DunwichStoryteller |
If it helps any Bigfolks here is what the group currently consists of but with the way RL goes you cannot guarantee anyone will still be here tomorrow. I mean in one of the games I am in one of the players died in a car crash. Extremely tragic and will be greatly missed but the game goes on.
.. Male Human
.. Wizard(Evoker) follower of Hieroneous
.. Male Dwarf
.. Cleric(Inquisitor-Living Grimoire) of Moradin
.. Lady Aquatic Elf
.. Aquatic Druid of Trishina
.. Animal Companion(Crocodile)
.. Male Grippli
.. Rogue(Outrider)
.. Animal Companion(coming soon)
.. Male Human
.. Fighter
Otherwise Grün has posted some quality suggestions.
Sun-Dapple Grün |
Hi DeJoker,
How are you with:
Muleback Cords <<< Link
and the
Traveler's Any Tool <<< Link?
Selecting my gear and trying to spend that 3,240 gp!
DeJoker |
Well you could start with one (but only one) of those if you like.
But if you are concerned about spending that money just look into how Masterwork is being used.
For instance a mundane masterwork +2 To Hit and +2 Damage dagger costs 1,250gp in case that interests you.
Further maybe you want one silvered and/or made of cold iron.
Note: I will be posting tomorrow evening to move things forward.
Sun-Dapple Grün |
Well you could start with one (but only one) of those if you like.
1) you have a version of masterwork backpack that expands it's content limit from 30 to 50 lbs whereas the one in the book effectively gives +1 to the wearers STR for carrying capacity. It's that "core" version still valid?
2) besides your masterwork costs are calculated, would you have details as to how crafting works of different from what's outlined on the pfsrd or Nethys?
For instance would Grun be able to make his own masterwork gear with Craft (armor, bow, weapon, leather, etc...)?
Would the crafting process just take too long to be practical, part-time? Or require a lot of downtime?
The Master Craftsman feat even allows non-spellcasters to craft magical items.
Please note: I'm typically not looking to be the greatest crafter or any crafter for savings or profit (surprised?)... I just usually end up wanting something that is just slightly off the beaten path.
Ex: a backpack that adds +1 or +2 to STR for carrying capacity. Because, tripling Grun's carrying capacity (what +8 does) is a bit much.
DeJoker |
First I want to say I fully remember the fun of crafting one's own things, and I witnessed numerous players, back in the day, enjoying that as well. So I have endeavored over the years to keep crafting and such a part of the game for those that wish to pursue it. For whatever reason, because while it might reduce costs it does require other expenditures of limited resources (aka Skill Points).
Further I will add a Crafting section to the Campaign tab to incorporate the guidelines changes below.
Now if you want a Backpack that has:
... Masterwork Level-1: +1 Strength to Carrying Capacity
... Masterwork Level-2: +1 Strength to Carrying Capacity
... Masterwork Level-3: Expanded Capacity (50 lbs)
That would be 2gp x5 x5 x5 = 250gp
As for the crafting guidelines for the most part they are pretty much the same except for the following:
Step 4:
Make an appropriate Craft check representing 5 continuous day’s worth of work. If the check succeeds, multiply the check result by the DC. If the result × the DC equals the cost of the item in sp, then one has completed the item. (If the result × the DC equals double or triple the cost of the item in silver pieces, then one has completed the task in one-half or one-third of the time (round-up in days). Other multiples of the DC reduce the time in the same manner.) If the result × the DC does not equal the cost, then it represents the progress one has made thus far. Record the result subtracting 15% (keep fractions) and (if not the first check add this to any previous check(s)). Then make a new Craft check for the next 5 continuous day's. Each 5 day period, one makes more progress until their total reaches or exceeds the cost of the item in silver pieces.
