RotRL: The Alkenstar Expedition (Inactive)

Game Master drbuzzard

Guns vs. Magic in Rise of the Runelords.

Current map

Xin Shalast Map

Loot List

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Male Keleshite Fighter (Trench Fighter) | Level 17 | HP 170/208, AC 34, T 21, FF 26 | F 20 R 19 W 16 | CMB 18 CMD 40 | Init + 11 | Perc +22 | SQ: Clustered Shots

Did someone say group immunity?

Ext Hero(200m), Ext See Inivis(200m), Height Awareness(90m), Ext Airwalk(70m)
HP 178/192 | AC 49 | T 27 | FF 43 | CMD 41 | Fort +29 | Ref +28 | Will +26 | Init +13 | Perc +28(24) | SM +20
Bane 14/15, Grit 5/6, Smite Evil 2/4, Judgement 3/4, LoH 8/8, Divine Bond 0/1, Illum Touch 2/6(+4), Aura of Enlighten 8/8, Swap Teamwork 3/3

Fearless Aura makes my aura 20' radius and immunity not just +4..

Ext Hero(200m), Ext See Inivis(200m), Height Awareness(90m), Ext Airwalk(70m)
HP 178/192 | AC 49 | T 27 | FF 43 | CMD 41 | Fort +29 | Ref +28 | Will +26 | Init +13 | Perc +28(24) | SM +20
Bane 14/15, Grit 5/6, Smite Evil 2/4, Judgement 3/4, LoH 8/8, Divine Bond 0/1, Illum Touch 2/6(+4), Aura of Enlighten 8/8, Swap Teamwork 3/3

After searching the area I guess its back around to the part we haven't done yet in this block Buzz..

Ext Hero(200m), Ext See Inivis(200m), Height Awareness(90m), Ext Airwalk(70m)
HP 178/192 | AC 49 | T 27 | FF 43 | CMD 41 | Fort +29 | Ref +28 | Will +26 | Init +13 | Perc +28(24) | SM +20
Bane 14/15, Grit 5/6, Smite Evil 2/4, Judgement 3/4, LoH 8/8, Divine Bond 0/1, Illum Touch 2/6(+4), Aura of Enlighten 8/8, Swap Teamwork 3/3

I sure wish they would put out a scenario that I could get my last xp on Avoreal with.. Sucks so bad looking at her at 19 2/3.. Im like 40k from buyin a Staff of Power too lol :(..

Already got my money spent if we make it back to Magnimar alive.

Buzz, how were we handling Yap wealth again? Was he following the heroic npc list for his hit dice?

Male Keleshite Fighter (Trench Fighter) | Level 17 | HP 170/208, AC 34, T 21, FF 26 | F 20 R 19 W 16 | CMB 18 CMD 40 | Init + 11 | Perc +22 | SQ: Clustered Shots

Maybe one day!

Jan's leveled with the current minus to Con accounted for (otherwise he's 139 HP)

Not entirely sold on Improved Crit for my shield vs. Iron Will given how lousy my will saves are, and I picked up Thassilonian.

Let me know if I don't qualify for Thassilonian.

If you hadn't taken the brawler archetype, I'd say go with advanced weapon training for armed bravery, but you lost weapon training as a class ability. That would have solved your will save issues.

As for Yap, I don't even remember if he has normal or NPC gold. I suppose we can make it normal. Though you won't be getting back to town till this AP book is done (just how it is written).

Male Keleshite Fighter (Trench Fighter) | Level 17 | HP 170/208, AC 34, T 21, FF 26 | F 20 R 19 W 16 | CMB 18 CMD 40 | Init + 11 | Perc +22 | SQ: Clustered Shots

In hindsight I would not have done brawler, it just worked perfectly for the then-requested flanking person.

If I realized how little flanking was actually done I wouldn't have made this particular character this way.

