Planesfinder Gameplay

Game Master Nathanael Love

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Doh! And now I'm conscious.

@Gribblix, you may have put me in more danger with your spell than when I was dying. :(

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You should be at -3 not -5, right?

Reflex for half to 10, then 5 Resistance?

Start at 2-5=-3 from lightning damage -1 from failed stabilize puts me at -4, then Gribblix heals me for 6 putting me at 2.

You always have permission to kill my characters, not that you necessarily need it, as I like making new ones.

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You'd be at 3 then, since Gribblex acts before you-- you don't roll the stabilize check till your turn, not when you go down.

Glutton-for-Punishment wrote:
Forgive me for not listening to you Cheyanne and Throrgar. They do need a 19 to hit me and I have to live up to my name after all.

All good Glutton.

Though it is all a matter of probabilities - they end up hitting you anyway. And this is a hard fight to be standing in the middle of them.

Curiously enough, I was planning on moving 5 feet to the South on the previous round, and did not. I should have.

Part of the problem is that it seems like we're rolling low and they're rolling average.

LG Female Half-Orc Monk | HP 10/10 | AC 15, Touch 15, FF 13, CMD 18 | F+5, R +6, W+2 | Perc:+3 | Initiative +5 | Speed 30 ft | Conditions: None

I too hope the dog comes out of things alright. It can be very stressful, caring for your fur-children. At least with the human-children they can usually tell you what hurts...

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Female Githyanki Direlock 1| HP 10/10 | AC: 18/T 11/ FF 17 | Fort: +3; Ref: +1; Will: +2 | Init: +4 | CMB +2; CMD 13 | Per +6 ; SM: +4 | Spd 20 ft. | Dire Pool: 3/4 | Dire Zone: 10' | Inimica DC: 14 | Kn. Planes : Astral +5, Ethereal +5

Pretty much my thoughts Cheyanne - not being able to help him understand where he was and why was pretty rough. Most probably a Brown snake bit him, one of Australia’s most dangerous, but as I never saw it I can’t be sure. Living in the bush we see snakes pretty regularly and the dogs are both high prey-drive (Husky and Shepherd-Husky). The Husky got bit, and by the time I got to the vet he was shaking and made no pupil dilation. He had the anti-venom administered twice and has spent the past five days on drips, with anti-seizure medicine, lube for his eyes because he couldn’t blink etc... He finally came home today, much worse for wear, but is on the improve. Now to see how well he recovers as the venom can impact kidneys, destroy muscle tissue and cause neurological damage. Yay!

Thanks for the well wishes!

Good to know he is at least on the mend Avesska - that really seems like a dangerous situation, damn...

Poor pupper. At least he's home now.

I got you moved up Avesska

Female Githyanki Direlock 1| HP 10/10 | AC: 18/T 11/ FF 17 | Fort: +3; Ref: +1; Will: +2 | Init: +4 | CMB +2; CMD 13 | Per +6 ; SM: +4 | Spd 20 ft. | Dire Pool: 3/4 | Dire Zone: 10' | Inimica DC: 14 | Kn. Planes : Astral +5, Ethereal +5

Thanks Glutton...

Male Goblin|HP: 10/10|AC: 18 (14 Tch, 15 Fl)|CMB: +0, CMD: 13|F: +3, R: +3, W: +3|Init: +3| Perc: +8, Surv: +10, Stealth +7 Druid (urban)/1st|Speed 30ft (30ft)|Active conditions: None.

Hi Everyone,

Tomorrow I'm having a catheterization on my left side tomorrow, so I won't be on the boards that day. But I hope to be back on during the weekend. Thanks all.

Once we're done kidnapping the gear spirit, I'm going to want to pick up material to make some more potions since we're running through them fast now.

Female Githyanki Direlock 1| HP 10/10 | AC: 18/T 11/ FF 17 | Fort: +3; Ref: +1; Will: +2 | Init: +4 | CMB +2; CMD 13 | Per +6 ; SM: +4 | Spd 20 ft. | Dire Pool: 3/4 | Dire Zone: 10' | Inimica DC: 14 | Kn. Planes : Astral +5, Ethereal +5

Take care Grib!

Best wishes Gribblix!