Create Masterwork Items:
One can make a masterwork item: a weapon, suit of armor, shield, tool, or any other item that conveys a bonus on its use through its exceptional craftsmanship. To create a masterwork item, one creates the masterwork component in addition to the standard item. The masterwork component changes the cost increasing the base cost of the item by 5 times per level of Masterwork which increases the cost of the materials needed (one-third of the new base cost). This also adds +5 to the Craft DC per level of Masterwork. All levels of Masterwork must be performed at the same time and their increase to base cost and DC are cumulative. Once both the full item is completed, the masterwork item is finished.
Note: A Day equals 8 Hours of continuous work.
Progress by the Day: A character can make checks by the day instead of by the week. In this case their progress (check result × DC) should be divided by 5 then reduced by 5% (retain fractions).
Progress by the Hour: For some things, such as Arrows and Bolts, it is possible to complete a some in a manner of hours. Simply follow the normal process of crafting in a 5 day and take the final number and divide it by (5 days x 8 hours) 40 (rounded down) and that is how many one has made in an hour. If one spent more than an hour modify the divisor accordingly.
Note: Some repairs can be done in the hourly manner as well.
Now with those guidelines outlined I have to leave it to you to decide whether using them would be prohibitive or not. However, I will not say no to you attempting to do so, but I would expect that to be something about the character that is more than just a passing fancy. Aka it ought to be part of their role playing in some way. Perhaps gathering certain raw materials and such, which takes Knowledge skills and to some
In this venue you are somewhat lucky, as I adhere to the old school concept of letting players craft their own magical items using elaborate methods and exotic recipes. Note it is a lot easier for someone that can manipulate magic to craft a magic item. However if a mundane put considerable effort into making said item and figured out a means to impart the necessary magical energies into that item, then I would allow that to be. However, that would almost be a life time endeavor for a mundane to do. It would be a lot easier to get some friend to provide the magic energy as needed when needed.
Oh and one does not have to have a Masterwork Item to make it a magical item. Any item, Masterwork or not can be made into a magical item, wizards just typically like to use the best materials for durability and such reasons when putting forth the expensive effort of making a magic item.
That all being said, I would probably change the guidelines for making magic items to match this more old school approach to making them. However, I will cross that bridge when a player begins to pursue such an endeavor.
Bigfolks |
Does this mean they get 2 feats to start with outside of the normal one given at first level ..
Human Versatility: Gain an Extra Feat (total of 2 at 1st level)
And does this mean I can take both hp and skill pt at each level...
Multi-Talented: They can choose two Favored Classes at 1st-level and gain a +1 HP and +1 Skill Point whenever they take level in either class.
Bigfolks |
Bigfolks |
Bigfolks |
I do not understand -- Cleric/2 Inquistor
Inquistor is an Archetype of Cleric from what I understand and all PCs start at 3rd-Level this seems to imply your character is Cleric(Inquisitor) 2nd-Level
I've never heard of cleric having inquisitor as a archetype...
Though I do have one lvl of cleric and 2 lvls of Inquistor....seems like not having a 1 in front of Cleric really throwing you off....I can put a one there if it makes it easier for you...and the archetypes are in description box I believeDunwichStoryteller |
Yes Bigfolks the lack of that one after Cleric did throw me off along with my misunderstanding that Inquistor is not an Archetype but a Class. My apologize I made a bad assumption.
So can I ask what it is you are wanting from the 1st-Level dip into Cleric before going to Inquisitor? Perhaps I can merge that into and a Inquistor sub-type that incorporates this theme you are trying to build.
Look forward to your reply.
Bigfolks |
Well I get a extra domain, Spells slots and early access to Deific Obedience.... basically it gives me the feel of cleric with the perks of inquisitor...the feat I'm taking later allows me to have channel energy as a cleric(so some healing) without losing spell slots...doesn't really give me no real power just fills me out some...I don't know if I'm saying it right or wrong...or how you can add the little bit I get from the class and archetype...into a subtype but if possible I'm definitely down...
DunwichStoryteller |
Okay so if I get this correctly what you want are the following items
1) Extra Domain
2) Extra Spell Slots
3) Access to Deific Obedience (is that a Feat?)
