GM Mioki |

Up to 2 traits with one trait specific to the AP.
If you provide an extensive background that can justify a 3rd trait, go for it. The bonus trait just has to be in a different category than your other traits.
max starting gold
Let me know if you have other questions.
No rush on the characters. I am a good two weeks out from being ready. Let's set a tentative start date of Monday, February 3rd.
I'll be looking to recruit two more players, but if you have any friends that would like to play, have them stop by.

GM Mioki |

Are tieflings allowed?
Of course! The expedition is funded by the government of Andoran and the Bountiful Venture Company. You set sail from the City of Almas which is a democratic metropolis with over 76,000 residents. Most residents are humans, but most races are represented. I do not see why a Tiefling would not find his/her way here. All that I ask is that you offer a compelling backstory of why the Bountiful Venture Company selected you to be part of the expedition with the second wave of colonists.

GM Mioki |

A few things:
Feel free to add 2-3 background skills that figure into your backstory.
Within your backstory, please have the reason why you applied for this expedition and what you told the Bountiful Venture Company you can offer the colony that would get you accepted.
(feel free to hide alternative motives, if you want some secrets)
Also, your character is going to get wet. A good constitution for holding your breath might help, along with aquatic skills.

GM Mioki |

I just added a post to the GamePlay Thread. When you have your character ready, feel free to have him/her/it enter the game. I plan to interact with NPC's and perhaps throw in a prelude side quest until everyone is ready.
Also: forgot to note that on your critical hit successes, I plan on using the Critical Hit Deck for some extra flavor, if the card makes sense.
Any questions or thoughts on character build or party composition, please post to keep everyone in the loop.
Looks like we might have 2 druids and an alchemist so far. Could use a tank, rogue, and cleric, but play what you want. If we end up with 5 druids and an alchemist I'll have to create a meme. :)

GM Mioki |

My gut says a weasily undine or aquatic elf would horn in on this mission to make sure he got a cut of the azlanti treasure procured. The specific class for this shouldn't matter, but I suppose tidal trickster rogue is a decent choice. An archaeologist bard would also be good here. Trait: expert explorer
Separately, I would think the mission would accept a wizard hungry to process and identify the newfound artifacts. A very stodgy, academic type who can't be bothered to care about any causes that flare up, and is generally low on empathy seems reasonable. He is quite frail and spends a lot of time in a bubble to protect from the water. Doesn't *really* want to meet the sea-life up-close. Trait: Azlanti Scholar.
Finally, since I thought I saw mention of needing of a tank; an Adaro warrior of some type (deepwater rager, sea reaver, abendego diver, oceanrider cavalier) who has such pride that he must join the mission and ensure these "dainties" do this mission right and respect the watery Azlant grave. I suppose this character could also join "team druid" as a shark shaman :) Or perhaps instead of an Adaro, an Undine Wave Warden with the same motivations. Trait: set mind.
Those are three ideas off the top of my head. This sounds like a lot of fun.
Welcome PaleDim,
You have some really excellent ideas here. We will have an Undine Druid (not to say we could not have 2 Undine), and I would be hesitant regarding an Adaro being accepted by the Bountiful Venture Company. Unless the Adaro joined the party while on the Island, but then you would miss out on the Prelude adventure. Rogue and Scholar work for sure. I really like the Archeologist Bard concept and would consider this submission as a 9th pc. (hint, hint)
Let me know what you come up with.

GM Mioki |

I'd be keen to play--I'd love to try a cleric (cough!) of Razmir. Proselytizing in foreign lands about the glories of the Living God could be a lot of fun!
Welcome Jhaeman!
This is an interesting concept and would fit our need for a magic-user type. I can almost see the role-playing come alive if we also had a true goodly cleric in the party.
Let me know what you come up with.

GM Mioki |

A question, would you be ok with a Locathah, or would that be too much?
Hello and Welcome Cuan!
I am hesitant due to the story of colony acceptance, so I will give the same answer as I did regarding the Adaro.
This type of PC would need to join the party while at sea or on the island. I am not saying no, but you would miss out on the potential prelude adventure.
Since Locathah are not the human eating creatures that Adaro are, a very compelling backstory could change the mind of the Bountiful Venture Company.
Just a thought, still need a true cleric. Maybe this Locathah wants to establish a temple to certain aquatic deity on the colony.

