Dreadfulness in Dunwich PF1e+

Game Master DeJoker

Bale Keep Map


Dunwich is a somewhat backwater fishing town situated on southern side of the Dunwater River and sandwiched between the Dunwater Marsh and the Monmurg Bay. This makes it tucked away on the south-western coast of the Kingdom of Keoland. Just north of Dunwich is a small monastery dedicated to Heironeous and Bale Keep which guards the road between the town of Saltmarsh and Burle. While further south are other small fishing villages and guard towers. Many folks from Dunwich serve as staff and support for the keep and the town tends to travelers between Saltmarsh and Burle.

This will be a semi-sandbox game based in a non-canon village located in the Viscounty of Salinmoor in the south-western region of Keoland which is located within the Sheldomar Valley within the western area of the Flanaess on the continent of Oerick on the planet Oereth. Dunwich is smaller but similar to its more famous cousin Saltmarsh which is located just to the northeast. As every character will have hailed from or hail from Dunwich there will be special Backgrounds to choose from that will tie the character more tightly into the village.

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Female Aquatic Elf Druid 3

" This is not like a jungle, atleast I do not think so. I do not have much experience with those, but this should be useful to swim and climb. We shall head off unless someone wishes to stay for something else. Does anyone know good dragon names?" Salaha queries as they head out.

To Salaha in Draconic:
"Mom what is the purpose of name?"

Male Human Evoker 3
Salaha Driftmare wrote:

"So we have underdark goblins trying to corrupt a poor little dragon, drugging and killing people... You land walkers surely need help with many things. We shall cure the illness, then perhaps look into these goblins. How did they get an egg is a great question, and you shall have to inform us more of this underdark. Does it have waters?"

"I don't know truly if it has water," said William. "But to venture there will be a hazard for us."

To Jazlyn, he turns to her and says, "Call me William, scourge of evil."

CG Human Female (she/her/hers) Brawler 3 | HP: 31/40 AC 19 T 13 FF 16 F +6 R +6 W +5 | Martial Flexibility 4/4

"Caves have water, but it's nothing like what you are familiar with," Jazlyn offers. "Usually there is water flowing through some tunnels and here and there it pools into what might be called a lake. With no direct sunlight, however, the creatures that inhabit the water are likely nothing like those in the ocean. The water is fresh, not salty."

Female Aquatic Elf Druid 3

Answering in Draconic:
" A name is what one is known by. How they call me Salaha so I know they speak to me. We can not just call you hatchling, though that is what you are. But you are smart enough to name yourself.

" Well if it has waters I should be quiet alright in it. We need to explore that somewhat, because stealing eggs is one thing, but unholy issues and now a plague bothers the town is not good signs." With that, without anyone objecting, they could head out.

OCC: Well if there is nothing else the group wishes to do then the heading into the deeper swap is nset on the agenda.

Salaha I am working on the stats for you new companion and will have those before they are needed.

The group is taking their boat into the swamp but is there anything you all want to do and should I assume the Grippli is is lead scout and pathfinder at this point?

Female Aquatic Elf Druid 3

Salaha sits on the boat as it goes deeper into the swamp, her new companion draped around her shoulders as they keep watch on the boat, keenly searching for anything out of the ordinary. She has her bow out, but also seems to be checking the swamp water every so often to ensure the health of the waters.

OCC: Okay it is actually a small creature as dragons when born are Small so that be like putting a sizeable heavy python about your neck. Further it is aquatic so can swim

Male Human Evoker 3

William wraps himself in his robes. He was certainly prepared to go deeper into the swamp, or wetlands. He was no healer, that was for sure. Salaha was a druid, maybe she could heal others of their diseases. william was sure of one thing, he needed to defeat evil.

CG Human Female (she/her/hers) Brawler 3 | HP: 31/40 AC 19 T 13 FF 16 F +6 R +6 W +5 | Martial Flexibility 4/4

Jazlyn packs her gear carefully, adding supplies she thinks will be helpful. Should we be keeping track of things like rations, water, etc. Is there anyone in the party who can create light spells when needed or should those without darkvision pack torches or lamps or the like?

Jazlyn is not a talkative traveling companion, although she speaks when spoken to. She focuses on watching the surroundings for threats and makes mental notes of landmarks passed.

OCC: This is as much a survival game as it is an adventure game in fact surviving ones environment is actually a challenge that must be surmounted. That being said yes we are (or at least I am) tracking rations and water (although considering you are in a fresh water marsh/swamp that one is kind of a no brainer granted cooking that water to purify (or casting a spell to do so or casting a spell to create water are all viable options as well).

That being said everyone has full rations and full water as the Grippli tribe would have provided for that. They are very happy that their queen and protector (their swamp queen) has returned. They seem to be okay with the fact that she has a new body as if this is something that has occurred before.