The theme a more Clerical Inquistor -- adding in Channel Energy as a Cleric (to get some extra healing without losing spell slots)
I will assume the above is correct and I will delve into seeing if I cannot make that happen within an Inquistor class.
Bigfolks |
Wait it matters how it works...look at divine paragon archetype with a feat I have channel energy as a cleric...the spellslots are from domain so not really serious....the dip is so i have access to some cleric Spells...really just get channel energy and the effects of the divine paragon
DunwichStoryteller |
Okay thanks for that clarification as I am sure that will help.
Keep in mind you do get to approve and/or help me tailor whatever I come up with. As my suggestions might be spot on, a bit off or completely miss the mark. Still that does not mean I am not committed to providing the character you are looking to play, it just may mean I have to fine tune my understanding.
Bigfolks |
EltonJ |
Bigfolks, I received a communique from DJ. He has the following questions for you:
1) What race do you plan for your character?
2) If the Inquisitor could be made an Archetype of the Cleric what aspects of the Inquisitor would they want to acquire?
3) They mentioned wanting an Animal Companion, if they got one what would it be -- both short and long term? Also, would they want it so share Teamwork Feats?
4) They mentioned the Cleric Archetype(Divine Paragon) is that part of the theme for this character and if yes what Daily Obedience's were they considering taking.
5) They said, "the dip is so I have access to some Cleric Spells" What spells were they particularly interested in?
6) They said "with a feat I have channel energy as a cleric" what Feat would this be?
7) Lastly what Greyhawk Deity are they planning on serving -- if they do not know then what Deity were they planning on serving so I can figure out what Greyhawk Deity to equate that to.
bigfolks721 |
2)Animal Companion(as hunter class),Animal Focus, solo tactics (hunter tactics), teamwork feats, Cunning initiative, monster lore, stern gaze, skills
3)he's an extension of me and my best friend...if he/she dies I would prefer to have been breeding them and just take a kitty from the liter(bloodline) and yes that's where hunter tactics comes Into play because inquisitor gets teamwork feats and automatically share them with their Animal Companion...
Which gives us a good chance to hit better...
4)yes it is and the Evangelist to make me a better debuffer
5) the cleric is a 9th lvl caster,....I just didn't know how to create it the way I wanted ...I like the Madness/Repose domain powers...Tsukiyo allows me to be good and have them....which makes me a decent debuffer...taking the feat let's me heal better and deal with undead as a cleric...basically I was originally trying to recreate a cleric...with the skills and fighting abilities(including the animal companion)....of the inquisitor, so I wouldn't feel like I'm just healing....
6)Channeling Scourge Channeling Scourge
DunwichStoryteller |
Sorry folks for the long delay, had issues with my account as well which have finally been resolved.
I will do my best to get an in-game post up here as soon as possible.
bigfolks I can see where you kind of going with this, and while yes the Cleric eventually casts 9th-level spells there has to be a trade off for all the things you are wanting to obtain in order to maintain balance. Thus as it stands even if you multiclassed to get all that you want you would not get 9th-level spells.
So I would basically take the Inquisitor as a sort of template for your class and mix some of the Hunter and some more Cleric -- so this would not end up being an Archetype of a Cleric. Basically the shere amount of what you want to add to the Cleric makes it prohibital from being just an Archetype.
So my question, before I dive to deeply into this, would be -- will you be okay with a lesser maximum high end of spells that you can cast but still blend extra elements from the Cleric and the Hunter into the Inquistor (not sure what to call the class yet but it would be a stand alone class).
Also you did not answer my question on the type of animal you would want for an Animal Companion (canine, feline, exotic, etc...)
bigfolks721 |
Sorry feline will more than likely be my animal companion...
And I just realized I put down pretty much all the class abilities and the archetype for inquisitor...animal companion/animal focus, bane,and hunter(solo) tactics/teamwork feats is pretty much all I really want from the inquisitor...all the skills are just a bonus/perk for the build...
