RL SERIOUSLY needs to take a friggin' BREAK for a week. Or THREE. It has been seriously bustin' my chops lately. ;P

(Aren't summers supposed ot eb RELAXING?!? at least PART of it?!?) ;)

Shadow's Status
Ragadolf wrote:

RL SERIOUSLY needs to take a friggin' BREAK for a week. Or THREE. It has been seriously bustin' my chops lately. ;P

(Aren't summers supposed ot eb RELAXING?!? at least PART of it?!?) ;)

Jury Duty messed up my week last week, plus when I got home had to do several hours of time sensitive work so just left no time for gaming :-(

Male Half-Orc (Pyro) Kineticist 2 / VMC Sorcerer (Orc)
HP 21/26 (-2NL) |Current Burn: 1 (Limit+1/rd) | AC 18 T 15 FF 16 | Fort +8 Ref +5 Will +1 | CMB +3 / CMD 15 | Init +2 | Perception +6|Sanity: 33/33 | Hero Pts: 2/-0 | Active:

I've got my mom moving into my house with me and my 10 year old son. I'm desperately trying to clean out my house and garage so I can fit my mom into it by the middle of next month. I'm so tired...

Shadow's Status
Cole Burrns wrote:
I've got my mom moving into my house with me and my 10 year old son. I'm desperately trying to clean out my house and garage so I can fit my mom into it by the middle of next month. I'm so tired...

It seems like all of us are just super busy with one thing or another!

Good luck!

If you are missing for spots I get it, that's a BIG new adjustment.

That said, in January (assuming nothing terrible befalls my home) I shall have one more rugrat running around. Well, he won't be running yet but you get the idea. Those first few months might be spotty, but I'll try and at least update one or two times a week.

Shadow's Status

I tallied the rolls, lots to post, don't want to give it short responses. I will post up on this tomorrow night or possibly Friday night just an FYI.

AC: 17// ST: F +4 R +5 W+5// Sanity: 38 Human Gunslinger 1
GM Dark Shadows wrote:
Cole Burrns wrote:
I've got my mom moving into my house with me and my 10 year old son. I'm desperately trying to clean out my house and garage so I can fit my mom into it by the middle of next month. I'm so tired...

It seems like all of us are just super busy with one thing or another!

Good luck!

If you are missing for spots I get it, that's a BIG new adjustment.

That said, in January (assuming nothing terrible befalls my home) I shall have one more rugrat running around. Well, he won't be running yet but you get the idea. Those first few months might be spotty, but I'll try and at least update one or two times a week.


Acrobatics +7, History +4, Nobility +4, Religion +5, Linguistics (B) +6, Perception +8, Sense Motive +10, Sleight of Hand (B) +6, Stealth +7
[dice=Unarmed Attack]d20+3[/dice][dice=Unarmed Damage]d6+3[/dice] [dice=+1 Longbow]d20+4[/dice][/dice=+1 Longbow Damage]d8+1[/dice][dice=Flurry w/+1 Longbow]d20+3[/dice] [dice=Flurry w/ +1 Longbow Damage]d8+1[/dice]
ZA Monk 2; HP: 25 ; Init +4; AC: 16, T: 16, FF: 13; CMB +4, CMD 20; Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +6 (+1 Fort vs. Attacks by Incorporeal Undead); Sanity- 36/36; Legacy- Godefroy; Perception +8

I will be going on vacation from Sunday, July 28th, through Friday, August 2nd. I should have the internet, but I am not sure how much time I will have to post. So feel free to bot me if needed.

I feel for you guys,
(ESPECIALLY the Jury Duty!) ;P

(remind me, LATER, to entertain you with a brief but amusing story of one of my University Theater Professors vs the Jury she was in. ) ;)

Best wishes for all.
(Cleaning out my very overstuffed garage is on my to-do list. WAY down the list. But it is on it!) :)

I am just trying to make it one day at a time right now. (Emotionally, and Physically)
It does NOT help that out of my many (debatable) virtues, PATIENCE is NOT one of them. ;P

I will just apologize in advance in case I do drop off radar for a bit.
I WILL return if (when?) that happens. :)


Shadow's Status

I'll give another day for anyone else to chime in, if no one does, I will move the scene along to Van Richten's lab.

