rando1000 |

I might be able to have the crocodile move into position with you,so far it's not been much help otherwise... damn lowrolls.
Seems the cosmos has heard your pleas for mercy. That thing just ripped the hell out of BBEG #2.
Just checking that the map is mostly up to date with Djack moving one to the right. As it is, Rocko has no flanking options. I thought I'd ask before making any attack rolls
So yes, after Yoltzin's 5' step forward, Rocko is now flanking. Do your stuff at +2.

Djack Nymball |

Kevin Boyer 646 wrote:Just checking that the map is mostly up to date with Djack moving one to the right. As it is, Rocko has no flanking options. I thought I'd ask before making any attack rollsSo yes, after Yoltzin's 5' step forward, Rocko is now flanking. Do your stuff at +2.
And another +4 for prone? Or is that the other BBEG?

Uret Jet |

The other one. Glhappy that my croc finally got its bite and death roll in though.

rando1000 |

I'm gonna post this here for now. It might have its own post on Recruiting later, see where it goes.
I was hit by the Sci-Fi/Space Opera bug a month or so ago; after the recent near-certain death of my "failure to launch" FASA Star Trek game, my brain started storming up new ideas, which brings us to this.
Concept uses Starfinder 1e rules, but not Starfinder galaxy (nor any other setting previously run by me).
2041 CE - Earth, much as it is now. Technology has advanced, but not so far as to appear unrecognizable. AI is much better and integrated into life, AI powered Androids exist but are very expensive. A nuclear event (disaster, war) might have created mutant humans. A single alien race might have made official contact. Bionics, Cybernetics, and Genetic modification are all options.
Amid this environment, the PCs come across a long-crashed advanced alien ship. With a dauntless crew of 7 (game assumes some NPC crewmembers), they set off to explore the galaxy.
Game is intended as a sandbox. Characters should be motivated to travel into Drift Space and explore the stars together.
The game may be run INSTEAD OF this game or IN CONJUNCTION WITH this game, depending on peoples' availability, interests, and other factors. Might never be run at all, depending on getting enough players and level of interest. More info below.

rando1000 |

Possible Characters
1. Normal human - A regular Earth person, be they Envoy, Mechanic, Operative, or Soldier.
2. An Alien - Only one of these per party; this is the ONLY alien race the humans have met. Choose any Starfinder or Pathfinder Race (might need modifications). Races from other sources (eg D20 Future) might also be acceptable with work.
This race arrived on Earth via generation ships; they do not have extensive knowledge of the universe, though they might make Skill checks at -4 on worlds within 12 light years of Earth, as their species might have visited these systems.
3. Mutant/Genetic Modification - Use D20 Future mutation rules on the base Human Race (no mutant Aliens, please). Character sacrifices their first level Bonus Feat to gain the initial Mutation; additional Mutations can be purchased by offsetting with negative Mutations. No additional Mutations after 1st level, but the DM may agree to have relative power-level of the Mutation grow by expending additional Feats later.
4. Cyborg/Bionics - Use Starfinder Cybernetic Augmentation rules. Character can sacrifice one Feat to gain a Level 2 or Level 3 augmentation free.
5. Android - Use Starfinder Android rules.
6. Psionics (human or alien) - Choose one of the non-mundane classes (those not listed in option 1); your character possesses their abilities via Psionic potential.

Djack Nymball |

So the alien ship is of the same known alien race or an unknown alien race? How do we man the ship?
Maybe it was doesn't, but living and affairs itself to the organisms on board? Android/AI whale of sorts.

rando1000 |

So the alien ship is of the same known alien race or an unknown alien race? How do we man the ship?
Was thinking one PC was a Pilot (former NASA, video game, savant) and a PC or NPC computer expert who can decode the systems; game would have sort of a prologue first adventure that involves that.
Maybe it was doesn't, but living and affairs itself to the organisms on board? Android/AI whale of sorts.
Kind of like Farscape. Certainly a possibility. Maybe even a human-designed AI (top of the line for the 2040s). I'd like the PCs to be involved, as eventually we'll do some space combat, but sort of depends on who wants to play what. I'm trying to give players as much choice as possible while sticking with my original "Earth, near future" concept. Whatever ideas the Players go with will for characters (with GM approval) become canon.
So for example unlike the last campaign, there won't be assigned armor and standard weapons. Whatever PCs buy will be either be near-future earth tech (firearms and maybe lasers) or something found onboard the vessel in the prelude session.

