Michel d'Armignac |

I completely spaced on this
I'll write something momentarily
Will need GM approval, but here goes
Coming from the decimated and completely dilapidated Mousillon, Michel is from a nobility that is basically non existent, and was forced to follow a different career path than what his line would have been able to do if his country was successful and thriving
He finally decided to head out and hopefully find the good graces of one such a noble or powerful ally to acknowledge his noble line so that he can start to renew and strengthen their name again. (Becoming a full knight)

Alric Reiss |

In short, I was thinking Alric's parents moved from Ostermark to somewhere nearby Untergard, bought land and started out as farmers. Later, the forces of Chaos came, killed his parents and burned the farm. Alric survived, and moved to Untergard in search of safety and a way to make a living.
10 questions coming in later.
Just FYI: I'll be travelling Feb 15th to 21st, so if the game starts before that, perhaps Alric will join a bit later.

Elsa Ingot |

Elsa came to fight along side other clan Pickaxe Clan Warriors in a Dwarf unit. Many died and she suffered great wounds here while pulling her fallen clansmen from the line. She continued fighting and dragging them free until she couldn't and crawled out of the conflict.
She carries the wooden rings her Clans men carried on a throng so they will continue fighting along side her in battles to come. She is intrigued by human gods Sigmar and Morr. She has a simple Miner family and three adoptive brothers.
In town she is friends with the halfling cook/server sisters Greta and Olivia. She is enemies with Lemm a human who she suspects specifically tries to rob the Dwarven bodies. For what she doesn't know.
She is not a fan of boats, preferring to have solid earth or structure under her feet. She hates the forces of chaos and those who wish to bring it down on others. She also hates to see the dead rise.
As for why Elsa became an adventurer, putting down the Miners' pick for a military one was the day goblins attacked her and her fellow miners in the tunnels of the Vault. This lead her to join and train with the Shield breakers in clearing tunnels.

GM Spazmodeus |

Sorry folks, but I am going to have to bow out. As GM Spazmodeus said, attrition would happen.
Sorry see you go, happy gaming!
No objections to any of the background ideas, just please make sure to add them to your profile.
Still doing some prep, once the profiles are finalized, but looking at getting started next week , if all goes to plan.

Elsa Ingot |

Added and looking forward to learning a new system as well as seeing what I can do with Elsa..If she survives.
thinking Veteran into Champion into Witch Hunter or maybe something else entirely

GM Spazmodeus |

Hey guys, just did a quick check of profiles. Looks good. Make sure if there's anything to roll , you do so. Also, if there's options make sure to select one option.
@Michel, could you fill out your profile please?
So, we'll begin shortly.
Just wanted to go over a few things.
As is usual with games on these boards, I'll be rolling Initiative when combat begins. I'll also, when appropriate, roll perception and other checks during combat to move things along.
I suggest everyone, those new to the system as well as old-know-it-alls, to refresh your understand of the available actions in combat ( full, half, free ). Parrying and Dodging will of course need an extra post by one of you guys, but I don't see any way around that!
Don't forget Ulric's Fury...roll a 10 on your damage die...roll to hit again. If successful, roll extra damage die and keep going if you keep rolling a 10!
Also make sure to read the section on Fate and Fortune points on page 135 of the core manual.
That's all for now!

GM Spazmodeus |

Hey guys,
Sorry you have to wait a bit longer, was a bit of a busy week.
A couple of things:
1. Michel, how's that profile coming along?
2. Some of you guys are missing a header with your characteristics, look to Constanze or Elsa for a good example.
3. Alric, don't forget to roll your Crowns. Also, your SB should be 3.

Michel d'Armignac |

So we finally got the go-ahead that we can move into our new place (been waiting 3 months) so that's taking up my time this week. I'll try to copy in my backstory
Weapon and armor I will have to go read again. But I'm sure it won't be something too strange :)

Constanza Tibolino |

GMS: In lieu of taking a Hand Weapon, can Constanza instead take a Tilean Stiletto (both valued @ 10GC). The Stiletto grants a +5% WS when using it (due to its Best Quality) and is 10% ENC lighter (so 9 as opposed to 10) for a dagger.
Hoping you allow the trade up in WS bonus vs Damage she inflicts with it :)
Failing that I'll just take the Stiletto at Good Quality - same reduction in ENC but with no bonus to WS.
Would keep my normal dagger (dirk) - wanted to give her a flavour item from her homeland (likely something she has taken off her fallen commander) and like the idea of her packing knives over other cumbersome weapons - as they'll essentially be there to finish off anyone downed by her crossbow bolts... speaking of which plan to buy some additional bolts before starting (again some items she's scavenged from the battlefield/dead).
Let me know what you reckon chief.

Constanza Tibolino |

@Constanza I'm inclined to allow the substitution....just can't find the reference to the Tilean Stiletto anywhere. Where did you find it?
@GMS: It's in the Old World Armoury chief, p28. Have taken the liberty of spoilering below:
Tilean Stiletto (Good-Best): Another slim dagger, these weapons have very narrow, long blades.
Weapon Craftsmanship
Best: This weapon is the top of the line without magical enhancement. When wielding such a weapon in combat, you gain a +5% bonus to your Weapon Skill or Ballistic Skill (as appropriate for the weapon). In addition, because it is better balanced, it is less cumbersome than a standard weapon, reducing the overall Encumbrance of the weapon by 10% (to a minimum of 1). Ammunition of Best Craftsmanship does not give you a bonus to BS, but its Encumbrance is reduced. Best-crafted Weapons are often beautiful, having gemstones set into the pommel or extra detail in the workmanship. Some weapons of this craftsmanship level may be plain, but exquisite in performance.
Good: This weapon is of high quality, with good balance and reliability. It is more manageable than a standard weapon, reducing the overall Encumbrance of the weapon by 10% (to a minimum of 1). Ammunition of Good Craftsmanship confers no benefits.