Cuàn |

Cuàn wrote:A question, would you be ok with a Locathah, or would that be too much?Hello and Welcome Cuan!
I am hesitant due to the story of colony acceptance, so I will give the same answer as I did regarding the Adaro.
This type of PC would need to join the party while at sea or on the island. I am not saying no, but you would miss out on the potential prelude adventure.
Since Locathah are not the human eating creatures that Adaro are, a very compelling backstory could change the mind of the Bountiful Venture Company.
Just a thought, still need a true cleric. Maybe this Locathah wants to establish a temple to certain aquatic deity on the colony.
I was actually looking at making the character the child of a merchant that sails a barge along the Sellen River from Outsea in the River Kingdoms all the way to Almas in Andoran, moving along the coast for the last part.
When it comes to class I was thinking of either making him a Cavalier or a Cleric. So if if there is need for a Cleric I'd obviously go for the latter. He'd be a worshipper of Gozreh, so nothing too outlandish. As for archetypes, I'm looking at Crashing Wave combined with Divine Paragon.

GM Mioki |

GM Mioki wrote:Cuàn wrote:A question, would you be ok with a Locathah, or would that be too much?Hello and Welcome Cuan!
I am hesitant due to the story of colony acceptance, so I will give the same answer as I did regarding the Adaro.
This type of PC would need to join the party while at sea or on the island. I am not saying no, but you would miss out on the potential prelude adventure.
Since Locathah are not the human eating creatures that Adaro are, a very compelling backstory could change the mind of the Bountiful Venture Company.
Just a thought, still need a true cleric. Maybe this Locathah wants to establish a temple to certain aquatic deity on the colony.
I was actually looking at making the character the child of a merchant that sails a barge along the Sellen River from Outsea in the River Kingdoms all the way to Almas in Andoran, moving along the coast for the last part.
When it comes to class I was thinking of either making him a Cavalier or a Cleric. So if if there is need for a Cleric I'd obviously go for the latter. He'd be a worshipper of Gozreh, so nothing too outlandish. As for archetypes, I'm looking at Crashing Wave combined with Divine Paragon.
Boom! love it.

Fenna Pender |

It looks like you might be full up, but if you find you're short a person I'd like to submit Fenna here. She's a half-elf studious librarian bard.
I built her for Ruins but the campaign folded before we finished the 1st book.
She's currently a gestalt character (the old campaign was 3 person) and at 4th level. I'd need to drop her back to 1st level, switch archaeologist for studious librarian, and strip out the slayer 2nd class. She originally began as a studious librarian but the action economy with slayer was miserable at low level. A switch to archaeologist fixed the problem.
I'll wait to make the changes until I know if she's in or not.

GM Mioki |

It looks like you might be full up, but if you find you're short a person I'd like to submit Fenna here. She's a half-elf studious librarian bard.
I built her for Ruins but the campaign folded before we finished the 1st book.
She's currently a gestalt character (the old campaign was 3 person) and at 4th level. I'd need to drop her back to 1st level, switch archaeologist for studious librarian, and strip out the slayer 2nd class. She originally began as a studious librarian but the action economy with slayer was miserable at low level. A switch to archaeologist fixed the problem.
I'll wait to make the changes until I know if she's in or not.
Well Met Fenna!
Absolutely love her backstory, what a great character. Might have a Bard in the party coming. Not sure yet. How would Fenna feel about transitioning to a Rogue?
Also, Since you have played some of this AP already, would you say you have discovered many secrets yet. I might change some of the AP, but most of it will stay the same. I would like my players to be surprised.

Fenna Pender |

Hm, well if it turns out bard isn't on the table, I'd be happy to change things up. I'm not particularly familiar with rogues so I'll counter offer with a couple of things. Given her background ties her strongly to Milani, an inquisitor could cover the same territory as a rogue. Investigator can rogue well also. If full BAB slots come up short, slayer can do it too.
But, if you really want a rogue, sure I'm game. I'd likely not consider the class on my own so this would be a way of doing something I wouldn't normally.
As for the second part of your question, for the sake of keeping spoilers out of the thread I'll PM you to answer.

Fenna Pender |

I send a PM to a friend, Lady Ladile, but have'nt had an answer yet
Oh! I was in a campaign with Lady Ladile a while back. She's so awesome!

