Caldovan Marches 2022

Game Master rando1000

Date: Marcha 29

Albarra; Santa Merceda

HQ Map

Over-land Map

Combat Map

Party Funds:27 pp, 2738 gp, 1266 sp, 1444 cp, 500 gp amethyst, 2223 gp jewels and gems

Party Magic:Ring of Swimming (swim speed 30', turqoise and silver) copper ritual bowl (allows casting without using slot, but takes 10 minutes)

Okay, that's not super-exiting. I don't want to give too many details, because I want it to be a homebrew world where the races and classes the PCs choose actually influence the creation of the world.

So here's the skinny. I'm looking for 2-3 more players (PBP, this site). Starting in a week or two. I'd like for posting at least once every 48 hours (when relevant; understandably there are times when one character doesn't have a lot to say or do), with allowances for real life situations. I'd also like like to make an unusual request that at MOST, you post twice in 24 hours, just to make sure everyone has a chance to play.

Here's what I will tell you about the world so far:

The campaign area is a classic "borderland" type area called the Caldovan Marches, ruled by a Marques from a larger, older empire. That empire used to have colonies in this land, but due to some political issues and a prolonged drought, ignored them for a long time. Thus this new land, though populated (sparsely), is for most purposes unexplored. The area is warm temperate, though there's a small desert area. Think Oklahoma, North Texas, or eastern New Mexico.

The only races that for certain currently exist in the world are humans (multi-ethnic, so no restrictions there), Gnolls, and Wild Elves. The only PC so far is a Gnoll (Ranger, I think), so I'd prefer no more Gnoll PCs. Any other character concept you can come up with can probably be made to fit in. I'd like to see 1st level (or 0-1 CR) versions of the characters, but we might end up starting a little higher.

I will give opportunity to the first 3 character ideas I get, with one exception. If someone who is in my current game shows up here, they take precedence. I'll announce the players hopefully no later than 1 week from today.

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I like!

Let me muse and see what I come up with.


Sounds great.
In desert/borderland campaign, my first instinct to make a cleric, because the orison create water is SO useful. Perhaps the cleric can be from an established religion and be an evangelist, trying to save as many soul as they can in the hostile badlands.

Or takes some traits and feats that would help a cleric of a barbaric faith, familiar with the hidden dangers of the borderlands and create almost druid/cleric hybrid.

Hey there! I have a completed application. I will admit, I had to make a few assumptions, such as 20 point buy, no background skills, no elephant in the room, allowing a drawback, and all published paizo stuff (words of power is published), but seeing as it didn't take too long, I have no issue remaking anything that isn't to your liking. I also haven't given him any gear, since I didn't know what you'd expect us to have for starting wealth.

I made a words of power blaster kobold/party face character. He is a Kobold. Later I'll pick up some debuffing spells, and probably a few party buff spells. He's very Gold Dragon themed, I don't know if those are in your setting or not! Looking forward to any feedback!

Words of Power Draconic Kobold Sorcerer [Favored class bonus sorcerer, add 1/2 a point of damage to fire spellsx1
Spizz the mighty: NG
HP:7|AC:13 T:13 FF:11|Fort:1 Ref:2 Will:1(5 vs charm/compulsion)

Race Features::

Day Rader: No darkvision, no light sensitivity, low light vision
Dragon affinity: Treat Charisma as 2 higher for spells and abilities with draconic bloodline
Wyrmcrowned: +2 to diplomacy, is a class skill


Ranks Stat Class Misc Total
Diplomacy 1 3 Y 2(+1) 9(10)
Bluff 1 3 Y - 7
Use Magic Device 1 3 Y - 7]

Class Features::

Gold Dragon Bloodline:
-Perception is a class skill
-+1 damage/die to fire spells
-Blood havoc: +1 damage/die to evocation spells and bloodline spells


Irrepressible: Use cha instead of wis for charm/compulsions
Golden Scales: -1 on bluff and diplomacy vs kobolds, +1 vs non-reptilian humanoids, and dope gold scales
Affinity for the elements: +1 on the DC on fire spells
Vain: If you fail a charisma check, you take a -2 to all charisma checks for 24 hours.


Sorcerer: Eschew Materials
1st: Spell Focus Evocation


Draconic, Common


Spells marked with a * have +1 damage per die, +1 damage every even level, and +1 DC
Spells marked with a % have +1 damage per die, and +1 DC
A spell marked with a ^ is boostable
1 boost a day

All target words

Level 0's(DC:14):
Flame Jet*%, Cramp, Lift, Decipher^
Level 1's(DC:15):(4/day)Burning Flash*&, Force Shield


In many ways, Spizz is like most kobolds. Confident, pompous, slightly squeaky, and possessing an attitude at least 3 size categories larger than their tiny little bodies. Unlike most Kobolds, Spizz has a strong sense of morality, and a sense of adventure to voyage outside of the little caves that most of his kind live their lives in. Completely unlike almost all Kobolds, Spizz actually has the power to back up his temperament and ambitions.
Born with strange golden scales, Spizz was always an outcast from his tribe, at least until he started showing signs of powerful fire magics. However, by that point Spizz had already made up his mind to leave his tribe behind forever, and to make a name for himself as a real hero of the land, and explorer extraordinaire. Armed with a dictionary he stole from a small town's school (an action he feels great regret about doing, despite the fact that they almost never used it) he has begun to teach himself common. This is only possible through his magical prowess, which are extremely potent, at least according to him, but somewhat limited. He hopes to reach the center of the Marquee's land, and offer his services to the noble, hopefully being given a job as an explorer, or maybe a Burnanator of Bad Guys.

