RotRL: The Alkenstar Expedition (Inactive)

Game Master drbuzzard

Guns vs. Magic in Rise of the Runelords.

Current map

Xin Shalast Map

Loot List

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Ext Hero(200m), Ext See Inivis(200m), Height Awareness(90m), Ext Airwalk(70m)
HP 178/192 | AC 49 | T 27 | FF 43 | CMD 41 | Fort +29 | Ref +28 | Will +26 | Init +13 | Perc +28(24) | SM +20
Bane 14/15, Grit 5/6, Smite Evil 2/4, Judgement 3/4, LoH 8/8, Divine Bond 0/1, Illum Touch 2/6(+4), Aura of Enlighten 8/8, Swap Teamwork 3/3

Sold back the celestial plate and shield, upgraded old mithril fullplate to +4 and shield to +3, bought 2 fly pots, and 5 more comprehend lang scrolls..

Male Keleshite Fighter (Trench Fighter) | Level 17 | HP 170/208, AC 34, T 21, FF 26 | F 20 R 19 W 16 | CMB 18 CMD 40 | Init + 11 | Perc +22 | SQ: Clustered Shots

As a side note I still speak Thassilonian and Giant. I don't speak Shoanti yet :)

Male Keleshite Fighter (Trench Fighter) | Level 17 | HP 170/208, AC 34, T 21, FF 26 | F 20 R 19 W 16 | CMB 18 CMD 40 | Init + 11 | Perc +22 | SQ: Clustered Shots

Question - is ammo swappable between revolvers and rifles?

Since we're using late 19th century firearms as the model I know there were rifles and revolvers that used the .44-40 round which was the first popular centerfire round of the period.

I picture Single Action Army/S&W Model 3's and Winchester 1873's as the base of the Golarion weapons we're using and they all had .44-40 as an option but I didn't know if that wasn't something in-use for in-game mechanics.

Yes, we can assume something akin to a .44-40 so dual use.

Male Keleshite Fighter (Trench Fighter) | Level 17 | HP 170/208, AC 34, T 21, FF 26 | F 20 R 19 W 16 | CMB 18 CMD 40 | Init + 11 | Perc +22 | SQ: Clustered Shots


Off topic, but anyone gonna play Starfinder in the upcoming Gameday?

Is this online? I was going to try it somewhere around where I live in person eventually.

Yea the online Gameday's they do. The one in August is playing Starfinder as well as PFS..



Also you will be happy to here I spoke with Shifty about the module "Race for the Runcarved Key", which is a multitable special that I'm pretty sure he's gonna run in Jan. It's currently the only option for getting the last xp to reach 20th level. I talked to him about Avoreal and mentioned I had some pals with 19.2's as well. Maybe get that last point!

I have played it, but could redo it as a GM star replay.

I have to figure out how much my rebuild of Vars is going to cost incorporating all the goodies from Weapon Masters and Armor Masters.


ah Vars the impossible to hit!

Hey what is the feat like vital strike but for ranged attacks called? Or am I insane and it is just vital strike?

Vital strike will work for ranged, but I don't see any good reason to do it (there is some argument for doing it with a heavy crossbow). It's a damned lousy feat (chain- in my home games I usually allow the whole chain for one feat since it is so limited).

With the Weapons Masters and Armor Masters stuff, Vars is far more durable. His saves are drastically better, and he has more AC and DR.

He's still not the biggest offense guy out there, but killing him is no trivial matter (ranged touch attacks are bad news though).

That goes for VuVu as well Mini.. I yall want I'll ask him about running us 3 and Duhwoo.. It would be a pushover probably, but I'd be in for my last xp.

Male Keleshite Fighter (Trench Fighter) | Level 17 | HP 170/208, AC 34, T 21, FF 26 | F 20 R 19 W 16 | CMB 18 CMD 40 | Init + 11 | Perc +22 | SQ: Clustered Shots

I pity that poor GM.

Yes, yes, you should.

We went from 13-19 with a cleric (or any dedicated divine caster) present for only one module.


I would be happy to wrap up with Vuvu, I haevnt touched him since the last time we played...hell haven't even looked at him

Buzz, I was thinking about how to best make use of the times when I am only takeing one shot.

Can I have the whole chain for one feat? I would totally make use of thtat.

Vuvu was a nice off healer.. There was just to much damage and cc output between wizard, fighter, bard, and barbarian.. Most missions had a arcane archer/eldritch knight bow user as well.

Let me know when you are leveled and ready to continue in Xin Shalast.

Ext Hero(200m), Ext See Inivis(200m), Height Awareness(90m), Ext Airwalk(70m)
HP 178/192 | AC 49 | T 27 | FF 43 | CMD 41 | Fort +29 | Ref +28 | Will +26 | Init +13 | Perc +28(24) | SM +20
Bane 14/15, Grit 5/6, Smite Evil 2/4, Judgement 3/4, LoH 8/8, Divine Bond 0/1, Illum Touch 2/6(+4), Aura of Enlighten 8/8, Swap Teamwork 3/3

I am out of town for work most of the week so my posting will be limited. I think Bo and Yap are already ready to go though.

