RotRL: The Alkenstar Expedition (Inactive)

Game Master drbuzzard

Guns vs. Magic in Rise of the Runelords.

Current map

Xin Shalast Map

Loot List

You can play:
fighters (modified)
Rogues (modified)
Monks (no maneuver master)
Alchemists (there are a few modifications to make them a bit more mundane)
Ranger (with trapper or skirmisher archetype)
Paladins (with Warrior of the Holy Light archetype)
Other classes are not allowed.

Players begin at 4th level (start in second part of the AP)
Point buy is 25 points.
Assume for the purpose of the party, the Guns Everywhere rule is in effect. There are some modifications to firearms and the hitting of touch AC. I'll get houserules up soon.
Everyone in the party gets one bonus teamwork feat. The group should coordinate this among themselves.
Fighters get 4 skill points per level. At first level pick 3 additional class skills, and pick one more good save (will or reflex).

Rogues get full BAB, but only ½ counts towards feat qualification. They get a strong will save. In addition get get Canny defense (from the duelist), except it can only be used when the off hand is free (no two handed weapons, shields or weapon in second hand).

Monks get full BAB and 1d10 HD. This does not affect flurry since that is already based on full BAB.

Paladins will get 4 skill points per level instead of 2.

Also, another note, you are going to start with advanced firearms, and stick to them. The muzzle loaders will not be following PF rules. Their reload times will be much, much longer (as befits any even vague nod to reality) so any idea of doing a double barreled flintlock pistol with stupidly fast reload times stacked up won't fly.

Think of the firearms as being from around 1873 or so. We can consider pushing to around 1893 which will get us to bolt rifles and pump shotguns, but that's about it. No semi-autos or smokeless powder. Also the firearms rules are a bit too rough in terms of reliability. Any revolver which failed 5% of the time would not be sold (even in 1890), and while on advanced firearms, it is just a misfire, any ammo company pushing a product with that high a failure rate would be mocked out of business. Misfires will be on a 1, and then you roll to confirm failure (as in miss again). If you roll a 1 again, it will be a jam which is more serious. A misfire means the bullet just didn't go off, which means very little in a revolver, lever rifle, or pump shotgun. You just fire the next one after cycling. Jams, however, will require clearing.

Another quirky little rule is that if you have a bayonet on a rifle, and you have weapon focus/spec/training on the rifle, it will apply to the bayonet.

Also as I mentioned I will be changing the touch AC rules for firearms a bit.

You don't get the generic pass as RAW. Instead you get a degree of armor penetration based on the type of bullets you are using. There will likely be a cap, and it will be affected by the hardness of the armor (so adamantine armor isn't just as soft as steel- though since adamantine on critters is about as common as hen's teeth that's probably moot). Something on the order of the hardness of the bullet is how much armor bypass you get (take lead as hardness 7, steel 10, and adamantine 20).

We will be going with the PFS style on HP, so 1/2 max +1 at each level past first, max at first.

Point blank master is changed so the pre-requisite is BAB 4, not weapon specialization.

Disruptive no longer gives a +4 static bonus, but 1/2 BAB.

Shatterspell is no longer limited to dwarves.

There are no resonant powers from wayfinders.