RotRL: The Alkenstar Expedition (Inactive)

Game Master drbuzzard

Guns vs. Magic in Rise of the Runelords.

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just always flank with Bandy!

Male Keleshite Fighter (Trench Fighter) | Level 17 | HP 170/208, AC 34, T 21, FF 26 | F 20 R 19 W 16 | CMB 18 CMD 40 | Init + 11 | Perc +22 | SQ: Clustered Shots

With the weapon set-up I'm only losing 2 on the attack, which isn't really comparative with +7-20 to Attack by particular ammo (if I'm reading the rules right?)

I'll think about it, I may have to switch to something like gun tank.

Truthfully, the real threat tends to be the casters, though you could also be a fighter if you like (trench fighter archetype isn't bad). You would be able to load up on enough feats to have snap shot out to distance.


just flank with bandy!

I'm in a Rappan Athuk game which just lost a couple of players. We could use a melee type (tank) and a tranfindery type.

Anyone interested?


what level? Im in one as a level 9 armor master right now, if the levels are different enough it might be fun to make something

We're quite early on at 3rd level doing the intro dungeon before RA. I doubt the GM would want you in though if you're in his other game.

GM is brvheart


no I'm in a different game. ill ponder it

Male Keleshite Fighter (Trench Fighter) | Level 17 | HP 170/208, AC 34, T 21, FF 26 | F 20 R 19 W 16 | CMB 18 CMD 40 | Init + 11 | Perc +22 | SQ: Clustered Shots

Big day at work, bot me if needed to move the game along.

OK, I'm bored enough to start up another game on a quirky idea. Figured I'd give players I know first shot if they are interested.

Concept will be to see how gestalt fares against mythic critters. I'll do it in the context of the high level Paizo modules starting with Academy of secrets. I'll just give a couple of mythic tiers to the critters so they are not just paper mache.

If anyone is interested let me know. Level will be 13th, gestalt, probably 20 point flat buy with no dumping under 10 (race can take it lower). Normal WBL, not sure on restricting races. Paizo only, no gunslingers, unchained summoners and more or less everything else goes. You'll probably need it against Mythic.

So, if you are interested, let me know, then I will start a general recruiting. I'm thinking of running 2 tables (might as well since all the mythic conversion will be enough work).

Obviously twinking is the goal here.


hmmmm that is interesting...

maybe a fighter/wizard or sorcerer obviously focus on usingg rays

I did fail to mention people will automatically get Mythic Companion (the feat that makes non mythic people/things count as mythic).

Started the thread for the new game in case people are interested.



I'll go post. Still haven't figured it out

I will take care of leveling Yap.

Ninja 10/Halfling Opportunist 5 TRAP SPOTTER IMP invis 10
HP 90/123 AC 33(37)/26(-)/19(23);CMD 31 F 10 R 21 W 16(+2 Fear, +2 Poison); Ki 6/7 Init +8 Revolver 6/6
Acro +30 Appraise+21 Bluff +18 Climb +6 Disguise +14 Diplomacy +14 Disable Device +27 Escape +18 Perception +26 Stealth +29 Local +14 Dungeoneering +13 UMD +19 Sense Motive +11 SoH +21 Swim +6[/spoiler]

I gotta remember to use my aid another on myself, that is +4 I keep sacrificing!

Huh, how do you use aid another on yourself?


It is the key ability of the halfling opportunist

Exploitive Maneiuver:

A halfling opportunist can use an enemy’s actions in combat for her own gain, as if the opponent were using aid another to assist the opportunist, giving her a bonus on her next skill check, attack roll, or to AC against the next attack. The enemy must be able to reach the opportunist, and the opportunist must activate this ability as an immediate action and succeed at a combat maneuver check against the enemy’s CMD; at the GM’s discretion, the opportunist can substitute another ability score modifier for her Strength modifier when making her combat maneuver check (such as using Dexterity for an agility-related action or Charisma for a social-related action). If the halfling succeeds at this combat maneuver check, she adds the aid another bonus to her action on her next turn and subtracts that bonus from the enemy’s roll for that action. Note that if the combat maneuver check is successful, the outcome of the enemy’s roll is irrelevant to this ability—a halfling opportunist can use a giant’s swinging club to jump farther whether the giant hits or misses with its attack roll.

The GM decides whether the enemy’s action can benefit the opportunist in the desired manner. Circumstances occurring between the enemy’s turn and the halfling’s turn may prevent her from following through with the desired action); if this occurs, she loses the bonus from aid another but can take her turn normally.

