The Masters of Golarion

Game Master tumbler

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Hmm, it seems like Jacob's going to need some alternate transportation. From the 500 mile figure, he can use Overland Flight to get there in about 62.5 hours. Guess he'll have to get to flying pretty quick after he talks to the Venture Captain.

Also, CDL, does the Baldric work on natural weapons? From what I can tell, it's just light and one handed weapons. Maybe it would work if Nagato wears the Balrdic like a sling?

Female Samsaran Monk (Qinggong MoMS) 2/Druid (Menhir Savant) 23/Hierophant-Champion 1

I can only tune it to one weapon at a time, so it would only work on my unarmed strike.

Unarmed Strike PDR wrote:
A monk's unarmed strike is treated as both a manufactured weapon and a natural weapon for the purpose of spells and effects that enhance or improve either manufactured weapons or natural weapons.

The Baldric, Bane: "If the wearer is an inquisitor, she is treated as five levels higher when using her bane and greater bane abilities. If the wearer is not an inquisitor, she gains the bane ability of a 5th-level inquisitor, but must first attune a light or one-handed melee weapon to the baldric by hanging it from the cloth for 24 hours, and can only use the bane ability with the attuned weapon. Attuning a new weapon to the baldric ends the attunement for the previous weapon."

Inquisitor Bane wrote:
Inquisitor Bane (Su): "At 5th level, an inquisitor can imbue one of her weapons with the bane weapon special ability as a swift action."

I believe that monk's unarmed strike was ruled as a single weapon in a December 2012 blog post. You know, for things like Greater Magic Weapon.

So if you ask me, the rules look like they allow it.

I was just looking at the thing where the weapon would need to be stowed in the baldric for at least 24 hours. Though even that could still work if you'd be willing to pull off a look like Auron from FFX.

I don't see those stacking Nagato.

From Bane Baldric:
"attune a light or one-handed melee weapon to the baldric by hanging it from the cloth for 24 hours"

From Amulet of Mighty Fists:
"This amulet grants an enhancement bonus of +1 to +5 on attack and damage rolls with unarmed attacks and natural weapons."

I am not finding where natural weapon = light or one-handed.

Natural weapons are primary or secondary, becoming secondary if a weapon is wielded.

In that case, it looks like we'll need to find a way to give Nagato DR/epic so her natural weapons can bypass it. That may be a challenge, though.

But if I recall, I think there are Path Abilities in case we do end up using Mythic rules. We never voted on that sort of thing, did we?

DM Fnord wrote:

I don't see those stacking Nagato.

From Bane Baldric:
"attune a light or one-handed melee weapon to the baldric by hanging it from the cloth for 24 hours"

From Amulet of Mighty Fists:
"This amulet grants an enhancement bonus of +1 to +5 on attack and damage rolls with unarmed attacks and natural weapons."

I am not finding where natural weapon = light or one-handed.

Natural weapons are primary or secondary, becoming secondary if a weapon is wielded.

PRD wrote:

[Weapon Finesse (Combat)

You are trained in using your agility in melee combat, as opposed to brute strength.
Benefit: With a light weapon, rapier, whip, or spiked chain made for a creature of your size category, you may use your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier on attack rolls. If you carry a shield, its armor check penalty applies to your attack rolls.
Special: Natural weapons are considered light weapons.
PRD wrote:

Strike, Unarmed: A Medium character deals 1d3 points of nonlethal damage with an unarmed strike. A Small character deals 1d2 points of nonlethal damage. A monk or any character with the Improved Unarmed Strike feat can deal lethal or nonlethal damage with unarmed strikes, at his discretion. The damage from an unarmed strike is considered weapon damage for the purposes of effects that give you a bonus on weapon damage rolls.

An unarmed strike is always considered a light weapon. Therefore, you can use the Weapon Finesse feat to apply your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier to attack rolls with an unarmed strike. Unarmed strikes do not count as natural weapons (see Combat).

There you go.

Female Samsaran Monk (Qinggong MoMS) 2/Druid (Menhir Savant) 23/Hierophant-Champion 1

Thank you, GMV. That should clear everything up. So basically, unarmed strike = light weapon, and the Baldric can be applied to light weapons. As mentioned earlier, the Baldric can only be turned to Nagato's unarmed strikes.

@aceDiamond: That's the idea.

