RotRL: The Alkenstar Expedition (Inactive)

Game Master drbuzzard

Guns vs. Magic in Rise of the Runelords.

Current map

Xin Shalast Map

Loot List

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Cloak of Elvenkind actually gives +5.

Ninja 10/Halfling Opportunist 5 TRAP SPOTTER IMP invis 10
HP 90/123 AC 33(37)/26(-)/19(23);CMD 31 F 10 R 21 W 16(+2 Fear, +2 Poison); Ki 6/7 Init +8 Revolver 6/6
Acro +30 Appraise+21 Bluff +18 Climb +6 Disguise +14 Diplomacy +14 Disable Device +27 Escape +18 Perception +26 Stealth +29 Local +14 Dungeoneering +13 UMD +19 Sense Motive +11 SoH +21 Swim +6[/spoiler]

updated the loot list

I assume someone...Urga? wants the scarab, also who wants the Cloak of resist? Also maybe Urga wants the Quickrunner shirt as well

if we keep those and the potions then our grand total is 8984

or 1497.34 GP per person (counting Narissa)

Female Human(ish) HP (11)
AC/Touch/Flat 18/14/14 | CMB/CMD +3/18 | Fort/Ref/Will +3/+4/+1 | Init +2
Climb 1, Intimidate 3, Perception 1, Ride 6, Survival 9, Swim 6, Prof(Sailor) 2
Gunslinger (Musket Master) 1

Shouldn't count me, I came in a WBL, so if you count me I'll be ahead of you guys.


ah, in that case let me adjust

1796.8 GP for each of the rest of us

dude halfling

with new gold burning a hole in his pocket, Tirion will rush out and drop off his Mithral Shirt, to get it magicked up to +1, like his brother's. He'll also shop around for the rest of the day, procuring another dose of Universal Solvent (50gp), two flasks of Alchemist's Fire (40gp), two Stubborn Nails (200gp), an Elixir of Hiding 250gp, 100' Silk Rope (20gp), 10 flasks of lamp oil (1gp), and 10 loaves of Wandermeal (1gp).

That's 1,572gp -- I'll call it 1596.8 gp after Tirion buys a round at the local pub, leaving him 200gp for later use.

I'm curious, who claimed the cloak of resistance? That was the big ticket item.

dude halfling

I was thinking Urga should take the cloak +4 -- he's a frontline target, and his Ref and Will saves need help! That's just my vote, though -- others should put in their 2 cents...

Female Human(ish) HP (11)
AC/Touch/Flat 18/14/14 | CMB/CMD +3/18 | Fort/Ref/Will +3/+4/+1 | Init +2
Climb 1, Intimidate 3, Perception 1, Ride 6, Survival 9, Swim 6, Prof(Sailor) 2
Gunslinger (Musket Master) 1

I'll add in $0.02 on the next loot stash. :)


Agree Urga

Male Half Orc Fighter (Unbreakable) 1 / Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 7; AC 22, HP 7/93, DR3/-, Fort +14, Ref +8, Will +9, Init +2, Perception +10, Greatsword +14/+9(2d6+8/19-20x2),
Tracked Resources:
13/19 rage rounds

Urga will take the cloak - thank you.

Have we leveled up?

Yes, you are all now 7th.

Make it so.

Female Human(ish) HP (11)
AC/Touch/Flat 18/14/14 | CMB/CMD +3/18 | Fort/Ref/Will +3/+4/+1 | Init +2
Climb 1, Intimidate 3, Perception 1, Ride 6, Survival 9, Swim 6, Prof(Sailor) 2
Gunslinger (Musket Master) 1

Ooh! Oooh! If I'm already 7th, does that mean I level up to 8th? :P

Ext Hero(200m), Ext See Inivis(200m), Height Awareness(90m), Ext Airwalk(70m)
HP 178/192 | AC 49 | T 27 | FF 43 | CMD 41 | Fort +29 | Ref +28 | Will +26 | Init +13 | Perc +28(24) | SM +20
Bane 14/15, Grit 5/6, Smite Evil 2/4, Judgement 3/4, LoH 8/8, Divine Bond 0/1, Illum Touch 2/6(+4), Aura of Enlighten 8/8, Swap Teamwork 3/3

Bo will purchase:

Potion of Cure Light
Potion of Touch of the Sea
Potion of Fly
Total = 850

He'll also suggest everyone chips in a for a new cure light wand.. Its 150 each..

