DMD's Fly Free or Die
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Dragonkin Dragonblood Technomancer 1/Soldier 1 | SP 12/12 HP 18/18 RP 4/4 | EAC: 11 KAC: 11 | F +2 R -1 W +3 | Init 3 | Perc: +0 | 1st 3/3
Actually the other concern would be, how long would we actually have? If we have to get these berries stored somewhere in only a few hours we might not have much choice.
Dragonkin Dragonblood Technomancer 1/Soldier 1 | SP 12/12 HP 18/18 RP 4/4 | EAC: 11 KAC: 11 | F +2 R -1 W +3 | Init 3 | Perc: +0 | 1st 3/3
I'm currently traveling, so my posts may be more sporadic than usual.
N Male Vulkarisu Soldier (Sharpshoot) 2 | SP 20/20 | HP 16/16 | RP 5/5 | EAC 15 / KAC 16 | Fort +6 / Ref +4 / Will +3 | Initiative +4 Perception +0 | Low-light vision
Would Manage Course be a viable downtime activitiy?
Male Half-elf Spacefarer Mystic 2 | SP 12/12 | HP 16/16 | RP 4/4 | EAC 14, KAC 14 | Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +6 | Initiative +3 | Perception +10
Hafipaer would mainly relax while they travel in the drift. Maybe read up on the gangs of Akiton to understand what has Xevras a bit spooked.
Dragonkin Dragonblood Technomancer 1/Soldier 1 | SP 12/12 HP 18/18 RP 4/4 | EAC: 11 KAC: 11 | F +2 R -1 W +3 | Init 3 | Perc: +0 | 1st 3/3
DM Dickie wrote: 500 credits, and it would be easy to sell the single crate to basically anyone in Hivemarket, not something that requires rolling and you could turn around and spend it all quickly in the sprawling market-town if you needed anything. Oh yeah, I'm assuming we split the credits evenly so we each get 100?
Mechanic (Hand of the All-Code)
I'm happy with that if done like so
Sorry yall, life and work are both doing a number on me. I'll get caught uo and move forward ASAP.
Dragonkin Dragonblood Technomancer 1/Soldier 1 | SP 12/12 HP 18/18 RP 4/4 | EAC: 11 KAC: 11 | F +2 R -1 W +3 | Init 3 | Perc: +0 | 1st 3/3
It's a bit of an adjustment trying to think of our characters as space truckers instead of heroes. :D
N Male Vulkarisu Soldier (Sharpshoot) 2 | SP 20/20 | HP 16/16 | RP 5/5 | EAC 15 / KAC 16 | Fort +6 / Ref +4 / Will +3 | Initiative +4 Perception +0 | Low-light vision
Yeah. I've played neutral players before, but they've all been in the heroic APs. This guy is just a ballsy heigh-challenged pilot.
There are times when you have the means and opportunity to be heroes, and to be fair you already made one heroic choice by going against EJ and making sure Pratt got paid, but it's tough when you're just the blue collar crew living paycheck-to-paycheck, lol.
Assuming you wait just a little while for Horizon to get bored as Tause suggested, you won't see him (until much later in the AP, perhaps), so now is probably a good time to go ahead and level up!
N Male Vulkarisu Soldier (Sharpshoot) 2 | SP 20/20 | HP 16/16 | RP 5/5 | EAC 15 / KAC 16 | Fort +6 / Ref +4 / Will +3 | Initiative +4 Perception +0 | Low-light vision
Yeah, well, I dropped an encounter that was uninteresting filler clearly intended to bump exp. If it had at least been an interesting situation, I would have set it up, but it was the equivalent of fighting a random batch of dire rats just to help the characters level.
N Male Vulkarisu Soldier (Sharpshoot) 2 | SP 20/20 | HP 16/16 | RP 5/5 | EAC 15 / KAC 16 | Fort +6 / Ref +4 / Will +3 | Initiative +4 Perception +0 | Low-light vision
Ah, that makes sense. Anyways, I had miscalculated Ace's skills, so they're up to date now. Abuse the DEX skill boost from shifting as much as possible is the plan. Yes, that means once it's feasible, a literal squox is going to be your pilot. No bonus feat since he has the Racer Archetype, so not much to choose on level-up.
Mechanic (Hand of the All-Code)
Mechanic (Hand of the All-Code)
Male Ysoki Corporate Agent Operative (Free Trader) 2 (SP 12/12) (HP 16/16) (RP 4/4) (EAC 13, KAC 14) (Fort +0, Ref +6, Will +3) (Init +8) (Perception +6)
Level 2:
+6 Stamina
+6 Hit Points
+1 rank in: Acrobatics, Bluff, Computers, Culture, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Perception, Piloting, Profession(Merchant), Profession(Smuggler), Sleight of Hand, Stealth
+1 BAB
+1 Reflex, +1 Will
Operative Exploit: Uncanny Mobility
Male Ysoki Corporate Agent Operative (Free Trader) 2 (SP 12/12) (HP 16/16) (RP 4/4) (EAC 13, KAC 14) (Fort +0, Ref +6, Will +3) (Init +8) (Perception +6)
Don't forget that everyone scored 100 credits from the sale of the bonus Yaro berries!
