
Glutton-for-Punishment's page

136 posts. Alias of Delmoth.

About Glutton-for-Punishment

Glutton-for-Punishment is thin and tall, her milky eyes are sunken and look dead. The ashen color of her skin is punctuated by spots of bright red dots and dribbling blood. Her hair is dark green and thick with wild curls, it reaches upwards and refuses to be tamed by brush or comb. She wears a burlap sack as a shirt and torn baggy breeches that threaten to fall if it wasn’t for her trusted rope belt. She struggles to carry her pack which seems to be bursting at the seams with mortars, glass flasks, strange powders, and viscous liquids. Despite her menacing exterior Glutton nearly always has a smiling face and kind word for anyone she comes across, the juxtaposition just as often unnerves those she meets rather than put them at ease.

Female Tiefling Alchemist (vivisectionist) 1
True neutral medium outsider (native)
Init +2; Senses Darkvision 60ft; Perception +0
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 11 (1d8+2 con +1 FCB)
Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +0, +2 save vs non-fear emotion and mind-affecting spells that deal damage
Resist: cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5
Speed 30 ft.
Range splash +3 (various, 20/x2)
Melee cold iron dagger +2 (1d4, 19-20/x2)
Melee silver dagger +2 (1d4-1, 19-20/x2)
Special attacks Sneak Attack +1d6
Alchemist Extracts (CL 1, Concentration +4):
Level 1 (DC 14) 2 slots, see tagline
Spell-like ability (CL 1st) 1/day - death knell
Str 10, Dex 13(15), Con 15, Int 14(16), Wis 10, Cha 10(8)
Base Atk +0; CMB +0, CMD 12
Feats Simple Weapons, Bombs, Light Armor, Weapon Finesse, Throw Anything, Brew Potion
Traits Bruising Intellect, The Bleak Cabal
Skills sleight of hand, ACP -1/-3, 7sp/lvl
Craft (alchemy) (1) 7, +1 competence vs item creation, +1 circumstance from lab
Disable Device (1) 8
Intimidate (1) 7
Perception (0) +0
Sleight of Hand (1) +6
Spellcraft (1) +7

Nature (1) +7
Local (1) +4
Planes (Sigil) (1) +4
Planes (Pandemonium) (1) +4

Languages Common, Abyssal, Int: Infernal, Lower planar trade, Goblin
SQ Alchemy, Mutagen (+4 dex, -2 wis, +2 nat AC)
Gear Jink: 10pp 5gp 8sp 3cp
Encumbrance 38/76/115, heavy load, medium w/o lab, light w/ ant haul
Masterwork chain shirt (25), alchemical silver dagger (1), cold iron dagger (1), acidx2 (2), alchemist’s kindness (0), mwk backpack (4), bedroll (5), belt pouch (0.5), chalkx4 (0), peasant’s outfit (2), flint and steel (0), mess kit (1), trail rationsx5 (5), waterskin (4), whetstone (1), portable alchemist’s lab (20), thieve’s tools (1), ink (0), inkpen (0), traveling formula book (1), Fell's key, Cold weather outfit, Potion of cure light wounds, Toothpick (+5 anarchic greatsword, forged on Pandemonium)

Materials: anti-toxin (0), anti-plague (0), tanglefoot bag (4), smelling salts (0), wismuth salix (0), alchemist’s fire (1), twitch tonic (0), alchemical grease (1), impact foam (1), liquid ice (2), bottled lighting (1), alkali flask (1), tindertwig (0), Potion of cure light wounds
Special Abilities
Prehensile Tail: Many tieflings have tails, but some have long, flexible tails that can be used to carry items. While they cannot wield weapons with their tails, they can use them to retrieve small, stowed objects carried on their persons as a swift action. This racial trait replaces fiendish sorcery.
Skilled Grimspawn gain a +2 to disable device and sleight of hand
The Bleak Cabal
Benefit: You are immune to all madness inflicting spells including (but not limited to) confusion, irresistible dance, hideous laughter, feeblemind and receive a +2 bonus to all emotion based effects (except fear) and damage dealing mind affecting spells (like Mind Thrust); your bonus increases to +4 to resist the effects of the Plane Pandemonium, and you can reroll your first failed save each day against the effects of the plane.
Faction Bane: While immune to unnatural madness, Bleakers are prone to natural madness- each day, roll 1d20- on a roll of 1 roll on the greater madness table and gain that madness for the day and on a roll of 20 you roll on the lesser madness table and gain that madness for the day.
Hierarchy: At 7th level you can report to the Gatehouse to be trained in increased techniques for dealing with madness in others. . .
Formula book
Crafter’s Fortune
Ant Haul
Cure Light Wounds
Comprehend Languages


Player Name: Delmoth
Planar or Prime and Home Plane or Prime World: Planar, Outlands (Sigil)
Intended Mythic Path: Trickster? Maybe crossing into guardian.
Character Race: Tiefling (grimspawn)
Class: Alchemist (vivisectionist)
Faction: The Bleak Cabal
Basic Backstory: Glutton-for-punishment grew up as many tieflings in Sigil do, in the Hive ward. While she was young she had a sharp tongue, both literally and figuratively. She would often hit the blinds, passing Chaosmen would swing wild punches, collectors would leave their deader bounties to punish her, and bubber bariaur bucks would show her the business end of their horns.

One day Glutton was carted off to the Weary Spirit Infirmary where Ridnir Tetch did nothing for Glutton’s bruises and broken bones but rather decided to try a new procedure, ramming an ice pick through one of her eye sockets into her brain. Glutton’s personality shifted overnight, quelling the fiendish parts of her, and making her more introspective. She liked who she’d become and adopted Ridnir’s faction and profession.