rando1000 |

So you have a couple options.
It seems most of you are either in need of healing or a spell refresh, so resting the evening and investigating in the morning is the most likely possibility.
Another is to scout out the butte tonight but not engage; this is risky, because if they see you, they'll likely attack, and you do not know their number.
On the outside, you COULD just assume you've scared them away for good, bring a couple alien heads to the rancher, and potentially get paid. It could hurt your reputations if more bugs return, but that only matters if you care about such things.

rando1000 |

Only if we share a language I'm afraid. Wouldn't mind convincing them though! Anyone know what they speak?
no clue, try any language you know
We seem to have two additional posters. Are these a mis-post?

rando1000 |

I've been asked to see if I can drum up one or two more players for my Starfinder campaign. It's not a standard Starfinder; it's very Star-Trek like in some ways. Most importantly, all magic has been re-skinned as psionics. Characters are officers on a starship of roughly 80 crew-members. Game is getting ready to begin it's second year and a new story arc, so it's a reasonable time to add new crew.
We could use an Engineer as we lost that player. Other characters we can work out how to fit in.

rando1000 |

A note on Pious:
I was finding Pious' over zealous, constant preaching, dull. So I'm playing it down a bit, its making me feel much more engaged. However he is feeling a bit boring and Characterless now... bare with me.
No problem. Adjust away.

rando1000 |

If we have lost Lexxan, we might want to stock up on some healing potions and the like.
Probably not bad to purchase a couple, but I'll probably send along an NPC healer if (a) we lost Lexxan (which seems likely since the player has not replied to my PM), and (b) I can't get more players either from my SF game or by recruiting. I'll try both first.
Also, can I assume Rocko would fit into standard human breastplate armor without modification needed? His legs are decidedly different build and he's got the tail, but for the most part his chest and arms aren't that different. [/ooc]
Yes, go ahead; in general though, I'm not going to make anyone pay significantly more for equipment because of race.
Also, is the town smith at a level he'd have some masterwork items or two? Let me know what's available. If need be, Rocko is willing to branch out into an unfamiliar weapon
Battle Axe is common enough I think you can get ahold of one with a day or two wait. The job posting's been there for a while, it will hold a couple days.

Uret Jet |

Hello there~
Looking into build shenanigans, was considering wither a summons route or a necromancy dabbler route regarding a Cleric. She'd be of the neutral primary alignment either way, a Wild Elf who venerated strange elven dieties.

Uret Jet |

Any advice for us prospective players on how we should character build?

Spizz the Mighty |

Well I'm a blaster caster, so a buffer/debuffer wouldn't be amiss. A ranged character wouldn't be amiss either, considering that we have 2 melee characters already, but you can never have too much melee. In terms of optimization, I'm relatively optimized to have big numbers fire damage, but not to the point of being dual blooded, and probably to the detriment of being able to do anything else. Spizz can do face skills pretty well, but can't sense motives for the life of him. Pious can on the other hand though.
I've always been partial to bards, they help round out a lot of parties quite well. A freebooter ranger could also synergize quite well, but it's really up to you guys! Hope that helps, feel free to PM me as well if I can help any more!

Uret Jet |

Could go the debuff/buffer route as a cleric, which could still play in well to following a necromantic god/goddess. The necromancy school has tons of such spells after all. Give myself a bow or some other ranged weapon to do backline damage when needed, and I'd be good to go.

Louxman |

Actually, Pious might not be around for much longer. I've been talking to the GM about swapping him out for another character. I'm enjoying the campaign but Pious just feels lame, not a good fit for this. With fresh blood joining the game I thought I'd take the opportunity for a swap out.
I'm building a swashbuckler as replacement, a dashing thief. Similar in role to Pious: part face, part melee monster. No spells but should be more versatile with his skills. And more fun.
I agree with Spizz: Buffer/debuffer, ranged damage, a summoner/necromancer would be fun.

Kevin Boyer 646 |

And if it's all good, I think Rocko should be able to afford a set of breastplate (the armorer had to cobble together pieces of different sets to get it to fit Rocko's unusual physique, but it functions as usual. May just look a little odd to a casual observer), a masterwork battleaxe, and two cure light health potions.
One note on the armor, Rocko will only wear it if he is specifically expecting trouble soon. It feels and smells odd enough to him that he prefers carrying it rather than wearing. Could be trouble in case of random encounters while traveling or camping, but it just felt like it would be truer to his character

Yoltzin |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I've decided to take on more of a summoner's route, though if she ever has the opportunity she wouldn't shy away from true necromancy. As a Herald Caller Cleric, I'll have plenty of space to prepare buff/debuff spells and the like. Plus, more skills for the skills god.
Speaking of gods, I designed a god that she follows and left a spoiler for him in her profile. I took inspiration from Aztec culture, which is what I imagine the Wild Elf society might resemble.
Really wish we had the ability to add our own avatars on this site, as I'm picturing her to look like this.

rando1000 |

So the new outlook is:
Rocko - Gnoll Ranger
Spizz - Kobold Sorcerer
Yoltzin - Herald Caller Cleric
Hassan playing Rogue?
Louxman playing swashbuckler of some variety
So, I guess I need builds from Hassan and Louxman, and then we can get going.

Uret Jet |

Yoltzin wrote:Really wish we had the ability to add our own avatars on this site, as I'm picturing her to look like this.Great character portrait!
Yeah, it's a real nice find. Perfect for a slightly menacing elven lady.

Elias Quince |

Sorry for the delay. Long weekend.
Elias should be done bar final feat selection, my head says weapon focus is the smart choice, my heart wants to go enforcer... I'm open to suggestions. I went with Slayer in the end, fit my concept better. But without sneak attack and STR based so hopefully wont tread on Hassan's toes.
His character bits I'll get written up tomorrow, but the basics I have in mind are:
Bit of a vigilante lawman/bounty hunter. Hs some family/friend link to the old military stronghold and whats to come along. Maybe Elias is not very popular with Caprone, rustles up a bit too much trouble 'doing the right thing.'

rando1000 |

His character bits I'll get written up tomorrow, but the basics I have in mind are:Bit of a vigilante lawman/bounty hunter. Hs some family/friend link to the old military stronghold and whats to come along. Maybe Elias is not very popular with Caprone, rustles up a bit too much trouble 'doing the right thing.'
Okay, note that the stronghold is VERY old, so many more a family legend (so and so used to be in the 4th Legion) kind of like Aragorn's Lord of the Rings connection to the destroyed Northern kingdom of Arnor.
Also, your stats on your character link are 1st level. Start at 2nd.

rando1000 |

Elias should be done bar final feat selection...
You can have Pious to wander off into the sunrise and script whatever inspiration causes him to split from the party when you will. It won't take too many posts before you get to the dungeon door however, so don't wait forever. The remaining heroes can meet Elias as they near the Stronghold.

Uret Jet |

Oop, I was working on my post when the context changed. Luckily I have it she'd as a preview elsewhere, I'll hold onto it for a bit longer

rando1000 |

Oop, I was working on my post when the context changed. Luckily I have it she'd as a preview elsewhere, I'll hold onto it for a bit longer
Sorry. Was trying to deal with one new character and messed up another. the problems of asynchronous DMing. You can go ahead and jump in at the inn as well, if you like.

Uret Jet |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

No no it's good, I liked the idea of seeing her outside the store and had an idea in mind.