RotRL: The Alkenstar Expedition (Inactive)

Game Master drbuzzard

Guns vs. Magic in Rise of the Runelords.

Current map

Xin Shalast Map

Loot List

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Yeah, might as well have said fort+will since anyone would pick will since it trumps reflex any day, but never hurts to give options, even bad ones.

OK, we lost Lua a while back and Dukkan appears to be AWOL as well. What do we want to do about that? We can NPC them for the time being, we can try to re-recruit, or I'm open to suggestions.

If we NPC them I will adjust Dukkan to get some more knowledge skills that will be useful (knowledge arcana, now that he has been exposed to it- know your enemy and all that).

I'd prefer to recruit another player if possible.

I believe I can line someone up that I know and who will be reliable. He's going to make an alchemist.

Male Half Orc Fighter (Unbreakable) 1 / Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 7; AC 22, HP 7/93, DR3/-, Fort +14, Ref +8, Will +9, Init +2, Perception +10, Greatsword +14/+9(2d6+8/19-20x2),
Tracked Resources:
13/19 rage rounds

The alchemist sounds good.

Male Dwarf Cavalier 4 / Gunslinger 1 - HP 49/49,- AC 17/T: 11/FF: 16 - Perception +11 - F: +9*/ R: +7/ W: +4* - CMB: +5 - CMD: 19*, Speed: 20, Init. +4



Human Fighter (Weapon Master) 4, Monk (Master of Many Styles) 1, AC 22, HP-39, F +7 R +8 W +6, Initiative +5, Perception +8, CMD- varies a lot

fine with me also

Male Gnome HP 37/38, AC 21 (TAC 15, FFAC 17), Fort +6, Ref +8, Will +0, CMD 16, Init +4, Perc +7, Bombs 8/11, Mutagen 1/1: 50 Minutes Chirurgeon Alchemist 5

The alchemist is ready when you are.

Male Half Orc Fighter (Unbreakable) 1 / Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 7; AC 22, HP 7/93, DR3/-, Fort +14, Ref +8, Will +9, Init +2, Perception +10, Greatsword +14/+9(2d6+8/19-20x2),
Tracked Resources:
13/19 rage rounds

Welcome Flik Flak!

You will get on board once the party is back in Magnimar. That would appear to be soon since they have cleared the caverns.

Ok, it very much seems like people have lost interest here. Are you folks interested in continuing or not? The post rate has dropped off to minimal.

Male Gnome HP 37/38, AC 21 (TAC 15, FFAC 17), Fort +6, Ref +8, Will +0, CMD 16, Init +4, Perc +7, Bombs 8/11, Mutagen 1/1: 50 Minutes Chirurgeon Alchemist 5

I'm interested.

Human Fighter (Weapon Master) 4, Monk (Master of Many Styles) 1, AC 22, HP-39, F +7 R +8 W +6, Initiative +5, Perception +8, CMD- varies a lot

I am, but there seems to be huge waits between posts. I check each day, but didn't want to post repeatedly without others in between. I was away this weekend, but still checked .

I didn't see any interplay after I responded from the Sherif, so I was left wondering. I can certainly continue.

M Gunslinger LV 4/Fighter LVL 1; AC 20; Initiative +8; HP 39; Fort +6; Reflex +8; Will +3 Perception +9, Masterwork Rifle; Bayonet; +11(+12) to hit (1d10+4(5)) damage

Still interested...was waiting for th Sheriff to respond to Billy's question.

Yeah, forgot to do that earlier. Got it today.

Male Dwarf Cavalier 4 / Gunslinger 1 - HP 49/49,- AC 17/T: 11/FF: 16 - Perception +11 - F: +9*/ R: +7/ W: +4* - CMB: +5 - CMD: 19*, Speed: 20, Init. +4

I'm here. Also waiting for the Sheriff to answer Billy.

Male Half Orc Fighter (Unbreakable) 1 / Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 7; AC 22, HP 7/93, DR3/-, Fort +14, Ref +8, Will +9, Init +2, Perception +10, Greatsword +14/+9(2d6+8/19-20x2),
Tracked Resources:
13/19 rage rounds

I'm here and ready to continue.

Two things:

A) Someone needs to take over party loot tracking. I really don't want to have to work out what you are keeping and selling for you. It's your stuff. You can assume everything sells for the normal price (1/2 PRD listing).
B) If anyone who played though Foxglove wants a PFS chronicle sheet, let me know.

