RotRL: The Alkenstar Expedition (Inactive)

Game Master drbuzzard

Guns vs. Magic in Rise of the Runelords.

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Xin Shalast Map

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Buzz I will get him finished tomorrow

I'm thinking mithril wakizashis those shouldn't be too expensive cause they are small

Also I am trying to decide on my second ninja trick. Invisibility is necessary really, but I am thinking shadow clones for the other

Also dm do ninjas get canny defense like rogues? ( if not I might drop my int)

Yes, I suppose they do. They are just a rogue subclass after all.

Tirion is ready when you are...

woo hoo +1 AC

Im getting there.

ok my gear will be, 2 mithril wakizashis
a revolver
Mithril shirt
Handy Haversack

(not sure if I want to make one of my wakizashis magic or get a cloak of Resistance and some other toys)

Tirion looks fine.

ok almost there, I got another 1,319 gp or so to spend and can't figure out what to spend it on, since it can't be magic. Suggestions?

so far my non magical gear

2 mith waki
mith shirt
revolver mw
100 CI Bullets
mw thieves tools
2 wrist sheathes
2 daggers CI
disguise kitx2
3 Scroll Cases
4 Acid
4 Alch Fire
4 Holy Water
10 Days ration
2 Pathfinder Chronicles
grappling hook
silk rope
3 moonrods
5 sunrods

and magical

pathfinder pouch
sleave of many garments
Quickrunners shirt
3 Scrolls of Shield
3 Scrolls CLW
4 Scrolls Magic Weapon
scroll of silent image

There's always the ice equivalent to alchemical fire. Also smoke pellets (smog) are damned good.

Then anti-plague and anti-toxin.

This was my alchemy purchase list..

Meditattion Tea(2)
Soothe Syrup(2)
Twitch Tonic(2)
Wismuth Salix(2)

Smoke Pellets(smog)(2)
Tanglefoot Bag(4)

and i bought a trained heavy warhorse named Bill..

I suppose i should pick up a few aoe alchemy stuffs too..

good point: I didn't pay enough attention to alchemical goodies -- so Tirion wasn't quite ready after all! He's got plenty of money left, so I'll add some stuff based on tips I've noted from the above lists, mainly goodies that I think Tirion would have thought of on his own. Can you believe I forgot to get Spring-Loaded Wrist Sheaths (which I think are very Tirion-esque)!?!

Can Tirion procure some Purple Worm Poison?

Can I make his Wakazashi Adamantine?

You can make it adamantine if you like, and I suppose poison is fine. You ninja types are all kinda shady.

well, those two things wiped out all the extra gold -- and I had to drop the Stubborn Nail and reduce the number of shuriken -- so no Spring-Loaded Wrist Sheaths or extra alchemical stuff for Tirion after all!

character sheet updated -- *now* he's ready to go...

Changed his name to "Bandersnatch" cause I named his Wakiszashi's "Snicker and Snack"

i forgot to do traits.

Also you get a free feat from the Alkenstar team training. It was decided to be Lookout.

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