Do I have the cannon ability for planar characters, but oft forgotten, to see portals? If so I can just search the area in a spiraling pattern outwards until I find it. While I'm doing that someone who's sneaky could follow the modrons around to see if they go to the portal eventually.

Once we locate it someone who can cast spells can try to use warp sense, but we might hit a snag since that would require knowledge of Mechanus.

Female Githyanki Direlock 1| HP 10/10 | AC: 18/T 11/ FF 17 | Fort: +3; Ref: +1; Will: +2 | Init: +4 | CMB +2; CMD 13 | Per +6 ; SM: +4 | Spd 20 ft. | Dire Pool: 3/4 | Dire Zone: 10' | Inimica DC: 14 | Kn. Planes : Astral +5, Ethereal +5

Can we not merely return the way we came?

That requires going back through Pandemonium, very unpleasant, but possible. Glutton would be fine with that plan.

I think you guys are forgetting the NPCs we decided to help? ;)

They didn't know where the portal was either.

But going back to Pandemonium and then Sigil might not work for them.

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The end of the Little Lost Gear Spirit adventure brings in 367 experience for a total of 1478- about half way to second level.

Sweet! Almost there :P

Female Githyanki Direlock 1| HP 10/10 | AC: 18/T 11/ FF 17 | Fort: +3; Ref: +1; Will: +2 | Init: +4 | CMB +2; CMD 13 | Per +6 ; SM: +4 | Spd 20 ft. | Dire Pool: 3/4 | Dire Zone: 10' | Inimica DC: 14 | Kn. Planes : Astral +5, Ethereal +5

Very sorry to have completely dropped the Journal updates. I’m not sure if or when I’ll be less busy than I am...still hoping to get back to it as a LOT of things have happened...

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Sorry I was rushing my games last night and couldn't get to getting this next part set up/started, but wanted to give you the indication that the previous part was complete.

Thanks for doing the Journal Avesska- maybe someone else can jump in and try to add notes for the last bits that you've missed so far?

Seriously considering taking the dilettante feat as the resident obnoxious know-it-all.

Also we should rest at the inn. I'm pretty useless in a fight right now.

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I'm traveling this weekend, I'll press forward to the next day/next situation Sunday evening.

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I’ve had something unexpected come up; I’m going to be offline for a while entirely not sure how long.

I’ll try to get back when I can.

Hope everything is ok

LG Female Half-Orc Monk | HP 10/10 | AC 15, Touch 15, FF 13, CMD 18 | F+5, R +6, W+2 | Perc:+3 | Initiative +5 | Speed 30 ft | Conditions: None


Female Githyanki Direlock 1| HP 10/10 | AC: 18/T 11/ FF 17 | Fort: +3; Ref: +1; Will: +2 | Init: +4 | CMB +2; CMD 13 | Per +6 ; SM: +4 | Spd 20 ft. | Dire Pool: 3/4 | Dire Zone: 10' | Inimica DC: 14 | Kn. Planes : Astral +5, Ethereal +5

Sorry folks, got absolutely smashed by work and family this last week or so, and I’m not really going to be able to get to this for at least a day or so...

Hang in there Avesska - RL is like that ;)

Take your time. GM needed a break too so we're just RPing while on hiatus.

LG Female Half-Orc Monk | HP 10/10 | AC 15, Touch 15, FF 13, CMD 18 | F+5, R +6, W+2 | Perc:+3 | Initiative +5 | Speed 30 ft | Conditions: None

If this ever gets up and going again (and I hope it does) I need to mention the following:

I am Active Duty US Navy, currently on "shore duty," but will be going underway for about a month starting mid-June. I will be back, but won't have consistent access to forums until mid-July. Until I leave I will keep checking and will be available to post, but if/when I drop off it isn't forever. Please BOT Cheyanne as necessary.


LG Female Half-Orc Monk | HP 10/10 | AC 15, Touch 15, FF 13, CMD 18 | F+5, R +6, W+2 | Perc:+3 | Initiative +5 | Speed 30 ft | Conditions: None

Anyone still following this? I'd love to keep this game going!

It's in the dead-book I'm afraid.

Normally I'd suggest recruiting a replacement GM but this is such a specific setting it would be difficult.

Yep, I am here also. But like Glutton said, this game seems completely dead...

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