Human Fighter (Weapon Master) 4, Monk (Master of Many Styles) 1, AC 22, HP-39, F +7 R +8 W +6, Initiative +5, Perception +8, CMD- varies a lot

Ok, I went through and came up with the following: Selling everything that wasn't claimed except for the 6 CLW potions, 1 Invisibility potion and the CLW wand. Gave each of us 2160 GP. Now, if Urga is going to pay for a +1 enhancement on his weapon, then he might want to reconsider taking the +1 longsword. Same goes for the +1 rapier, Gunner. Selling those two items would give each of us 462 more gold. Either way is fine with me.
This total also does not include the spellbook we found as I have no idea what it contains.

M Gunslinger LV 4/Fighter LVL 1; AC 20; Initiative +8; HP 39; Fort +6; Reflex +8; Will +3 Perception +9, Masterwork Rifle; Bayonet; +11(+12) to hit (1d10+4(5)) damage
Thomas Surovati wrote:

Ok, I went through and came up with the following: Selling everything that wasn't claimed except for the 6 CLW potions, 1 Invisibility potion and the CLW wand. Gave each of us 2160 GP. Now, if Urga is going to pay for a +1 enhancement on his weapon, then he might want to reconsider taking the +1 longsword. Same goes for the +1 rapier, Gunner. Selling those two items would give each of us 462 more gold. Either way is fine with me.

This total also does not include the spellbook we found as I have no idea what it contains.

Consider the rapier sold since Williams had a rifle for Billy to use.

Male Gnome HP 37/38, AC 21 (TAC 15, FFAC 17), Fort +6, Ref +8, Will +0, CMD 16, Init +4, Perc +7, Bombs 8/11, Mutagen 1/1: 50 Minutes Chirurgeon Alchemist 5

Let me examine the spellbook. I may be able to use some of it, or at least tell you what's in it.

Male Half Orc Fighter (Unbreakable) 1 / Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 7; AC 22, HP 7/93, DR3/-, Fort +14, Ref +8, Will +9, Init +2, Perception +10, Greatsword +14/+9(2d6+8/19-20x2),
Tracked Resources:
13/19 rage rounds

We can sell the +1 long sword. That should be another 2000 gp.

Spellbook has:

Level Spell Casting Time Range DC Resist Duration
0 Acid Splash 1 action Close (25 + 5 ft./2 levels) 14 No Instantaneous
0 Arcane Mark 1 action Touch 14 No Permanent
0 Bleed 1 action Close (25 + 5 ft./2 levels) 14 Yes Instantaneous
0 Dancing Lights 1 action Medium (100 + 10 ft./level) 14 No 1 minute (D)
0 Daze 1 action Close (25 + 5 ft./2 levels) 14 Yes 1 round
0 Detect Magic 1 action 60 ft. 14 No Concentration, up to 1 min./level (D)
0 Detect Poison 1 action Close (25 + 5 ft./2 levels) 14 No Instantaneous
0 Disrupt Undead 1 action Close (25 + 5 ft./2 levels) 14 Yes Instantaneous
0 Flare 1 action Close (25 + 5 ft./2 levels) 14 Yes Instantaneous
0 Ghost Sound 1 action Close (25 + 5 ft./2 levels) 14 No 1 round/level (D)
0 Light 1 action Touch 14 No 10 min./level
0 Mage Hand 1 action Close (25 + 5 ft./2 levels) 14 No Concentration
0 Mending 10 minutes 10 ft. 14 Yes (harmless, object) Instantaneous
0 Message 1 action Medium (100 + 10 ft./level) 14 No 10 min./level
0 Open/Close 1 action Close (25 + 5 ft./2 levels) 14 Yes (object) Instantaneous
0 Prestidigitation 1 action 10 ft. 14 No 1 hour
0 Ray of Frost 1 action Close (25 + 5 ft./2 levels) 14 Yes Instantaneous
0 Read Magic 1 action Personal 14 10 min./level
0 Resistance 1 action Touch 14 Yes (harmless) 1 minute
0 Spark 1 action Close (25 + 5 ft./2 levels) 14 Yes (object) Instantaneous
0 Touch of Fatigue 1 action Touch 14 Yes 1 round/level
1 Burning Hands 1 action 15 ft. 15 Yes Instantaneous
1 Charm Person 1 action Close (25 + 5 ft./2 levels) 15 Yes 1 hour/level
1 Color Spray 1 action 15 ft. 15 Yes Instantaneous; see text
1 Expeditious Retreat 1 action Personal 15 1 min./level (D)
1 Grease 1 action Close (25 + 5 ft./2 levels) 15 No 1 min./level (D)
1 Mage Armor 1 action Touch 15 No 1 hour/level (D)
1 Magic Missile 1 action Medium (100 + 10 ft./level) 15 Yes Instantaneous
1 Obscuring Mist 1 action 20 ft. 15 No 1 min./level (D)
1 Shield 1 action Personal 15 1 min./level (D)
1 Sleep 1 round Medium (100 + 10 ft./level) 15 Yes 1 min./level
2 Bull's Strength 1 action Touch 16 Yes (harmless) 1 min./level
2 Glitterdust 1 action Medium (100 + 10 ft./level) 16 No 1 round/level
2 Scorching Ray 1 action Close (25 + 5 ft./2 levels) 16 Yes Instantaneous
2 Spider Climb 1 action Touch 16 Yes (harmless) 10 min./level

Looks to be worth maybe 365 GP on the open market.

