Avesska Yessakh |

Only just noticed we are due for intro in Gameplay - will get to it later tonight...

The Mimir |

Ok, for Cheyanne, Rankev, and Throgar the official Clueless trait is as follows:
Benefits: Even without knowing it, the Rule of Threes governs your life-- you get a +1 bonus to Perception (to always be watchful in bizarre circumstances), a +1 bonus to saves vs. planar effects and the spell-like abilities of outsiders, and the ability to add +3 once per day to any one roll (except attacks or damage). This third you can apply after rolling to change the result- for the powers that rule the Planes are merciful to the uninitiated.
Faction Membership: If you later join any Faction, replace this trait with that Faction's Namer trait.
Looks like Gribblix, Throgur, Avesska, and Glutton are ready (those who haven't posted your in character intro).
Chayanne and Rankev we are waiting for completion of crunch.
@Rankev-- I'm not sure if the crunch that is there is correct and I'm just thrown off by the formatting or if its left from a different game/partially modified from the previous use of the profile (let me know when you're ready).

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Clueless Trait updated.
(To keep the Seeker I used my Human feat to gain two Traits.)
Yes, I believe my crunch is done. Yes, I stole borrowed heavily for this format and just never did get it streamlined for Pathfinder. The 5E version of it is a bit better. :/
Wait, no, I still have to update my Knowledge(Planes) to take into account the different planes.
Is there a table that lists all of the different planes?

DarkOne7141981 |

@The Mimir
I did some more math - selling the stuff Cheyanne wouldn't want from the kit would look like this:
Arcane Adept Package
To Keep -
Combat Gear: Acid (2), Scrolls of Comprehend Languages (2), Scroll of Detect Secret Doors, Scroll of Glitterdust, Scrolls of Identify (2), Scroll of Mount, Scroll of Rope Trick, Thunderstone, Wand of Mage Armor (16 charges).
Other Gear: Ioun Torch, Scroll Box, Silk Rope (50 ft.), Trail Rations (5 days), 3 gp.
To Sell: Gear valued at 164 GP, 5 SP total. Selling it at half value for 82 GP, 2 SP, and 5 CP back.
To Sell -
Weapons: Light crossbow (35 GP) with 10 bolts (1 GP), quarterstaff (0 GP)
Other Gear: Backpack (2 GP), bedroll (1 SP), belt pouch (1 GP), candles (5) (5 CP), chalk (5 pieces) (5 CP), flint and steel (1 GP), ink (8 GP), inkpen (1 SP), journal (10 GP), magnifying glass (100 GP), mess kit (2 SP), spell component pouch (5 GP), waterskin (1 GP)
How does that sound?
I will add the Clueless trait to the character sheet. Other than that, all I need to feel 100% is your approval on the gear question above.

Glutton-for-Punishment |

Is there a table that lists all of the different planes?
Lets see how much I remember off hand
The Outlands - TN
Mechanus - LN
Arcadia - LN/LG
Mount Celestia - LG
Bytopia - LG/NG
Elysium - NG
The Beastlands - NG/CG
Arborea - CG
Ysgard - CG/CN
Limbo - CN
Pandemonium - CN/CE
The Abyss - CE
Carceri - CE/NE
The Gray Wastes - NE
Gehenna - NE/LE
Baator - LE
Acheron - LE/LN
Transitive planes
The Astral - connects the prime to the Outer
The Ethereal - connects the prime to the Inner
The Prime Material
Ooze - between Earth and Water
Ice - between Air and Water
Smoke - between Air and Fire
Magma - between Earth and Fire
Mineral - between Positive and Earth
Steam - between Positive and Air
Lightining - between Positive and Air
Radiance - between Positive and Fire
Dust - between Negative and Earth
Salt - between Negative and Water
Vacuum - between Negative and Air
Ash - between Negative and Fire

