The Masters of Golarion

Game Master tumbler

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Fnord, remember, Portal first, THEN Dead Magic. This campaign will end really quickly if we get the wrong order here.


I'm going to use that for someone that gets a mishap with a transportation spell, they find someone stuck in such a plane that they accidentally connect to.

It would be costly, but give a summoned creature a one use command word item that has create greater demiplane: dead magic on it, leave them in the zone and then plane shift the rest of the party out.

A prison that can't be found, and if you do find it, and port in, you can't get out.

I was also thinking that if we connected it to a portal, we could start up a sideshow. Charge people a copper piece a head in order to view Golthanos, the legendary Storm of Rage! If there's a way to remove the Dead Magic trait from planes, we could even have fights on the weekends for it. Kids get in free. but may be eaten. Management claims no responsibility.

That's hilarious!

If you think that's good, you should hear about my nightclub idea. We'll need a reasonable amount of scrolls of Planar Binding, but we could combine Fnord's idea of Waves of Ecstasy with some succubi or incubi...

That's bad, isn't it? :P

Anyways, looks like Validk's currently got the floor, we'll talk about attractions later on.

It seems like you have a plan in place to maintain the subdual and build up the plane as desired. Also, it should seem obvious that this is not a random event but that there is an intelligence behind it.

I'm prepared for another event, but I want to give you some time to investigate if you wish.

I'm not sure how to even investigate or what we'd look for.

Also, I was confused, I thought slow time meant less time would pass OUTSIDE the demiplane. My bad.

slow or fast, the intention is for the creature to have time slowed compared to Golarion.

Alright, unfortunately Jacob can't really help with adding attributes without dropping a Wish. Seems like Nagato's Miracles would be better suited for the job, since they don't require burning a diamond and can still put down high gravity and bountiful food.

Fnord, I didn't quite get something in your last post. What did you mean by "[/b]take a fraction of the time to cast that my spells do.[/b]"?

If you want, I could have Jake help out, but he only has four Wish grade diamonds on him. If Nagato can cover those 4 Create Demiplanes with her Miracles and Create Greater Demiplane is a level 9 spell across the board, I think I'll just spend time whipping snowballs at Golthanos and letting the Mage's Sword take care of things a bit.

create demiplane is 4 hour casting time.
create greater demiplane is 6 hours casting time.

He can get his 3 off in the time it takes me to get 2 in.

Alright, I thought that was going to be a new sentence instead of continuing a previous thought. Plus, on that note, Miracles would get the Create Demiplane spells out of the way within thirty seconds a piece. It seems like we're going to need to keep this thing down for a good 24 hours in order to get the Create Greater Demiplane traits in. Seems like there's still challenge to be had here.

Wait, that can't be right. That means that we still have to make sure that this thing has it's regeneration negated.

For 2,400 rounds.

I mean, we can assume that we can coup de gras enough to help deal with that much regeneration, but that's a lot of time. I guess if anybody wants the heart of a Spawn of Rovagug or something out of the ordinary like that, now's the time.

Tumbler, do you think we can skip to when Validk's spells are done being casted? Just to get around the significant time it would take to go through 2,400 turns?

I think you could reasonably expect to keep him down, It is a long time, but you can far outclass his regeneration.

Female Samsaran Monk (Qinggong MoMS) 2/Druid (Menhir Savant) 23/Hierophant-Champion 1

Sir Orrin alone does upper 100 damage on a standard coup de grace. Between him, an ancient silver dragon, and Behemoth Hippo!Nagato, we've got it down.

I also say we skip ahead to when the task is done. We could possible shorten the time needed if Jacob fills in for Nagato. Due to Mystic Past Life, she has access to Create Greater Demiplane as well. Once she prays for spells, she and Valdik swap with the castings of CGD to shorten the waiting time.

Sure. Lets fast forward.

Alright, cool.

CDL, Fnord, how many Wishes do you want Jake to cast? I don't want to seem like I'm holding out, but I can't exactly afford to give him the diamonds necessary to Wish often and I'd like to keep a couple for emergency situations.

If we aren't getting interrupted, and Nagato is going to only take a few seconds to cast, save your diamonds.

Way I see it, tumbler could do something to interrupt the process, we already have Storm down, so we take action against the new threat, or the new threat tries to do something after we leave and 'forget' about Storm.

OR, and my personal hope, is that this works, and we start up a prison of big baddies and its sometime down the road before we have to worry about a break out.

That divination effect that saw us through Storm's eye is going to loose its connection when I cast the last spell. Unless its a god, in which case were @#$%#@ anyway.

My cost is the 23k for a permanent demiplane. I'll take donations to cover that cost.