Dragonkin Dragonblood Technomancer 1/Soldier 1 | SP 12/12 HP 18/18 RP 4/4 | EAC: 11 KAC: 11 | F +2 R -1 W +3 | Init 3 | Perc: +0 | 1st 3/3
Oooo, I'll have to write about why Xevras decides to pick up a level of Soldier. :D
Male Half-elf Spacefarer Mystic 2 | SP 12/12 | HP 16/16 | RP 4/4 | EAC 14, KAC 14 | Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +6 | Initiative +3 | Perception +10
I will work on leveling later this afternoon.
N Male Vulkarisu Soldier (Sharpshoot) 2 | SP 20/20 | HP 16/16 | RP 5/5 | EAC 15 / KAC 16 | Fort +6 / Ref +4 / Will +3 | Initiative +4 Perception +0 | Low-light vision
Isn't it baked into your background to be a Soldier-Technomancer combo? Or am I thinking about another character?
Mechanic (Hand of the All-Code)
i havnt gotten to updating the crunch yet, we are finally starting to unpack in our new place, so weekend are rough
No worries, but before I forget, please please please link your character sheet to the status bar lol. I keep forgetting to mention that would make thing easier for me by a lot =P
N Male Vulkarisu Soldier (Sharpshoot) 2 | SP 20/20 | HP 16/16 | RP 5/5 | EAC 15 / KAC 16 | Fort +6 / Ref +4 / Will +3 | Initiative +4 Perception +0 | Low-light vision
Doesn't need all of it, just the important bits.
Dragonkin Dragonblood Technomancer 1/Soldier 1 | SP 12/12 HP 18/18 RP 4/4 | EAC: 11 KAC: 11 | F +2 R -1 W +3 | Init 3 | Perc: +0 | 1st 3/3
Ace the Squox wrote: Isn't it baked into your background to be a Soldier-Technomancer combo? Or am I thinking about another character? The *potential* to be such is there, he just hasn't embraced the Soldier side yet because he has... complicated feelings about his parents that I haven't gotten into much yet. Time to fix that!
N Male Vulkarisu Soldier (Sharpshoot) 2 | SP 20/20 | HP 16/16 | RP 5/5 | EAC 15 / KAC 16 | Fort +6 / Ref +4 / Will +3 | Initiative +4 Perception +0 | Low-light vision
One benefit to Large over Tiny: weapon sizes. I feel sorry for anyone who wants to play a Novian. They're paying out the rear for weapons.
Dragonkin Dragonblood Technomancer 1/Soldier 1 | SP 12/12 HP 18/18 RP 4/4 | EAC: 11 KAC: 11 | F +2 R -1 W +3 | Init 3 | Perc: +0 | 1st 3/3
There, Xevras leveled:
+7 SP & HP
Blitz Fighting Style (+4 Init, +10 land speed)
+2 Fort & Will
+1 BAB
Ranks in Athletics, Computers, Intimidate, Life Science, Mysticism, Physical Science, and Survival.
Proficiency in heavy armor, advanced melee weapons, longarms, heavy weapons, sniper weapons, and grenades
N Male Vulkarisu Soldier (Sharpshoot) 2 | SP 20/20 | HP 16/16 | RP 5/5 | EAC 15 / KAC 16 | Fort +6 / Ref +4 / Will +3 | Initiative +4 Perception +0 | Low-light vision
Sniper weapons are fun :)
Dragonkin Dragonblood Technomancer 1/Soldier 1 | SP 12/12 HP 18/18 RP 4/4 | EAC: 11 KAC: 11 | F +2 R -1 W +3 | Init 3 | Perc: +0 | 1st 3/3
Except when you have a Dex of 8 :D
Xevras is pretty much a pure melee character except for spells that don't take attack rolls.
N Male Vulkarisu Soldier (Sharpshoot) 2 | SP 20/20 | HP 16/16 | RP 5/5 | EAC 15 / KAC 16 | Fort +6 / Ref +4 / Will +3 | Initiative +4 Perception +0 | Low-light vision
Yeah fair enough. My other Starfinder character on the boards is a culty linguist Mechanic with a sniper rifle, and it's been fun playing a more chaotic character than usual. By a large margin.
It was so satisfying when she shot someone from about 400ft away with no range increment.
Male Half-elf Spacefarer Mystic 2 | SP 12/12 | HP 16/16 | RP 4/4 | EAC 14, KAC 14 | Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +6 | Initiative +3 | Perception +10
I've finished leveling up. Mystic doesn't change much at level 2 really. I do have medicine now but I am not great at it since it is an INT skill in Starfinder 1E. Still, better than nothing.
N Male Vulkarisu Soldier (Sharpshoot) 2 | SP 20/20 | HP 16/16 | RP 5/5 | EAC 15 / KAC 16 | Fort +6 / Ref +4 / Will +3 | Initiative +4 Perception +0 | Low-light vision
God I complained about this in a different discussion board. The way 2E is so strict on skills bugs me. It stops you from even entertaining the idea of someone who studies for things like Medicine. Medics? Nah, they go by the seat of their pants! (Mostly just venting, it's not THAT serious.)
I love practically everything else about PF2E though. Playing my Kitsune character opened my eyes to how much fun you can have with 1E's skills. Kitsune Trickster - Empiricist is HILARIOUSly fun.
Mechanic (Hand of the All-Code)
So I just realised how fast he is now from level 2
Four handed hacker halves his hacking time
All-Code blessing halves it again
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