Ninja 10/Halfling Opportunist 5 TRAP SPOTTER IMP invis 10
HP 90/123 AC 33(37)/26(-)/19(23);CMD 31 F 10 R 21 W 16(+2 Fear, +2 Poison); Ki 6/7 Init +8 Revolver 6/6
Acro +30 Appraise+21 Bluff +18 Climb +6 Disguise +14 Diplomacy +14 Disable Device +27 Escape +18 Perception +26 Stealth +29 Local +14 Dungeoneering +13 UMD +19 Sense Motive +11 SoH +21 Swim +6[/spoiler]

i suspect i will be flanking more often, since more and more things see through invis

Dwarf Magus15 HP:150/150 | AC 39 T15 FF37 | CMD31(29) | F+18 R+11 W+14 | Int +2 Per +20 | AP 10/11 | Spirit 3/5 | Ring 4/4 | Emp 5/5 | Quick 1/2 |Over Flight, Ext Spellsword, Tears to Wine, R Acid 30, Stoneskin(150), BoF, Haste

leveled. bab improved, banner improved, SR improved, challenge damage up by 2

feat:additional traits for never stop shooting and defensive strategist

Ninja 10/Halfling Opportunist 5 TRAP SPOTTER IMP invis 10
HP 90/123 AC 33(37)/26(-)/19(23);CMD 31 F 10 R 21 W 16(+2 Fear, +2 Poison); Ki 6/7 Init +8 Revolver 6/6
Acro +30 Appraise+21 Bluff +18 Climb +6 Disguise +14 Diplomacy +14 Disable Device +27 Escape +18 Perception +26 Stealth +29 Local +14 Dungeoneering +13 UMD +19 Sense Motive +11 SoH +21 Swim +6[/spoiler]

im set up, just need to figure out what feat to take

any thoughts?

Dwarf Magus15 HP:150/150 | AC 39 T15 FF37 | CMD31(29) | F+18 R+11 W+14 | Int +2 Per +20 | AP 10/11 | Spirit 3/5 | Ring 4/4 | Emp 5/5 | Quick 1/2 |Over Flight, Ext Spellsword, Tears to Wine, R Acid 30, Stoneskin(150), BoF, Haste

Extra Ninja Trick for Evasion?

Ext Hero(200m), Ext See Inivis(200m), Height Awareness(90m), Ext Airwalk(70m)
HP 178/192 | AC 49 | T 27 | FF 43 | CMD 41 | Fort +29 | Ref +28 | Will +26 | Init +13 | Perc +28(24) | SM +20
Bane 14/15, Grit 5/6, Smite Evil 2/4, Judgement 3/4, LoH 8/8, Divine Bond 0/1, Illum Touch 2/6(+4), Aura of Enlighten 8/8, Swap Teamwork 3/3

Big Game Hunter is a good one for this AP. Iron Will is never a bad idea either.. Especially with a low will save.

I just relaized I've been letting Bander get away with disarming magic traps. He cannot do that as he does not have the trapfinder ability. It is not actually available to ninjas (as it is an innate rogue class ability and not a rogue talent, he cannot pick it up as a ninja trick).

Ninja 10/Halfling Opportunist 5 TRAP SPOTTER IMP invis 10
HP 90/123 AC 33(37)/26(-)/19(23);CMD 31 F 10 R 21 W 16(+2 Fear, +2 Poison); Ki 6/7 Init +8 Revolver 6/6
Acro +30 Appraise+21 Bluff +18 Climb +6 Disguise +14 Diplomacy +14 Disable Device +27 Escape +18 Perception +26 Stealth +29 Local +14 Dungeoneering +13 UMD +19 Sense Motive +11 SoH +21 Swim +6[/spoiler]

I get trapspotter from Halfling opportunist level 1

I get improved from halfling opportunist level 2

Yes, you get trap spotter. You don't get trapfinder. They are completely different abilities. Trapspotter means you can see traps at a distance automatically. Trapfinder means you get a bonus to perception checks to find traps (1/2 your level) and can disarm magical traps.


oooh. well whatta ya know...well paint me purple and call me a cheating halfling...

Male Keleshite Fighter (Trench Fighter) | Level 17 | HP 170/208, AC 34, T 21, FF 26 | F 20 R 19 W 16 | CMB 18 CMD 40 | Init + 11 | Perc +22 | SQ: Clustered Shots

Pass. Paint yourself purple, I don't want that image in my head.