Also on this trip there are no current NPCs at this time those that exist all remained behind for one reason or another.

M Dwarf Inquisitor(Living Grimoire) 37/37,Init5,F7R2W6,AC18T13FF16

Dain shivers at the bottom of the boat, once again aboard the feared craft.

The group moves deeper into swamp where the sounds of nature slowly become quieter and the fog seems to hang heavier as the light breeze in the marshes gets quelled by the large trees with their maze like root systems that resemble the clustered branches of a tree rather than one one might consider to be roots. The unnerving stillness is only broken by the semi-rhythmic splash of the paddles or by a the sound of a bug as it flies nearby seemingly greatly amplified in volume due to the lack of other sounds. For those accustomed to Nature {Have at least 1 Rank in Knowledge(Nature) the stillness is more unnerving as it is definitely not natural.

Navigating the maze of trees and their above water root systems takes time with these root systems occasionally looking like tentacled arms in the blur of the fog. Unknowingly this would be a precursor to at least one of the creatures that inhabit this swamp. A relization that comes as the boat is suddenly jarred to the right causing everyone to be slightly knocked off balance as a sort of pseudopodial mouth bites into the left railing and splashing movement can be heard from the right.

Glancing to the right at the sounds, the group sees what appears to be the human-sized tree moving towards them. As it breaks the fog they can see it is not a tree but some strange monstrosity. What is propelling its movement cannot be seen but the water churns slightly as if movement were taking place below the waters surface. The base of the creature has numerous alien malicious eyes and just above the eyes long branch like tentacles ending in puckered maws that drip a green goo with the consistancy of sap and the smell of an open grave seems to accompany its presence. Above the tentacles is a multibranch or antler like feature where the corpses of a couple of small animals are skewered upon them for some most likely unpleasant reason. The sight of this creature is quite unnerving {Will check DC 16 or Shaken}{Knowledge[Religion or Planar] check DC 15 to know anything about this creature}

Three tentacled maws lash out toward the group. Each one striking home, hitting Jazlyn {Damage 9 + Grappled}, Salaha {Damage 14 + Grappled}, and Grün {Damage 14 + Grappled}.

OCC:The group can now react. You are all in a boat that is currently 10 feet from the tree-like creature who has three tentacles attached to the three indicated characters. Grün is at the front of the boat and Jazlyn and Salaha are on the right side of the boat with Dáin across from Jazlyn and William across from Salaha. Lars is in the rear of the boat while the Dragon is next to Salaha.

Yes I realize Dáin posted he was huddled down in the boat but he has to man one of the 4 oars. So he is hunkered down and operating one of the oars, perhaps has his toes hooked somehow to keep him from accidentally toppling over board.

Shaken Condition:
A Shaken (not stirred) ;-) creature takes a –2 Penalty on Attack rolls, Saves, Skill checks, and Ability checks. Shaken is a less severe state of Fear than Frightened or Panicked.

Note this Shaken Condition will last until a Save is made, an affected creature may make an additional Save at the end of each of their turns after their 1st turn. So the creature that fails their Save will spend one full round Shaken and then at the end of their next round, and each round thereafter, they may make another Save.

Grappled Condition:
Grappled creatures cannot move and take a –4 penalty to Dexterity. A grappled creature takes a –2 penalty on all Attack rolls and Combat Maneuver checks, except those made to Grapple or Escape a Grapple. A Grappled character who attempts to cast a spell or use a spell-like ability must make a Concentration check (DC 22 + spell level), or lose the spell. Grappled creatures cannot make Attacks of Opportunity.

A Grappled creature cannot use Stealth to hide from the creature Grappling it, even if a special ability, such as Hide in Plain Sight, would normally allow it to do so. If a Grappled creature becomes invisible, through a spell or other ability, it gains a +2 circumstance bonus on its CMD to avoid being Grappled, but receives no other benefit.

If Grappled, one can attempt to break the Grapple as a Standard Action by making a Combat Maneuver check or Escape Artist check (DC 22) this does not provoke an Attack of Opportunit. If successful, the grapple is broken and one can act normally.

OCC: Sorry this took so long but I did not think you wanted to face CR 12 version of this creature so I had to tone it down considerably which took a bit of time. Still as it stands this thing could be nasty. Oh and yes Salaha I hope to have the dragon done by this weekend.

Male Human Evoker 3

William casts Magic Missile at the nearest tentacled maw!

Missile 1: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
Missile 2: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

M Dwarf Inquisitor(Living Grimoire) 37/37,Init5,F7R2W6,AC18T13FF16

Dain casts Divine Favor on himself (+1 hit/damage)

OCC: Did the two of you not see the required Save you need to make or the optional Knowledge check?

Will check DC 16 or Shaken

Knowledge[Religion or Planar] check DC 15 to know anything about this creature. Due to the circumstances you cannot take 20 on this check but I will supply that kind of information (unless someone rolls a 20) after the fight upon reflection of what you have faced.

