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You only get one copy of the boon, IHIYC.
It says you can use it to replay up to two adventures, though - and they have to be with 2 separate characters....

GM OfAnything |

GM Hmm wrote:You only get one copy of the boon, IHIYC.It says you can use it to replay up to two adventures, though - and they have to be with 2 separate characters....
It has to be the same character...

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Got it.
Still a good Boon.

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Soooo, Flaxseed People...I hope to debut my Spiritualist soon, and in the absence of official rulings or errata from the developers, would like it if we could get local versions of same regarding these questions of mine!

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Here's a question for you: How do seasons work in Pathfinder Society? Sometimes the adventure specifies the time of year it's occurring, of course, but how can one determine it otherwise?
I ask because I've cobbled together a Winter Oracle who I've started with the Child of Winter Revelation, which grants bonuses during Winter months.
And that's to say nothing on the matter of seasonal variation by climate and hemisphere!

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It's legal. Surely there's some sort of answer.

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Some scenarios will specify the season in the intro or during scene setting, but many (possibly most) do not. The locale affects weather and climate and that is often described, but I can't recall a scenario specifying the season. This will be very typical, because the scenarios are intended to be playable in almost any order (excepting only the linked sets of scenarios).
I think you're going to struggle, sadly.

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I should think there'd be some simple way most DMs would consider fair - maybe, when all else failed, it could just be based on what season it is in the Land of the Living (in the DM's location).
The bonuses from this ability are helpful, but that's all; it's not like all is lost without them.

Shifty |

I think at best you will be seeing either the scenario specifically stating, but I can;t recall any off hand, or get faced with a d4 every session.
Some things are better run as homegame concepts and just go 'meh' in the PFS format. If you can live with that though, because the character concept looks to be otherwise fun, then go for it.
I mean, the Rangers favoured terrain is horribly unreliable (Somehow it is always a different terrain - "Soz, not Urban, this sprawling city is surrounded by forest - so its forest"... major frustration)

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There is a creeping Lawful Neutrality in Pathfinder Society that makes players and DMs feel discouraged from being creative. We need to move past that. The game isn't even designed to always be "by the book," nor should it ever be. The continued relevance of pen-and-paper RPGs rests in the ability of DMs to do things computers never could (like figure out whether or not it's Winter when the adventure doesn't specify).

Shifty |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

The hassle is that making a decision on the season gives or denies a player a mechanical advantage.
You are firmly heading into 'table variation' country, which is fine, as long as you are ok if you don't get the answer you are looking for :)
As I say, some characters do not lend themselves as well to Society play because the scenarios are not set to their particular niche - I see vigilantes, for example, being impacted by this.

GM Hmm |

I would be probably more inclined to give you that advantage in some of the "Snowy" Pathfinder Scenarios: Shades of Ice, Frostful Captives, Icebound Outpost, From Under Ice, Kortos Envoy, Reign of Winter.
For scenarios that open with a harvest festival, garden tour with flowering bushes or an open-air market, I might say no right off the bat. A lot of scenarios assume balmy weather or don't explicitly say. For those that don't explicitly give clues, I might roll a 1d4 to see what season it is.
But I am only one GM. Are you sure that you want to pick something you may only use 25% of the time, and that has such variance? If you do, then that's okay. I know that I have aimed my Water Bender, Nixie, at as many watery adventures as I could. If there's water or ships in the description, I have aimed her there. However, she's also a bard who can inspire courage. Her main ability is useful wherever we go. It's just that when there's water she really shines.
All this is a long way of saying, yes, you are in Table Variation country.

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Everything's situational - 25% of the time would be just fine.

The World's Most Interesting GM |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

25%! That's obscene! My forest warden hasn't seen forest terrain in 7 levels of adventure--which is to say never. There was that jungle, but that didn't count--too sultry. Last game I tried to talk the GM into allowing the plant druid's treant companion count. Yeah....
Besides, you are missing some seasons. There's the holiday season (all market locations are considered difficult terrain), baseball season, wabbit season, duck season, wabbit season....