So if everyone is cool with that he'll spend a total of 1000..

And did you say something about it being a swift action to reload our weapons now? Because if so ill be switching Rapid Reload for a different feat..

Did you also mention something about Williamson replenishing our ammo?

Female Human(ish) HP (11)
AC/Touch/Flat 18/14/14 | CMB/CMD +3/18 | Fort/Ref/Will +3/+4/+1 | Init +2
Climb 1, Intimidate 3, Perception 1, Ride 6, Survival 9, Swim 6, Prof(Sailor) 2
Gunslinger (Musket Master) 1

Narissa will kick in 150gp if asked.

I think he was answering my question, Narissa has an advanced rifle, and rapid reload, which combined turn it into a swift action to reload. Without the rapid reload, it would be a move action to reload.

Yes, it is a swift if you have rapid reload and the rest, not inherently.

Williamson will give you a base supply of ammo. Say 150 rounds of lead, 50 rounds of steel. This you are not charged for.

Female Human(ish) HP (11)
AC/Touch/Flat 18/14/14 | CMB/CMD +3/18 | Fort/Ref/Will +3/+4/+1 | Init +2
Climb 1, Intimidate 3, Perception 1, Ride 6, Survival 9, Swim 6, Prof(Sailor) 2
Gunslinger (Musket Master) 1

What difference does Steel make in game?

Firearms do not target touch AC ever. When they would normally target touch AC instead they subtract the bullet hardness from the armor and natural armor of the target. Lead is hardness 6, steel is hardness 10.

Female Human(ish) HP (11)
AC/Touch/Flat 18/14/14 | CMB/CMD +3/18 | Fort/Ref/Will +3/+4/+1 | Init +2
Climb 1, Intimidate 3, Perception 1, Ride 6, Survival 9, Swim 6, Prof(Sailor) 2
Gunslinger (Musket Master) 1

So, basically, an adamantine bullet negates pretty much every piece of armor ever at up to 5 range increments.

What about bullets that are jacketed? For example, lead jacketed blood crystals? Use the highest hardness (10 for bloodcrystal)?

Ninja 10/Halfling Opportunist 5 TRAP SPOTTER IMP invis 10
HP 90/123 AC 33(37)/26(-)/19(23);CMD 31 F 10 R 21 W 16(+2 Fear, +2 Poison); Ki 6/7 Init +8 Revolver 6/6
Acro +30 Appraise+21 Bluff +18 Climb +6 Disguise +14 Diplomacy +14 Disable Device +27 Escape +18 Perception +26 Stealth +29 Local +14 Dungeoneering +13 UMD +19 Sense Motive +11 SoH +21 Swim +6[/spoiler]

Pitches in 150
Replenishes his clw and shield scrolls

dude halfling

Tirion coughs up 150 for the new wand o' CLW -- he has 50gp left...

I guess I oughta level him up to 7th!

Narissa Sandstone wrote:

So, basically, an adamantine bullet negates pretty much every piece of armor ever at up to 5 range increments.

What about bullets that are jacketed? For example, lead jacketed blood crystals? Use the highest hardness (10 for bloodcrystal)?


dude halfling

Having been away from Alkenstar for a while, Tirion is discovering magical abilities he never suspected! I've taken the Magical Aptitude feat, put a rank into Spellcraft, and brought UMD up to max ranks...


got another scroll case and scrolls of

Touch of the Sea
Pro Evil x2


so who took the quick runner shirt and who took the scarab?


hey guys who is taking those two items?