Just out of curiosity, what are you two voting for in the Mythic/non-Mythic debate? I know that Fnord said he'd only bring it into play if it were unanimous.

Thanks for the references GMV!

But there is this discussion on epic dr:

Actual enhancement bonus vs effective enhancement bonus.

I really don't like the idea of bringing in the epic magic gear rules from 3.5, it just seems like it will be a significant power creep.

The paizo suggestions for progression beyond 20 suggest carrying on with class progressions where available.

Ki Pool allows (by having at least 1 pt remaining in the pool), for a ki strike to bypass DR.

The breaks are:
4th - magic
7th - cold iron and silver
10th - lawful
16th - adamantine

I can see carrying that to 21 - alignment, then 25 - epic. (I kinda like DR/Epic being something that just requires god powers, artifacts, etc).

Smite evil bypasses all DR. This can be gained by dipping paladin, going half celestial, still looking for other methods.
The silver smite bracelet from APG could arguably be worn by a non-paladin. Same with Wrists of the avenging knight from UE.

Note that there is no overcoming DR/Bludgeon-Piercing-Slashing except with the appropriate weapon. (That I know of)

See this thread for an example:

As I mentioned, I'd rather not get into epic weapons. However, if the other players are up for it, I'd propose one of these methods (Each player may have one item that is "epic" This is effectively an artifact. To craft an epic magic item, requires an additional crafting feat 'epic', one for each of the non-epic crafting feats. Must have the non-epic version as well. Epic crafting feats are available at level 21.):

1) After 21st level, weapons and armor (and items acting as, like ANW) may have enhancement bonuses all the way up to +10. Total effective level and cost remains +10, no additional cost for the change. Item becomes minor artifact.

2) The base price to make something epic was $200,000 in 3.5. Any portion of an item that goes beyond the non-epic progression costs 10x normal price. This remains.
Weapons: Pathfinder's cost progression is the prior cost +$4000. A +6 weapon would thus cost $50,000 + 200,000 + 220,000 (Base +5 cost, plus epic fee + 22,000 x10 for epic +6) = 470,000. A +7 weapon would thus cost $50,000 + 200,000 + 220,000 + 260,000 = 730,000. This is cheaper than 3.5 which had a +6 at 720,000.

Armor: Same general progression of costs as for weapons, but is prior cost plus $2000. So a +6 breastplate would cost 25,000 + 200,000 + 110,000 = $335,000

Other magic items using effective caster levels above 20 get the $200,000 epic fee added, and use the standard cost progression.

Female Samsaran Monk (Qinggong MoMS) 2/Druid (Menhir Savant) 23/Hierophant-Champion 1

I actually have access to smiting. Planar Wild Shape allows Nagato to assume the form of a celestial (or fiendish because she's technically Lawful Neutral) animal. It normally costs two uses of Wild Shape, but as a Level 20+ druid, Nagato Wild Shapes at will.

The only problem with relying on that method is when you end up fighting a Neutral entity with DR such as Golthanos.

Smite is the only way to bypass dr/-.

Would it be easier to just get more damage dice to compensate for the epic dr?

We're dealing with epic level stuff right here, I would assume many things would be easier.

And you know, if it weren't for the spell dip and LG requirement, I'd have dipped a tad into Paladin for Jake, myself. Maybe if Paladins of Freedom existed in Golarion, I would've been more tempted. But I'm pretty happy with all this extra arcana to be had.

Also, as for the costs of things, I think that Epic 3.5 assumed you'd get way more money. I checked out Rings of Epic Wizardry a while back and they run pretty pricey. Though if I may put in my two cents, I'd think that only Mythic characters aught to craft +6 weapons. Maybe even only if they have the Mythic Crafter path ability.

One thing I want to be careful of is getting into situations where we have so much gear, options, bonuses, etc, That the GM's job gets really, really hard.

I DM on another board and that group is currently 5th level. It takes the six players about 10 minutes each to write their combat post.

It can take me an hour or two to incorporate their posts, the NPC's posts, double check all the rules, passive abilities, and so on.

At this level, egads. Expect that battles may be players posting one day, me the next.

Regarding mythic:

Radigan and Validk are Aye's

Need a response from Nagato, Katja, Sir Orrin, and Tumbler.

I spent a few hours looking up ways to gain and bypass DR. Pathfinder has it locked up pretty well. Very few options to gain a smite ability, etc.

