Planesfinder Gameplay

Game Master Nathanael Love

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DarkOne7141981 wrote:

Character Name: Cheyanne Julus

Mechanically I am struggling with Cheyanne a bit. There are several fun classes and archetypes that I am finding appealing, including Sacred Fist (Warpriest), Scaled Fist (Monk), and the Champion of Irori (PrC). The character would remain the same in flavor, though. I just need to identify how to get there...assuming I'm selected.

Just FYI!

Submission Status:

Dragoncat- Nymeria Kaliniss- Wizard Archmage- Prime/Castroval (Golarion star system) (complete)

Drea- Stave Rogars- Aasimar Paladin Champion - Prime/Golarion (complete)

DarkOne7141981- Cheyanne Julus- Iroran Paladin or Monk or similar Champion- Prime (Golarion) (Complete)

DiamondDust- Demlin Tursei - Human Cavalier Guardian -Prime (Golarion)

TheWaskally-Gribblix-Goblin Druid Hierophant- Planar/Sigil (complete)

Mrs. Bloodrive- Ling Shafelt- Unchained Monk (Oracle)- Hierophant Prime/Golarion

Delmoth- Glutton Loves Punishment- Tiefling Alchemist Trickser- Planar/Sigil (complete)

OceanShieldWolf- Avesska Yessakhp- Githyanki Direlock, Marshall, Planar (Astral)- Sigil (complete)

@Diamonddust- yes, that cavalier archetype is allowed

So I'm interested, but will admit to being a hilarious noob when it comes to... well, really anything dealing with extraplanar travel. It has always seemed somehow beyond my ability to easily consider. Given your pitch, "ease" doesn't seem to really apply, so I'm gonna try to get my feet wet.

Character Name: Voren Trek
Player Name: FarmerBink
Planar or Prime and Home Plane or Prime World: *I* do not feel capable of pulling off a planar character, so I guess he's gonna be a prime, from Golarion.
Intended Mythic Path: Trickster, probably. Could go guardian.
Character Race: Tiefling
Class: Gun chemist alchemist, pretty much straight up.
Basic Backstory: Something of an outcast, he hired on as a caravan guard out of Sandpoint. There were enough people there that didn't care to ask questions he didn't want to answer, so he managed to make a few professional acquaintances and they set underway.

The caravan was attacked by Goblins a few days later. He used one of his specially-charged alchemical batches of black powder, just when one of the Goblins lobbed a magical grenade of their own. Something happened when the two mixed, and Voren woke up in a city unlike any he'd ever seen before.

For the last (indeterminate time period as necessary to suit the story), he's been lost in Sigil, terrified, and trying to hide his fear and uncertainty behind a tough veneer and a biting tongue. All he knows for sure is that he plans to survive.

I am surprised no one is interested in playing characters from Forgotten Realms or any of the other DnD worlds.

I would have but you planar characters seemed a little thin.

My goal was to imagine a PC who could survive - not necessarily thrive or kill or anything, though I want that too - without relying too heavily on inconsistent things like magic items and magic spells. I remembered an old PC for either Baldur’s Gate or Neverwinter Nights that was awful by modern standards but survived alright - a monk/paladin/rogue that eventually finished the game by sheer virtue of being hard to kill and stubborn.

I didn’t plan to totally remake them here, but things came together and Irori (deity from Golarion) made sense, so...there you go.

I actually really love the Greyhawk setting. If I were to make a caster I would probably be from there.

I've only really played pathfinder in golarion or homebrew. I will take the Inspiring Commander archetype then. Is there anything I need to do to finish my submission?

I think Oxnard perhaps overstated the difficulty with magic. Yes magic works differently on different planes but a lot of it makes sense, a stupid obvious example is when you try to conjure water on the plane of fire. It just doesn't work. Others make sense when you get a handle on what planes are where.

A little research is usually in order before jumping through a portal.

