The Flaxseed Pathfinder Lodge: Explore, Report, Cooperate!

Game Master Redelia

Gameday XIII Announcement
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Vigilant Seal

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Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war!

As of now 00:00 GMT+0 March 4th Outpost VII is live! Players and GMs alike, have fun!

A spot has opened up on my Emerald Spire (Floor 1) game if anyone has a level 1-2 character who would be interested. Signup is via the Outpost VII event listing sheet.

joined the Emerald Spire team with a character

DM Lil" Eschie wrote:
joined the Emerald Spire team with a character

Fantastic. The party are still in town ready to head out to the ruins, so that perfect timing!

Dark Archive

Mike...R wrote:
DM Lil" Eschie wrote:
joined the Emerald Spire team with a character
Fantastic. The party are still in town ready to head out to the ruins, so that perfect timing!

If you mean to go deeper, this character has been stuck between the Drowned Level and the Clockwork Maze for some time now, and would like to continue.

Black Sun wrote:
Mike...R wrote:
DM Lil" Eschie wrote:
joined the Emerald Spire team with a character
Fantastic. The party are still in town ready to head out to the ruins, so that perfect timing!
If you mean to go deeper, this character has been stuck between the Drowned Level and the Clockwork Maze for some time now, and would like to continue.

I'm only looking to run the first floor this time, so no plans go any deeper (I've run the whole thing in the past, but that's definitely a much larger undertaking!).

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Back from a few weeks' leave, I'm keen to get playing some PF1 again. Anyone have a game about to start?

(I'm working on prepping a scenario to GM, but it'll be about a week . . .)

Scarab Sages

I'd be interested in The Next Thing....

Grand Lodge

Jhaeman wrote:

Back from a few weeks' leave, I'm keen to get playing some PF1 again. Anyone have a game about to start?

(I'm working on prepping a scenario to GM, but it'll be about a week . . .)

Interested in playing if I haven't played it already!

Also, after my big move to a new city, I'm getting settled in and will soon be ready to start GMing again. I was supposed to run The Consortium Compact for Gameday but had to drop due to big life changes. I'm considering running that. It's a tier 1-2 evergreen, btw, if anyone's interested.

Silver Crusade

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I do have a character for that but he's busy at the moment. Maybe not too long though - not sure. It feels like we're close to the end.

Hi folks. GM Shadow Dragon is recruiting first level PCs for Phantom Phenomena (fun quests set in Ustalav) here. Show your support for PFS1 and check it out!

GM Jhaeman wrote:
Hi folks. GM Shadow Dragon is recruiting first level PCs for Phantom Phenomena (fun quests set in Ustalav) here. Show your support for PFS1 and check it out!

Note: I sent out invites to people and they will have priority seating. If they all accept it will be a table of 6.

I couldn't find any concrete ruling on whether a PFS table of 7 is legal or not.

Silver Crusade

GM Shadow Dragon wrote:
GM Jhaeman wrote:
Hi folks. GM Shadow Dragon is recruiting first level PCs for Phantom Phenomena (fun quests set in Ustalav) here. Show your support for PFS1 and check it out!

Note: I sent out invites to people and they will have priority seating. If they all accept it will be a table of 6.

I couldn't find any concrete ruling on whether a PFS table of 7 is legal or not.

Not any more. 6 is maximum for all org play campaigns.


I'd also like to play tier 1-2, but character I have already played Consortium compact, which roll4initiative was going run.

Silver Crusade

I have a free Level 1 now.

You know in those classic teen comedies where the parents go away and the good teen decides they're going to have a *small* gathering so they don't get in trouble, and then some idiot invites 500 people to the party and chaos ensues? I'm that idiot, and owe GM Shadow Dragon an apology for inviting half the town over to their house. Sorry Shadow Dragon. (the folks are going to be made when they get back; cue cleaning montage!)

GM Jhaeman wrote:
You know in those classic teen comedies where the parents go away and the good teen decides they're going to have a *small* gathering so they don't get in trouble, and then some idiot invites 500 people to the party and chaos ensues? I'm that idiot, and owe GM Shadow Dragon an apology for inviting half the town over to their house. Sorry Shadow Dragon. (the folks are going to be made when they get back; cue cleaning montage!)