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There is a creeping Lawful Neutrality in Pathfinder Society that makes players and DMs feel discouraged from being creative. We need to move past that.
There is plenty of room to be creative without being problematic. Pathfinder is very open, but a living campaign has to have rules to keep consistency. I find avoiding gray areas and "table variation" types of builds leaves a ton of room for creative concepts without slowing down games with rules debates.

GM Hmm |

Everything's situational - 25% of the time would be just fine.
And as noted, there are lots of adventures where I would just say no because of setting notes in the adventure...
Don't be mad if a GM just says no because they might know of something that indicates season in the adventure itself.

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I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:There is a creeping Lawful Neutrality in Pathfinder Society that makes players and DMs feel discouraged from being creative. We need to move past that.There is plenty of room to be creative without being problematic. Pathfinder is very open, but a living campaign has to have rules to keep consistency. I find avoiding gray areas and "table variation" types of builds leaves a ton of room for creative concepts without slowing down games with rules debates.
Of course it has to be less flexible than a home game - but you ARE saying there's room to be creative. I'm saying I've seen people be discouraged from any sort of creative/independent/original thought or action. I'm not blaming the game, I'm blaming a culture.

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I'm not blaming the game, I'm blaming a culture.
As somebody (Hmm?) stated earlier, it's a necessity of standardized/organized play. I see it as the price of our purchase, not a fault in the culture.
I want the option to play Pathfinder five nights a week and everyday online. I want to drop in on games in Illinois when I visit my brother. In exchange for that power, I accept certain limitations.
The alternative is that I stick to private games, in which case I'd be lucky to play twice a week, and never online or when traveling.

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*A* culture, not THE culture (gods forbid there arise a "THE" culture) - you're still not quite talking about the same thing as I am.

Shifty |

I don't see a push against creativity - dude I just saw a player playing a PFS legal Lich at a table.
Work that one out.
*He was audited thoroughly and to the enth degree - I am sworn to secrecy though.
Story checked out, no cheez involved, and all sources completely legal with no chicanery

The World's Most Interesting GM |

I don't see a push against creativity....
*He was audited thoroughly....
Seems creative to me. ;)

The World's Most Interesting GM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:Everything's situational - 25% of the time would be just fine.And as noted, there are lots of adventures where I would just say no because of setting notes in the adventure...
Apple trees with apples still on them
Outdoor poisonous flowering plants
Outdoor festival games that are warm-weather themed
My two cents as follows.
I don't think that anyone is arguing against the above point, but if a player comes to me and asks "Hey, what season is it?" I would hope that if I didn't have any compelling reason to fix it at a particular point, I would say: "What season do you want it to be?" Pathfinder Society modules are by the rules of the guild supposed to be run 'by the book' for fairness sake, but that doesn't mean a person couldn't shade in the gray areas, and by person I do not always mean the GM.
Player action should be the driving force within a game, with the GM playing the part of guide. I'm sort of not a fan of online GMs who see their game as a race to get to the end for a star and another 1 xp, in the same way I'm not a fan of players who expect their GM to provide all the fun, and 1 xp.
Weather, time of day, motivations for minor NPCs, familiars, and companions, and overlooked, but logical elements of the adventure can always be expanded upon--particularly in a non-timed environment. So long as they do not directly go against the text of the module, or the game's own internal logic up to that point, the group should be able to play the game in a way that they enjoy, and if that means tobogganing (and perhaps dealing with the rules for movement through snow) once every 4-ish adventures, so be it.
Happy Crystalhue everyone!
And remember, friends don't let friends play on autopilot.

miteke |

And remember, friends don't let friends play on autopilot.
I like that one. I dislike it when others go on autopilot, but I really don't like it when I do. Makes me feel like a user of other people. I always keep my post count up, but when life gets complicated the RP is what suffers the most.