Example: Piria is a halfling opportunist battling an ogre in a walled arena. On the ogre’s turn, it swings at her with its club; Piria’s player wants to use her exploitive ability to catch the club and use its movement to boost her toward the top of the arena wall, giving her a bonus on her Acrobatics check to jump. The GM decides this is a reasonable use, has the player make a combat maneuver check against the giant’s CMD, and allows her to use Piria’s Dexterity bonus in place of her Strength bonus in the check. She succeeds and will gain the aid another bonus on her Climb check on her next turn. The GM rolls the ogre’s attack with a –2 penalty, hits Piria, and deals damage, but Piria still gets the aid another bonus on her next Acrobatics check— perhaps as the ogre’s club hit her, she grabbed it, flipped onto it, and on her turn can jump from the swinging club using the +2 bonus from aid another.

Then with Excellent aid I get +2 to an aid another attempt on myself.

Of course the ability is dependent on my actually saying it works, and hence will require you coming up with a decent excuse as to why.

Quality humor will constitute a good excuse.


when i used it before i usually argued that i would duck under their swing and get closer to them to up my AC or use the momentum of their attack to make my blade hit harder, that was the generic for a hit or AC bonus. ill get clever

Ext Hero(200m), Ext See Inivis(200m), Height Awareness(90m), Ext Airwalk(70m)
HP 178/192 | AC 49 | T 27 | FF 43 | CMD 41 | Fort +29 | Ref +28 | Will +26 | Init +13 | Perc +28(24) | SM +20
Bane 14/15, Grit 5/6, Smite Evil 2/4, Judgement 3/4, LoH 8/8, Divine Bond 0/1, Illum Touch 2/6(+4), Aura of Enlighten 8/8, Swap Teamwork 3/3

Super busy with training this week, but ill try to update Bo and Yap soon..

dude halfling

I believe Exploitive Maneuver is nothing more than pointing and saying "hey look -- there's Elvis!!": the action which is exploited simply comes from the enemy glancing away in hopes of an Elvis sighting...

Ext Hero(200m), Ext See Inivis(200m), Height Awareness(90m), Ext Airwalk(70m)
HP 178/192 | AC 49 | T 27 | FF 43 | CMD 41 | Fort +29 | Ref +28 | Will +26 | Init +13 | Perc +28(24) | SM +20
Bane 14/15, Grit 5/6, Smite Evil 2/4, Judgement 3/4, LoH 8/8, Divine Bond 0/1, Illum Touch 2/6(+4), Aura of Enlighten 8/8, Swap Teamwork 3/3

Is there any feat i can take or create that would allow me to reload as a swift action?

dude halfling

Tirion now has Improved Precise Shot! Also, Sneak Attack now adds 7 dice, and I bumped Diplomacy to +18...

Ext Hero(200m), Ext See Inivis(200m), Height Awareness(90m), Ext Airwalk(70m)
HP 178/192 | AC 49 | T 27 | FF 43 | CMD 41 | Fort +29 | Ref +28 | Will +26 | Init +13 | Perc +28(24) | SM +20
Bane 14/15, Grit 5/6, Smite Evil 2/4, Judgement 3/4, LoH 8/8, Divine Bond 0/1, Illum Touch 2/6(+4), Aura of Enlighten 8/8, Swap Teamwork 3/3

Yea that will be Bo's feat as well if no swift action reload can be formulated..

Trying to decide between Weapon of Awe for a spell or Perceived Cues.. The later is better but theres already super high perception in the group..

Robert "Bo" Hardin wrote:
Is there any feat i can take or create that would allow me to reload as a swift action?

Nope, Generally getting any faster than rapid reload requires a class ability.

Heck, it is a six shot revolver.

Also, I will take care of leveling Yap, you don't need to.


Just gotta select my feat. Improved crit maybe? And other thoughts?


Oh duh. Greater twf

Ext Hero(200m), Ext See Inivis(200m), Height Awareness(90m), Ext Airwalk(70m)
HP 178/192 | AC 49 | T 27 | FF 43 | CMD 41 | Fort +29 | Ref +28 | Will +26 | Init +13 | Perc +28(24) | SM +20
Bane 14/15, Grit 5/6, Smite Evil 2/4, Judgement 3/4, LoH 8/8, Divine Bond 0/1, Illum Touch 2/6(+4), Aura of Enlighten 8/8, Swap Teamwork 3/3

Ok improved precise shot it is then.. And dam i already had lol.. I guess link the 10th level one so i can copy paste him when ur done..

If you've already leveled him, I won't bother, you can use your version, though I will want to see it. I've been keeping to buff/heal sorts of spells.

Here's the Yap leveling I did. Not as up to date on equipment as you are.


