Uret Jet |

It's alright, don't worry about it. I will try to post today, yet something extremely, excesively annoying/infuriating happened this afternoon. Not sure I'll be in the headspace for it.

Amideo Caluzzo di Solva |

Amideo Caluzzo di Solva wrote:Could I charge in with my lance?Yes. Also, Yes! Very well done. Been waiting for a nice lance charge from Amideo.
As have I! Would I have had the move speed to ride forward a bit after I charged in? Looking to get the most out of ride by attack.

rando1000 |

It's alright, don't worry about it. I will try to post today, yet something extremely, excesively annoying/infuriating happened this afternoon. Not sure I'll be in the headspace for it.
You can wait till tomorrow or next day if needed. Kevin AKA Rocko will probably be tomorrow at earliest, so no extreme rush. Clear your head and relax, much as you can anyway.

rando1000 |

As have I! Would I have had the move speed to ride forward a bit after I charged in? Looking to get the most out of ride by attack.
Normally I'd say yes, but there's little place for you to go with the caravan wagons right there. Ride-by-attack specifies "continuing the straight line of the charge." Next time, hopefully.

Djack Nymball |

Anyone want to try out PbP on Harpy <<< Link? I can't DM, but happy to pay for the DM... I think players are mostly free.
Happy to pay for them if needs be for a few months (just a trial)?
Any takers? I'm curious about their features, I especially like their maps.

rando1000 |

Anyone want to try out PbP on Harpy? I can't DM, but happy to pay for the DM... I think players are mostly free.
Happy to pay for them if needs be for a few months (just a trial)?
Any takers? I'm curious about their features, I especially like their maps.
Wow, a little intimidated by all the features on the site. So used to the "old fashioned way." That said, I'll poke around and give it some thought. Definite maybe.

Uret Jet |

I'm busy with some work i need to get down today,b ut I'll look at what you've linked when i'm free

Uret Jet |

Oh, yep. I'll expend a use.
channel: 3d6 ⇒ (4, 5, 3) = 12

rando1000 |

Okay, the setting is basically the New World/Europe situation, except that only Espa, Ricoa, and Gallo started colonies in the New World.
So we have roughly three areas: The Old Country (of which I have only a vague geographic and political concept) which are not intended to appear directly in the campaign UNLESS WE PLAY A REALLY LONG TIME. That would include Espa, Ricoa, and Gallo.
Next would be the Colonies, which are almost completely Espan at this point, though some Ricoan colonies likely remain. These are in an area similar to New England and the Ohio Valley area. These are more civilized, and this is where your Marques is based. This area likely won't come into play for your group, but you might interact with it more directly.
Then there's the Caldovan Marches. Think of it as Oklahoma and westward in the US. However, in this world, the colonies here were cut off due to wars among the parent states and multiple catastrophies (the Gnoll Warlords, the Famine, etc). The Marques (and his father before him) were in charge of re-establishing the Caldovan colonies. But when Espans first returned (decades ago), they found many of the old settlements had survived on their own.
This is the area you are in, and the parts where you have authority are among the first to be brought back under Espan authority. There was little or no conquest involved in re-connecting to those colonies, at least so far.

rando1000 |

Ah, I thought it was all one big contiguous landmass. Totally understood now.
I think originally it was? I had a very vague conception starting out. I used the old BECMI model of campaign building - micro to macro. Since we're running on 2 years now, I've fleshed out a lot of stuff that I hadn't at the beginning.
Still roughly the same in that the colonies to the East have been established and thriving the entire time, and are so like an extension of the parent nations. It is easily possible your character was born and lived his entire life there, and so to you, THAT is Espa. You would know that there's a homeland across the sea, but you need never have been there.

Dartaniel Lemonte |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Sorry everyone! My area got hit by a hurricane and I've been without power since thursday! it was supposed to go 60+miles west of our area but we got hit dead on. Caught folks by surprise. I also cant login to my account from my phones web browser for some reason. I finally managed to get access to a computer for a day though. And I wanted to let you all know. I hope to have power again by Friday, though it could be as long as next Thursday. If I have time today i'll try to post, but its doubtful.

Djack Nymball |

Sorry to hear you're going through that! Fingers crossed things will return to normal soon.
Only because I've got some business trips to High Point NC, anywhere near there?
And of course, welcome to the game!

rando1000 |

Could probably extort money out of the merchant's house... hehe, just kidding.
Oh! That reminds me! Amideo had asked Djack to touched base with the Veiled Alliance regarding "a group of trustworthy guards to keep an eye on Zarak" before you departed. I'll narrate that in.

Djack Nymball |

Gonna have to develop a system where dice don't screw as much with story telling... I think my average over the last month has been... 6 maybe 7 with d20's.
Across all games including a Level 1 PFS, embarrassing.

Djack Nymball |

Yeah, I may just allow honor system posting for rolls for you guys. I've known most of you for quite the while. Let me mull that over.
Meantime, good news is, because that one charged, a 12's gonna hit anyway.
I'm just b%+%~in' rolling is fine. It charging is good news!

Uret Jet |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I'll gotcha out a post tomorrow Rando, I've been a little swamped with some commission stuff. Leaving me kinda creatively drained.

rando1000 |

it is unfortunate introductions had to be cut.
Sorry, I try to keep things rolling around here. I'll make a note to give you opportunities to introduce aspects of your character and interact with the others.

rando1000 |

Rando, are you running this encounter with Amideo still mounted or on foot? Fine with either, just saw the horses seperate from the party and wasn’t sure.
I had assumed you'd probably have tied your horses or at least be walking them due to the amount of rubble and grass on the ground.

Dartaniel Lemonte |

Dartaniel Lemonte wrote:Sorry, I try to keep things rolling around here. I'll make a note to give you opportunities to introduce aspects of your character and interact with the others.it is unfortunate introductions had to be cut.
no, It was to be expected. It was just unfortunate timing.

Djack Nymball |

Was wondering if you'd consider given the nature of the game (homebrew) and the nature of Djack...
Green Tongue is meant for the possibility of communicating with monstrous humanoids.
I was wondering if it could be more of a "first world" or faery tale themed thing. Where in the right circumstance... he could communicate with creatures that may not be monstrous humanoids.
It crossed my mind as we were attacked by the wild dogs... perhaps negotiating a truce in return for food later, etc... kinda like our deal with the black dragon.
Faery tales are full of those types of exchanges. Obviously, Djack would try and it would be up to you to decide if it would work/be applicable.
I thought the meat "move" was awesome. Great RP guys!

rando1000 |

I was wondering if it could be more of a "first world" or faery tale themed thing. Where in the right circumstance... he could communicate with creatures that may not be monstrous humanoids.
Let me ponder that. I don't want to overshadow our Ranger who's already got resources spent on animals. If I can do it in a way where it's very limited by situation, perhaps.

Djack Nymball |

Djack Nymball wrote:Let me ponder that. I don't want to overshadow our Ranger who's already got resources spent on animals. If I can do it in a way where it's very limited by situation, perhaps.I was wondering if it could be more of a "first world" or faery tale themed thing. Where in the right circumstance... he could communicate with creatures that may not be monstrous humanoids.
I would never want to take anything away from a Ranger (or anyone else). Totally situational.

Djack Nymball |

Whining about the die roller DIE ...aside. I'm not averse to him stepping into a trap, it's part of the game and happens.
EDIT: For those who would be amused... my previous roll (other game) was Stealth (5) + 16 = 21 Boo!
And just now, trip attempt (1) + 4 + 2 + 2 = 9 WTF? vs CMD 12 and before that (6) + 4 = 10 for a missed attack.