The Mimir |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

@Rankev- I have concerns about Tripping spell magic missile which you are clearly set up to do- this combination can get to be very problematic, particularly as your intelligence and CL rise- I'm trying to decide what the best way to adjudicate it is, but it's obvious that the intent of the feat was not to make a 1st level spell auto win every encounters by tripping 5 foes at one time. Either way- your tripping attempt would only be Caster level (1) + Int Modifier (4) for +5, and your magic missile with intense spell is currently only 1d4+1+1; also, I'm not seeing where your specific attributes are at?
As for a list of the Planes-
Prime Material Plane (each prime individually, so Faerun for you)
Shadow (this one is a late addition to the cosmology and comes up much less)
Positive Energy
Negative Energy
Magma (earth/fire)
Smoke (fire/air)
Ice (air/water)
Ooze (water/earth)
Mineral (earth/positive)
Radiance (fire/positive)
Lightning (air/positive)
Steam (water/positive)
Vacuum (air/negative)
Ash (fire/negative)
Dust (earth/negative)
Salt (water/negative)
Outlands TN
Sigil (seperately from Outlands)
Mechanus (LN)
Arcadia (LLG)
Mount Celestia (LGG)
Bytipia NG (tilting lawful)
Elysium NG
Beastlands NG (tilting Chaotic)
Arborea CGG
Ysgard CCG
Limbo CN
Pandemonium CCE
The Abyss CEE
Carceri NE (tilting chaotic)
Gray Wastes NE
Gahenna NE (tilting Lawful)
Baator LEE
Acheron LLE
There are also a few others, like Demiplanes (Demiplane of Dreams is a "major demiplane, as is Ravenloft the Demiplane of Dread- but few know anything about these).
@Chayanne-- looks good; interesting the choice on both Monk of the Mountain and Nornkith, but they can both stack so good to go!
@Glutton- of course, we both typed that simultaneously it looks like.

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@Rankev- I have concerns about Tripping spell magic missile which you are clearly set up to do- this combination can get to be very problematic, particularly as your intelligence and CL rise- I'm trying to decide what the best way to adjudicate it is, but it's obvious that the intent of the feat was not to make a 1st level spell auto win every encounters by tripping 5 foes at one time....I'm not seeing where your specific attributes are at?
2) Well arn't I a silly little goose. I had mah stats on this paper right here but just ain't done writ 'em down. They're now updated on the main slot and I'll probably transcribe them and their bonuses later.
1) Whoa whoa whoa, hold up there, Tex. Are you talking about nerfing this? Let's talk about this for a sec.
First off, keep in mind that to do this, it's an investment of a feat and a trait. Balls, and I took a feat just to get the trait, so it's really a -two- feat investment. So this ain't an off-the-shelf kinda effect here. I'm just a soft, squishy normal human trying to make his way in the big big Plane-world surrounded by Tieflings and Minotaurs and bears oh my!
Second, this is far from an auto-win. There are two dice-roll things that need to happen for it to even have an effect. One, I have to win the Trip roll (which I have to not suck on) and then, if they're on their back, so what? We need to have a melee guy on top of them to take advantage of them getting up. Sure, standing takes up their move, but so what? That's hardly an auto-kill since it in itself doesn't do damage. And I can't even do it forever.
Third, even when I can do 5 magic missiles, that means that I'm level 9 and can cast 5th level spells and MM...just ain't gonna be my big double whammy.

The Mimir |

Yeah- I'd rather not nerf it or disallow it, but I've seen it essentially dominate games before-- specifically I saw an arcanist + monk basically 2 man Emerald Spire Superdungeon at a PFS table basically using that trick alone over and over-- it's probable/possible it won't be as effective in this situation, and you won't get to level 9 for god knows how many years/months, but I'm just expressing my skepticism now-- I don't WANT it to BECOME an auto-win.
At 1st level, I don't think its going to be much of a problem, so we can roll with it-- just know that I'm watching it- because it feels like its primed for potential abuse.

The Mimir |

@Throrgar-- since I'm sure the specific mechanically changes won't alter the general character concept/character personality feel free to post in character even as you sort it out over the next few days.
I will mention for everyone-- I am pretty liberal when it comes to changing "mistakes" you make or options that didn't work out how you thought they would as we go along/level, so don't feel like if you don't have your 1st level build 100% right it will "haunt" you for the entire campaign.

Throrgar |

@Throrgar-- since I'm sure the specific mechanically changes won't alter the general character concept/character personality feel free to post in character even as you sort it out over the next few days.
Will do!
I will mention for everyone-- I am pretty liberal when it comes to changing "mistakes" you make or options that didn't work out how you thought they would as we go along/level, so don't feel like if you don't have your 1st level build 100% right it will "haunt" you for the entire campaign.
That is very good to hear ;)

The Mimir |

You guys may want to decide how you want to track treasure and who will be doing the Adventure Journal-- we are about to hit the first digression on the next update.

