Magaambya Priest

Alric the Slow's page

69 posts. Organized Play character for caster4life.


Draconic, Goblin, Ignan, Tengu, Terran

Strength 7
Dexterity 14
Constitution 14
Intelligence 20
Wisdom 11
Charisma 7

About Alric the Slow

Conjuration (teleportation) wizard (opposed divination and enchantment). Arcane bond (ring).


AC: 12 T 12 FF 10
HP: 12
Saves: F +2 R +3 W +3


In spellbook:
0: All wizard cantrips not from divination or enchantment
1: Grease, protection from evil, color spray, silent image, enlarge person, feather fall, mage armor, obscuring mist

0: Ghost sound, daze, dancing lights
1: Grease, protection from evil, color spray, silent image


Feats: Spell focus (conjuration) replaces scribe scroll, improved initiative from level 1, toughness (human)
Traits: Student of philosophy, second chance

Racial features:

Heart of the fey, bonus feat,


Component pouch x 2 (5 gp, 4 lb)
Heavy xbow (50 gp, 8 lb)
20 crossbow bolts (2 gp, 3 lb)
Potion of clw 50 gp
10 sheets paper (4 gp)
Ink (8 gp)
Inkpen (1 sp)
waterskin x 2 (2 gp)
trail rations x 5 (2.5 gp)


Diplomacy: 1 rank, 5 int = +6
Escape artist: 1 rank, 2 dex = +3
K arcana: 1 rank, 3 cs, 5 int = +9
K nat: 1 rank, 3cs, 5 int = +9
Perc: 1 rank, 3 cs = +4
Profession (scribe): 1 rank, 3 cs, 1 wis = +5
Spcrft: 1 rank, 3 cs, 5 int = +9


Gillmen went into a cave but we don't know why. Janira followed them in but no sign.