Female Human(ish) HP (11)
AC/Touch/Flat 18/14/14 | CMB/CMD +3/18 | Fort/Ref/Will +3/+4/+1 | Init +2
Climb 1, Intimidate 3, Perception 1, Ride 6, Survival 9, Swim 6, Prof(Sailor) 2
Gunslinger (Musket Master) 1

Narissa wasn't there, so not her.

dude halfling

Tirion would kinda like that Quickrunner's shirt -- not the first hand-me-down from his brother! I reckon the scarab should go to a melee type, but they are usually using their neck slot for natural armor. The hobbit brothers both have Hand o' the Mage in there neck slot...

dude halfling

I think Bandersnatch should take the Golembane scarab, and swap it with the Hand o' the Mage as needed. Bandy takes a large number of low-damage attacks, it would suck to have all those attacks damped out be DR...

Ninja 10/Halfling Opportunist 5 TRAP SPOTTER IMP invis 10
HP 90/123 AC 33(37)/26(-)/19(23);CMD 31 F 10 R 21 W 16(+2 Fear, +2 Poison); Ki 6/7 Init +8 Revolver 6/6
Acro +30 Appraise+21 Bluff +18 Climb +6 Disguise +14 Diplomacy +14 Disable Device +27 Escape +18 Perception +26 Stealth +29 Local +14 Dungeoneering +13 UMD +19 Sense Motive +11 SoH +21 Swim +6[/spoiler]

OK, that works

Tirion takes the quick runner and Bander will use the scarab and put on the other when needed

Male Half Orc Fighter (Unbreakable) 1 / Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 7; AC 22, HP 7/93, DR3/-, Fort +14, Ref +8, Will +9, Init +2, Perception +10, Greatsword +14/+9(2d6+8/19-20x2),
Tracked Resources:
13/19 rage rounds

Urga will contribute 150 gp for the CLw wand.

HP: 1d12 ⇒ 9

His 7th Level stats are in his profile.

Ext Hero(200m), Ext See Inivis(200m), Height Awareness(90m), Ext Airwalk(70m)
HP 178/192 | AC 49 | T 27 | FF 43 | CMD 41 | Fort +29 | Ref +28 | Will +26 | Init +13 | Perc +28(24) | SM +20
Bane 14/15, Grit 5/6, Smite Evil 2/4, Judgement 3/4, LoH 8/8, Divine Bond 0/1, Illum Touch 2/6(+4), Aura of Enlighten 8/8, Swap Teamwork 3/3

Im fine with just a money out of that lot.. Ill get something next time..

It appears that i might be out only healer so ill take the new wand as well..


when I get a chance in private I will use my disguise kit to put a fake sihedron rune tattoo on myself in a discreet location.

Male Gnome HP 37/38, AC 21 (TAC 15, FFAC 17), Fort +6, Ref +8, Will +0, CMD 16, Init +4, Perc +7, Bombs 8/11, Mutagen 1/1: 50 Minutes Chirurgeon Alchemist 5

Sorry, I got run over by a migration here at work, and I'm on vacation for the next 2 weeks. I will try to get more in tonight before I leave, but I'm not sure I will be able to. I will try to post when I can while on vacation.

Don't worry about it. I'll just bot you.


Traveling today, there may or may not be posts in games I am running, games I am playing in I will try to get something up!

Owing to the fact that this campaign started only in the second module, you missed the opportunity to have met this NPC before. They were benevolent in the encounter you would have had.

Just so you can tamper down all the paranoia.


2 out of 4 shots I have taken have misfired nice

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

I thought the GM said misfires were just bad rounds? Revolver would just move to the next round.