GM Mioki |

Hm, well if it turns out bard isn't on the table, I'd be happy to change things up. I'm not particularly familiar with rogues so I'll counter offer with a couple of things. Given her background ties her strongly to Milani, an inquisitor could cover the same territory as a rogue. Investigator can rogue well also. If full BAB slots come up short, slayer can do it too.
But, if you really want a rogue, sure I'm game. I'd likely not consider the class on my own so this would be a way of doing something I wouldn't normally.
As for the second part of your question, for the sake of keeping spoilers out of the thread I'll PM you to answer.
I would hate to change the essence of such a cool character. Let's keep her at bard for now and see how the party composition turns out.

GM Mioki |

Attempt at getting some PC organization:
Spots Taken:
1.) Lil" Eschie - Half-Elf Ranger
2.) Mr. Hebeme - Tiefling Alchemist?
3.) Nicolas Paradise - Undine Druid w/ Shark Shaman Archtype
4.) Arkon the "Thunderer" - Oread Druid (Saurian Shaman)
Potential PC's:
5.) PaleDim - Rogue, Scholarly Mage, Bard?
6.) Jhaeman - Cleric of Razmir (mage)
7.) Aldizog - Human Fighter
8.) Cuan - Locathah Cleric of Gozreh
9.) Fenna Pender - Half-Elf Bard
Others have expressed interest but I have not heard back. I think I need to cap it here and maybe delete out a few spots if I do not hear back with confirmations.
If listed, please confirm interest. Thanks.

![]() |

Welcome PaleDim,
You have some really excellent ideas here. We will have an Undine Druid (not to say we could not have 2 Undine), and I would be hesitant regarding an Adaro being accepted by the Bountiful Venture Company. Unless the Adaro joined the party while on the Island, but then you would miss out on the Prelude adventure. Rogue and Scholar work for sure. I really like the Archeologist Bard concept and would consider this submission as a 9th pc. (hint, hint)
Let me know what you come up with.
Makes sense, no Adaro then. Give me a little bit of time to work up one of these in more detail. I'm likely either going with the antisocial, scholarly wizard or else the weasily rogue who's passing off as scholarly (which means he'd have to be good with people).

Fenna Pender |

I'm onboard, tentatively as a bard, but willing to morph if needed.
On further reflection inquisitor is probably out. It seems kind of intense and like it might involve early mornings. Fenna is probably too lazy for that line of work.

Aldizog |
Just about done.
I have a question on background.
Normally, the expectation is that a level 1 character is just starting out.
But would it be possible for it to represent a character with more experience in his background, whose skills have atrophied due to disuse? And then leveling up in game represents him reawakening those skills?
If it is not possible, he'll be a true novice.
If it is possible, then he'll have some background as a fairly skilled warrior, a reason for why he hung up his sword, and a reason to pick it up again.

GM Mioki |

@Jhaeman Thanks for the confirmation. Looking forward to your submission.
@PaleDim Sounds like a plan. Let me know what you come up with.
@joker 27 I look forward to see what you are coming up with.
@Fenna Pender Consider Fenna in and stick with Bard if you want. When she is leveled down, the GamePlay Thread is ready for her.
@Aldizog Backstory works. I used to be a level 13 kayaker now I am more like a level 3. I understand atrophy well.

Brannart Teskerwill |

Okay, here is Aldizog's human fighter.
Going straight no-archetype - I'm planning to make good use of the various options for Bravery, Advanced Armor Training, and Advanced Weapon Training.
He'll be a good defender of nearby allies once he gets things like Stand Still - but at 1st level, you are better off just using your AOO to kill things. And once he gets Armored Sacrifice, he can save an adjacent ally from going negative 1/day, which is particularly important underwater.
Willing to make modifications based on others' builds.

Fenna Pender |

I'm making the changes to Fenna now. At this point I'm planning on going with a long spear as her main weapon. But if it turns out we have no archer I might switch her to ranged.