Yap CR 12
XP 19,200
Pixie oracle 10 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 42, Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 228)
NG Small fey
Init +8; Senses low-light vision; Perception +18
AC 21, touch 20, flat-footed 12 (+8 Dex, +1 dodge, +1 natural, +1 size)
hp 90 (14 HD; 4d6+10d8+31)
Fort +14, Ref +23, Will +20; +2 vs. death
Defensive Abilities evasion, invisibility; DR 10/cold iron; Immune fatigue; SR 15
Speed 15 ft., fly 60 ft. (good)
Special Attacks channel positive energy 7/day (DC 21, 7d6), special arrows
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 8th; concentration +14)
. . Constant—detect chaos, detect evil, detect good, detect law
. . 1/day—dancing lights, detect thoughts (DC 18), dispel magic, entangle (DC 17), lesser confusion (DC 17), permanent image (visual and auditory elements only) (DC 22), shield
Oracle Spells Known (CL 10th; concentration +16)
. . 5th (4/day)—break enchantment, breath of life (DC 21), mass cure light wounds
. . 4th (6/day)—blessing of fervor[APG] (DC 20), cure critical wounds, freedom of movement, restoration
. . 3rd (7/day)—cure serious wounds, dispel magic, invisibility purge, neutralize poison, remove blindness/deafness
. . 2nd (8/day)—cure moderate wounds, delay poison, ghostbane dirge[APG] (DC 18), resist energy, lesser restoration, silence (DC 18)
. . 1st (8/day)—air bubble[UC], bless, cure light wounds, detect undead, endure elements, protection from evil, remove fear
. . 0 (at will)—create water, detect magic, detect poison, guidance, light, mending, purify food and drink (DC 16), spark[APG] (DC 16), stabilize
. . Mystery Life
Str 10, Dex 26, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 13, Cha 22
Base Atk +9; CMB +8; CMD 27
Feats Channeled Revival[UC], Divine Protection[ACG], Dodge, Fey Foundling[ISWG], Quick Channel[UM], Selective Channeling, Weapon Finesse
Skills Acrobatics +15 (+7 to jump), Bluff +13, Diplomacy +10, Escape Artist +15, Fly +21, Heal +18, Knowledge (history) +12, Knowledge (local) +12, Knowledge (nature) +13, Knowledge (planes) +13, Knowledge (religion) +14, Perception +18, Sense Motive +8, Spellcraft +18, Stealth +29, Use Magic Device +13
Languages Common, Elven, Gnome, Sylvan
SQ oracle's curse (lame), revelations (enhanced cures, life link, channel), slow and steady
Other Gear cloak of resistance +2, phylactery of positive channeling, ring of evasion
Special Abilities
Channeled Revival May expend channel energy to cast breath of life
Damage Reduction (10/cold iron) You have Damage Reduction against all except Cold Iron attacks.
Enhanced Cures (+10 cap) (Su) For cure spells, any level caps in the spell become oracle or shaman level.
Evasion (Ex) If you succeed at a Reflex save for half damage, you take none instead.
Fey Foundling Magical healing works better on you
Flight (60 feet, Good) You can fly!
Immunity to Fatigue You are immune to the fatigued condition.
Invisibility (Su) A pixie remains invisible even when it attacks.

This ability is constant, but the pixie can suppress or resume it as a free action.
Lame One of your legs is permanently wounded, reducing your base land speed by 10 feet if your base speed is 30 feet or more. If your base speed is less than 30 feet, your speed is reduced by 5 feet. Your speed is never reduced due to encumbrance. At 5th
Life Link (10 max bonds, 100 feet) (Su) As a standard action, establish bond that drains your HP to heal other below -5 hp.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Oracle/Oracle Channel Positive Energy 7d6 (7/day, DC 21) (Su) Positive energy heals the living and harms the undead; negative has the reverse effect.
Quick Channel Channel energy faster by expending more uses
Ring of evasion No damage if you succeed on a Reflex save for half damage.
Selective Channeling Exclude targets from the area of your Channel Energy.
Slow and Steady (Ex) At 10th level, your speed is never reduced by armor.
Special Arrows (22/day, DC 18) (Su) Sprinkle pixie dust on arrow to charm, modify memories, or put target to sleep.
Spell Resistance (15) You have Spell Resistance.

Male Keleshite Fighter (Trench Fighter) | Level 17 | HP 170/208, AC 34, T 21, FF 26 | F 20 R 19 W 16 | CMB 18 CMD 40 | Init + 11 | Perc +22 | SQ: Clustered Shots

Updates done! Note: updated character to match the fighter buffs on the Campaign Details Page. Selected Perception, Appraise, Sense Motive as Class Skills, Will as other "Good" Save.

Picked up Shield Snag, which allows me a free disarm with Attack Roll upon a hit with shield bash which does not provoke an attack of opportunity.

