Gribblix |

Guys. I had a healthy scare today at the hospital. I'm alright, but wiped. Bot me as needed until tomorrow.

Oxnard Kettlebeak |

Hope you are well man, no worries we are here.

Avesska Yessakh |

DM - are we on the top or bottom portion of the Sigil map - i can’t see the location marker.
Do we have a tactical map yet - how far are the Hardheads from us?
Sorry if these are marked/available - sometimes my phone doesn’t gel with Slides...

The Mimir |

You are on the top portion towards the right hand side.
Yes- the combat map is on slide 9- they are 20-35 feet from you depending on which of them and which of you-- closest to you is 20 ft (would need to move 15 ft forward to threaton)

Throrgar |

Gribblix, very good to hear you are well.
On a different note guys - it seems the whole group has no qualms in using deadly force against all opponents we have encountered so far Including this Harmonium patrol who, as misguided or obsessed as they may be, are still akin to a town guard, and using non-lethal damage against us.
Is the use of deadly force an oversight, or your characters really are ok with risking leaving dead bodies in our wake?

Avesska Yessakh |

Going non-lethal wasn’t even on my radar. I hadn’t noticed that they were doing non-lethal - I thought any notation of non-lethal was a carry over from the crowd press.
Or, as Avesska would say: “I have a sword. Swords are the only weapons humans made that are distinctly not agriculturally derived, nor used in hunting; they were made expressly and only, for killing other humans...So that’s what I’m doing.”[/b]

Gribblix |

Gribblix was just defending a fellow Small when he gutted that bariar. Now the urban druid KNOWS that cutting a harmonium can only lead to bad news, so Gribblix is just playing 'keep away' from the city guard.

Oxnard Kettlebeak |

Prologue: At the Shattered Temple
Previous XP: 0
Awarded XP: 711
Total XP: 711
Next level: 3000 (2289 remaining)

Glutton-for-Punishment |

Glutton has no problem killing people, especially clueless Hardheads who stray to the wrong side of town. Despite being the 'town guard' their stated purpose in Sigil and the entire planes for that matter is to force everyone to live by their rules. And if you disagree well then its ok for you to be 'educated' or eliminated. There are good Harmonium that will try to persuade you to their way but all too often you find fascists.
I know I didn't cover this in my backstory but Glutton would have been targeted by the Harmonium for being a tiefling and/or a Bleaker.

Cheyanne Julus |

Cheyanne doesn't know enough and isn't very smart. (As a player I will often lean on that answer for any player-errors, because it is a challenge for me to play someone quite this unintelligent and clueless...)
That said, it isn't something I had thought about much, so I will say she hadn't either. She would do what she could to be defensive first, merciful second, and only get in trouble if no other options were there. However, Cheyanne doesn't really know much about the laws (as they are) in Sigil. She probably would have behaved well enough in the week since she arrived (with the exception of acquiring her original gear in...unorthodox ways) that she stayed out of trouble.
Now though, it appears all bets are off.
That said, I'm not opposed to either lethal or nonlethal violence. I'll try to note that in the posts - Throrgar should say something to her about it. She would be responsive.

Throrgar |

For now I don't see Throrgar as much of an advisor - he's more about the right and wrong side of things. And as a minotaur, not all fights mean something to him, or perhaps even better, not every opponent means something to him.
So killing a guard doing (or thinking he is doing) his duty would seem meaningless to him, and would not make him proud.
But I am sure the conversation will come up sooner or later.
And by the way, the question was from the player's perspective (me), and not Throrgar - I just thought people could be forgetting we could fight with non-lethal attacks to save us trouble further down the line. Of course, as a brawler I am at an advantageous position since I do not take the -4 penalty, at least while using my fists. So I can more easily take the 'higher ground' :D

The Mimir |

I realize I posted one post there on my other GM profile, apologies hopefully that didn't confuse anyone.
I've started separating GM profiles because the headers get too clogged/cluttered for showing the Slides links. (and this one for flavor reasons as well since the Mimir is a thing in Planescape)

Avesska Yessakh |

All good Mimir/Ox, I barely registered, focusing instead on the MADNESS!!!
Will get to Journal momentarily barmy berks!

Cheyanne Julus |

Over the next week (from tomorrow through the morning of Monday, 25 JAN) I will be underway (out to sea) for work (I'm Active Duty US Navy).
I may or may not have any internet access. Please Bot me as needed. I will be posting once more tonight, at least.
Thanks for understanding and I will see you in a week (or earlier - cross your fingers)!