The World's Most Interesting GM |

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I got a long question, and I don't really know if you all can help with this or not, but This place has been very helpful to me since I joined so I thought I'd ask and see what is said.
I used to play in a semi-regular PFS F2F game every Tuesday in my hometown. I played Dragon's Demand and upon completion, I was supposed to receive a chronicle that I could apply to a brand new lvl 1 character and it would take me to level 5. The DM had some real life issues come up, and I was never able to meet back up with him and never received my chronicle. So I talked with my local VC and he said he'd take care of it for me just needed the info for the character I registered to receive the chronicle. Well he got a new job, got real busy, and ended up stepping down as VC of my area and doesn't really have time for Pathfinder anymore. So my question is, is there anyway someone here can either A) Help me to get my chronicle, or B) At least be able to tell me what I should do? I really hate for all the time I put into that game be all for not.
I also played in a game, same DM, Sewer Dragons of Absalom, (I apparently have bad luck with games that involve Dragons.) I made it to the final boss fight, but the shop was closing so we didn't have time to finish. He wrote me up a chronicle for full xp, but 1/2 gold, and I was also unable to obtain that from him. Same questions as above. Also to note, I wrote down the event code for Sewer Dragon's, but the DM didn't write one out for Dragon's Demand. Sorry for the long post, but any advice, help, or information would be very appreciated, thanks!

GM Hmm |

You should reach out to your local venture lieutenant and/or captain - its their area of responsibility.
If they fail to respond, then the next step is your RVC.
Agreed. However if you no longer live in that community, or PFS is no longer offered in your region, I could see you potentially asking for help from another VC. If you don't know who your local VC or RVC is, we can help you figure that out.
I repeat Shifty's question. Were the sessions reported?
BTW, If this had happened anywhere in the online world, Jesse (aka Ironhelixx) or I would be your first point of contact person for chronicle repair.

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Thanks for the response guys! I know they were printed off, as in physical copies printed off. He told me had had them, just kept forgetting to bring them to me at gameday, or when he would remember, I wouldn't be able to attend. I don't know if they were reported though. I'm thinking that more than likely I'll just have to continue on like I never played them, but maybe I'll try in get in contact with the VL in the area.

GM Hmm |

Let's help you get this fixed. What city did you play in?
EDIT: I had Jesse check your reported sessions. Your Dragon's Demand and Sewer Dragons of Absalom games were never reported.
EDIT 2: I pinged a VC from your area. Hopefully we can get this cleared up!

GM Hmm |

^ Thank you, Valkyrie!
XXCrusaderXx, Valkyrie is the new VC for Central Illinois!

GM Hmm |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Or you can PM her... That's what I did!

GM Hmm |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Hey Gang, I am going to be at PaizoCon. If any of you are also going to be there, come see me and say Hello! Jesse and I will be doing a panel on Monday morning called Virtual Gaming: Running RPGs Online from 10-11. Since this is the Monday after the special, and since this Seminar is also running at the same time as Starfinder Q&A, I will understand if you guys decide to either sleep in or learn cool things about Starfinder instead.
Still, come find me and say hello if you're also at PaizoCon. I'll be GMing three mornings in a row, and I'll be the short & round middle aged woman with purple hair and purple glasses. I'd love to see any of you who introduce yourselves.

Pirate Rob |

Hey Gang, I am going to be at PaizoCon. If any of you are also going to be there, come see me and say Hello! Jesse and I will be doing a panel on Monday morning called Virtual Gaming: Running RPGs Online from 10-11. Since this is the Monday after the special, and since this Seminar is also running at the same time as Starfinder Q&A, I will understand if you guys decide to either sleep in or learn cool things about Starfinder instead.
Still, come find me and say hello if you're also at PaizoCon. I'll be GMing three mornings in a row, and I'll be the short & round middle aged woman with purple hair and purple glasses. I'd love to see any of you who introduce yourselves.
I'm running Mummy's Mask demos then, but if things are slow I'll try and slip out to see ya'll.

GM Z..D.. |

I am planning to run through the seasons on here, starting with season 4. So I am pretty sure there will be some high tier stuff for you. If you like you can PM and I can try and run some stuff of your choosing.

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Vishkanya have Poison Use as a racial feature. Does that mean Society Vishkanya may purchase/brew approved poisons other than their own venom?