Shadow's Status
Kenzo Hagetora wrote:
I will be going on vacation from Sunday, July 28th, through Friday, August 2nd. I should have the internet, but I am not sure how much time I will have to post. So feel free to bot me if needed.


Shadow's Status
Ragadolf wrote:


I feel for you guys,
(ESPECIALLY the Jury Duty!) ;P

(remind me, LATER, to entertain you with a brief but amusing story of one of my University Theater Professors vs the Jury she was in. ) ;)

Best wishes for all.
(Cleaning out my very overstuffed garage is on my to-do list. WAY down the list. But it is on it!) :)

I am just trying to make it one day at a time right now. (Emotionally, and Physically)
It does NOT help that out of my many (debatable) virtues, PATIENCE is NOT one of them. ;P

I will just apologize in advance in case I do drop off radar for a bit.
I WILL return if (when?) that happens. :)


No worries.

Female Half-Elf Inquisitor 2 | HP: 17/22 | AC: 17 (T: 13, F: 14) | CMB: +3, CMD: 16 | F: +5, R: +3, W: +7 (+1 vs Poisons) | Init: +5| Perc: +9, SM: +6 | Speed 30' | Sanity 39 - Threshold 2 - Edge 19

Wow, sorry for my rather long absence. I had a weird and sudden digression brought on by getting a new couch last week. It is larger, and meant to replace the old couch and loveseat. But what do you actually do with huge furniture after you replace it? Well, the couch got (violently) disassembled (fun!) so it can slowly go into the garbage. The loveseat got a new cover and went to a new room. But starting to move things about caused secondary and then tertiary effects that eventually resulted in almost all of the rooms getting reshuffled, and two of them getting painted.

It was like a temporary sickness.


I hope that particular sickness is not contagious!

I have FAR too much JUNK in my house to rearrange anything! ;P

I would die of exhaustion! ;)

In your case it sounds like more a benign, if time-consuming, illness. :D

sergei wrote:
The lab seems like the next place to investigate. Do we really want to go do a tavern scene before that?

Um,... is this a trick question? ;P

HP 23/24; San 35/36; AC 14 (16 vs undead); DR 2/- vs undead; Init +0; Fort +5; Ref +0; Will +0; Per +5 2 3

Ogre is hungry. As a player I don't mind which we do. But the man-of-action has spent a morning reading papers and wants to get out and do something

Shadow's Status

Ok for me to split the party. I know Alain is backed up in general and Vaneza works outside so is beat from the heat and Kenzo is still away. Teofila is out with Shanda but I was giving a bit more time for them to check in. Tonight I'll move us along, let me know if you want to split or just go eat as right now the eats votes have majority

Male Human Kineticist 2, AC 13, HP: 26/26, Temp HP 2, Sanity 38, Burn 0/8, Burn Shard 1/1, Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +1 (Second Chance 1/1) Init +3, Per +7, Hero Points 1/1

It doesn't really matter to me. With three players away, buying time with a tavern scene doesn't seem like a bad idea. On the other hand, investigating the lab might give us more to talk about during the tavern scene. Right now we don't have much to go on.

Sergei has a fair point,
Honestly I don't mind (as a player) either way.

I was just thinking IC that my toons skinny self is probably getting hungry.
Also fair to say that his curiosity is killing him about the locked-lab.

I was just originally thinking (and joking) that the tavern scene(s) are when some interesting (AKA='Fun') things happen.
(Food fight, accusations of being partner with the Dr in voodoo, etc.) :)

And I think it's safe (THIS early) to split the party. ;)
Those who are hungry can eat, those whose curiosity is killing them can start looking through the lab.
That should also make for interesting revelations when we meet back up. Depending on what happens. :D

I'm easy.
I SHOULD be available most of the weekend, and can keep up easily. But once MOnday hits I'll be back to hit & miss on an hourly basis. :P

In case I forget, Happy weekend all!

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