M Dwarf Inquisitor(Living Grimoire) 37/37,Init5,F7R2W6,AC18T13FF16

Will save: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11

OCC: Does Dáin not have Knowledge[Religion] nor Knowledge[Planes] ??

M Dwarf Inquisitor(Living Grimoire) 37/37,Init5,F7R2W6,AC18T13FF16

Know-Religion: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17
Know-Planes: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19

Female Aquatic Elf Druid 3

Will save: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8
Know Religion: 1d20 + 10 - 2 ⇒ (20) + 10 - 2 = 28

Salaha is too shaken by the creature to do anything, this eldritch horror from beyond the planes clearly was not natural, but completely known to her. The issue now was if she could survive long enough to speak, or die given she looks as if she is near death's door after one hit.

OCC Salaha can do something as Shaken only means you have a -2 to Actions see the Spoilers for both Shaken and Grappled. So you know what your options actually are. Then of course you have your Dragon that you have bounded with which is a companion that you can say something to (Free Action) and it will respond of course it might respond on its own if you do not say anything considering the current circumstances.

I not sure if you realize it or not but you did a pretty good job of actually describing what you know about this creature all-things-considered. Granted I will supply you with more information when I respond considering that was a crit on a knowledge check.

Male Grippli

Will vs Skaken DC 16: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14

Is sneak attack available? By it grappling 3 of us, is Grun now flanking?

Male Human Evoker 3

William's Will Save: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12

OCC: No Grün I will have to say due to the circumstances this is not a flanking situation however I will do what I can to alleviate that issue eventually since it is a very big aspect of your character. Still what you plan to do in this situation is still up to you to outline.

Female Aquatic Elf Druid 3

For some reason I read it as all I could do the first round was be shaken, which I get isnt what you intended lol.

Salaha will share with the group quickly what she knows of this beast, and tries her best to get loose from it's grip

Trying to escape: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19

Salaha does nearly the best she can to get from the grip of these beast.

CG Human Female (she/her/hers) Brawler 3 | HP: 31/40 AC 19 T 13 FF 16 F +6 R +6 W +5 | Martial Flexibility 4/4

Will: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9

Not trained in either knowledge skill.

While Jazlyn prides herself on being unflappable in combat, the creepy nature of this swamp denizan takes her by surprise and unnerves her. Jazlyn immediately twists and tries to break free from the gripping appendage and then adjusts her fighting style, drawing on training to more effectively deal with such a monster.

FYI: Jazlyn has improved grapple feat. I put the impact of this in her stat line for CMB and CMD, but I did not have it in her feat list.

Break Grapple, Improved Grapple, Shaken: 1d20 + 9 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (17) + 9 + 1 - 2 = 25

If that is successful, Jazlyn will use a move action and her martial flexibility ability to gain Resisting Grappler feat. If the creature tries the same trick, Jazlyn will get an aoo unless it has improved grapple feat.

If the break grapple was not successful, she will instead use martial flexibility to gain the Focused Discipline feat.

Male Grippli

Not opining about the character build... But, technically I'm threatening or could with one handed weapon. So if someone for on the opposite side of it...

Grun goes limp, waiting.

CG Human Female (she/her/hers) Brawler 3 | HP: 31/40 AC 19 T 13 FF 16 F +6 R +6 W +5 | Martial Flexibility 4/4

I just noticed the break grapple DC is 22, so Jazlyn broke the grapple. She can make AOOs with unarmed attacks and threatens creature for the purposes of flanking, even without a weapon in hand.

OCC: As I have stated before all you need to do is out number your opponent to have flanking and you get a +1 per person which in this case due to the circumstances I give you guys a +1 flanking bonus along with whatever else you get from flanking.

Why is Grün going limp while grappled by a horrific creature that you can guess wants to eat you or worse?

Male Grippli

Playing dead. But, if there is a +1 flanking situation because we outnumber the creature, I can sneak. Otherwise, not worth attacking. Figured maybe it would just drop him if he goes limp (and focus on other targets - sorry folks).

OCC: Well okay just wanted to double check on that was all.

Male Grippli

Realizing there is still opportunity in his dire situation, the grippli draws a kukri and attempts to cut the creature while it's distracted.

atk, ci kukri, flank, shaken: 1d20 + 9 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (9) + 9 + 1 - 2 = 17
dmg, ci kukri, precision, shaken: 1d3 + 2d6 - 2 ⇒ (3) + (4, 3) - 2 = 8

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

Can I dust off a magic missile now?

OCC: William it seems that you can. I can sort it out if necessary.

Male Human Evoker 3
DeJoker wrote:
OCC: William it seems that you can. I can sort it out if necessary.

William casts another magic missile at the closest tentacle.

Magic Missile damage: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 51d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

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