
drbuzzard's page

Organized Play Member. 14,815 posts (28,319 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 12 Organized Play characters. 50 aliases.


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Thanks for running. It's been fun.

Yes, 2 minutes to post "I'm real busy" would have killed you.

Ultimatum? Oh never mind, I don't even know why I bother to argue. I'm the ogre. Fine. I'll just slink off back to my cave, and not try to make games for people which they might enjoy.

For the remaining players I do apologize for killing the game, but too much turnover kills a game deader than a lich.

Sorry, I'm just not sufficiently motivated to run recruitment again.

Biruta Rovelsdam wrote:
drbuzzard wrote:

...because I won't make this an amateur thespian session?

Maybe it's less the particulars of you "style", and more your need to be nasty and sarcastic about it? Just a thought.

I'll consider that as I kill the game. Or perhaps I won't. My sense of humor isn't for everyone.

There is a certain humor in that the person who vanished for a week and almost got kicked killed the game. I'll chuckle about that.

But you will be safe from my nasty sarcasm in the future.

You know, it seems I've struck a nerve even with people who I thought liked my style. If that's the case, I think I'll just end this since it is not what people want. I don't need to put in effort for a game that nobody wants to play. We're down 3 already, and I dislike replacing people. Especially before even the second combat.

I won't be running anything further on this site since it appears I'm not compatible with it.

Actually I seem to be having a mass exodus, so perhaps I'll just kill the campaign. Seems that basic hack and slash isn't the recipe for this site.

I tend to think that if I put a 'generic half orc' t-shirt on an NPC people would not be inclined to talk to them.

Had Orthoon chatted up the coxswain, he would have had interaction. I'm not populating a world with all cardboard cutouts. I'm just not here for deep roleplaying (or even an approximation).

Good question. Call it a week.

OK, lost someone due to a misunderstanding of what I mean by 'beer and pretzels'. This is a simple, humorous hack and slash game. You will interact with NPC for information, aid, and tasks. I will not make the generic man on the street available for you to discuss how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.

The party has lost the trapfinder type. I would like to replace that ability.

Build rules are:
Race: Dwarf- everyone is from Janderhoff, those tall folks can't be trusted.
gestalt with one side as fighter
Single class on the other side, no prestige classes, archetypes are fine on both sides
no summoners, firearms, occult classes
Automatic Bonus Progression and 3000 gp to start
Spells: Core, if you want other spells, ask. There's still too many sketchy spells out there which evaded a balance pass.
Stats: 20 point buy
Traits: 2, you can use the Giant Slayer campaign ones , but don't have to. You can't use other campaign traits.
Race: Dwarf- everyone is from Janderhoff, those tall folks can't be trusted.
Classes with 2 skill ranks per level instead get 4.
No background skills.

I rather thought the idea was not hidden. Oh well, back to recruitment. Maybe I'll need to put HACK AND SLASH in recruitment instead since I was not explicit enough. Anyone else teetering on bailing because I won't make this an amateur thespian session?

The theme here is a joking campaign of killing things and taking their stuff. If that isn't your cup of tea, you should probably let me find people that it does suit.

You will find a room which is covered on the bottom deck. That's the pump room.

Gashnakh is now happy that he chose the brown pants this morning (ok, he doesn't own another pair of pants, so it was a practical general decision).

He breaks down (and stinks a bit) "It was all my idea. Though the idea seemed to come about after I talked to Melira down in the pump room on the lowest deck. She's a stowaway that I've been helping. "

How about you try intimidate since that's what mr generic really is looking for.

Yeah, and you're not up there Orthoon, I shouldn't have even responded, though I did want to make the point that trying to plumb role playing out of mockingly generic NPCs will be like blood from a stone as I will not entertain it with any effort. I said beer and pretzels and I meant it. Role play among yourselves to your heart's content, but most of the rest of who is in here is for hack/slack or information.

"You're not the captain. I don't have to listen to you or answer your questions. " and he turns back to his duties.

"Ah, but you don't seem to grasp that beyond the name, I'm a token faceless, backstory-less, NPC with no personality other than being a link in an investigative chain. Chumming me up will avail you naught. "

She has a 13 Charisma, so fetching for a half orc.

As for Gashnakh, he looks a touch nervous.

"Me, I'm just a generic deckhand. " he points to the UPC symbol on his white shirt.

"Yeah, don't be gentle I hate saboteurs. " replies the captain. "This is too dangerous a place to run a business to have internal threats as well. "

The plate remains in the cage.

The rower tells you to ask the captain. He's been rowing.

When you ask the captain he informs you "He's stationed up on deck. He should be easy enough to find. " he offers a description which amounts to the particular UPC code of this generic half orc.

The female orc replies to Castor, "I slide it into the cage on a metal pan. "

The rowers thankful for the healing cooperate and mention that other than Harlex, only Gashnakh went in there. He's just a common half orc crewman.

Biruta notices that the cage is completely intact, but there are indications that the lock had been picked.

The cage doesn't appear to be broken, and there's no sign of the food inside.

"It was a liquid I poured onto the food like always. "

Poison is a simian tranquilizer named that if you ask

With all the channeling an Orc female picks herself up off the floor from amid a pool of her own blood. "I'm the coxswain. Harlex is my name. I put the drugged food in the cage at the usual time. Someone should check the cage. "

The captain adds"There's a bunch of injured crewmen there among the oars, if you could channel to heal them, it might save a lot of lives. "

Then in response to the questions "This was the only live cargo, it was meant for the arena fights. My coxswain gave it drugged food each day, and when it started getting semi conscious it would wake up and drug itself back into a stupor. "

He pulls out a sharp knife and starts cutting at the abdomen of the creature. Hacking his way through the entrails, he examines the stomach and intestines "I can't find any evidence of the drugged food. Hey Jimmy!" he yells to one of the rowers "I found your thumb!"