What are you doing with the ruleset? ie. 1)Are you saying anything Paizo put out goes (the most common things that GM's prefer to control are Summoners, Gunslingers and the Occult classes) 2) How about Third Party Material? 3) Traits (and drawbacks) 4) Optional systems (ranging from background skills to Words of Power spellcasting).

pad300 wrote:
What are you doing with the ruleset? ie. 1)Are you saying anything Paizo put out goes (the most common things that GM's prefer to control are Summoners, Gunslingers and the Occult classes) 2) How about Third Party Material? 3) Traits (and drawbacks) 4) Optional systems (ranging from background skills to Words of Power spellcasting).

1. Pretty much, though I can't guarantee I know every single detail of every book. It's POSSIBLE somebody could come up with something that just won't work, but I'll try to make it fit.

2. Prefer no 3rd party.
3. Normal 1 free trait at 1st, Drawbacks allowed but not required.
4. No background skills, or Elephant in the Room, but I'll allow Words of Power.

Kazmanaught wrote:
Hey there! I have a completed application. I will admit, I had to make a few assumptions, such as 20 point buy, no background skills, no elephant in the room, allowing a drawback, and all published paizo stuff (words of power is published)

All correct assumptions.

Kazmanaught wrote:
He's very Gold Dragon themed, I don't know if those are in your setting or not!

They certainly can be. I've purposely kept the setting pretty loose to allow me to craft around the PCs.

Kazmanaught wrote:

Looking forward to any feedback!

I didn't review all your crunch, I'll do that later, but the background looks perfect.

Submission accepted.

TheWaskally wrote:

Sounds great.

In desert/borderland campaign, my first instinct to make a cleric, because the orison create water is SO useful. Perhaps the cleric can be from an established religion and be an evangelist, trying to save as many soul as they can in the hostile badlands.

Or takes some traits and feats that would help a cleric of a barbaric faith, familiar with the hidden dangers of the borderlands and create almost druid/cleric hybrid.

Either concept could work just fine. Get me a background. We may need to modify it a little, but I'll try to mold the setting to fit whatever you come up with.

Submission accepted, provisional to getting a background.

Discussion page, for those already accepted:


How about a druid from a small community of cave dwelling (Hopi Indian like) nature lovers

I would like to submit Pious for consideration.

Equipment and spells are preliminary choices that I am happy to adjust when the party are formed (if selected)

His backstory is quite heavy on the idea of a lost/dead God. I have gone for Aroden in the short term but again I would be happy (probably happier!) to go homebrew here and create our own deity (again, if selected)

I really like the idea of playing him alongside a more traditional 'light' cleric, or someone less "glory to the Right People! Down with nature!"

CucumberTree wrote:
How about a druid from a small community of cave dwelling (Hopi Indian like) nature lovers

Submission accepted

'Pious' Janus Shepherd wrote:

I would like to submit Pious for consideration.

His backstory is quite heavy on the idea of a lost/dead God. I have gone for Aroden in the short term but again I would be happy (probably happier!) to go homebrew here and create our own deity (again, if selected)

Submission accepted and Recruitment CLOSED. I now have you four plus one other player. We'll pound out the details of character generation on the discussion page.

Liberty's Edge

Darn...sounded like a really cool idea! Wish I had seen this earlier...have fun and if you need another player keep me in mind?!!

Daniel Stewart wrote:
Darn...sounded like a really cool idea! Wish I had seen this earlier...have fun and if you need another player keep me in mind?!!

Actually we lost someone due to issues IRL if you're interested.

Liberty's Edge

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Yup!! Got you message and am starting to build my submission!! Thanks

This is is my submission for the game...let me know if I need to change anything.


Liberty's Edge

Ah, just dusted this account off after ages of disuse with the hopes of jumping into some pbp and this game sounds excellent. Sad I didn’t see the thread sooner. Maybe buzz me if someone else drops (though for your sake I hope that doesn’t happen. I know what a hassle it can be getting games off the ground).

Alder Tiller wrote:

This is is my submission for the game...let me know if I need to change anything.

Nice. I like it. I didn't count up the point buy, but assume you went by the 20 Point listed in the thread, you're approved.