Male Keleshite Fighter (Trench Fighter) | Level 17 | HP 170/208, AC 34, T 21, FF 26 | F 20 R 19 W 16 | CMB 18 CMD 40 | Init + 11 | Perc +22 | SQ: Clustered Shots

Ready to go I think.

Dwarf Magus15 HP:150/150 | AC 39 T15 FF37 | CMD31(29) | F+18 R+11 W+14 | Int +2 Per +20 | AP 10/11 | Spirit 3/5 | Ring 4/4 | Emp 5/5 | Quick 1/2 |Over Flight, Ext Spellsword, Tears to Wine, R Acid 30, Stoneskin(150), BoF, Haste

I'll fix Obi tonight


I will get Boom set today or tonight. I am in tech week of a show



+10 HP
+1 Fort
+1 Will

Vital Strike-chain (I know you hate it)

+1 to existing skills


sorry not all skills just some


Dwarf Magus15 HP:150/150 | AC 39 T15 FF37 | CMD31(29) | F+18 R+11 W+14 | Int +2 Per +20 | AP 10/11 | Spirit 3/5 | Ring 4/4 | Emp 5/5 | Quick 1/2 |Over Flight, Ext Spellsword, Tears to Wine, R Acid 30, Stoneskin(150), BoF, Haste

sorry, I'll get him updated.

Too much beer last night.

Ah, a problem I an empathize with.

Dwarf Magus15 HP:150/150 | AC 39 T15 FF37 | CMD31(29) | F+18 R+11 W+14 | Int +2 Per +20 | AP 10/11 | Spirit 3/5 | Ring 4/4 | Emp 5/5 | Quick 1/2 |Over Flight, Ext Spellsword, Tears to Wine, R Acid 30, Stoneskin(150), BoF, Haste

Obi updated

OK, I assume everyone did necessary shopping and then off to Xin Shalast.

Male Keleshite Fighter (Trench Fighter) | Level 17 | HP 170/208, AC 34, T 21, FF 26 | F 20 R 19 W 16 | CMB 18 CMD 40 | Init + 11 | Perc +22 | SQ: Clustered Shots

Hilariously realized I didn't have the rifle I was using selected for both hands in Hero Lab. Jan stops showing off and now uses both hands for his rifle.

Mini, on that high level game, do you know when it is to start and who do I bug about it?


Werepox? Who do we bug about that game?

Race for the Runecarved Key? Shifty said he was thinking about running it early next year in an online special. I messaged him about it and asked for a super high level table to get a few 19.2's their last point. He said he would be mustering in early December for it. You should message him about it.


Vital strike says the extra dice dont multiply but the initial dice should I think. I only did an additional 1d8 not 4d8

Am I wrong?

I thought you had more than 1d8 in the critical row.



Not letting me post with Yap for some reason.. He rolled a 20 though for a 37 know local..

Anyone have a level 12-15 pfs character they wish to hop into the second part of All for Immortality series with? We are playing it on hardmode as well and we've had our 4th drop out.. We are supposed to play part 3 as well after..

I have a 12th level Paladin/fighter that I ran part 1 for already.

Ext Hero(200m), Ext See Inivis(200m), Height Awareness(90m), Ext Airwalk(70m)
HP 178/192 | AC 49 | T 27 | FF 43 | CMD 41 | Fort +29 | Ref +28 | Will +26 | Init +13 | Perc +28(24) | SM +20
Bane 14/15, Grit 5/6, Smite Evil 2/4, Judgement 3/4, LoH 8/8, Divine Bond 0/1, Illum Touch 2/6(+4), Aura of Enlighten 8/8, Swap Teamwork 3/3

You want the link? We are pretty much still at the start of part 2..

Sure. I'll need to make a profile since I've never played him online.


Dm would you like me to respec to an alchemist? Boom plays with dynamite instead? I am fine with that. I'll just give him dispelling bomb to get the sundering thing?

Might be nice to have some variety.


Sure I'll do that

No precise bombs or blast shaping things correct?

Actually I think I let those in eventually (though I prefer not to), but force bomb does not trip people.


That's fine. I can probably redo him on Monday. Maybe this evening late


looking at this for feats and discoveries. let me know if there is anything that you don't like. I might ditch smoke and poison bomb. Not sure how valuable the cloudkill effect is

1: Precise Shot
1:HB Point Blank Shot
1 Alch: Brew Potion
1 Alch: Throw Anything
3: Rapid Shot
5: Splash Weapon Mastery
7: Ricochet Splash Weapon
9: Arcing Lob
11: Improved Initiative
13: Iron Will
15: Extra Bombs
2: Frost Bomb
4: Smoke Bomb
6: Dispelling Bomb
8: Fast Bombs
10: Combine Extracts
12: Greater Mutagen
14: Poison Bomb
16: Blinding Bomb

Shifty reached out to me about the Race for the Runecarved Key the he's gonna run in January. He has offered us three spots pre-registered.. What is yalls exact levels? And do I have permission to give him your names etc..? Imma see if he'll give Duhwoo a spot as well.

Guys? I need to give him a response..

Yeah, I'm game. I think I'm at 19.5 iirc. Vars Stanic PFs 8845-1.

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