Since a concept popped in my head, I am just going to grab it and throw it out there as is, without much extra thought, and before getting too entangled on the myriad of options afforded by Planescape :D

Character Name: Throrgar
Player Name: Albion
Planar or Prime and Home Plane or Prime World: Prime - Krynn
Intended Mythic Path: Guardian/Hybrid?
Character Race: Minotaur!
Class: Warpriest (Sacred Fist of Kiri-Jolith). Not sure if any monk dipping (or similar) will be worth it.
Basic Backstory: Throrgar did not come from any of the ruling families in Taladas. But he was strong, focused and determined. His family had meager possessions, but they led a comfortable life since his father was an accomplished carpenter working in shipbuilding, and his mother an herbalist. Like most others of his race, he was allowed free studies until the age of twelve - once those were complete, he became indentured to the shipwrights, but his eyes were always set in the military, and he knew The Legions of Eragas could afford him a chance to be noticed, and associate to the League of Minotaurs. Being headstrong did earn him a few scuffles and fights, but nothing ever deemed worthy of being sent to the Arena. With The Legion he got a chance to travel and find his faith, and it was on a trip home to rejoin his family that disaster struck - their captain veered off course to investigate an uncharted island. The approach and landing all panned out smoothly. But it was what they found there that would change Throrgar's life forever...


I am leaving this one open-ended on purpose (though I do have some ideas about it in my head). Not sure how much success a MAD character like a Sacred Fist built on 15 points can have at tanking.

And optimally an half-orc would be a better rounded Warpriest character (pondered it because I know how hard Planescape can get...). But hey, hard to beat the imagery of a Minotaur which fights with his fists :D

(Though.... Oxnard. Would there be any minotaur weapons which could be used as 'monk weapons'? Like the Kausin, Mandoll, or the Lajang? Or the Katar? Hmmmm that one would be nice)

I am going to stop writing now, since my head is already being drawn to the possibilities around building a Draconian character. Oh my... That is Planescape for you :D

Demlin Tursei wrote:

Ok, HERE is a 3rd party archetype for cavalier that I want to check will be ok.

Character Name: Demlin Tursei
Player Name: Diamondust
Planar or Prime and Home Plane or Prime World: Golarion
Intended Mythic Path: Guardian
Character Race: Human
Class: Order of the Dragon Cavalier (possibly Battle Herald prc later)
Basic Backstory: "All for One, One for All!" Demlin cried as she charged the enemy foe. She was the only child in a military family who saw service as the greatest of achievements. Despite being female she had demanded to serve under her father, a respected officer. This day she and her unit had tracked back to its lair a monster that had been troubling a small village. Everything was turned upside down when its fiery breath weapon unexpectedly washed over her. She screamed as it burned and tried to put out the flames on her clothes. When the smoke cleared she was no longer in the monster's den but a strange city.

@Demlin, at the risk of being nosy, how come you like the Guardian path for this character over the Marshal, the Marshal seems more aligned with an Inspiring Commander...

As Always, you guys are making this hard on me. . . with 3ish days left, we have more than one submission for almost every category and a lot of interest in Champion. . .

@DiamondDust- your submission is complete, I just missed tagging it as such

Submission Status:

Dragoncat- Nymeria Kaliniss- Wizard Archmage- Prime/Castroval (Golarion star system) (complete)

Drea- Stave Rogars- Aasimar Paladin Champion - Prime/Golarion (complete)

DarkOne7141981- Cheyanne Julus- Iroran Paladin or Monk or similar Champion- Prime (Golarion) (Complete)

DiamondDust- Demlin Tursei - Human Cavalier Guardian -Prime (Golarion) (Complete)

Albion- Throrgar - Minotaur Warpriest Guardian- Prime (Krynn) (Complete)

TheWaskally-Gribblix-Goblin Druid Hierophant- Planar/Sigil (complete)

Mrs. Bloodrive- Ling Shafelt- Unchained Monk (Oracle)- Hierophant Prime/Golarion

Delmoth- Glutton Loves Punishment- Tiefling Alchemist Trickser- Planar/Sigil (complete)

OceanShieldWolf- Avesska Yessakhp- Githyanki Direlock, Marshall, Planar (Astral)- Sigil (complete)

@Oxnard I think you missed me? Unless I'm misunderstanding, and failed to complete the submission at this point...

@Farmerbink- yep, I missed you; I'll add you in on the next update!

Dark Archive

Hi there!


Character Name: Rankev "Power" Davis
Player Name: Atlas2112
Planar or Prime and Home Plane or Prime World: Forgotten Realms {Waterdeep}
Intended Mythic Path: Archmage
Character Race: Human. Normal Human (Whaaaah??)
Class: Wizard Evoker.

