The Masters of Golarion

Game Master tumbler

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Is anyone going to come with Jake to the shop/mysterious stranger?

Katja will come with you.

Female Samsaran Monk (Qinggong MoMS) 2/Druid (Menhir Savant) 23/Hierophant-Champion 1

I might have Nagato go off on her own to investigate.

Sounds like a plan.

Has anyone heard from Pirate? I hope his situation has improved since something happened.

validk is with jake and katja

Has anyone been in contact with Pirate? Or Tumbler?

Unfortunately, no.

Female Samsaran Monk (Qinggong MoMS) 2/Druid (Menhir Savant) 23/Hierophant-Champion 1

Tumbler is probably waiting for us to do something; Pirate is still having internet issues as far as I can gather.

I was hoping for pirate to resolve his issues. He was so gung-Ho I didn't want him to be left out of anything.

I don't post enough, probably, but generally I check the boards at about 7 am, 12, 3, 6, 9, and 11 pm.

Darn, wish there was something we could do for him. Shame he's been gone so long.

Also, I was wondering about the whole "making our own spells" possibility. Tumbler, what do you think the possibility could be for Jacob to research a "Mass" version of Bestow Curse?

Did Pirate happen to mention when his problems may subside? Just starting to get a bit concerned is all.

Female Samsaran Monk (Qinggong MoMS) 2/Druid (Menhir Savant) 23/Hierophant-Champion 1

He has not said. Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to set a deadline. After it passes, we continue.

I'd hate to do that to him, but at the same time, I really do want to play. These moral choices are too hard for me.

Would it be possible for us to do some roleplay scenarios or something not necessarily relevant to the plot to fill the time until Pirate gets back around? I hate to seem like I'm antsy or impatient, but this is the only game I'm involved in at the moment and I'd like to explore the abilities that an epic level sorcerer gets.

That sounds fine to me. We might do some RP which takes place after we wake up but before we go to eat.

Yeah, or even have some semi-canon/flashback adventures.

What do you think, Tumbler?

Yes. Why don't we try to ease our way through the morning. Sir Orrin can catch up when he gets a chance.

Should I go first or wait for GMV or Val?

If you have something in mind Ace, go for it. I will follow up on what you do.

I was just going to have Jake head to the shop. Even if the mysterious figure is mysterious, Sir Orrin probably won't depend on being there.

You have any ideas, GMV?

Edit: Maria's Jacob's cohort. I'll stat her later, but she'll be an NPC class.

Fnord, are we talking about the same place?

I have no idea, which district of Absalom did you put your shop in?

The districts I mentioned, Ivy and Coins, are where much of the entertainment and merchant shops are located, respectively.

I see this part of the game as just being some breeze shooting. I planed to write up a piece of Validk's history just to keep active.

Okay, sounds like a plan. I could have Jacob meet up with Val there if there's any back and forth you'd like to do.

Would it be okay if Jacob picked up some spell components while he was at the shop? Before heading over back to Kat and Validk?

I'm going on the assumption that unless it is something exceedingly rare (and should be a quest) that we can make some assumptions of picking up stuff.

You own a bunch of magic shops, it wouldn't be a stretch to assume they stock many basic components (you might even have some of the pricier items reserved for your purchase).

I would expect that your staff would already have a list of items that you wanted stocked for your own use. If they come across those items for sale (like diamonds) then they acquire them for you to 'purchase'.

I have reserved funds for my own businesses, and I'm working on finishing them up, though I generally just use them as fluff right now.

As for what we're doing now, I'd just go with telling the story of the opera and morning events. Tumblr can jump in when he wants to with the next major issue.

Alright. I'll reflect the purchase on my sheet ASAP. I'm interested to see where your flashback goes.

gaah, wrong person.

I couldnt finish since I managed to spill 20 ounces of soda on my keyboard and lap.

That sucks. Still, I'll be hanging on what you've got so far.

Because Jacob still likes keeping around his magic items, even while being fancy, I think he'll be dressed a little something like this. However, it's incredibly anachronistic. It is not easy to find fancy dressed people in cloaks/robes, for some reason. Or maybe I'm not that good at gathering photos for these purposes. I guess it can be considered a likeness or something.

Anyway, I'll wait until Validk's flashback is over before I do more things with Jake.

oh go ahead and post whatever you want, nice things about flashbacks, they can come and go, be interrupted, etc

heck, run your own flashback in between mine

I was thinking more forward looking things for Jake, but I think I could do something from his childhood, like discovering his sorcery. Or if Tumbler just wanted the stranger to deliver a message or say something, Jake can relay it to everyone else. I dunno, wishful thinking I guess.