Ninja 10/Halfling Opportunist 5 TRAP SPOTTER IMP invis 10
HP 90/123 AC 33(37)/26(-)/19(23);CMD 31 F 10 R 21 W 16(+2 Fear, +2 Poison); Ki 6/7 Init +8 Revolver 6/6
Acro +30 Appraise+21 Bluff +18 Climb +6 Disguise +14 Diplomacy +14 Disable Device +27 Escape +18 Perception +26 Stealth +29 Local +14 Dungeoneering +13 UMD +19 Sense Motive +11 SoH +21 Swim +6[/spoiler]

Oo that's right I'll fire the second

Female Human(ish) HP (11)
AC/Touch/Flat 18/14/14 | CMB/CMD +3/18 | Fort/Ref/Will +3/+4/+1 | Init +2
Climb 1, Intimidate 3, Perception 1, Ride 6, Survival 9, Swim 6, Prof(Sailor) 2
Gunslinger (Musket Master) 1

First off, everyone spread out because the map scale wasn't apparent, I thought I was within a full move of everyone, but wasn't.

Secondly, Narissa is a naturally cautious type. SHe's a sniper for a reason. Just because she's big as an Ogre doesn't mean she likes up close fights. She can do them, but her natural inclination is to blow people away from a distance.

I both mentioned that the map had a large scale and it is clearly indicated on the map itself. I am not trying to screw anyone over.

Theoretically the ogre would have gone for Narissa since it is supposed to go for the largest target, but because she chose to swing to the side, it went for Bo since he was on the path he was hiding adjacent to.

Female Human(ish) HP (11)
AC/Touch/Flat 18/14/14 | CMB/CMD +3/18 | Fort/Ref/Will +3/+4/+1 | Init +2
Climb 1, Intimidate 3, Perception 1, Ride 6, Survival 9, Swim 6, Prof(Sailor) 2
Gunslinger (Musket Master) 1

Didn't mean to imply you were trying to screw over anyone GM. :)

Just that when making posts quickly between bits of work, it's harder to keep track of scale.

Truth be told, I should have just done a scaled up map of the path into the area with a grid. I can understand how the huge scale gave people the idea of spreading out.

But then we have the issue of finding or making said map, and that would be a pain.

Female Human(ish) HP (11)
AC/Touch/Flat 18/14/14 | CMB/CMD +3/18 | Fort/Ref/Will +3/+4/+1 | Init +2
Climb 1, Intimidate 3, Perception 1, Ride 6, Survival 9, Swim 6, Prof(Sailor) 2
Gunslinger (Musket Master) 1

No problem. It's all good. :)

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Posting this in all my games.

I'll be travelling this week, Monday through Wednesday, and I likely won't be able to post as much as I usually do. I should be back to normal posting by the end of the week.

Ok maybe dual wielding guns is possible.

Of course that is Miculek, so he's a bit past your level range.

Ext Hero(200m), Ext See Inivis(200m), Height Awareness(90m), Ext Airwalk(70m)
HP 178/192 | AC 49 | T 27 | FF 43 | CMD 41 | Fort +29 | Ref +28 | Will +26 | Init +13 | Perc +28(24) | SM +20
Bane 14/15, Grit 5/6, Smite Evil 2/4, Judgement 3/4, LoH 8/8, Divine Bond 0/1, Illum Touch 2/6(+4), Aura of Enlighten 8/8, Swap Teamwork 3/3

Yea and you notice how close he is.. Deff looking back into dual wielding at 9th.. Depending on the penalties of course..

To put his shooting in perspective, I've seen video of Miculek hitting a 12" balloon at 400 yards with a snubby .38 revolver, held upside down.

Now what kind of attack bonus does that imply?

Ext Hero(200m), Ext See Inivis(200m), Height Awareness(90m), Ext Airwalk(70m)
HP 178/192 | AC 49 | T 27 | FF 43 | CMD 41 | Fort +29 | Ref +28 | Will +26 | Init +13 | Perc +28(24) | SM +20
Bane 14/15, Grit 5/6, Smite Evil 2/4, Judgement 3/4, LoH 8/8, Divine Bond 0/1, Illum Touch 2/6(+4), Aura of Enlighten 8/8, Swap Teamwork 3/3


No, I meant his bonus to make the shot, but that does sound like the range penalty.

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