About Dain BramageFull Name : Dain Bramage
Classes/Levels : Inquisitor(Living Grimoire) 3 Gender : M Size : M Age Special Abilities : Alignment: NG Deity : Moradin Location : Trouble Languages : Common,Dwarf
Strength 14 (+2)
Skills: 6/level
Background Skills 2/level
Feats: Improved Initiative(+4),Weapon Focus(Holy Book),
Special Abilities:
Holy Book:
Holy Book (Su) They form a supernatural bond with a large ironbound tome (reliquary) containing the holy text of their deity and learn to use it as a weapon. When wielding the Holy Book as a weapon, they deal base damage based on their level 1st–4th 1d8, 5th–9th 2d6, 10th–14th 2d8, 15th–19th 3d6, and 20th 3d8. It is also treated as a Cold Iron weapon, they are considered proficient with the Holy Book, and take no improvised weapon penalty. The tome serves as their holy symbol and divine focus, and grants them the Feat: Eschew Materials. Further it can be enchanted as a magic weapon. At 4th-level, they gain the ability to enhance their Holy Book with divine power as a Swift Action. This power grants a +1 Magic Enhance bonus that only they can use. They gain an additional +1 at levels 8th, 12th, 16th, and 20th for a max of +5. They can use this ability a number of rounds per day equal to their level, and these rounds need not be consecutive. This temporary bonus stacks with any permanent bonuses the Holy Book may have up to a combined enhancement of +10 when factoring in special abilities. The enhance bonus can be used as a +1 To Hit and Damage (up to a Max +5) or it can be swapped for the following Special Abilities: Axiomatic(+2), Bane (+1), Brilliant Energy(+4), Defending(+1), Disruption(+2), Flaming(+1), Frost(+1), Ghost Touch(+1), Holy(+2), Keen(+1), Merciful(+1), and Shock(+1) The Holy Book contains all Orisons (0-level Inquisitor spells) plus 3 1st-level Inquisitor spells of their choice at 1st-level. They can also select a number of additional 1st-level Inquisitor spells equal to their Intelligence Modifier to add to their Holy Book. At each new level, they gain two new Inquisitor spells of any spell levels they can cast (based on their new level) for their Holy Book. At any time they can add to their Holy Book any Inquisitor spells they have acquired from Scrolls or other written sources. For time and cost of these copied spells see the guidelines for Wizards copying spells into their spell book.
A living grimoire must prepare his spells ahead of time, and can know any number of inquisitor spells. He uses Intelligence instead of Wisdom as his key spellcasting ability score (to determine his spell DCs, bonus spells per day, modifier on concentration checks, and so on), and to determine the effects and number of uses of his domain powers. The living grimoire receives the same number of spell slots per day as a warpriest of his inquisitor level, and receives bonus spells per day if he has a high Intelligence score. He must choose and prepare his spells ahead of time by choosing a time each day for 1 hour of quiet contemplation while he studies his holy book. At 1st (level, the living grimoire’s holy book contains all 0-level inquisitor spells plus three 1st-level inquisitor spells of his choice. He also selects a number of additional 1st-level inquisitor spells equal to his Intelligence modifier to add to his holy book. At each new inquisitor level, he gains two new inquisitor spells of any spell levels he can cast (based on his new inquisitor level) for his holy book. At any time, he can learn inquisitor spells from scrolls or other written sources and add inquisitor spells he finds to his holy book. This ability alters orisons and spellcasting and replaces cunning initiative. Sacred Word:
At 1st (level, a living grimoire learns to charge his holy book with the power of his faith. The inquisitor gains the benefits of the warpriest’s sacred weapon class ability, but the benefits apply only to his bonded holy book. Like a warpriest’s sacred weapon, the living grimoire’s book deals damage based on the inquisitor’s level, not the book’s base damage (unless the inquisitor chooses to use the book’s base damage). At 4th level, the living grimoire gains the ability to enhance his holy book with divine power as a swift action. This ability grants the holy book a +1 enhancement bonus. For every 4 inquisitor levels the living grimoire has beyond 4th, this bonus increases by 1 (to a maximum of +5 at 20th level). These bonuses stack with any existing bonuses the holy book might have, to a maximum of +5. The living grimoire can enhance his holy book to have any of the special abilities listed in the warpriest’s sacred weapon ability, subject to the same alignment restrictions, but adds bane to the general special ability list. Adding any of these special abilities to the holy book consumes an amount of enhancement bonus equal to the special ability’s base price modifier. The holy book must have at least a +1 enhancement bonus before the living grimoire can add any special abilities to it. The living grimoire can use this ability a number of rounds per day equal to his inquisitor level, but these rounds don’t need to be consecutive. As with the warpriest sacred weapon ability, he determines the enhancement bonus and special abilities the first time he uses the ability each day, and they cannot be changed until the next day. This ability replaces judgment. Domain:
Touch of Good (Sp): You can touch a creature as a standard action, granting a sacred bonus on attack rolls, skill checks, ability checks, and saving throws equal to half your cleric level (minimum 1) for 1 round. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier. 4 Holy Lance (Su): At 8th level, you can give a weapon you touch the holy special weapon quality for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 your cleric level. You can use this ability once per day at 8th level, and an additional time per day for every four levels beyond 8th.
As a standard action, the inquisitor can choose to learn a new bonus teamwork feat in place of the most recent bonus teamwork feat she has already learned. In effect, the inquisitor loses the bonus feat in exchange for the new one. She can only change the most recent teamwork feat gained. Whenever she gains a new teamwork feat, the previous teamwork feat becomes set and cannot be changed again. An inquisitor can change her most recent teamwork feat a number of times per day equal to her Wisdom modifier.
Spells per day 3 1st
Equipment: Book of Grudges Wgt 5 lbs Cost 0gp
Dain (Child of Dain, Child of Dain) was raised in the faith of Moradin as a priest who would work with patrols to keep caravans safe and with blessing for his deity.