Caldovan Marches 2022

Game Master rando1000

Date: Marcha 29

Albarra; Santa Merceda

HQ Map

Over-land Map

Combat Map

Party Funds:27 pp, 2738 gp, 1266 sp, 1444 cp, 500 gp amethyst, 2223 gp jewels and gems

Party Magic:Ring of Swimming (swim speed 30', turqoise and silver) copper ritual bowl (allows casting without using slot, but takes 10 minutes)

Campaign Info Updated

Welcome to the Caldovan Marches! Current party includes a Gnoll Ranger, a Grippli Swashbuckler, a Wild Elf Cleric, a Human Cavalier, and a Human Ranger. They face various often unusual challenges as they secure their home of Albarra and the surrounding region against monsters and mysteries.