Kurgan kills the large beast, and then Grumpy misses while trying to shoot the corpse. Combat over.

The captain comes down to this deck and asks "How the hells did that thing get loose? It was in a cage and drugged!"

Crastor Deems wrote:

Crastor speaks and a flash of light goes off in front of the creature.

Can I go down into the rowing area and attack up at it or is that a wall? For now I will cast Flare DC 13 Fort or be Dazzled for 1 minute.

The rowing area is lower than the middle of the deck, and effectively there's a partial wall because of this. The creature would have cover from attacks on that side.

fortitude save: 1d20 ⇒ 9 pass


Critter gets a bit focused on Kaalul after being beaten on so hard.

bite: 1d20 ⇒ 10damage: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6 miss
claw: 1d20 ⇒ 15damage: 1d4 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8 hit
claw: 1d20 ⇒ 2damage: 1d4 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8 miss
claw: 1d20 ⇒ 2damage: 1d4 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8 miss
claw: 1d20 ⇒ 1damage: 1d4 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5 miss

Clearly the critter isn't on his game.
Round 4 Orthoon, Crastor, and Kurgan are up. (Orthoon's bless is assumed to be at the end of round 3)

From your current position you can shoot it.

Grumpy is blocked by line of sight.

Round 4. Biruta, Grumpy, Kaalul are up. Dolgrym already did his round 4 action- eager beaver that one.

Castor indicates superior narrative talent (doing what I already described).

Kaalul hits the creature again, hard.

Miss, hit.

I forgot Castor did state his round 3 plan (cast blindness DC 15).

fort save: 1d20 ⇒ 16 pass.

Round 4. Biruta, Grumpy, Kaalul, and Dogrym are up.

I don't see why you rolled sneak damage. I would welcome an explanation. Also, there is no way for you to charge to a location to attack from your current position. If that's just flowery text, no big deal as you would hit without a charge.

However that is certainly a hit, and the spear damage is quite amazing as you run the ape like creature through (not killing it however).

On the way in the critter does get an AOO.

bite: 1d20 ⇒ 14 damage: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7 hit

That certainly lays some smack down in judgement.

Clearly this makes the beast even more angry (which didn't seem possible before, but seeing is believing).

He will try to rip Kaalul to shreds now.
bite: 1d20 ⇒ 4 damage: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9 miss
claw: 1d20 ⇒ 19 damage: 1d4 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5 hit
claw: 1d20 ⇒ 5 damage: 1d4 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7 miss
claw: 1d20 ⇒ 2 damage: 1d4 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6 miss
claw: 1d20 ⇒ 10 damage: 1d4 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8 miss

Orthoon, Kurgan, and Crastor all get their round 3 actions now.

Orthoon casts a spell on Dolgrym (already declared).

In round 2 you put on your shield and jumped down (2 move actions). Round 1 was spent getting to the hatch. We're now in round 3.

Grumpy hits.

Biruta hops down into the hold and studies the girallon (2 move actions).

The Girallon moves forward and bites at Kaalul for daring to shoot at it.

to hit: 1d20 ⇒ 5 damage: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7 bit it misses.

Orthoon, Kurgan, and Crastor all move closer to the creature.

Round 3. Biruta, Grumpy, Kaalul, and Dogrym are up.

Biruta steps 5' closer and engages the beast with her machete.

to hit: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (3) + 11 = 14 damage: 1d6 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12 she also misses

I'm starting to think I should have outlined posting expectations when I recruited. Slow motion games annoy the hell out of me. I will punt people before I allow this game to be one of those. It's one thing to warn me that you won't be around, and it's another to just vanish. Biruta will be in bot mode for now.

No sign of Biruta since Friday. I'll be forced to bot them soon.

Kaluul misses.

Nah, the jump is under 10' so don't worry about it.

You recognize the critter as a Girallon , a neutral, large magical beast. The only special attack is rend (if it hits with two claws, it rips you apart). It has no special defenses. They are quite aggressive (which seems like a no duh kind of thing as it stands there drenched in blood).

You see a large four armed critter which looks a good bit like a Gorilla. Knowledge Arcana to identify it. While it would normally have a white coat, currently it is splattered with enough blood that you aren't fully sure. There are a number of oarsmen lying dead around it, while a few are trying to defend themselves with fairly rudimentary weapons. They aren't faring well.

Kurgan drinks his mutagen and moves to the door leading up to the cargo deck.
Round 2 start
Grumpy opens the hatch.
Kaluul are up.

When it gets to next round, Grumpy can open the hatch. Of course it is not yet round 2.

You don't really need a perception check. There's something big and mad roaring, and a bunch of people yelling in terror.

I guess Biruta did her actions.

The critter continues ripping up rowers.

Orthoon, Kurgan and Crastor are up.

The grate is over a hatch which does go down to the deck below. It is not locked, but it is closed.

critter init: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18

Crastor init: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3


You hear another roar and a bunch more screaming. One of the screams ends in a gurgle.

Anyone before the critter may act.

Since the map is not particularly self explanatory, I have indicated the stairs down with down arrows.

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