Minor, brief, short background:

'Tablok is dead.

Looking back, I was wrong. We'd fulfilled the contract. The Moonstars only needed the kobolds taught a lesson. They'd gotten too bold, raided one farmstead too many, and we got a cake job. Just the first warren, they said.

But the IronFangs were lodged in Icehand Mountain. And the Red Wizard said Arunsun's black scroll would be -past- the first warren. I had to get it.

So we were all alive, and the first warren was done. "Press on" says I. "We can't look weak." I can be pretty convincing when I want. So we go on.

I think the term 'giant' can't really apply to kobolds, but the shaman's guards were pretty big. Still, we walked out. Most of us.

It's my responsibility to tell Kate her Tablok is dead. That little Reeve will grow up not knowing his daddy. Or I could put it off.

I chose to put it off.

With coin in my purse and blood on my hands I enter the Leeping Deer, as I've done many times before, and put coin on the table. As I've done less so.

The firegrog goes down good. First one. Then two. Then a bit more than two, and drowns the screams that follow me. I thought I was strong. I thought I was good. No. I thought I was -good-. I thought...I thought I was...Power.

But if I can't protect my own, who can I protect?

I should've stopped at two. I'm shouting, which I can do well, and I'm punching, which I can't. I must've hit the wrong guy.

I sober up real fast when I recognize Words being said at me. The kinda words that make reality scream for mercy.

"Kid, you remind me of me. So I'm not gonna kill you. But you will need to learn...a valuable lesson. More than one, even."

My insides are twisted 90 degrees from normal, and the last words I hear on the Prime Material are, "I hope you like doors."'

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@Oxnard - would you entertain the luckbringer class?

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@djpika-- yes, I would allow luckbringer

Submission Status:

djpika- luckbringer?

[ooc]I've taken out the "complete" tag-- if you are under your Mythic Path your submission is complete.

Dragoncat- Nymeria Kaliniss- Wizard Archmage- Prime/Castroval (Golarion star system)

Atlas2112- Rankev "Power" Davis- Human Wizard Archmage- Prime (Forgotten Realms)

Drea- Stave Rogars- Aasimar Paladin Champion - Prime/Golarion

DarkOne7141981- Cheyanne Julus- Iroran Paladin or Monk or similar Champion- Prime (Golarion)

DiamondDust- Demlin Tursei - Human Cavalier Guardian -Prime (Golarion)

Albion- Throrgar - Minotaur Warpriest Guardian- Prime (Krynn)

TheWaskally-Gribblix-Goblin Druid Hierophant- Planar/Sigil

Mrs. Bloodrive- Ling Shafelt- Unchained Monk (Oracle)- Hierophant Prime/Golarion

Delmoth- Glutton Loves Punishment- Tiefling Alchemist Trickster- Planar/Sigil

Farmer Bink- Voren Trek- Tiefling Alchemist (Gun Chemist) Trickster- Prime

OceanShieldWolf- Avesska Yessakhp- Githyanki Direlock, Marshall, Planar (Astral)- Sigil

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Oxnard Kettlebeak wrote:

@djpika-- yes, I would allow luckbringer

** spoiler omitted **

Great! I'll work on submitting a Kender Luckbringer... since it seems to suit the race and I probably won't get the chance to mix the two again. Do you have a preference for Kender conversion stats or should I just use halfling stats skinned as a Kender?

Horizon Hunters

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Wow, there are a lot of races and class options that I didn't knew about! This is truly a planescape setting :D

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@djpika- It is probably able to be done as just a "normal" halfling. Don't need a full mechanic write up- just Name/Class/Mythic path/home plane and backstory currently.

One other thing--

This game requires a LOT of divergent thinking. The way it's structured there is a TON of "and now we run into this situation on our way to do that situation which we were doing to resolve that other situation" and overlapping quests as you move from place to place-- requires a lot of recall ability to keep it all sorted, but that's the way its able to weave so many things together.

Just a fair warning.

