[Outpost VIII]Redelia's Unleashing the Untouchable

Game Master Redelia

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

Hi, everyone.

Please provide the information I need to fill out your chronicle sheet, and also tell me anything unusual about your character I should know before we start.

Grand Lodge

Female Human Wizard - 12 | F8, R8, W11 | hp74 | AC20(w MA) | Perc-22, SM-4

Aquana Sirena
Grand Lodge
Chronicle #34
Starting XP:38

Scarab Sages

I've already played this twice (using a replay) and GM-ed it twice (it's one of my favorites!) so I will defer to someone else if they want the spot. Also, I'm not 100% sure that you can use more than one replay on a scenario - if that's not allowed then I'll have to drop.

The Exchange

LN Male Human Sorcerer1|Witch 14 Init +15-19 | HP 136/136 | AC24 | T14 | FF20 | Fort +16 | Ref +16 | Will +22, +1 vs fear, confusion, transmutation, death, Immune cold | CMD 19 | Perception +34 | SM +28
Patron 14|14, Reroll: Unused

Character: Garam Gallonica
Player: AndrewW
PFS N0: 44523 - 10
Faction: Exchange
Chronicle #30
Starting XP:42

Garam is a winter witch with a focus on freezing his enemies solid. His profile needs a fair bit of updating. I have also played and run this before but it was years ago.

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