No apology needed. :) This is going to be (barely) organized chaos anyway so I expect things to get even CrAzIeR!

Scarab Sages

Anyone else got anything?

Well, between you and me, I plan to have a recruitment thread up for Assault on the Kingdom of the Impossible in 48 hours.

Silver Crusade

I might be in for that one, with a replay. Last time I played it, my PC was critically oneshotted with an arrow at the beginning of the scenario so I never really got to play it.

Grand Lodge

I’d be interested in Assault on the Kingdom of the Impossible; haven’t played that yet…

Scarab Sages

It wouldn't happen to be "Evergreen", would it?

Silver Crusade


Liberty's Edge

I'm interested in a CORE game if anyone wants to do a GM trade. Tier 7-8 or 8-9 of #16 Scale the Dragon, #20 King Xeros of Old Azlant, #0-27 Our Lady of Silver or #5-10 Where Mammoths Dare Not Tread. I can run something in return.


Sovereign Court

Since it looks like we are doing requests right now, Doodle has been stuck at level 10 for ages. Anyone have a want to run a high level core game anytime soon? If so, it’d be much appreciated. Thanks a ton!

Liberty's Edge

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Possibly. It'll depend on how much time I have after Outpost (and a couple of other late-stage games) wrap up. Tere could use some GM credit to rebuild after Bonekeep -_^.

Silver Crusade

GM Jhaeman wrote:
Well, between you and me, I plan to have a recruitment thread up for Assault on the Kingdom of the Impossible in 48 hours.

I wouldn't mind trying that and I could even bring my 'Give back to the community' cleric. 8)

I'd be happy to run a Core table of #16 To Scale the Dragon, but it would likely have to be after PaizoCon.

Maybe I have one more table in me.

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Doodlevain "Doodle" Montafescue wrote:
Since it looks like we are doing requests right now, Doodle has been stuck at level 10 for ages. Anyone have a want to run a high level core game anytime soon? If so, it’d be much appreciated. Thanks a ton!

I may try to get one going soon.

Grand Lodge

Qstor wrote:

I'm interested in a CORE game if anyone wants to do a GM trade. Tier 7-8 or 8-9 of #16 Scale the Dragon, #20 King Xeros of Old Azlant, #0-27 Our Lady of Silver or #5-10 Where Mammoths Dare Not Tread. I can run something in return.


I’ve been wanting to play the following Seeker scenarios for my 16th-level -1 character Flyn:

S10-22 - Passing the Torch Part 1: Who Wears the Mask
S10-23 - Passing the Torch Part 2: Who Speaks for the Ten

Qstor, if you can run these, I can run any two of the scenarios you’ve listed…

Or if there’s anyone else who’d be willing to run those for me, I’ll run any two scenarios of your choice…

Flyn (my -1) is at a level now where the pickings are slim scenario-wise and I’d really like to run him through these two before potentially retiring him…

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Ah Flyn, how you tempt me. :P

Grand Lodge

Grandmaster TOZ wrote:
Ah Flyn, how you tempt me. :P

I hope that’s a good sign :)

…and I recall you have GM’ed Flyn before, a few years ago (The Hao Jin Cataclysm)…

Dark Archive

Those two are good as they have a 17-18 tier as well. :)

This dwarf still has some life in him and I refuse to retire any of my Seeker characters until PF1 is no longer supported. :)

Now recruiting for # 1-05 (# 33) Assault on the Kingdom of the Impossible for Subtier 1-2 here.

GM Aldizog wrote:
Doodlevain "Doodle" Montafescue wrote:
Since it looks like we are doing requests right now, Doodle has been stuck at level 10 for ages. Anyone have a want to run a high level core game anytime soon? If so, it’d be much appreciated. Thanks a ton!
I may try to get one going soon.

@Doodlevain, do any of the following work for you?