So just let me know...but sacred huntsmaster gets the Hunter abilities just at a later time besides the feat at 2nd lvl and when animal focus and things for the sacred huntsmaster just comes later
DunwichStoryteller |
Hey DJack you have not completed your character nor have you outlined where you put your amazing attributes -- so there are many many unknowns I currenlty have about your character.
Can you please fill in some of the information it is going to be kind of hard to know what I need to hit you and how much damage you can take without all your various bits and pieces in place.
I have my next post finally ready to go once I get your AC and your HPs
Be sure to roll your 2nd and 3rd level HPs per this games guidelines.
DunwichStoryteller |
No issues with me I'm not going anywhere just hoping the other players are all doing okay and still with us.
Note: I also added a couple of updates to the Campaign Information tab. I added an update to Ammunition as well as an update to the Mobility Feat.
I say this because I am not sure if when I make an update to the Campaign tab any of you are notified of that update or not.
Sun-Dapple Grün |
DunwichStoryteller wrote:Hey DJack you have not...That's on me, forgot... Will try for tonight, tomorrow morning EST at the latest.
I've started laying in the character sheet, but may need until tomorrow to do all the checks and balances conforming to the custom race, class and mw rules.
Sun-Dapple Grün |
Specifically your AC and potentially your Fort Save if you want a glimpse into the possible future of things.
AC 20, touch 15, flat-footed 15 (+4 armor, +5 Dex, +1 size)
Fort +5 (-2 vs the nauseated condition of a swarm’s distraction ability)
Ref +7
Will +6
HP 34
That's all accounted for on character sheet.
I'm confident I'm @ Light Load encumbrance-wise.
Sun-Dapple Grün |
Okay Grün can I ask where you made your HP rolls as I was not able to find those earlier?
As Djack, early on: Grun's HP Rolls <<< Link
Sun-Dapple Grün |
Ah yes that would do it thanks
However, I noticed on your character sheet you have given the character Darkvision (from whence did that come?)
I exported from Hero Lab (standard Grippli & Rogue)... So, I've been doing by best to catch all the differences.
DunwichStoryteller |
Well the current goal is to take the corpse to the top of this rock and conduct a ceremony.
Which is a goal acquired by pursuing the need to find a cure for the villagers some of who are friends of the PCs.
So currently 2 goals are now on the table.
As for the Goblins that remains to be seen. If someone wants to make a Knowledge(Local) check to see what they might know about Goblins here are the difficulties:
DC 10 for common knowledge, known by at least a substantial minority of the local population
DC 15 for uncommon knowledge, known by only a some people within the area
DC 20 for rare knowledge, known by a only a few people within the area, basically hard to come by.
DC 25 for obscure knowledge, known by only a select few period, extremely hard to come by.
DC 30+ for extremely obscure knowledge, known perhaps by one or two very knowledgable folks or possibly forgotten by most who once knew about it or possible known only by those who do not understand the significane of that knowledge.
Keep in mind Knowledge cannot be made untrained. However if Trained in Knowledge(Local) one can Take-10 if one likes.
That all being said I will make 2 more comments:
1) Not every encounter is going to play into exactly what the characters are currently about.
2) There is no such thing as a truly random encounter -- this means even if it were a random encounter I will have created a quality reason for its presence and that reason may lead to something minor, mediocre or significant. However, it is ultimately up the players to decide what they wish to pursue and if they choose to pursue something when they wish to pursue it.
3) This game is semi-sandbox, which means as you adventure you will be presented with additional adventures. Some may be part of the main Major Story Arc and others may be about another Major, Mediocre, or Minor Story Arcs and some may just be one off side adventures.
Just keep in mind this world is dynamic and some potential adventures might disappear if not pursued quick enough, some will get harder over time, while others may cause nasty reprecussions if not dealt with in a timely manner. Of course, like normal folks you will not always have alot of clues as to what the basic nature of what you encounter is about. However, if pursued more will come to light and the more information you gather the better you will know what to do or not to do about something.