Alright, cool, thanks. I just figure we shouldn't be throwing around Wishes when Miracles would do. And no, I've not become jaded with power to be able to say that. :P

Anyway, Fnord, I'll toss in 5,500gp for the Golthanos Prison Fund. I'll make a post of it soon, too. Does Validk have Permanency memorized currently?

He'll have it for all intents and purposes as he would need to wait until the next day to memorize the prison spells anyway.

Just wanted to clarify, Jake gave Validk some Limited Wish grade diamonds. I wasn't sure if you'd want the compensation for Permanency or some material costs. If you've got Fabricate prepared, that should be a nice amount of diamond dust.

Missed the part about the wish diamonds, keep those. But the cost of the permanency shared would be nice.

Female Human Sorcerer (Razmiran Priestess) 17

Mira has Fabricate as a spell known. Due to her False Focus technique, she can take a 100 gp diamond and created 100 gp worth of free diamond dust. That might not be a bad idea to lighten how much everyone needs to toss in.

It was when Jacob gave Validk the four diamonds. Well cut and clear, I believe I phrased it. They're not Wish diamonds, just Limited Wish, so they're 1,500gp a piece. That should cover some of the components for Permanency if you'd like. Or you could save them for Limited Wish. Or sell them for six grand. Your call, really.

Also, CDL, False Focus doesn't work like that.

False Focus wrote:

If the spell requires a material component that costs more than the value of the divine focus, you must have the material component on hand to cast the spell, as normal.

It would be nice if it did work like that, but I think that the most you can ever ignore for material components is 1,000gp or less. And that's using a 10th tier Archmage.

Female Human Sorcerer (Razmiran Priestess) 17

You know what, I just realized that I could blow a Miracle-grade diamond at minimal cost compared to everyone else.

1) Miracle Fabricates one of Nagato's current diamonds into diamond dust, and it gets used today.
2) Miracle spends the next two weeks cooking up 100 gp worth of diamond dust per casting.
3) Miracle fashions the diamond dust into a big Miracle-grade diamond.

Epic-level shennanigans!

Something tells me that Tumbler might not be pleased with that. But it is funny as hell.

Female Human Sorcerer (Razmiran Priestess) 17

Actually, it does.

False Focus wrote:

School transmutation; Level sorcerer/wizard 5
Casting Time see text
Components V, S, M (the original material, which costs the same amount as the raw materials required to craft the item to be created)
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target up to 10 cu. ft./level; see text
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
You convert material of one sort into a product that is of the same material. Creatures or magic items cannot be created or transmuted by the fabricate spell. The quality of items made by this spell is commensurate with the quality of material used as the basis for the new fabrication. If you work with a mineral, the target is reduced to 1 cubic foot per level instead of 10 cubic feet.

You must make an appropriate Craft check to fabricate articles requiring a high degree of craftsmanship.

Casting requires 1 round per 10 cubic feet of material to be affected by the spell.

The highest level divine focus is 100 gp. In theory, you can just keep Fabricating 100 gp worth of raw materials and nothing more and bypass the cost with False Focus.

I will never attempt this scheme, though. Just saying that it looks very possible. Let's see what everyone else can bring to the table. Nagato might Miracle Blood Money to help plug a big hole in the cost if necessary.

Oops, my bad. I thought you meant that Mira could cast Permanency instead of Validk and use False Focus to reduce the price by 100gp. By the rules, that aught to work, but Fabricate can be used for a lot of cheesy effects. Like you could make a diamond suitable for a Wish spell by refining a little less than 8,400gp worth of ore. I think that restraint has to be used from forcing that spell over the top. At least, more over the top than we already are :P

Also, I saw the Blood Money Wish trick somewhere on the boards around here before. I think someone calculated that in order to have that happen, the caster needs a Strength score of 51 to have Blood Money replicate a 25,000gp diamond without passing out from ability damage.

Here's where I'd hit that spell/feat combo:

"The quality of items made by this spell is commensurate with the quality of material used as the basis for the new fabrication."

Using a divine focus to pretend to have a diamond would result in the fabrication of pretend diamond dust.

And "Target up to 10 cu. ft./level" If you have nothing to target, then you have nothing to convert.

While it sounds like a great combo, I personally think it's one of those unintended game breakers. False Focus says you don't need the component. Fabricate specifically says you must have a component and you are changing it into another component. The spell school is transmutation, not conjuration.

I would say this is a great way to not have to pay the $50 gold cost for casting nondetection every day.

You might ask Tumbler about taking a custom feat "greater false focus"
for a higher valued holy symbol, the prd has a platinum symbol listed at $500. I don't see a reason why you couldn't get one of greater value with crafting, add on some gems, make it bigger/heavier, etc.