The Mimir |

Avesska- feel free to move your own figure on combat maps; its set to editable by the link.
(Though if you're updating from a phone and can't easily move them around that's fine too)

The Mimir |

Double checking-- Avesska- your dire zone is 10 ft. centered on you, correct?
I believe that leaves the wolf Chayanne almost crit out of it, but want to double check I've got the ability correct here.
Edit: Actually ends up being irrelevant, the non-crit damage is enough to kill it, but for future reference.
Edit again: whew! Actually, Rankev's force missile is enough to get it, so stepping Cheyanne up and applying her almost crit to the Dire wolf!

Avesska Yessakh |

@Mimir: yes centred on me however it *only* applies to my attacks, not my allies/others.

The Mimir |

Ah! Fair, I was thinking it did- will remember. Didn't end up mattering either way.

The Mimir |

No- Alterations by school applies to Arcane Magic.
Caster level reductions apply to Divine Magic.
He should have cast them as a 0th level caster though and not added the +1.
Only a few of the most "important" restrictions apply to both Arcane and Divine (No teleporting in Sigil, and summoning creatures from within one plane).

The Mimir |

Yeah, no worries- it can absolutely be played either way- I'm just going with this interpretation (I don't actually want to put you guys places without any access to healing).

Cheyanne Julus |

Bjorn Jorlsen-- a brewar from Ysgard...
Jorge Pickerson-- a winemaker from Elysium...
Joe Figus: a halfling cobbler petitioner from Bytopia...
Harley Mechaschnauzz: the gnome is a petitioner from Mechanus...
Nerus Nixus: the weasel-ly looking smith is from the Iron City on Dis, the second layer of Baator...
Boris Trill: the furrier from the Gray Wastes...
As a DM, I know that several of the home-planes of these guys are bad, bad news. As a player, Cheyanne knows NOTHING. I am going to go ahead and roll un-trained checks on each of their home planes. If any result is above a "10" is it alright to assume she at least knows something about the general alignments of the planes?
Ysgard: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (19) - 2 = 17
Elysium: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (5) - 2 = 3
Bytopia: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (11) - 2 = 9
Mechanus: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (6) - 2 = 4
Baator: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (4) - 2 = 2
Gray Wastes: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (8) - 2 = 6
Well, it looks like Cheyanne has only heard a little bit of (good) about Ysgard...anyone else want to speak up?

The Mimir |

Yes, 10 would equal a common knowledge thing like the general alignment of the planes- and knowing that petitioner's alignment matches their planes.

The Mimir |

A Mouse Eye View (Pandemonium)
Previous XP: 711
Awarded XP: 400
Total XP: 1111
Next level: 3000 (1889 remaining)

The Mimir |

Correct, slow advancement rate-- I just have the XP figured by adventure/adventure part, so I'm noting it when we reach the end of one even though there are going to be several per level.

Glutton-for-Punishment |

Any chance we can get a conversion for Warp Sense? I'm shocked that Planewalker nor Guile's world ever did it.
Proposed conversion loosely based off of detect magic.
School Divination;
Level bard 1, cleric/oracle 1, druid 1, inquisitor 1, magus 1, psychic 1, shaman 1, sorcerer/wizard 1, witch 1
Casting Time Full round
Components V, S
Range 60ft
Area cone-shaped emanation
Duration concentration, up to 1 min/level (D)
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
You detect portals. The amount of information revealed depends on how long you study an area.
1st Round: Presence or absence of a portal.
2nd Round: Number of portals and what type.
3rd Round: The caster can attempt a knowledge planes check DC 25 to determine what plane the other side of the portal is located. If failed she may attempt this check again in one day.
4th Round: If the caster determines the location of the other side of the portal she may attempt another knowledge planes check DC 25 to determine the key to activate the portal. If failed, the caster may attempt this check again in one day.
At the GM’s discretion the DCs for the knowledge planes check may be harder or easier.
Accounting for your house rule splitting up planes knowledge you would need to make the check for that specific plane. This would make the check exceptionally difficult to make so maybe the DC would need to be lower.

The Mimir |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Yes- absolutely Warp Sense should exist as a spell-- I think the first check should be easier, so probably either DC 10 or 15 for that, but to actually determine the key 25 is still probably correct.

The Mimir |

You should be at -3 not -5, right?
Reflex for half to 10, then 5 Resistance?