At early epic levels wealth has a lot of meaning just as it does at 3rd level. Get too high in epic levels and there are just too many ways to generate vast amounts of wealth with relatively little effort.

I think the starting wealth we have was pretty good, and typical. Buying an epic weapon is going to cost a third of your starting gold. I kinda think that's okay.

There are enough ways out there to increase the damage to compensate for epic DR without an epic weapon.

Using Nagato as an example (because he's looking for a solution), against everyone's favorite, Tarasque.

DR 15/epic, immunities galore, regen 40.

Just hitting hard and heavy would not be enough. Tactics specific to the creature will be needed.

And that is where we get into one of the cruxes. Frequently I've seen players on these boards just rush into combat, and not really take time to study their opponent and learn the best way to quickly take it down.

How would we have fared against the spawn if sir orrin hadn't been there?

If you get an epic weapon and can now beat epic dr, what about the vorpal DR of the jabberwock?

Most of the 20+ CR creatures don't have epic DR. Only a few of them, like the iconic Tarrasque.

Shame that there's such a delay. Though I think most of that would come from our respective employments. I know that if I weren't in the office, I'd be replying much quicker. Trying to work out a post as we speak.

I happened to find a way to gain another smite, but it requires LG alignment. Bestow Grace of the Champion would work in some situations. But it is still pretty limited.

Also, I'm not entirely sure where Tumbler's been, so he may not even be around for the Mythic vote.

Female Samsaran Monk (Qinggong MoMS) 2/Druid (Menhir Savant) 23/Hierophant-Champion 1

I say we go with mythic. Given how much experience is needed to level up at this point, it would be a good way to advance the characters in a semi-timely fashion.

Regarding delays, I know what you mean, Ace. I like to formulate my post and it goes through many revisions before I am satisfied. It can and does take a day or two sometimes before I have all the info I need. That's the burden of high level play.

I still like it though. It affords a level of detail that I would not get in lower level play. Lots of RP opportunities too. :)

As for mythic play, I haven't responded to that as I am still weighing in on it. So far it looks good but I am not quite there yet. I will make a decision soon.

Same, you don't get the same sort of opportunity to show off as a low level arcane caster. Really get to show off a lot more mastery when you're actually a master.

And I can understand about the apprehension, but from what I've seen the abilities we'd get aren't game breaking or anything. Just a couple more fun tools.

Nagato! Are you jumping in on this adventure?

Love to have you!

Katja, I don't want to bog down the other board with discussions like that.

So, it's the middle of the night, a massive storm is raging someplace inland, you've created an area of calm around Manaket.

Seeing perfectly well in fog, still requires a light source to see in?

Does the fog sight stack with darkvision? Haven't run into this before.

Neither requires activation?

As far as I know, vision capabilities stack. And they don't require activation unless it's stated they do. I had a high level Stormborn sorcerer in a relatively recent game and he had a fogsight ability. The GM there ruled it was just how his eyes worked and not an effect that turned on or off.

Reposting here instead of the gameplay thread.

DM Fnord wrote:
Learn something knew every day. Fog within your weather control area is fine, though that does block your own low-light and darkvision. This desert is more closely related to the Namib desert.

Normally I would agree with you on the low-light vision and darkvision. However, Silver Dragons have:

"Fog Vision (Ex): wrote:
A juvenile or older silver dragon can see perfectly well in fog and clouds.

As far as I know, darkvision would stack with the fog vision but only to as far as darkvision reaches, which is 120'.

ok, so the description would stand, just add fog, and since it's dark you can only see 120'.

Wait till Jacob shows up, the Starsoul/Void-Touched capstone ability gives perfect sight in magical and mundane darkness.

Thought that's not exactly practical in character, is it? :P

aceDiamond wrote:

Wait till Jacob shows up, the Starsoul/Void-Touched capstone ability gives perfect sight in magical and mundane darkness.

Thought that's not exactly practical in character, is it? :P

Probably, but having adventured with him enough Katja likely would know of this ability. Just a possibility though. I am not going to use such ooc knowledge in any case.

Fnord, I'm thinking of getting (probably buying unless I get the time to craft) a Wayfinder after talking to the VC. Would you mind if I roll to see if my ioun stones have resonance? Or should I wait till I actually pick it up?

I thought I had already addressed that I would prefer to go with static resonance rather than tracking every different ioun stone.

You had a week of downtime, how much is the wayfinder you want? If it's under 7,000 gold you had time to complete it.