Makes sense. So can the two of you going to do posts summing up the castings? I'm curious to see where Tumbler will take us from here after this plot.

Female Samsaran Monk (Qinggong MoMS) 2/Druid (Menhir Savant) 23/Hierophant-Champion 1

Well, I am going to burn one of my Miracle-grade diamonds for the sake of moving this along. At the end of the day, Nagato needs them far less than Jacob or Valdik.

Wait, what exactly are you burning a diamond for? I thought you didn't need to in order to recreate spells.

Female Samsaran Monk (Qinggong MoMS) 2/Druid (Menhir Savant) 23/Hierophant-Champion 1

We will use one of my Miracle-grade diamond for the Permanency of the demiplane. As you just pointed out, I do not need them nearly as often. Only if I am requesting Irori or the planet to do something crazy like...

Miracle wrote:


Alternatively, a cleric can make a very powerful request. Casting such a miracle costs the cleric 25,000 gp in powdered diamond because of the powerful divine energies involved. Examples of especially powerful miracles of this sort could include the following:

-Swinging the tide of a battle in your favor by raising fallen allies to continue fighting.

-Moving you and your allies, with all your and their gear, from one plane to a specific locale through planar barriers with no chance of error.

-Protecting a city from an earthquake, volcanic eruption, flood, or other major natural disaster.

In any event, a request that is out of line with the deity's (or alignment's) nature is refused.

Oooooh, I thought you were going to cast Miracle. My bad. You're too kind, CDL.

Unless tumbler says otherwise, I think we can call this moved.


Now what do we do?

The same thing we do every night, pinky.

You guys realize that you've just begun the construction of one of the coolest old school dungeons ever. Rooms contort and twist, have random effects like heavy gravity, and for no reason there is a Spawn of Rovagug just waiting in a room.

Next is one way teleports, reversing gravity, secret passages behind bookcases and fireplaces, scantily clad chainmail bikini babes...

It's getting me tingly just thinking about it. Maybe we should start having castles that look like they should be on heavy metal album covers and arbitrarily name things after us.

Jacob brought up a good point, though inadvertently.

A demiplane is an extradimensional space.

Which means that other extradimensional spaces don't work inside one.

It's been my houserule that something like a demiplane, especially a permanent one, is exempted from this rule.

Otherwise, it just gets very inconvenient.

Anyone have any issues with exempting permanent demiplanes?

Oh, damn, I didn't know that. Whoops. Should I delete my last post?

If so, I'll just have Jacob push aside everything on his workbench in his demiplane section and sleep on that.

Is it weird that I can see some of Jacob's followers casting this spell on his shops every few days?

Female Human Sorcerer (Razmiran Priestess) 17

Wait, that means that Mira couldn't have pulled her diamond out of her handy haversack. However, the diamond thing is easily solved from my end.

Mira: I figured we might need that diamond, so I actually put it in my pocket before we went into the demiplane.

Nagato: But I saw you pull it out from your bag...

Mira: That was from your point of view! I was on your back, so the distorted perspective from the corner of your eye merely made it look like I was pulling from my haversack.

Nagato: ...So does this mean that Valdik's bodyguard is stuck in his bag until Valdik goes back to the material plane?

Mira: By all accounts, yes.

Nagato: I swear, this is why we hideout in old Thassilonian ruins. At least we can pack our magical bags for the next day's expedition.

Interesting, that does seem to be an unfortunate side effect. I'm sure that was deliberate in the design of the spell,

And I can't delete the post. Great. I guess ignore the casting, guys. Sorry.

Mira Goldwater wrote:

Wait, that means that Mira couldn't have pulled her diamond out of her handy haversack. However, the diamond thing is easily solved from my end.

Mira: I figured we might need that diamond, so I actually put it in my pocket before we went into the demiplane.

Nagato: But I saw you pull it out from your bag...

Mira: That was from your point of view! I was on your back, so the distorted perspective from the corner of your eye merely made it look like I was pulling from my haversack.

Nagato: ...So does this mean that Valdik's bodyguard is stuck in his bag until Valdik goes back to the material plane?

Mira: By all accounts, yes.

Nagato: I swear, this is why we hideout in old Thassilonian ruins. At least we can pack our magical bags for the next day's expedition.

Wait, why would you keep spell material or focus components in a haversack? They have pouches expressly for those things.

I hate to blow up the thread with iterative postings, but I have a question about the scurrying figure. Who else had Mind Blank active after the Storm fight? Because that might be important for Tumbler to note. I know that Jake has that on his list of daily spells cast.

Also, removed the buffs that would be expired by the time Jake wakes up from his sheet.

Female Human Sorcerer (Razmiran Priestess) 17

It's a really expensive diamond worth 25,000 gp. I would want that sucker nice and secure.

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