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@Oxnard: would it be possible for one of the players to keep a journal in the Discussion tab with links to posts where we meet certain individuals? Recall in PbP can easily stretch over years of real time - some GMs keep such a journal in the Campaign tab, but I personally would see it as something the players could be responsible for - but there is necessarily a disconnect for some GMs between meta-player knowledge Of a post from seven months ago and stuff characters should reasonably remember happened a few days ago in game time.

I played a PbP here on Paizo that nominally started in Sigil and then almost immediately portal’d to the Pyramid of Shadows, a demi/mini plane of its own inhabited by a multitude of factions vying for control of different levels of the Pyramid under the watchful eye of an evil lich - over a few years real time we successfully or partially negotiated, double crossed, triple-agented our way through much of the Pyramid before the game fell apart, but it was a mammoth effort on the part of the exceptionally focused GM to remind his poor benighted fleshbags in meatspace just who their characters were meeting and why!

Yeah, I was thinking about that-- some sort of shared Journal that's linked is probably in order to keep people "in" it-- I know we had problems with it before (it was running as a 1/month in person game then, and would sometimes be 6 months later and you're like, "oh yeah- THAT'S why we went to Arcadia!)

Also, I am counting 12 applications with two days left which means that I am going to disappoint half of you unfortunately.

I think we all understand that concern, @Oxnard. Is there any chance that those of us who aren't selected can get some feedback from you if we request it? I am always looking for positive criticism (though I obviously hope to be selected)!

Still here and still watching with interest!

I find it helps to keep a bit list of important NPCs with a short description of them.

@Oceanshieldwolf, I wanted to make a tanky protector using guardian before I picked cavalier.

Oxnard Kettlebeak wrote:

One other thing--

This game requires a LOT of divergent thinking. The way it's structured there is a TON of "and now we run into this situation on our way to do that situation which we were doing to resolve that other situation" and overlapping quests as you move from place to place-- requires a lot of recall ability to keep it all sorted, but that's the way its able to weave so many things together.

Just a fair warning.

That is one of the most amazing things in Planescape as far as I am concerned. So many options, so much going on, so many avenues. Just amazing. And some sort of journal will most definitely be needed :D

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With just a few hours left, I'm tracking 12 total submissions still:

djpika- luckbringer? Kender?

Dragoncat- Nymeria Kaliniss- Wizard Archmage- Prime/Castroval (Golarion star system)

Atlas2112- Rankev "Power" Davis- Human Wizard Archmage- Prime (Forgotten Realms)

Drea- Stave Rogars- Aasimar Paladin Champion - Prime/Golarion

DarkOne7141981- Cheyanne Julus- Iroran Paladin or Monk or similar Champion- Prime (Golarion)

DiamondDust- Demlin Tursei - Human Cavalier Guardian -Prime (Golarion)

Albion- Throrgar - Minotaur Warpriest Guardian- Prime (Krynn)

TheWaskally-Gribblix-Goblin Druid Hierophant- Planar/Sigil

Mrs. Bloodrive- Ling Shafelt- Unchained Monk (Oracle)- Hierophant Prime/Golarion

Delmoth- Glutton Loves Punishment- Tiefling Alchemist Trickster- Planar/Sigil

Farmer Bink- Voren Trek- Tiefling Alchemist (Gun Chemist) Trickster- Prime

OceanShieldWolf- Avesska Yessakhp- Githyanki Direlock, Marshall, Planar (Astral)- Sigil

Sometime this weekend I'll start making the hard choices and building the group; I've gone over my prep document out through the first 37 adventure parts-- so there's plenty for the party to do once we have formed.

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Glutton-for-punishment smiles brightly as the clueless prime stumbles into the Weary Spirit Infirmary, her expression sits in sharp contrast to the pained expression of a number of Sigil’s desperate laying in fitful repose on the bloodstained surgical tables. ”How can I help you cutter?” she asks cheerily.

He stammers, ”Took a knife to the stomach.”

Without breaking her smiling demeanor, ”Oh my goodness. You have to watch out for those cross-traders.” She approaches the man and examines the wound, she pokes it, which elicits a yelp. ”That chiv got you good! You’ll die if we don’t stop that bleeding.” She produces a vial stained lime green on the edge but holding a red liquid, ”Here try this! It's a new formula, tested it on myself, should fix you right up.”