We're still winding up, so posts are a little slow. You can either jump in at the Cantina (where the other three players are) or at another site in town (there's a map link with the locations listed).

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Orannis wrote:
Ah, just dusted this account off after ages of disuse with the hopes of jumping into some pbp and this game sounds excellent. Sad I didn’t see the thread sooner. Maybe buzz me if someone else drops (though for your sake I hope that doesn’t happen. I know what a hassle it can be getting games off the ground).

I'm waiting to hear back from a 5th player who was going to play a Druid but hasn't replied to my PMs. If they don't respond by end of the week, you're welcome.

Liberty's Edge

rando1000 wrote:
Orannis wrote:
Ah, just dusted this account off after ages of disuse with the hopes of jumping into some pbp and this game sounds excellent. Sad I didn’t see the thread sooner. Maybe buzz me if someone else drops (though for your sake I hope that doesn’t happen. I know what a hassle it can be getting games off the ground).
I'm waiting to hear back from a 5th player who was going to play a Druid but hasn't replied to my PMs. If they don't respond by end of the week, you're welcome.

Much appreciated! I've got an idea cooking, so if things work out that way it shouldn't take me too long to get it up.

I'm re-opening recruitment for this PF 1e campaign. In a nutshell, we're looking for 1-2 players to post a few times a week (more posts during combat or some exciting event). Prefer one Arcane caster, optionally one martial in addition for a total of 2.

Current party consists of: Gnoll Ranger, Human Rogue (Scout), Wild Elf Cleric (focuses on summoning). Party tends toward good. 4th level. Paizo official rules only.

Campaign setting is a little different. Please review the following:


I'd rather no more Gnolls, Elves, or Kobolds. I'd also rather keep Dwarves out of it. Other than that, come at me with an idea and we'll see what we can work out. First two accepted ideas will close recruiting again.

Campaign will be in downtime mode for a bit, which gives new players a little while to conceptualize and construct characters.

Scarab Sages

How about a human, comedian, bard?

Hello! I'm the Rogue from the group.

Bard works! As long as that's what you'll have fun with.

I mean the boss has to approve, of course.

From a general group composition, an arcane caster would be great... we lost a sorcerer.

Scarab Sages

What level would this start at?

Howdy! I'm working on a circuit judge cavalier, lawful good and Order of the Blue Rose.

General theme is a wandering lawman who seeks to further the causes of peace and just, fair law enforcing, but not shying away from pronouncing sentences and playing the part of judge, jury, and deeply reluctant executioner when necessary.

In terms of personality, similar to a paladin in terms of kind-heartedness but much less rigid in terms of moral code. The law is the law, but the spirit is more important than the letter at the end of the day. He's something of both a good cop and a bad cop, helping old ladies across the street but also never shying away from terrifying a crook if it means shaping them up and setting them on the right path.

Chaucair wrote:
What level would this start at?

Level 4.

I'd like to join with a kitsune arcanist. Basic idea is they are fleeing the law and hoping to lie low in Caldova. I've got a mostly done character sheet here.

Simeon wrote:

Howdy! I'm working on a circuit judge cavalier, lawful good and Order of the Blue Rose.

Hey, Simeon! Nice to see you.

Okay, we have three applicants here. All the character ideas are viable, and six is not a totally unmanageable number. So I'm willing to go with those three ideas for now. A human bard, a cavalier, and a kitsune arcanist.

Recruitment for anyone else closed for now unless someone bows out.

Veegees wrote:
I'd like to join with a kitsune arcanist. Basic idea is they are fleeing the law and hoping to lie low in Caldova.

That kitsune better hide their secret well, considering the LG cavalier. Maybe figures hiding in plain sight is as good as anything. who would assail the honor of a cavalier's companion? Might lead some interesting places.

For the newcomers, the party is based out of a small-ish town called Albarra. Albarra is on the eastern edge of The Caldovan Marches. This area was once held in part by three older empires from further east (similar to the old world/new world set up on Earth), but was abandoned due to several catastrophes (see the linked campaign doc).

So, the people of Albarra are separated from their countries of origin by several generations. Many are interracial (in the human sense), mixed genetics from the Espans or Ricoans with natives to the area. There aren't really any native villages near Albarra. To the south are some Gnoll villages (the Gnolls are uncouth, but not hostile).

So it makes some sense that someone looking to blend in would flee to the Marches from Espa; likewise it makes sense that a knight under the authority of the Marques would be assigned to Albarra (sort of "the law" in the area) from the Keep to the Northwest. The bard is probably a local, perhaps traveling the villages nearby.

In case the potential new players didn't find this nugget from the distant past in the Discussion section:

character generation uses Pathfinder point buy rules at 20 Points. You begin with 1 trait of your choosing.

Since you're starting at 4th level, begin with 6000 gp worth of equipment.

From now on please post regarding your characters in the Discussion section so the Recruitment page drops off the radar of recent posts.

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