Uret Jet |

Knew this was gonna happen. ;)
Least I had a chance to give Speck a dedicated heal, though I'd have proffered to do a Channel. Wasn't viable with potential enemies within heal range though.

Djack Nymball |

Brain Fart... Misunka is the race! I was like who is Misunka, and would they go already... LOL.
Hit on Rocko threatens a Crit, which could be ugly. But, might add dimension to the narrative/story.
@rando1000 - did any of that moving create a flanking opportunity, Djack will wait to go last.

rando1000 |

Yeah, I never properly introduced the name, I've just been using it myself. None of the party know the name, it's what the ancients called them.
Re:crit, I missed it. Rolled locally and failed to confirm.
Yes. The 5' step to attack Quince placed one of the creatures directly between you and Quince.

rando1000 |

Is it a safe assumption that the fallen will stabilize unless the suffer like 15+ hp damage with whatever brings them down?
The fallen will possibly bleed out, if they are not either tended to or make a Con check to stabilize. Such a check is DC 10, so it is more likely than not that a healthy creature will make it, but it is no guarantee. Right now, your opponent is in no immediate danger of death.

rando1000 |

Can Djack even get to the enemy?
Technically he can squeeze through the doorway where Rocko is standing (move through friendly square) and then step to either side of the creature; since he is trying to run away, he's not thinking about turning around to take an AOO.
You could also just shout a warning, or make some form of ranged attack. Or you could just let him go. Up to you.

Uret Jet |

Not the best sign for us, i've managed to blow through almost all my magical resources in this first combat encounter. How are looking Spizz?

rando1000 |

Not the best sign for us, i've managed to blow through almost all my magical resources in this first combat encounter. How are looking Spizz?
I believe there are a few healing potions among the party, and you're not really on a timeframe for this particular mission. You can hole-up or return to Albarra (a few hours walk) as you choose.

rando1000 |

Is there more raiding... ehem, I mean delving?
Up to the party. You have three unopened doors between the two rooms you've been in. You could assume those were the only dangerous creatures and go back to down with evidence you'd defeated the bandits. Or you could continue to explore the stronghold further.

Uret Jet |

The death of a someone young is already tragic, but I wonder how the views would shift for a species that would have large generational gaps like an elf.

rando1000 |

The death of a someone young is already tragic, but I wonder how the views would shift for a species that would have large generational gaps like an elf.
Definitely an interesting question. I'd imagine some elven groups with lesser moral fortitude might view a very young creature of such an already short-lived species almost trivially, while others might view the shortening of such an already short life as an even worse crime.

Uret Jet |

Left unsaid by Yoltzin, is that she had never actually witnessed such an execution during her life within said village.
I think despite her acclaimed barbaric practices, tribe would've been of the latter mindset. Perhaps why the punishment would be so extreme in the first place.

Djack Nymball |

I'm new and Djack is wide eyed (not a bad thing).
Maybe if they are refugees or nomads we can help them adjust... they can work for us.
I think reparations (right word?) have been made in a sense. The perpetrator has been eliminated and two more died.
Unless you guys want a scorched earth, kill all the kinfolk, genocide type thing.
I see it as an opportunity to make allies, profit and collaborate.
What was the group's charter/mission or goal?

rando1000 |

What was the group's charter/mission or goal?
Current mission they were hired for was to stop bandit activity suspected as working out of this stronghold. It's a paid mission from the intendente of Albarra, the town they've been working out of, and where Rocko has lived for at least a few years.

Djack Nymball |

Sometimes I think too much "sandbox" so if trying to get along with folks and make allies/friends isn't a thing... just tell me to bugger off OOC.
Or I may take your hints in-game as... oh, he's making it challenging. LOL.

Uret Jet |

No response to her other comments by the cat things? Suppose they could be trying very hard to ignore her.

Louxman |

Current mission they were hired for was to stop bandit activity suspected as working out of this stronghold. It's a paid mission from the intendente of Albarra, the town they've been working out of, and where Rocko has lived for at least a few years.
If memory serves we were supposed to get more info from the intendente. I don't think we ever did that. Did we go off a bit half cocked?

rando1000 |

If memory serves we were supposed to get more info from the intendente. I don't think we ever did that. Did we go off a bit half cocked?
I think I just kind of glossed over that narratively. No, the mission was very much just come out in the area of the old stronghold and find whoever was doing the banditry and put a stop to it. You're working with the closest thing the wild areas have to legal authority.
Now, there was nothing about either investigating the rest of the stronghold or not. That said, if something else creeped out of the place and started causing mayhem, it might be kind of embarrassing.
EDIT: Yeah, checked back and we did, indeed, skip playing through that encounter, but the group had intended to go, and in fact the Intendente didn't have any more vital information other than the rough location of the stronghold, which I gave you out of character. Inject a scene like that in your head canon, if you like.

Uret Jet |

I keep getting my elves mixed up. My own mistake giving them both Y names. Why did I do that? Mystery.

rando1000 |

Re: treasure:
I'm keeping a running total at the top. This is party treasure. If anyone wants to claim any of the items found for their personal character (the ring, the scale armor, the oil) you can either do so in RP or you can decide here. I'll arbitrate any conflicts if necessary. Once I've officially given your character an item (you were the only one requesting it, or I arbitrated in your favor) write it down on your sheet and I'll remove it from the party list.

rando1000 |

rando1000 |

Man, my attack score is god awful. I swear I've mostly only hit things via lucky crits alone.
Eh, not your focus. Clerics have a lot of hats. Your ranged is a bit better. And it's gonna go up by 1 soon. You'll do alright.

rando1000 |

You have the following unclaimed magic items:
cornucopia emblem ring (ring of sustenance)
coppery sphere (heals 1 hit point per hour when in possession)
oil of magic weapon
additionally as a reminder:
Rocko's axe is now enchanted +1/+2 vs. Vermin
Yoltzin has 10 +1 arrows

Uret Jet |

Woo, money and items! I'm not of the original group either, but I don't personally hold much interest in the other items provided.
The damage she took, is it temporary or permanent?

rando1000 |

The damage she took, is it temporary or permanent?
Player knowledge here, but it will heal as normal Ability Score damage (ie 1 point per game day). It's only permanent if you get all the way turned to stone (ie no Dex left).

Uret Jet |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I only ask because I can pick up lesser restoration now, as a cleric. Good spell to prepare to vanish the stonyness

rando1000 |

I only ask because I can pick up lesser restoration now, as a cleric. Good spell to prepare to vanish the stonyness
It would speed things up, and assuming you're sitting a couple days anyway before looking for more adventure, those downtown slots would just go away unused anyway.