Djack Nymball |

Does anyone wish to do anything before I narrate the return to Santa Merceda?
I'm not sure what else there is... wasn't there a choice of pyramid or... something else?
Old World Style Mansion for 1000, Alex!

Uret Jet |

Sorry, I caught a cold over the weekend d and it's been hard to focusing on roleplay stuff. Did we miss something along the way? It was looking to be a cult lead conspiracy of some nature, yet it seems to have been a mummy curse?

Uret Jet |

Ah, and apologies, I never got around to reading your Sci fi game prompt stuff. I'll do so later today if my headfog clears

rando1000 |

Sorry, I caught a cold over the weekend d and it's been hard to focusing on roleplay stuff. Did we miss something along the way? It was looking to be a cult lead conspiracy of some nature, yet it seems to have been a mummy curse?
Not a cult exactly, though you may have read that into what you learned. The assassin Zarek spilled it to you (back in September real-time) with the following phrase:
"I was hired by House Ventillian. They had a plan to disrupt trade here in Caldova; Word has it Carvalho was just starting to move into trading stuff from here back to the Colonies out East. Evidently Ventillian thought he was getting too big for his breaches."
So, someone in or close to House Ventillian learned about this place and the curse (which I'll tell you DM to Player is actually ancient, not caused by any modern cult), and then put the plan into action. You have, in defeating the curse, foiled that plan and made some politically powerful enemies.

Djack Nymball |

Oy... I'm so jeal-y Level 6 for a Rogue means +4 BAB.
Was thinking to try to find a good multi-class direction, though it would have to maintain that fairy-tale Djack vibe.
Will probably stay pure uRogue (addicted to the skill points).

rando1000 |

I'm assuming it will take about a week for everyone to level up their sheets.
Once we're ready to proceed, are you wanting to deal with the Blue Dragon's Kobold problem? Or something else?
"But if you wish to help me kill my enemies, there is a clan of Kobolds in the mountains to the northwest. These creatures are under my protection. Recently, the very rocks that they mine in seem to have come alive and are killing the miners. I have tried to look into this, but their mines and caves are too small for me to enter. Perhaps your group could assist them."

Kevin Boyer 646 |

not bad :)
Also, I'm looking at my character sheet and realized I forgot to add a feat for 5th level. I guess I still had it in my head they came every 3 levels rather than every odd.
I also noticed that I've been using the AC bonus and damage for a heavy wooden shield but then figuring the attack bonuses as though it was a light wooden shield. I suppose I need to pick one and make the appropriate changes. That, or Rando if you're okay with this, we can hand wave it that Rocko's been using a darkwood shield passed down through his tribe without realizing what a handy heirloom item he actually had. Hopefully that's not cheesing it too much

rando1000 |

...Rando if you're okay with this, we can hand wave it that Rocko's been using a darkwood shield passed down through his tribe without realizing what a handy heirloom item he actually had. Hopefully that's not cheesing it too much
Works for me.

Djack Nymball |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Djack should be good to go!
Basic level, some +1's here and there...
All Saves
Danger Sense
Sprinkled across some Skills
Rogue Talent - Expert Leaper (always considered running start and add level to Jump checks. Gotta get over that candlestick!
Picked up Draconic (Spizz reminded me)

Uret Jet |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Apologies, meant to get a post out earlier but the day got away from me! Spent far too long just watching Whose Line(Drew Carey).

Uret Jet |

One gets up, another goes down. Really sick right now myself

Djack Nymball |

Makin' up rules... can Djack make another reflex check to "aid another" Amideo's reflex check? Stabilizing himself anf reach over to help a buddy?
Bodyguard (feat) is good, but doesn't get used a lot. Just expanding on the concept... it uses an AoO so almost an immediate action or reaction (if there were such a thing).
Approaching from a storytelling (fairy tale) perspective.