The Flaxseed Pathfinder Lodge: Explore, Report, Cooperate!

Game Master Redelia

Gameday XIII Announcement
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Sovereign Court

Any 1st level pf1 stuff coming up?
I now I missed game day

Just an idea, wouldn’t it be cool if someone ran all the pfs modules season by season? A group could then experience the overall storyline of each season in order and then for each season. I think that would be awesome. Might just be me though.

The Masked Ferret wrote:

Any 1st level pf1 stuff coming up?

I now I missed game day

If you have a low-level Core PC, my game day game has gotten off to a slow start because of a business trip. Drop me a PM if you're interested.

GM DarkLightHitomi wrote:
Just an idea, wouldn’t it be cool if someone ran all the pfs modules season by season? A group could then experience the overall storyline of each season in order and then for each season. I think that would be awesome. Might just be me though.

My local group is currently running a pseudo-AP with All the Grandmaster Torch. The various tiers mean you don't get to do everything in strictly chronological order, but dealing with the Shadow Lodge fits pretty nicely into a package for Society characters running from levels 1 to 13.

An idea I had recently?
A game with an all-"Negative Affinity" party - so Dhampirs, certain Bloodlines/Mysteries, and/or anybody with the Necromantic Affinity feat (I know there was at least one guy running around with such, I helped him make the character!).

That would require there be enough such players/characters around to form it, of course.

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Got a new Dhampir kineticist that I can use for that!

Kinetic Invocation wrote:

Special: Kineticists with the air affinity, earth affinity, fire affinity, or water affinity racial traits or the air, earth, fire, or water subtypes can select spells of the appropriate element as if they had this feat. Caligni (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 5 66) and dhampir (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 89) kineticists can select spells of the void element as if they had this feat.

Void: Animate dead (3rd), command undead (2nd), death ward (4th), halt undead (3rd), life channel (1st; 0 burn; self only), mind blank (8th; self only), unliving rage (3rd).

Life Channel wrote:

Source Advanced Race Guide pg. 101

School transmutation; Level cleric 2, oracle 2, warpriest 2 (dhampir)
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range touch
Target one touched creature with negative energy affinity
Duration 1 minute/level
Saving Throw Fortitude negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes (harmless)
When cast on a creature with negative energy affinity, the target is able to convert channeled positive energy into temporary hit points. When subject to an effect that heals hit points only to living creatures (such as cure light wounds or channel positive energy), the target gains a number of temporary hit points equal to half the number of hit points that the positive energy would normally heal. These temporary hit points go away at the end of this spell’s duration.

Took me a while to discover this as a solution to healing problem for a dhampir.

Recruiting 2 players to complete the team for our delve of Emerald Spire level 3: The Splinterden! (tier 2-4)

Recruitment thread

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