Note: I cannot use this while using Shield Slam.

Ext Hero(200m), Ext See Inivis(200m), Height Awareness(90m), Ext Airwalk(70m)
HP 178/192 | AC 49 | T 27 | FF 43 | CMD 41 | Fort +29 | Ref +28 | Will +26 | Init +13 | Perc +28(24) | SM +20
Bane 14/15, Grit 5/6, Smite Evil 2/4, Judgement 3/4, LoH 8/8, Divine Bond 0/1, Illum Touch 2/6(+4), Aura of Enlighten 8/8, Swap Teamwork 3/3

Yea I remembered you saying you wanted him as a buff/healer and not a damage dealer so I went that way as well. TBH he would need spell focus and a higher charisma to be a blaster anyways..

The only difference between the builds is skill and spell selection. I chose Communal Air Walk to give the party a way to fly for short periods of time and maxed out UMD.. I though about Break Enchantment and Plane Shift, but ended up settling on Air Walk because the group currently has no way to fly..

I can get Break Enchantment if yall think it'll be better though..

Nah, air walk would work fine.


Shame we can't dimensional lock these baddies. What is this, the 3rd boss to get away?

He's not getting away, he's regrouping. But you don't know that.

Ext Hero(200m), Ext See Inivis(200m), Height Awareness(90m), Ext Airwalk(70m)
HP 178/192 | AC 49 | T 27 | FF 43 | CMD 41 | Fort +29 | Ref +28 | Will +26 | Init +13 | Perc +28(24) | SM +20
Bane 14/15, Grit 5/6, Smite Evil 2/4, Judgement 3/4, LoH 8/8, Divine Bond 0/1, Illum Touch 2/6(+4), Aura of Enlighten 8/8, Swap Teamwork 3/3

You guys are the scroll masters.. Its a no save spell.


Is it? Didn't realize no save

Requires a touch attack, but gives no save.

Ninja 10/Halfling Opportunist 5 TRAP SPOTTER IMP invis 10
HP 90/123 AC 33(37)/26(-)/19(23);CMD 31 F 10 R 21 W 16(+2 Fear, +2 Poison); Ki 6/7 Init +8 Revolver 6/6
Acro +30 Appraise+21 Bluff +18 Climb +6 Disguise +14 Diplomacy +14 Disable Device +27 Escape +18 Perception +26 Stealth +29 Local +14 Dungeoneering +13 UMD +19 Sense Motive +11 SoH +21 Swim +6[/spoiler]

So realistically, is there any way that I am not dead? No one made the knowledge check to know that you have to go into a dark place to put out the fire, the room is not dark. Im ok with it, but I have not come up with a way that this doesn't end it BBQ hobbit. Thoughts?

The fire goes out after a while, and will no do enough damage to kill you.


what is communal spells...havent heard of that one.



Ok im confused.. We dont level to 14 but we get level 14 money?

Ext Hero(200m), Ext See Inivis(200m), Height Awareness(90m), Ext Airwalk(70m)
HP 178/192 | AC 49 | T 27 | FF 43 | CMD 41 | Fort +29 | Ref +28 | Will +26 | Init +13 | Perc +28(24) | SM +20
Bane 14/15, Grit 5/6, Smite Evil 2/4, Judgement 3/4, LoH 8/8, Divine Bond 0/1, Illum Touch 2/6(+4), Aura of Enlighten 8/8, Swap Teamwork 3/3

I thought we leveled before we went, hence the delima my brain.. My bad..


yea i am stupid as well. thought that meant a new level

I will be more explicit in the future as to avoid confusion.

You are currently 13th level. Your WBL should be 140K GP. That is an increase of 32K GP from the 12th level value.

Ninja 10/Halfling Opportunist 5 TRAP SPOTTER IMP invis 10
HP 90/123 AC 33(37)/26(-)/19(23);CMD 31 F 10 R 21 W 16(+2 Fear, +2 Poison); Ki 6/7 Init +8 Revolver 6/6
Acro +30 Appraise+21 Bluff +18 Climb +6 Disguise +14 Diplomacy +14 Disable Device +27 Escape +18 Perception +26 Stealth +29 Local +14 Dungeoneering +13 UMD +19 Sense Motive +11 SoH +21 Swim +6[/spoiler]

yerp...dropping the upgrades to armor i added, spending all my leftover money from upgrading my headband and weapons, and not upgrading my dex bonus

Male Keleshite Fighter (Trench Fighter) | Level 17 | HP 170/208, AC 34, T 21, FF 26 | F 20 R 19 W 16 | CMB 18 CMD 40 | Init + 11 | Perc +22 | SQ: Clustered Shots

So, just so I'm clear, we're getting an extra 32k?



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