Male Gnome HP 37/38, AC 21 (TAC 15, FFAC 17), Fort +6, Ref +8, Will +0, CMD 16, Init +4, Perc +7, Bombs 8/11, Mutagen 1/1: 50 Minutes Chirurgeon Alchemist 5

I could use enough time to copy Expeditious Retreat before we sell the book. That's the only one from the book that I don't have.

Human Fighter (Weapon Master) 4, Monk (Master of Many Styles) 1, AC 22, HP-39, F +7 R +8 W +6, Initiative +5, Perception +8, CMD- varies a lot

Ok, so with that, the grand total for each share becomes 2695 gp. We will have 6 potions of CLW, 1 potion of invisibility, and 1 CLW wand in the party resources.

I'm going to be offline until Sunday evening. You're about to walk into a combat, so there's no point in starting that right now. We shall continue then.

Male Half Orc Fighter (Unbreakable) 1 / Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 7; AC 22, HP 7/93, DR3/-, Fort +14, Ref +8, Will +9, Init +2, Perception +10, Greatsword +14/+9(2d6+8/19-20x2),
Tracked Resources:
13/19 rage rounds

With the extra gold, Urga will add a flaming effect to the +1 great sword (+2000 gp).

Adding flaming will cost you 6000 GP, not 2000. It takes the weapon from +1(2000k GP) to +2 (8000k GP)

Male Half Orc Fighter (Unbreakable) 1 / Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 7; AC 22, HP 7/93, DR3/-, Fort +14, Ref +8, Will +9, Init +2, Perception +10, Greatsword +14/+9(2d6+8/19-20x2),
Tracked Resources:
13/19 rage rounds

Ah, ok - never mind.

Most weapon enhancements require an increase in the plus of the weapon. There are a few exceptions (impervious, glamered), but none of those affect damage.

M Gunslinger LV 4/Fighter LVL 1; AC 20; Initiative +8; HP 39; Fort +6; Reflex +8; Will +3 Perception +9, Masterwork Rifle; Bayonet; +11(+12) to hit (1d10+4(5)) damage

I completely overlooked the fact that both Urga and Billy had been severely wounded in the last encounter. Would it be reasonable that they would have availed themselves of healing potions before heading to the sawmill and are back at full HP?

They would both have been healed at Williamson's place.

Male Gnome HP 37/38, AC 21 (TAC 15, FFAC 17), Fort +6, Ref +8, Will +0, CMD 16, Init +4, Perc +7, Bombs 8/11, Mutagen 1/1: 50 Minutes Chirurgeon Alchemist 5

Due to a family emergency, bot me for now.

Male Dwarf Cavalier 4 / Gunslinger 1 - HP 49/49,- AC 17/T: 11/FF: 16 - Perception +11 - F: +9*/ R: +7/ W: +4* - CMB: +5 - CMD: 19*, Speed: 20, Init. +4

Guys, I regret to do this, but real life has become overwhelming on a personal and profesional level, and I need to cut out most of my online gaming. Please work Shenderik out of the game.

My apologies,

Scott / Tarondor / Shenderik

OK, sorry to see you go.

Male Half Orc Fighter (Unbreakable) 1 / Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 7; AC 22, HP 7/93, DR3/-, Fort +14, Ref +8, Will +9, Init +2, Perception +10, Greatsword +14/+9(2d6+8/19-20x2),
Tracked Resources:
13/19 rage rounds

Good playing with you Shenderik. See you around.

M Gunslinger LV 4/Fighter LVL 1; AC 20; Initiative +8; HP 39; Fort +6; Reflex +8; Will +3 Perception +9, Masterwork Rifle; Bayonet; +11(+12) to hit (1d10+4(5)) damage
Shenderik wrote:

Guys, I regret to do this, but real life has become overwhelming on a personal and profesional level, and I need to cut out most of my online gaming. Please work Shenderik out of the game.

My apologies,

Scott / Tarondor / Shenderik

Best of luck to you!

We will be adding three more players. They are all quite active. They will be joining after the current section is complete and will be assigned by your contact in Magnimar.