Avesska Yessakh |

I’m happy to take a stab at the Adventure journal later tonight...

The Mimir |

Cool - like I said, I just through a link to a blank google doc set to "anyone with link edit" up there- if you want a different format by all means.

The Mimir |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Guys- let me know if I'm ever pushing the pace too fact for you; if most of the group has responded since my last post I have a tendency to move on and I neither intend to leave anyone behind nor blast you with so much from the firehouse so fast that you're lost, so just shout out if I ever go too fast.

Cheyanne Julus |

So far I'm fine. I can post multiple times when work is easy, but this week has been very tough. I will get one post a day (minimum) unless things are REALLY bad at home too. I'm a night owl, so I stay up late posting in games very often.
On a side note - from the 19th to the 26th I will be underway (at sea) for my job (Active Duty US Navy). I may be able to get access to the forums, but am not sure. This won't be a frequent thing - I'm on shore duty right now and will be for at least another several years. If this sort of event comes up I will let you all know ahead of time.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Guys- let me know if I'm ever pushing the pace too fact for you; if most of the group has responded since my last post I have a tendency to move on and I neither intend to leave anyone behind nor blast you with so much from the firehouse so fast that you're lost, so just shout out if I ever go too fast.
Oh my goodness yes.
The boards are littered with literally thousands of games that all died because they went to slow. Indeed, its hard to stop if you refuse to slow down.
I promise to never complain if something goes too fast.
But if something is too slow, I'll get in the habit of not checking the game. And one of those downsides is that...I get in the habit of not checking the game. Indeed, I don't think I'm telling secrets here when I say that one wonders why they should bother posting if their post won't get any reaction for a week. (We've all been in games like that.)
So too, I've come across 2 rules that I've heard about and some people find helpful.
The first is the rule of 2. It means that if 2 people of the party have decided on an action, that action takes place. I have waited for, literally, a week to try and get a unified decision from the party, but that game quickly died.
The other the 48 hour rule. If someone hasn't posted in 48 hours, it's okay to bot them. (Some do 24 hours, but I don't think many games are that fast.) If someone hasn't posted in 2 days, it's because Life is happening and they'll probably be grateful for things to just move on and they'll get caught up when the pace slows down. Or at least that's my feelings.

The Mimir |

No worries Cheyanne- just let us know and give an idea how to bot you if we're in combat.
I'm in the National Guard so I completely understand military interruptions.

Glutton-for-Punishment |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

The pace is fine. Keep in mind we're in the honeymoon phase where we're all excited we got into a game and we're just bursting to show what our characters are about. Games will live and die by the GM posts, for the games I'm running I try to post at least once a day to keep the game's momentum up. As Rankev says the rule of two and 48 hours is the gold standard for PBPs.

The Mimir |

So-- unless someone has said they will be gone and left botting instructions I try not to bot players--
I do get flexible with initiative; there will be times if someone has missed (especially when I think its unlikely to turn the encounter) where I will skip them and note at the bottom of the post "SO and so has two actions available for round X and Y; everyone else can act for round Y" or something like that.
I do agree and use the rule of 2, and outside combat I "bot" character by assuming they are following/with the group but not saying much for whatever reason.
You guys will see how I do combat when we get to the first initiative in a bit.

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As much as I fully understand being the hero and throwing in to save a beaten-upon halfling, I think the GM did say at the get-go that we would need to know when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em, when to walk away and when to run.
This sort of seems like one of those times to run. ^_^

The Mimir |

The last time I ran this game I did have four deaths at the point where we stopped- but none this early.

Glutton-for-Punishment |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

The last time I ran this game I did have four deaths at the point where we stopped- but none this early.
I've a somewhat high character death count. When I was playing Skull and Shackles I think I had made 6 different characters by the time we called it quits. Granted the GM had a bit of bloodlust. And every player had at least one death. We called it because the last original character had died.

Avesska Yessakh |

Journal updated, now with links to posts!