Male Keleshite Fighter (Trench Fighter) | Level 17 | HP 170/208, AC 34, T 21, FF 26 | F 20 R 19 W 16 | CMB 18 CMD 40 | Init + 11 | Perc +22 | SQ: Clustered Shots

Hooray! Christmas! But because I've got lots to do for the holiday posting will be spotty until Monday.

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Been reading over the knowledge section of skills, and trying to reconcile the wildly different interpretations of how much a knowledge check gives about a critter. Given that the text actually says that 'exceeding by 5 grants one piece of information', I think I'm going to conform to that.

Thus, if you ask a specific question about one thing (say, immunities) I will answer it. If you ask something hugely broad like 'special defenses' the answer will be 'yes, it has some' and I will probably name one of them.

Hence asking specific questions will get answers, fishing will merely waste your bait.

Spell like abilities will yield the highest level one (most likely to stand out in memory).

Drove all day I'll post after sleep

Merry Christmas.

Santa has stopped by and dropped off potions of resist energy acid (20) in all your packs (1 per).


Wouldn't it be hilarious if everything from here on out only did cold damage!

Happy holidays all and ty Dm

Male Keleshite Fighter (Trench Fighter) | Level 17 | HP 170/208, AC 34, T 21, FF 26 | F 20 R 19 W 16 | CMB 18 CMD 40 | Init + 11 | Perc +22 | SQ: Clustered Shots

Merry Christmas!

Ext Hero(200m), Ext See Inivis(200m), Height Awareness(90m), Ext Airwalk(70m)
HP 178/192 | AC 49 | T 27 | FF 43 | CMD 41 | Fort +29 | Ref +28 | Will +26 | Init +13 | Perc +28(24) | SM +20
Bane 14/15, Grit 5/6, Smite Evil 2/4, Judgement 3/4, LoH 8/8, Divine Bond 0/1, Illum Touch 2/6(+4), Aura of Enlighten 8/8, Swap Teamwork 3/3

Merry belated Xmas! Sorry been real busy..

Thanks for the potion Buzz!!

Buzz im on a hunting trip this weekend so my posting will be low to nonexistant.. I will try to post when i can.. From a phone sucks though..

I don't really expect a lot of posts over the weekend, so it's all good.

Ext Hero(200m), Ext See Inivis(200m), Height Awareness(90m), Ext Airwalk(70m)
HP 178/192 | AC 49 | T 27 | FF 43 | CMD 41 | Fort +29 | Ref +28 | Will +26 | Init +13 | Perc +28(24) | SM +20
Bane 14/15, Grit 5/6, Smite Evil 2/4, Judgement 3/4, LoH 8/8, Divine Bond 0/1, Illum Touch 2/6(+4), Aura of Enlighten 8/8, Swap Teamwork 3/3

Just a heads up Buzz, I am traveling pretty much all day for a hunting trip this weekend, last weekend of duck season in arkansas, so I will be out of pocket till later this afternoon. The camp where I stay doesn't have internet so I will be posting from my phone this weekend. I will still post 1/day, and will try for more.

Same goes for your other game.

If you need to bot me feel free.

This combat is a clear indication of why demons took the abyss from the qlippoth.

Dwarf Magus15 HP:150/150 | AC 39 T15 FF37 | CMD31(29) | F+18 R+11 W+14 | Int +2 Per +20 | AP 10/11 | Spirit 3/5 | Ring 4/4 | Emp 5/5 | Quick 1/2 |Over Flight, Ext Spellsword, Tears to Wine, R Acid 30, Stoneskin(150), BoF, Haste

Well, those acid guys in the last room were kicking our ass, so I'll take it.

Now I think the previous guys were a bit higher CR, but honestly these things just suck. Their SL stuff blows, and while their attacks do con damage, the +s are lousy.

They are about as scary as a kitten on quaaludes.

Ext Hero(200m), Ext See Inivis(200m), Height Awareness(90m), Ext Airwalk(70m)
HP 178/192 | AC 49 | T 27 | FF 43 | CMD 41 | Fort +29 | Ref +28 | Will +26 | Init +13 | Perc +28(24) | SM +20
Bane 14/15, Grit 5/6, Smite Evil 2/4, Judgement 3/4, LoH 8/8, Divine Bond 0/1, Illum Touch 2/6(+4), Aura of Enlighten 8/8, Swap Teamwork 3/3

That last fight showed how gimped we are without ranged capabilities.. Especially myself..