#0-20, King Xeros of Old Azlant
#0-22, Fingerprints of the Fiend
#0-28, Lyrics of Extinction
#1-40, Hall of Drunken Heroes
#2-04, Shadows Fall on Absalom
#2-08, The Sarkorian Prophecy
#2-10, Fury of the Fiend
#2-12, Below the Silver Tarn
#2-14, The Chasm of Screams
#2-16, The Flesh Collector
#2-18, The Forbidden Furnace of Forgotten Koor
#2-20, Wrath of the Accursed
#2-26, The Mantis's Prey

Sovereign Court

Any except 0-20 or 2-10 would be wonderful, Aldizog!

Or if you wanted to try something else that you might not have, let me know and I’d be happy to buy you the scenario for being so nice!

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Flyndyngylyn wrote:
Grandmaster TOZ wrote:
Ah Flyn, how you tempt me. :P
I hope that’s a good sign :)

Signs point to yes.

Recruiting for #1-40 (Core, Tier 10-11) here

Liberty's Edge

Flyndyngylyn wrote:
Grandmaster TOZ wrote:
Ah Flyn, how you tempt me. :P

I hope that’s a good sign :)

…and I recall you have GM’ed Flyn before, a few years ago (The Hao Jin Cataclysm)…

I can play and burn replays if TOZ wants to join or I can run pt 1. If TOZ or someone else wants to run part 2 then I can play. I don't mind missing part 1. Either or.... :)

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
GM Aldizog wrote:
Recruiting for #1-40 (Core, Tier 10-11) here

If only my highest CORE PC were 9 :)

Doodle, Grog hasn't been keeping up with you!

Sovereign Court

Qstor wrote:
GM Aldizog wrote:
Recruiting for #1-40 (Core, Tier 10-11) here

If only my highest CORE PC were 9 :)

Doodle, Grog hasn't been keeping up with you!

Get in gear, Grog, lol!

I know some folks offer GM trades, to trade GMing a scenario in exchange for having a scenario run for them.

I would like to offer running scenarios but in exchange I want to run a second scenario using my test play mechanics, so basically I would run two scenarios for you, one official pfs1 scenario of your desire, and a test scenario using some homebrew mechanics (either a scenario you’d like to play through again but can’t get credit for, or a romp into my setting, whatever interests you more).

A) I only own season 6 currently and can’t buy more right now, but if you buy another scenario, I’ll run it.
B) Currently the pace will be slower than standard, about a post every two or three days at the slowest, just no guarantees that I’ll get to post daily.
C) I’m actively job hunting, so if a job comes along there may be a short pause as I adjust schedule.

Oh, while I am an experienced GM (admittedly mostly in-person games), I have not GM’d pfs before (though I have played pfs occasionally).

Notes, I don’t plan on relying on images or anything, but if you really want maps and such, I use discord for that. A custom server, so no other people there, just my players.

I'm looking for one or two more characters to join us for the final level of the Emerald Spire. Our group has just finished the previous level, but lost two players.

The rules allow characters of level 11-13 for this adventure.

If you're interested, please post here. I'll choose replacement character(s) in 72 hours. (please note this was the recruitment thread for the original players, just so no one is confused)

Dark Archive

*continues to wait with eerie patience between the Drowned Level and the Clockwork Maze*

Grand Lodge

*somewhere between the Spire Axis and the Magma Vaults*

I could try running the Clockwork Maze at some point

Scarab Sages

I'd appreciate that!

Liberty's Edge

I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:
I'd appreciate that!

I could too.

Vigilant Seal

Only 1 Week Left!
GMs, with only 1 week left in Outpost VII play, you should be winding down your tables (assuming you aren’t already finished) and getting them ready for reporting by our HQ crew. Hopefully you are in a good place to finish by the May 13 end date, but if not, please go ahead and mark your tables Ready for Reporting by May 13 so we can wrap up the convention in time for Paizocon. Then, finish your games as soon as you can. If you need assistance in pushing your game to the finish, please contact your PBP lodge Venture Officers.

Looking for a couple more for 10-01 Oathbreakers Die over here.

Silver Crusade

RPG Chronicles Signup link for Emerald Spire level - The Clockwork Maze

Yes, I'm succumbed and giving RPG Chronicles a try :)

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