Patrickthekid |

I got the character right here.
Female human rogue (unchained) 1
CG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +4
AC 18, touch 15, flat-footed 13 (+4 Dex, +3 armor, +1 dodge)
hp 9 (1d8+1)
Fort +1, Ref +6, Will +2;
Speed 30 ft.
Melee rapier +4 (1d8+1/18/20×2) or
Ranged shortbow +4 (1d6+1/x3)
Str 12, Dex 18, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 14
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 15
Iron Will, Weapon Finesse, Dodge
Seasoned Climber:
Your time on the slopes has improved your ability to surmount great peaks.
Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus on Climb checks, and Climb becomes a class skill for you.
9PLAYER’S GUIDEruinsof azlantcamPaiGn traitsWhen the Bountiful Venture Company announced this expedition to lost Azlant, many people were excited and came to Almas from all around Avistan and Garund in hopes of being selected for the colony. Competition was fierce, especially for the founding journey. Many who were in the running for that first trip but weren’t selected were automatically slated for the second outing. Others had to compete with plentiful applicants to get a spot on the Peregrine. For one reason or another, you either didn’t apply weren’t selected for the first trip and now you have to stand out among a large crowd of qualified applicants.The following campaign traits represent an element of your character or ability that edged out other applicants and led to the Bountiful Venture Company choosing you as one of their colonists.Athletic: You have always had a knack for physical activity. You either grew up in a rural area and had an active childhood where you were always climbing trees, swimming in lakes and rivers, and clambering up rocky hillsides, or you competed in and excelled at contests or sports while growing up in a larger settlement. Due to this background, little can slow you down or inhibit your movements. When the Bountiful Venture Company interviewed you, they noticed your stature and physicality, and they chose you for the colonial expedition knowing that a strong back is always helpful in a growing colony.You reduce your armor check penalty by a number equal to one-third your character level (minimum 1) for purposes of Acrobatics, Climb, and Swim checks, and you gain a +1 trait bonus to one of these three skills, chosen when you take this trait.
Skills: +8 Acrobatics, +6 Bluff, +4 Climb, +8 Diplomacy, +8 Disable Device, +7 Escape Artist, +8 Intimidate, +4 Perception, +4 Sense Motive, +7 Stealth
Languages Common, Elven, Varisian, Celestial
Items: studded leather, rapier, shortbow, arrows (100), incendiary arrows (20), 1 potion of cure light wounds
Special Abilities
Sneak Attack
If a rogue can catch an opponent when he is unable to defend himself effectively from her attack, she can strike a vital spot for extra damage.
The rogue’s attack deals extra damage anytime her target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), or when the rogue flanks her target. This extra damage is 1d6 at 1st level, and increases by 1d6 every 2 rogue levels thereafter. Ranged attacks can count as sneak attacks only if the target is within 30 feet. This additional damage is precision damage and is not multiplied on a critical hit.
With a weapon that deals nonlethal damage (such as a sap, unarmed strike, or whip), a rogue can make a sneak attack that deals nonlethal damage instead of lethal damage. She cannot use a weapon that deals lethal damage to deal nonlethal damage in a sneak attack—not even with the usual –4 penalty.
The rogue must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach such a spot. A rogue cannot sneak attack while striking a creature with total concealment.
A rogue adds 1/2 her level on Perception checks to locate traps and on Disable Device checks (minimum +1). A rogue can use Disable Device to disarm magic traps.
Finesse Training (Ex)
At 1st level, a rogue gains Deft Maneuvers as a bonus feat. In addition, starting at 3rd level, she can select any one weapon group listed under the fighter’s Weapon Training class feature. Once this choice is made, it cannot be changed. Whenever she makes a successful melee attack with a finesse weapon or an agile weapon from this group, she adds her Dexterity modifier instead of her Strength modifier to the damage roll. If any effect would prevent the rogue from adding her Strength modifier to the damage roll, she does not add her Dexterity modifier. The rogue can select a second weapon group at 11th level and a third at 19th level.
Krystal will be an easy-going former criminal who's looking for a new lease of life. She's good at both range and close quarters, can pick locks and pretty good as a face as well.

Cuàn |

Confirming interest as well. Working on the character still, but you will find Merrek of Outsea at that link when he's done.

GM Mioki |

Okay, here is Aldizog's human fighter.
Going straight no-archetype - I'm planning to make good use of the various options for Bravery, Advanced Armor Training, and Advanced Weapon Training.
He'll be a good defender of nearby allies once he gets things like Stand Still - but at 1st level, you are better off just using your AOO to kill things. And once he gets Armored Sacrifice, he can save an adjacent ally from going negative 1/day, which is particularly important underwater.
Willing to make modifications based on others' builds.
Brannart will make an excellent colonist. Feel free to introduce him in the story whenever you are ready.

GM Mioki |

I got the character right here.
** spoiler omitted **...
I'll have to keep Krystal on stand-by for right now. If/when a spot becomes available, I can PM you. Sorry, but I already have a lot of PC's and being a pbp, it can move slow with less. You are my first person on stand-by.

GM Mioki |

Confirming interest as well. Working on the character still, but you will find Merrek of Outsea at that link when he's done.
Thanks Cuan, I'll wait for the finished product.