Ext Hero(200m), Ext See Inivis(200m), Height Awareness(90m), Ext Airwalk(70m)
HP 178/192 | AC 49 | T 27 | FF 43 | CMD 41 | Fort +29 | Ref +28 | Will +26 | Init +13 | Perc +28(24) | SM +20
Bane 14/15, Grit 5/6, Smite Evil 2/4, Judgement 3/4, LoH 8/8, Divine Bond 0/1, Illum Touch 2/6(+4), Aura of Enlighten 8/8, Swap Teamwork 3/3

Howdy all! Resident replacement healer/blaster of weapons..

Can someone please give me a rundown on how much these modern guns cost?
As well as ammo? My ignorance and Herolab is making my head spin..

The repeating rifles are 500 GP. Revolvers are 400 GP. Shotguns are 500 GP.

Basically 10% of listed cost for the advanced firearms.

dude halfling

Metal cartridges are required for advanced firearms: for this party, 100gp buys 66 rounds. Works nicely with the revolver and Endless Bandolier -- 6 in the pistol and 60 on the Bandolier...

Ext Hero(200m), Ext See Inivis(200m), Height Awareness(90m), Ext Airwalk(70m)
HP 178/192 | AC 49 | T 27 | FF 43 | CMD 41 | Fort +29 | Ref +28 | Will +26 | Init +13 | Perc +28(24) | SM +20
Bane 14/15, Grit 5/6, Smite Evil 2/4, Judgement 3/4, LoH 8/8, Divine Bond 0/1, Illum Touch 2/6(+4), Aura of Enlighten 8/8, Swap Teamwork 3/3

66 gp per 100 is for lead cartridges? How much for steel? Cold Iron, Silver, Adamantine?

We dont have to buy poweder and bullets right? Because a cartridge is already pre-loaded right?

Can you apply weapon blanches to them? Such as Ghost Salt for shooting incorps?

Adamantine cartridges are rather expensive (60 GP per).

Steel only marginally adds to the cost.

Normal lead metallic cartridges are 1.5 GP
Steel bullets (AP) are 2 GP.

As you level up I will probably have Alkenstar provide some amount of specialty bullets and stuff for free, but the supply will be limited.

The ghost salt blanche will work as will silver and cold iron, but adamantine won't (I consider adamantine DR an issue of hardness of the target).

M Gunslinger LV 4/Fighter LVL 1; AC 20; Initiative +8; HP 39; Fort +6; Reflex +8; Will +3 Perception +9, Masterwork Rifle; Bayonet; +11(+12) to hit (1d10+4(5)) damage

Welcome new squad mates!

Mythic Power: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15... Legendary Item power: 1 2 3 4 | STONESKIN all day, currently undetectable
Hadjii stats (at 144 of 144):
Death Ward, Echollocation, Resist 30 vs acid & cold active; AC18(T15/FF14) | CMD27 | Fort+16/Ref+14/Will+25 | Init+8 | Perception+31

I did not see steel vs lead cartridges on PFSRD -- just "metal cartridge" for advanced firearms. Should I be looking at another reference?

BTW, Bo: it's 66 rounds for 100gp (your post reversed it...)

Being as Tirion is a MWK on most things kinda guy, he'll buy all steel-jacketed rounds before departing Alkenstar, and 100 of 'em instead of 66.

Ext Hero(200m), Ext See Inivis(200m), Height Awareness(90m), Ext Airwalk(70m)
HP 178/192 | AC 49 | T 27 | FF 43 | CMD 41 | Fort +29 | Ref +28 | Will +26 | Init +13 | Perc +28(24) | SM +20
Bane 14/15, Grit 5/6, Smite Evil 2/4, Judgement 3/4, LoH 8/8, Divine Bond 0/1, Illum Touch 2/6(+4), Aura of Enlighten 8/8, Swap Teamwork 3/3

Alrighty everything is done now.. Complete with a Warhorse named Bill.. Backstory done too..

Check him out Buzz and make sure he's ok.. I can give you a gold spending breakdown if you wish as well.. Just let me know..

As far as bullets go i purchased:

500 steel cartridges(1000gp)
10 adamantine cartridges(600gp)

Cold Iron weapon blanch x5(100gp0
Silver weapon blanch x5(25gp)
Ghost salt weapn blanch x2(400gp)

After use of those gives me a loadout of:
380 steel cartridges
50 cold iron
50 silver
20 ghost salt
10 adamantine

The steel cartridges is something I've added to offer the concept of armor piercing rounds.

Looks good. Odd coincidence that Golarian had a John Wesley Hardin as well now isn't it? :)

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