Of course you should take that as no indication as to me noticing such, or being willing to take advantage of that in the future.


Sorry all. At a conference and Internet wound up being almost non existent, unexpectedly

Ext Hero(200m), Ext See Inivis(200m), Height Awareness(90m), Ext Airwalk(70m)
HP 178/192 | AC 49 | T 27 | FF 43 | CMD 41 | Fort +29 | Ref +28 | Will +26 | Init +13 | Perc +28(24) | SM +20
Bane 14/15, Grit 5/6, Smite Evil 2/4, Judgement 3/4, LoH 8/8, Divine Bond 0/1, Illum Touch 2/6(+4), Aura of Enlighten 8/8, Swap Teamwork 3/3

Back from blasting many duckies..

Male Keleshite Fighter (Trench Fighter) | Level 17 | HP 170/208, AC 34, T 21, FF 26 | F 20 R 19 W 16 | CMB 18 CMD 40 | Init + 11 | Perc +22 | SQ: Clustered Shots

Before this weekend I'd never had serious allergies and a cold at the same time.

Do not recommend.

I'm a ski trip at the moment and posting when I'm back at my room. Since I'm here to be inebriated and ski (often both), that room time can be a bit rare.

I am working on updating as I can.


enjoy your vacation!

Given the laughably bad BBEG in wrath, I will take a bit of time to rebuild them. It should make it more 'fun' (for some values of fun).

I probably have time since you will be dealing with lackeys.

I've not gone anywhere. This is just a tricky map to set up since everything is so damned small and there's a bunch of baddies.


I'm thinking maybe someone who uses a blunderbuss to replace bander.

Any thoughts on how to make that not suck?

You will probably be able to bring him back if you like, but I'd have to look into the bluderbuss more. Not sure if the musket master can get that reload time down. Though blunderbuss wouldn't be period for what we use. You'd be either on a double barrel side by side shotgun, or a pump shotgun.


oh that's right!

If I can figure out shotguns...that is hilarious


how do you feel about the shield marshall prestige clss I cant decide if it is good or not

I can't even find it, so it's hard to say.

Ext Hero(200m), Ext See Inivis(200m), Height Awareness(90m), Ext Airwalk(70m)
HP 178/192 | AC 49 | T 27 | FF 43 | CMD 41 | Fort +29 | Ref +28 | Will +26 | Init +13 | Perc +28(24) | SM +20
Bane 14/15, Grit 5/6, Smite Evil 2/4, Judgement 3/4, LoH 8/8, Divine Bond 0/1, Illum Touch 2/6(+4), Aura of Enlighten 8/8, Swap Teamwork 3/3

Link to it

I thought about a level or two, but ended up staying Inquis..

OK, pfsrd calls it grand marshall for some reason. Looks pretty meh to me.

After this combat exercise I'm kind shocked nobody has taken a good look at either fighter or barbarian builds for spell sundering.

Dwarf Magus15 HP:150/150 | AC 39 T15 FF37 | CMD31(29) | F+18 R+11 W+14 | Int +2 Per +20 | AP 10/11 | Spirit 3/5 | Ring 4/4 | Emp 5/5 | Quick 1/2 |Over Flight, Ext Spellsword, Tears to Wine, R Acid 30, Stoneskin(150), BoF, Haste

I was thinking about looking at retraining into the feats for spell sundering when we level up.


I'm just getting started on my thinking.

once I figure out how to use the shotgun as effectively as possible then ill see how many levels I have left, if any.

will musket master work for you with a pump shotgun dm?

I'm building up a demo of a fighter (trench fighter) using a rifle (a shotgun would work as well). He will have to sunder spells with his bayonet since there's no ranged sunder I can find, but I think the build will be pretty damned good. Since I said that a bayonet on a rifle gets all the relevant feats, it should be a fairly good melee fighter as well.


I would love to see it!

I am actually kind of lost with guns.

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