DunwichStoryteller |

Waiting on me, my apologies RL been not so friendly for me this last week by the time I can get to it I am too pooped to pop. But I keep formulating the post in my mind and in my dreams so I have not been per se idle this whole time. I have decided on the what just working a bit on the how so as to make it seem organic in nature ;) since it is in nature and it is organic ;)

Salaha Driftmare |

thnx for the heads was going to post yesterday then got handed something I need done asap that was only supposed to take 155 minutes to complete took like 11 hours
Hey that seems familiar. Sure buddy I'll handle this simple traffic accident, what could go wrong? Sure my shift ends in 8 minutes, but it's not like they will have drugs guns and a dead body right?
They had three bodies and kid pron.
I in fact did not leave shift in 8 minutes.

DunwichStoryteller |

Well I am still here just struggling on my end with the motivation and time needed to put the effort in for the next post -- when I have the motivation I do not have the time when I have the time I have been lacking the motiviation. The motivation is due mostly to currently not working which should be changing within the next week or two.

Jazlyn of Clan Ocēlōme |

I have been waiting a long time to play this game, but in the meantime, I've joined other games. Now I'm overextended and need to withdraw from some campaigns that have been mostly inactive. I hope you have fun, but it will have to be without Jazlyn. I'll keep her in reserve for later.
Thanks for considering me for the campaign.

Jazlyn of Clan Ocēlōme |

I got COVID two weeks ago despite having the vaccine and most of the boosters.
I'm posting here to request that Jazlyn's character be taken off the active PC list. Click on the Campaign page, then on the "Edit this Campaign," button. Scroll down to the lists of Players and PCs and uncheck any active buttons for Jazlyn and for Clebsch73. This will make it so the campaign no longer shows up on my campaign list.
Thanks. I hope you feel better soon and can resume your campaign.

DunwichStoryteller |

Jazlyn I am finalizing my post putting together that vast information that Salaha acquired and the information that Dáin obtain took me a bit and is waiting to be posted along with the results of the combat Rnd 1 and the beginning of combat Rnd 2.
Dragon Attack: 1d20 ⇒ 5
Pin Grün: 1d20 ⇒ 1
Pin Salaha: 1d20 ⇒ 15
Attack William: 1d20 ⇒ 4

DunwichStoryteller |

Note Everyone: I have added the Grapple Guidelines to the Campaign Tab under the Combat Notes. I wanted to be sure everyone was aware of them especially due to the discrepancy issue of breaking a Pin vs a Grapple.
I am going with the call that if you successfully break/reverse a Grapple (be it Grappled or Pinned) you break the entire Grapple as Pinned is just a more severe version of Grappled and they do not stack.
Also you only get a +2 to CMB to maintain Grappled but you get the +5 to CMB to maintain Pinned.
If you have any questions on this please ask otherwise I will assume you fully understand why this is the case.
Dmg Salaha: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
Drain Salaha: 1d4 ⇒ 4
Critical Failure: 1d20 ⇒ 10

DunwichStoryteller |

Yes *sigh* RL and issues continue to sap me but I keep revisiting this trying to push through my current funk to get the next post up. My apologies being without a job has impacted me far more emotionally than I thought it would or even outwardly notice that it does.
That and I have been trying to drum up a few more players to move things forward with PCs rather than filling with NPCs thought I had two more but they disappeared.

EltonJ |

I know this will come as a shock. But . . .
My cousin, Eric Gibbons (Soulcleave) has died. And I'll be going to his funeral (Celebration of Life). Since I was his best friend. I don't know the date of his viewing or his funeral, but it's sometime this week.
I won't be posting much during that day, or I might not at all that day. It's been a time of ups and downs. I'll get his RPG library, so that's a plus.

William the Destroyer |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Hello, everyone!
The funeral for my cousin Soulcleave was great. There weren't any flowers, but my mom had a tree planted. Also, a lot of people got up to speak about their memories of my cousin. I did too. There was a lunch, plus I got to take home a miniature -- and of course I got his big, red, fire breathing dragon.