Off the forward looking idea, is it considered an evil act to cast Terrible Remorse on shoplifters? Or is that just bad form?

So there's the first piece of the history I have for Validk, known then as the elven mage Fnarkkil.

Yes, I'm taking a couple of liberties with some of Golarion's ancient history. I'm trying to make sure it stays out of anything canon.

No, Validk isn't immortal. You'll have to wait for the next installment to learn more.

So what do you think?

Contingency: Terrible Remorse; activation: removal of items from store without purchase.

If I knew Contingency. Or could make traps. sigh

But yeah, Fnord, that's really interesting stuff. Can't wait to see the next part.

I am going to start making a flashback for Katja. It will be a bit as I do the research I need to make some additional back history.

That's what leadership and hirelings are for!

Male Advanced Halfling Cavalier (beast rider) 20, Fighter (dragoon) 1, Ranger (skirmisher) 2, Inquisitor 1

Hey, sorry for vanishing off the face of the internet this last week. While my connection issues have been resolved, they were followed by something much much worse. A number of people very close to me passed away. While some of them we saw coming, some we did not, and it affected me more than I expected or imagined. As such I haven't really touched any computer save to quickly check emails, and even then, it was a rare and brief event.

I should be getting back into the swing of things soon. I'm actually kinda surprised I'm still in the game. If you're willing to be a bit more patient with me, I should be back to regular posting in a few days. If not, I totally understand, as it has been a long while, and without any real notice either.

Sir Orrin Neville-Smythe wrote:

Hey, sorry for vanishing off the face of the internet this last week. While my connection issues have been resolved, they were followed by something much much worse. A number of people very close to me passed away. While some of them we saw coming, some we did not, and it affected me more than I expected or imagined. As such I haven't really touched any computer save to quickly check emails, and even then, it was a rare and brief event.

I should be getting back into the swing of things soon. I'm actually kinda surprised I'm still in the game. If you're willing to be a bit more patient with me, I should be back to regular posting in a few days. If not, I totally understand, as it has been a long while, and without any real notice either.

Glad to see you still with us! My condolences on your losses. I too have felt the pain of having a loved one pass away. Take what time you need. We will be here.

Sorry to hear that, Pirate.

Sorry to hear about your recent losses.

WE're here when you wish to escape for a few minutes into fantasy.

We're just doing some back story posting now as it is.

I've had some problems on my end as well. Taking a trip and internet has not been as present as was expected. Well, that and the Paizo site was blocked at my best access point.

Who's next on the flashback train?

Geez, our luck hasn't been the best for this game, it seems. But hopefully, that changes for everyone soon.

I guess Katja, Nagato, and Sir Orrin are up to post flashbacks at their earliest convenience.

Sir Orrin did hit a pretty big background with his time in hell and the tie in with a couple of others.

Female Samsaran Monk (Qinggong MoMS) 2/Druid (Menhir Savant) 23/Hierophant-Champion 1

Sorry for my silence in the last few days, but much like Pirate, I have suddenly found myself a bit busy in real life. I'm going to be gone from the forums until further noticed. Thanks for understanding.

Well that's a shame.

And yeah, I guess that is true. So with Nagato being busy, I guess it's up to Kat.

I'm also (slowly) starting work on something that can be used to keep us moving as well.

I'd like to suggest that if there are any tasks that any of us (our PCs) want to work on, then we could be working on it kinda like a choose your own, with the other players providing check and balance.

Basically, write your own story, with editing from the other players.

Ideally, I'd like to reunite Jacob with the group, but I'm not sure if Tumbler has something in mind for when he leaves the shop and joins up with Katja and Validk. But if he can get together, I have a few things I can think of Val and Jake working on as great arcanists.

Any progress on Validk's story, Fnord? I'm not the most well versed in the setting of Golarion, but I've been doing a bit of research into things as of recently. Seems like Validk's had some irons in the fire for a long, long time.

I have plenty more. Until we have some movement, I plan on practicing my creative writing.

Don't worry though, Validk's biological age isn't that great. I couldn't find anything on the life span of doppelgangers, so I'm going with akin to a dwarf.

To keep this from going stale, I'd like to see everyone continuing to post. We can talk in or out of character about our backgrounds, empires, and current activities.

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