Cheyanne Julus |

Mechanically, how does the dice roller work on the Paizo forums? I preview my posts to proofread them, and the dice are already rolled...what happens if I put in the wrong syntax or my math is bad prior to previewing? Is the roll set?
I've had one good, dramatic death of a PC in play by post. He was someone I really enjoyed playing and would like to revive somehow...All the other PCs are either still alive or in limbo from the games dying.

The Mimir |

Yes the roll is set when you preview it- so if you forgot a bonus you can edit to add, ect.
I've not yet killed anyone on the forums, the other time I ran this game was with my IRL group- they made it to 6th level before covid killed the game for good.

Cheyanne Julus |

That sure seems weird to me on the dice rolls. I guess I can see it working both to prevent cheating and help players know what to expect ahead of time, but it also seems like if you don't like to rolls you could remove them from your post? I'm not trying to figure out how to cheat, but having DMed elsewhere it just strikes me as very easy to abuse...
I've not yet killed anyone on the forums, the other time I ran this game was with my IRL group- they made it to 6th level before covid killed the game for good.
Oh, I've killed several PCs as the DM. I would have to count and really think about if it counted or not, though...at least one was a legitimate and dramatic death, right before the last boss of a dungeon. I had divine intervention step in so he could participate for one last fight (essentially a deathless with very specific purpose for the space of one encounter). It was very powerful, IMO.

The Mimir |

Yeah- you could cheat if you wanted and decide to just not roll or something, but it saves it for a decently long time so it's likely to be your next roll so you may as well let it go.
Throrgar and anyone else who hasn't yet, if you could set your basic stats into your tag lines it would be appreciated.

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You only have an hour before the edit window ends.
When making a post I will always hit preview to see the result. That way I can adjudicate what I know, like a crit threat, or if I know the DC of a check. Also a good practice to see if someone ninja'd me.
Also, the website is notoriously cantankerous. Before I hit either Preview or Submit, I always cntl+A, cntl+C...just in case.

Avesska Yessakh |

The question I always ask is "Why would someone cheat?" I'm not here to win, I'm here to experience varied stories, which sometimes contain my characters heroic or ignominious death/s.

Cheyanne Julus |

Also, the website is notoriously cantankerous. Before I hit either Preview or Submit, I always cntl+A, cntl+C...just in case.
I have noticed this, all over Paizo.com. Is it fair to assume that Paizo knows? Like, has it been reported enough that they are aware?
The question I always ask is "Why would someone cheat?" I'm not here to win, I'm here to experience varied stories, which sometimes contain my characters heroic or ignominious death/s.
If I wanted to play god-mode I would play a video game. I totally agree that cheating takes the fun out.
Of course, my luck with dice is notorious among my friends - namely, my BAD luck. Sometimes it would be nice if that weren't the case...
@Cheyanne: Why do you roll so much stuff? :D
Honestly? Habit from other forums. In several I try to do all the dice at once so I don't have to double post. The mechanics go behind spoilers and aren't as distracting. I may adjust things here, it depends on things...as Cheyanne levels she won't be rolling less dice, though, that's for sure...

Glutton-for-Punishment |

If I have a big post I will usually write it up in a google doc, that way if the forums blow up I don't lose a lot of work. Shorter posts I don't usually bother. Paizo probably is aware and have deemed its not worth the cost to fix it. Honestly its annoying sometimes but nothing that I can't deal with.

The Mimir |

Typically- on Paizo forums, you only need to roll your one attack roll and your one damage roll- then hit preview, and if you threaten THEN add the crit confirm.
If its a situation like early in the combat where you'd attack with one weapon vs. the other- just make the one roll, then say something in ooc like If there was a surprise round when I could have drawn my weapon this would be +1 to hit and 1d8 damage instead of 1d6 or whatever.
You CAN spoiler rolls- but conventionally the only time I use those are for mechanics like Swashbuckler's Opportune Parry & Riposte.

The Mimir |

Yeah- I finally was able to do that; I was having trouble even getting the home page to load for a while. . . back on both computers now, so should be good.

Cheyanne Julus |

I'm finally back online. Sorry for the delay, hadn't discovered the news about cookies yet...
Regarding rolls, I will try to get used to it. Since I also play on several other sites with totally different ways of handling rolls it is still really new to me.