I was going to make a story point out of Jacob breaking his old one, but I guess I could still make that trough crafting a new one. And I could make it the alarm clock one too, nice.

But I was asking because I saw something that said even with the static method, only 75% of ioun stones have resonant powers.

By the alarm clock one, I meant the Noisemaker Wayfinder. I'll adjust my wealth for the creation soon. Would Valsin notice a shiny new Wayfinder chain dangling from Jake's pocket?

I sent the others a message asking if they were interested in continuing.

If Jacob wanted to spend all of his downtime making that wayfinder, I'm ok with it.

Still waiting to see if Nagato wants to join in, and if Katja wants mythic.

I'll see about sharing a map once I cut it up from the inner sea portfolio.

If you would like access, send me a pm with your gmail and i'll link it to you.

All right then, I'll bite. I'm in for mythic. It does look really good for what we're doing and would fit in nicely.

Hooray! I've really been jonesing to try the Archmage path.

aceDiamond wrote:
Hooray! I've really been jonesing to try the Archmage path.

Wait, I've changed my mind. :P

GMV, pls. ;_;

So are we going to have the ascension be retroactive from the Spawn of Divine Destruction/Rovagug fight? Or will that be the culmination of this adventure?

I have no preference either way. Retroactive will require a flashback as each character meets the deity of their choice and is thanked and tasked with transcendent duties.

I wouldn't be against either one. Your call.

Though it would be funny if Cayden showed up and started applauding Jacob for his "tactical" use of Mass Icy Prison. (He'd worship Nethys, Aroden, and Torag, too, but that doesn't have the same image.)

DM Fnord wrote:
I have no preference either way. Retroactive will require a flashback as each character meets the deity of their choice and is thanked and tasked with transcendent duties.

I leave it to GM discretion.

I shared the map for Rahadoum, big circle is area that is disrupting teleport and divination.

Pick your deity.

If you already have some divine capabilities, feel free to do a flashback regarding your acquisition or growth in those abilities.

We can also flash back to some point in the last week when your deity of choice sent a herald or other servant to have a chat with you.

Even with our mortal power, we are still way below the threshold of face to face with a god. Putting a spawn of Rovagug down was enough to get a look see from an underling.

Looking forward to who you pick and why.

If you want to import a deity from another system, I'm fine with that too, provided they are not too closely overlapping an existing Golarion deity.

I will look through and see what fits. When I have made a selection I will post why I did.

I think I'll stick with Cayden and his crew for Jake. I think it would be the best choice, seeing as they'd share alignments. Plus, doesn't hurt that bravery and loyalty are tenants of that faith.

Looks like Validk will have to come along since I haven't heard from the others.

If either of you know someone with a good deal of experience and a solid understanding of the mechanics, I'm open to introducing another character.

They'll need to be vetted by the three of us for concept and inclusion though.

I do want to use mythic flaw as well.

And if it wasn't clear before, the mythic ascension was granted.

Sounds great, Fnord. I'll throw together the specifics for mythic Jacob when I get home. A lot of the Archmage path abilities look interesting, I'm not sure how I'll pick yet.

Hmm, if I get Mythic Lore and Mythic Spellcasting, does that mean I could get double the mythic spells per tier? Because so far I'm thinking of:

Flaw: Mercurial Mind
Arcana: WIld Arcana
Mythic Feat: Mythic Lore
1st Path Ability: Mythic Spellcasting

And then I think I'll pick up the mythic versions of Chain Lightning and Haste.


Those two abilities will stack the number of mythic spells you have.

Alright, sounds good for me. The only other option I'm coming up with is taking Mythic Craft and retraining all my item creation feats to metamagic feats and Extra Arcana.

I think you're confused on mythic craft. It allows you to make mythic versions of magic gear. You still need the basic item creation feats.

With craft wondrous and mythic craft you can't craft mythic or magical armor.

You do get a bonus to your craft wondrous for non-mythic.

My mistake, I meant Crafting Mastery. Mythic Craft is nice, but I don't see an item I feel compelled enough to grab the feat for.

Anyway, will the flashback be before or after Jacob's don't making a fool of himself in front of VC Valsin?

The ascension would be shortly after Storm was defeated and/or incarcerated. Which places it just before the week of downtime to recover from Storm.

I mean are we going to cut to the flashback scene or finish this one first? Just wondering what we'll be doing in the gameplay thread in the near future.

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