The man gingerly takes the vial and downs it, after a moment there seems to be no effect, but he eventually feels the change as waves of nausea hit him. His already torn stomach violently empties its contents, causing severe pain and doing nothing to mend the man’s injuries.

Glutton-for-punishment is undeterred by her failure and happily notifies Ridnir, ”Another patient for you doc. I just can’t seem to get the mix just right.”

Character Name: Bander Summercloud
Player Name: djpika
Prime World: Krynn
Intended Mythic Path: Trickster
Character Race: Kender (halfling)
Class: Luckbringer, Jinx-Debuffer Build
Basic Backstory: Bander's companions were taking far too long arguing over their next steps when the glass-eyed man entered the tavern. Maybe it was the way he held himself or the constant stopping to scan the room that got Bander's mind wandering - or just as much the lack of interest in listening to Graznan pitch his idea for opening a brewery again. Kit and Zephi had their work cut for them when the dwarf dug in, which was most of the time, so no one noticed when Bander stepped away. The glass-eyed man sat down at a table in the back with some dour-looking fellows. After some greetings and the ordering of drink, the dour looking men pulled out a small box. Cracking open the hinged top, the glass-eyed man gave a satisfied nod and then pulled out a bag of coin, tossing it across the table and landing with a heavy thud. Shortly thereafter, the men stood up to exchange a terse farewell and dispersed through the crowd. Bander followed the glass-eyed man outside the tavern as he made his way through several dark alleys before stopping at a cobblestone wall. Tracing his hand along the surface, the glass-eyed man found a stone of black granite veined with red and turned it as if it were a dial. With a click, a section of the wall gave way to reveal an icy blue light coming from within.

Bander followed, stepping through the entrance and down a flight of stairs that opened into what appeared to be a wizard's laboratory. A potpourri of herbal aromas and animal musk hung in the air. Small globes of glacier-like crystal hovered above iron-wrought sconces, highlighting the small box from the tavern as it rested on the middle of the desk. What was is in it? Why keep it in a secret room? Bander had to know as he stepped forward to open the box. Inside rested a large lizard-like hand cast in stone. While awing the piece, the sound of footsteps began to grow louder. Worried about having to explain himself yet again about how he just wanted to see what all the trouble was about, Bander started to look around for a place to hide. The footsteps grew louder and a long shadow started to cast itself into the room when an ethereal green light started to fight the cold white-blue tones of the sconces. Perplexed, Bander looked down to see the lizard hand glowing as well as the outline of the large wooden crate he just entered. With a deafening pop and a burst of blinding light, Bander readjusted his eyes to find himself in the weathered streets of Sigil.

I think I will back out of this one. Have my hands full at the moment.

Ok- I've been through the submissions, and have selected the following:

Atlas2112- Rankev "Power" Davis- Human Wizard Archmage- Prime (Forgotten Realms)

DarkOne7141981- Cheyanne Julus- Iroran Paladin or Monk or similar Champion- Prime (Golarion)

Albion- Throrgar - Minotaur Warpriest Guardian- Prime (Krynn)

TheWaskally-Gribblix-Goblin Druid Hierophant- Planar/Sigil

OceanShieldWolf- Avesska Yessakhp- Githyanki Direlock, Marshall, Planar (Astral)- Sigil

Delmoth- Glutton Loves Punishment- Tiefling Alchemist Trickster- Planar/Sigil

If those 6 will please check in over in discussion where we will finish hammering out character creation crunch specifics, and when you have a profile built narrate into the gameplay please.

To the others-- I hope to get the chance to play or GM with you elsewhere, and thank you for taking the time to apply. If we have any drops I'll come back for fill characters.

Glutton-for-Punishment wrote:
Glutton's In-Character Writing

@Oxnard Kettlebeak, would you like some in-character presentations from us, perhaps to help you select PCs? It's easy for this sort of thing to get out of hand, but it can be fun too.

Please let us know - if you'd like this, I know that both my brother, FarmerBink, and I will be glad to present some writing for everyone's enjoyment. There are probably plenty of others excited about this opportunity to play in Planescape. It could be fun!

Also, Happy New Years, everyone!

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Cheers to those who got picked!

Horizon Hunters

Happy gaming everyone :D

Thank you, all! Good luck in all your endeavors!

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